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How Sweetingly Rare to see this Advise,
The Westfold Bard who shares this Ancient Art
But Performed it Better to his Concise
And took Definition for his Good Part
I just knew you now. So what of belate
As Mentored Dolphins with Water's Tie befriend
I found this Artist; This Cornerstone Great
And Hope your Elder's Tongue will never end
You, Sir, confirmed my Efforts; This I Bow
And hand you the Medal I sought to seek
I am no Patron; Neither plan so now
Only the Purest Abe in Honest meek.
Now please Sing on, and Live to Peak Content
I write my Sighs; But these Praises I meant.
John F McCullagh Jun 2019
for Daniel “Chappie” James, General USAF            
and for the 332d Fighter Group
Being black in America
was the Original Catch,
so no one was surprised
by 22:
The segregated airstrips,
separate camps.
They did the jobs
they’d been trained to do.

Black ground crews kept them in the air;
black flight surgeons kept them alive;
the whole Group removed their headgear
when another pilot died.

They were known by their names:
“Ace” and “Lucky,”
“Sky-hawk Johnny,” “Mr. Death.”
And by their positions and planes.
Red Leader to Yellow Wing-man,
do you copy?

If you could find a fresh egg
you bought it and hid it
in your dopp-kit or your boot
until you could eat it alone.
On the night before a mission
you gave a buddy
your hiding-places
as solemnly
as a man dictating
his will.
There’s a chocolate bar
in my Bible;
my whiskey bottle
is inside my bedroll.

In beat-up Flying Tigers
that had seen action in Burma,
they shot down three German jets.
They were the only outfit
in the American Air Corps
to sink a destroyer
with fighter planes.
Fighter planes with names
like “By Request.”
Sometimes the radios
didn’t even work.

They called themselves
“Hell from Heaven.”
This Spookwaffe.
My father’s old friends.

It was always
maximum effort:
A whole squadron
of brother-men
raced across the tarmac
and mounted their planes.

            My tent-mate was a guy named Starks.
            The funny thing about me and Starks
            was that my air mattress leaked,
            and Starks’ didn’t.
            Every time we went up,
            I gave my mattress to Starks
            and put his on my cot.

            One day we were strafing a train.
            Strafing’s bad news:
            you have to fly so low and slow
            you’re a pretty clear target.
            My other wing-man and I
            exhausted our ammunition and got out.
            I recognized Starks
            by his red tail
            and his rudder’s trim-tabs.
            He couldn’t pull up his nose.
            He dived into the train
            and bought the farm.

            I found his chocolate,
            three eggs, and a full fifth
            of his hoarded-up whiskey.
            I used his mattress
            for the rest of my tour.

            It still bothers me, sometimes:
            I was sleeping
            on his breath.
for Daniel “Chappie” James, General USAF            
and for the 332d Fighter Grou
A governor it was proclaimed this time,
When all who would come seeking in New Hampshire
Ancestral memories might come together.
And those of the name Stark gathered in Bow,
A rock-strewn town where farming has fallen off,
And sprout-lands flourish where the axe has gone.
Someone had literally run to earth
In an old cellar hole in a by-road
The origin of all the family there.
Thence they were sprung, so numerous a tribe
That now not all the houses left in town
Made shift to shelter them without the help
Of here and there a tent in grove and orchard.
They were at Bow, but that was not enough:
Nothing would do but they must fix a day
To stand together on the crater’s verge
That turned them on the world, and try to fathom
The past and get some strangeness out of it.
But rain spoiled all. The day began uncertain,
With clouds low trailing and moments of rain that misted.
The young folk held some hope out to each other
Till well toward noon when the storm settled down
With a swish in the grass. “What if the others
Are there,” they said. “It isn’t going to rain.”
Only one from a farm not far away
Strolled thither, not expecting he would find
Anyone else, but out of idleness.
One, and one other, yes, for there were two.
The second round the curving hillside road
Was a girl; and she halted some way off
To reconnoitre, and then made up her mind
At least to pass by and see who he was,
And perhaps hear some word about the weather.
This was some Stark she didn’t know. He nodded.
“No fête to-day,” he said.

“It looks that way.”
She swept the heavens, turning on her heel.
“I only idled down.”

“I idled down.”

Provision there had been for just such meeting
Of stranger cousins, in a family tree
Drawn on a sort of passport with the branch
Of the one bearing it done in detail—
Some zealous one’s laborious device.
She made a sudden movement toward her bodice,
As one who clasps her heart. They laughed together.
“Stark?” he inquired. “No matter for the proof.”

“Yes, Stark. And you?”

“I’m Stark.” He drew his passport.

“You know we might not be and still be cousins:
The town is full of Chases, Lowes, and Baileys,
All claiming some priority in Starkness.
My mother was a Lane, yet might have married
Anyone upon earth and still her children
Would have been Starks, and doubtless here to-day.”

“You riddle with your genealogy
Like a Viola. I don’t follow you.”

“I only mean my mother was a Stark
Several times over, and by marrying father
No more than brought us back into the name.”

“One ought not to be thrown into confusion
By a plain statement of relationship,
But I own what you say makes my head spin.
You take my card—you seem so good at such things—
And see if you can reckon our cousinship.
Why not take seats here on the cellar wall
And dangle feet among the raspberry vines?”

“Under the shelter of the family tree.”

“Just so—that ought to be enough protection.”

“Not from the rain. I think it’s going to rain.”

“It’s raining.”

“No, it’s misting; let’s be fair.
Does the rain seem to you to cool the eyes?”

The situation was like this: the road
Bowed outward on the mountain half-way up,
And disappeared and ended not far off.
No one went home that way. The only house
Beyond where they were was a shattered seedpod.
And below roared a brook hidden in trees,
The sound of which was silence for the place.
This he sat listening to till she gave judgment.

“On father’s side, it seems, we’re—let me see——”

“Don’t be too technical.—You have three cards.”

“Four cards, one yours, three mine, one for each branch
Of the Stark family I’m a member of.”

“D’you know a person so related to herself
Is supposed to be mad.”

“I may be mad.”

“You look so, sitting out here in the rain
Studying genealogy with me
You never saw before. What will we come to
With all this pride of ancestry, we Yankees?
I think we’re all mad. Tell me why we’re here
Drawn into town about this cellar hole
Like wild geese on a lake before a storm?
What do we see in such a hole, I wonder.”

“The Indians had a myth of Chicamoztoc,
Which means The Seven Caves that We Came out of.
This is the pit from which we Starks were digged.”

“You must be learned. That’s what you see in it?”

“And what do you see?”

“Yes, what do I see?
First let me look. I see raspberry vines——”

“Oh, if you’re going to use your eyes, just hear
What I see. It’s a little, little boy,
As pale and dim as a match flame in the sun;
He’s groping in the cellar after jam,
He thinks it’s dark and it’s flooded with daylight.”

“He’s nothing. Listen. When I lean like this
I can make out old Grandsir Stark distinctly,—
With his pipe in his mouth and his brown jug—
Bless you, it isn’t Grandsir Stark, it’s Granny,
But the pipe’s there and smoking and the jug.
She’s after cider, the old girl, she’s thirsty;
Here’s hoping she gets her drink and gets out safely.”

“Tell me about her. Does she look like me?”

“She should, shouldn’t she, you’re so many times
Over descended from her. I believe
She does look like you. Stay the way you are.
The nose is just the same, and so’s the chin—
Making allowance, making due allowance.”

“You poor, dear, great, great, great, great Granny!”

“See that you get her greatness right. Don’t stint her.”

“Yes, it’s important, though you think it isn’t.
I won’t be teased. But see how wet I am.”

“Yes, you must go; we can’t stay here for ever.
But wait until I give you a hand up.
A bead of silver water more or less
Strung on your hair won’t hurt your summer looks.
I wanted to try something with the noise
That the brook raises in the empty valley.
We have seen visions—now consult the voices.
Something I must have learned riding in trains
When I was young. I used the roar
To set the voices speaking out of it,
Speaking or singing, and the band-music playing.
Perhaps you have the art of what I mean.
I’ve never listened in among the sounds
That a brook makes in such a wild descent.
It ought to give a purer oracle.”

“It’s as you throw a picture on a screen:
The meaning of it all is out of you;
The voices give you what you wish to hear.”

“Strangely, it’s anything they wish to give.”

“Then I don’t know. It must be strange enough.
I wonder if it’s not your make-believe.
What do you think you’re like to hear to-day?”

“From the sense of our having been together—
But why take time for what I’m like to hear?
I’ll tell you what the voices really say.
You will do very well right where you are
A little longer. I mustn’t feel too hurried,
Or I can’t give myself to hear the voices.”

“Is this some trance you are withdrawing into?”

“You must be very still; you mustn’t talk.”

“I’ll hardly breathe.”

“The voices seem to say——”

“I’m waiting.”

“Don’t! The voices seem to say:
Call her Nausicaa, the unafraid
Of an acquaintance made adventurously.”

“I let you say that—on consideration.”

“I don’t see very well how you can help it.
You want the truth. I speak but by the voices.
You see they know I haven’t had your name,
Though what a name should matter between us——”

“I shall suspect——”

“Be good. The voices say:
Call her Nausicaa, and take a timber
That you shall find lies in the cellar charred
Among the raspberries, and hew and shape it
For a door-sill or other corner piece
In a new cottage on the ancient spot.
The life is not yet all gone out of it.
And come and make your summer dwelling here,
And perhaps she will come, still unafraid,
And sit before you in the open door
With flowers in her lap until they fade,
But not come in across the sacred sill——”

“I wonder where your oracle is tending.
You can see that there’s something wrong with it,
Or it would speak in dialect. Whose voice
Does it purport to speak in? Not old Grandsir’s
Nor Granny’s, surely. Call up one of them.
They have best right to be heard in this place.”

“You seem so partial to our great-grandmother
(Nine times removed. Correct me if I err.)
You will be likely to regard as sacred
Anything she may say. But let me warn you,
Folks in her day were given to plain speaking.
You think you’d best tempt her at such a time?”

“It rests with us always to cut her off.”

“Well then, it’s Granny speaking: ‘I dunnow!
Mebbe I’m wrong to take it as I do.
There ain’t no names quite like the old ones though,
Nor never will be to my way of thinking.
One mustn’t bear too ******* the new comers,
But there’s a dite too many of them for comfort.
I should feel easier if I could see
More of the salt wherewith they’re to be salted.
Son, you do as you’re told! You take the timber—
It’s as sound as the day when it was cut—
And begin over——’ There, she’d better stop.
You can see what is troubling Granny, though.
But don’t you think we sometimes make too much
Of the old stock? What counts is the ideals,
And those will bear some keeping still about.”

“I can see we are going to be good friends.”

“I like your ‘going to be.’ You said just now
It’s going to rain.”

“I know, and it was raining.
I let you say all that. But I must go now.”

“You let me say it? on consideration?
How shall we say good-bye in such a case?”

“How shall we?”

“Will you leave the way to me?”

“No, I don’t trust your eyes. You’ve said enough.
Now give me your hand up.—Pick me that flower.”

“Where shall we meet again?”

“Nowhere but here
Once more before we meet elsewhere.”

“In rain?”

“It ought to be in rain. Sometime in rain.
In rain to-morrow, shall we, if it rains?
But if we must, in sunshine.” So she went.
Niklaus Sep 2017
When the snow falls
When the white winds blow
The lone wolf dies
But the pack survives

The memories of fall
Summer was a paradise of gold
the lions and others came

Killed the loyal wolves
But the others were gone
Into the woods and beneath it all
The remaining ones came
Returned to their home
They protected each other
Raven Feels Jul 2021
DEAR ENPAL PEOPLE, a poem to the dark;-?>

worn out faces
empty starks from deepest embraces
once called on together
never true alone even better

neon lights
blame them on the lonely nights
in advance
I get the train traffic another chance

elevated the chills
things that can't be drowned upon stupid pills
done with healing
now the skin put to the pealing

set red to the lies
gazes speak in dresses fancy to die
time scattered on the desk slow motion
in a black marker all clear devotion

eternal freeze
when the upside embraced the back some disease
contagious when escaped
cant **** even when baked

axr Jul 2017
They hailed Robb of Houses Stark and Tully as the King in the North,
he marched to **** his father's killers
he marched to save his sisters
The Young Wolf,they called him
he'd never lost a battle
his howls echoed all over the North

aye,her son fought valiantly
but he lost
a sword pierced through his heart,
her name on his lips
his first and last words
she screamed in agony
they took her husband's head,
her daughters' innocence,
her sons' hearts.
they made her watch the executioner take her son's head
they made her watch her daughter-in-law beg for help as the men took turns ****** her
when the lion's banners were hanged
and the wolves killed
they pulled her hair,
slit her throat,
threw her naked in the river
and no one forgot,
the Starks of Winterfell.
The North Remembers
The North Remembers
i wrote this last year nut since it's GoT season so i thought of uploading it :D
this one's about catelyn stark
cacia Nov 2013
the art i feel
is part of our daily
to do it heart
we must start
is part
and part
to it
and starks
empty comes
out white
the two do not right
speechless is swiped.
It aint hard to tell
I excite those who dwell
In my presence my foes be hesitant
Deliberating debating and hating
Welcome in the sons of satan
Watch my gun get blatant
Belligerent despairing the hearts of
The innocent
Most people dont follow rules
I refuse to be a mule  
**** youtube rules and the punk
*** trollers move over
There a new sheriff in town
Shot the da va and deputy
Now whos wearin' the crowns ?
King of the original jew whoever knew
I would be born inside of a jail cell
Made from hell learned the best from sniffin' yeyo
My pang couldnt even hold on whale scales
Take short of the  L then inhale
Turn spectators skins pale
When the reporters try to yell
But cant escape deaths bail
It aint hard to tell

Know i got haters
Following me like Jesus
I resurrected hip hop
Im Lazarus disastrous  
My crew wrecks only
In guns we trust til our barrels rust
Wipe out the must
Got keep a clean mind when i grind
Looking for the ultimate sunshine
Middle fingers to one time
The narcs hidin' the parks
Im lightin' em up like John Starks
My mid range is wicked past sadistic
Just being realistic
So if ya wanna be a statistic
I advise ya remain un Belligerent
Broke the mental shackles
When life started to tackle
I got curious as a jackal
Laughin' at my enemies all the way to the bank
Mis the feds foes to hoes
And pop open the drank blaze the pounds
While ill count my franks
That means my money banks
Ill leave ya mind stiff as a plank
When i drop these lyrical bombshells
Yo it aint hard to tell

Standing on morals and values
How you?
Sit here and not shed a tear
In this atmosphere
Hells been here my dear
Listen to the sounds of the wind
Paintin' an image you could see within
Soul dwellin' spells sailin'
Like boats on oceans
**** a notion and stop
Sippin' the mental potion
Nothing but poison causing noises
To the intellects
Folks so confused they dont
Know what to reject
Whats thrown at em
Pitches up and i bat em
Out the park
Slicker than John Starks
On the court
Light my spark **** in the dark
Take a trip through my mind
And let the chakras tingle your spine
Im genuine
So anxious notorious when my guns bust
Through the evils hearts
Of mankind no rewind
We going forward marchin'
While ya barkin'
At cars that be parked and
We clear benches from distances
Strong as stance
None could separate this
This part of yosef anthology
Who am i? Who are we?
Stuck in the game calles society
Pawns place carefully
Gotta strategize my moves swiftly
Or else they'll catch me
Slippin- destiny to the penitentiary
Or an early cemetery
Like young revolutionaries
No longer scared no fear
Mama dry yo tears and hear
Me talking to your mind javelin'
While my spirit travelin'
To unknown destinations
No subjugations make it through any situation of the litigation
No hesitation thugs in migrations
No imatitin' raw with our hits
No fakin' slam ya Blake Griffin
Got lots of guns
So dont be trippin' strippin'
Titles off men and men off titles
Im an ultimate rival
To the system its the survival
Of the fittest **** this
Life ill die broke than a slave
Cursed to the carnal sins of man
But then again
Spirits will guide me again
To where it all began
The garden of Eden
You'll see the demons risin' in earthly form
Next to you breathin'
Raj Aug 2024
18th August
-Before the autumn arrives

Fourteen more sunsets to witness
Fourteen more endings to caress
I'll watch sturgeon for the last time
Gonna get 'ma-aslama' from August very soon
'Fall' will be evoked for what the September strives
Gonna have an eye-catch since it's a 'corn moon'
Summer will kiss you for the last time
Before the Autumn arrives!

Have to suffer a few more starks
Season leaving autumnal marks
My cozy lights ambering my darks...
Final Equinox in the doorway is driving
These elm splinters are substantiating
That the autumn is arriving!!

My darkened panes
reminiscing autumn rains
Rains on the crisp dead leaves
Triggering seasonal pains
'Ash' will perform his last ballet
Before he dives;
'Walnuts' will play their nonchalant rhythms
Before he arrives!!!

Leaves and the branches parting ways
Trees bearing insane death
Four are over already in these verses
Now the days are ten left! ~vairagya
A poem about Autumn
Come here baby girl I like the way ya lips lickin'
As the sweat tricklin' down ya golden brown skin
Let's polish the sin as I breeze like the wind
I'm just flowing blowing air dont really care
About ya lion hair as I stare gazin' you so amazin'
Got me phasin' out of my fantasy drawin' me into reality
I realize you the one for me I feel like Tony

Starks an Iron Man and yes we can form a reign band
Hurricane portals of money flow see me on the go
Know the feelin' is natural love your sparkle
Candle light mentality smilin' at me
Bringing much ecstasy lay out your creativity

I know they don't honor your beauty
but admire your ***** its my duty
To keep ya mind a clicking finger lickin'
As I watch ya hips rotate like rotisserie chicken
Got me trippin' mad haters dippin' set trippin'
Cuz they see our energy grow sow below
The skyline clouds paintin' a perfect design
No player lines im just tryna to re-design ya mind
You'll never find a thirst like mines
Cravin' for your attention so I'm misbehavin'
Play a black Raven stay coverin' your heart's haven
No need to be ashamed of ya sins back bends
I'll take for you laying clues to glue
Your mind on me let's face the issue
Babygirl its just me and you a skillful team of two
Shanti Starks Oct 2020
As I stand
Under the streetlights,
And look up at the blood moon,
I wonder if you're looking up at the same stars...
But I know
That you're probably looking down
The barrel
Of a loaded gun.
Under disguise,
Where I stand on the edge
Contemplating past memories,
Things not forgotten,
But too long dead.
Feeling the rush
That spike-
-Of cortisol,
High adrenaline-
-Accompanied by a heavier fall,
I know
For a fact
That no-one
Not even you know
The depth of my
Experiences rebuffed
Un-cared about
The children
The bodies I've seen,
The lives I've observed taken.
The people I was around for too long,
The people I wasn't around for long enough...
The lives I've lived,
In this one life.
And for the one time,
All I ask
Is your

2020 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
Though shaq and biggie mounted it
I'm here to restock it match the profits
Lyrically I'm off it the topics can't stop it
The reign shedding from my brain divine
Words ******* numbs yo pains insane
Words that play can't take me away sway
Emotions coasting overdosing posing
On these fake imposter hang with real mobsters
Eating shrimp steaks to lobsters coppers
Can't match my appeal of the real steel
Superman burners in hand fans I demands
Understand I been president over hip hops residence
Once I learn to wreck ***** tapes that dates
Back before I settle my birth date crates
I was coming out of my shells casket
A ******* a tisket and a tasket see me mastered
The classics wizardry poetry straight above thee
Line Kobe Bryant politic tyrant been defiant
Others denying it cuz they pan skills fryin' it
Once I throw my beef gold teeth Christ reef
Hanging on my neck-isis this is ludicrous
Why i gotta do this keep my styles crisp
Raising cane since my fingers caught stingers
turncoats floating into singers way after the lingers
I'm feelin' Donnie Hathaway pavin' a way
Out of the ghettos though it keeps me astray
Dump the blunts in the cars ashtray by the tre
Eighties rolling with three of my baddest ladies
We all crazy especially if that purple Hazin' me
Hendrix guitar talking to me backwards swords
Made off of my vocal chords most largely ingorned
Critics board mad cuz I nailed 'em and soared
Deep into the auroras skies surprise uprise taste the cherry pies thighs
My women catching a glimpse of a paradise's stain fools know they can't stop the reign what???

I'm off the chain with no ridges ditches
To snitches best wishes thrown ozone
Out of the park I spark **** unseen like a quark
Call me Tony Starks iron Man when the
Gats in my hands breaking mic stands
Wither it be bymyself or other company
I keep it poppin' like we back in the 90s
Rewind me over and over til ya clover sober
Never too **** clever break any weather
Stormy or sunny it don't matter I still see
Greenery backs thumb tact once I impact
All blacks we rising above the regular stats
I broke the match once they tried to light me
But I'm too slippery operate machinery
Subs throw dubs at the club  flip a cherub
Holy moly I'm feelin' hits through the ravioli
mandible with the claw like Mic Foley
Can you smell what I'm cookin' sky hookin'
Grooves off time shooken got em looking
See my styles hard to pace like picante gigante
Freak women badder than Ashanti they say
Rain on me leave a stain on me big daddy
Heavy with the D see the girls they love me
Hip hop lover since I ****** my first under the covers
Word to my shebas dressed out iced out divas
Better believer brother making receivers
Girls catch my feeling mad ****** healing
I'm feelin' inner city blues like Marvin carvin'
Out his sighs with timely cries analyze
Black music never abuse it Tom's I cruise it
Once the mission held impossible
I make it look possible suckas so gullible
Flammable once the mic ignites you
Words is gasoline switch up the whole scene
Navy green fatigue see my war path bleeds
Joker mentalities live by no moralities itty bitty
Chaos try to creep take ya designed lost
Destined to be Boss so let's have a coin toss
Harley Harveys leaving dent break presidents
Fresh mint scents Franklins to Lincoln bent
See the establishment bribes for a settlement

Can't stop won't stop can't stop won't stop
Shanti Starks Sep 2020
As I reach the last stop
I look around
The last drop of emotion now hitting the ground
What I've found, I couldn't have touched without you
That fire breathing through my solar plexus
It's perplexing
Standing on the edge of the nexus
The precipice of soul-wrought exodus
Bleeding extacsy into my lungs
What an experience, but when will I be done?
The question
Without an answer
Falling on the deaf, only seen by the blind
I am the only one who can release my binds
My mind
Sinking below the surface, flying high
My cerebellum is glowing
Calculating my time
The sky, almost vacant
On the edge while the sun melts under the plain, what remains?
But hesitation

2020 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
Shanti Starks Sep 2020
A solar flare
Warm, soothing
Light, emitting
Caressing the void
Creating radio waves
Ripples through space
Distorting, ripping
Heating, emanating
Effecting those particles
Planetoids, bodies
Drawn in by the density
Pools and dents
In the fabric
Of existence
Touches the untouchable,
The deep essence at the center of everything
Penetrating the impermeable,
Resonating with the silent,
Burning the spaces in-between
And light
Kissing you goodbye

2020 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
Shanti Starks Sep 2020
Rays of sun
used to
Wake me up
Every    morning
It was really kind of
Their light would
Burn my eyes, show me
         The dust in the air

When it was cold, and dark,
And I would cry,
      stare at the stars...
Through the thick fog

I longed for that warmth
                       Missed it,
                                          For so long.....

                                      When they returned
                                                       I spent my time getting burned
And pretending I knew
                       What to do...
                                     ...what not to do wrong.

        I closed my eyes,
                                    to escape
                                                   for a second
...because I was second-guessing...
And in the blink of an eye,
                                          the night filled the sky
                      ­               My rays of sun were missing.


is far more Captivating.    

2019 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
Shanti Starks Sep 2020
Compliance is only
Implied to be involuntary
Committing yourself to others
Making your life work according to
Faking your soul's net worth is exasperating,
And if you can't relate,
You're probably okay
Part of the 20% or less
Of the populous
Not stuck in survival
What a privilege that must be
To never know Fight, Flight or Freeze
I know them well, not as friends
Not as enemies
No, you can't relate.
But you say it anyway,
"Things get better, life?
Worth living, just give it time because that's all life is giving,"
No. You're okay.
No need to be chained to a radiator in another person's brain
No odio nadie, love is just pain minus the hate
Like if your lover doesn't like you,
You love them anyway.
Ceaseless, timeless and without rest,
Testing the limits of the heat off the sun's crest
But I digress-
Death is the only outcome,
So why act surprised when a number comes up?
Fear of death is fear of life itself
So until you taste death,
Tienes miedo de ambos

2020 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
Shanti Starks Oct 2020
    i  _      

I want to make love to you

Until we collapse

In each other's arms,

Eyes never unlocking,

Lips never parting,

Until we slip into unconsciousness,

Entangled like two particles

Invisibly connected

Across the expanse

Of the universe

Each resonating at the vibration of the other.

I want to collide with you

Trailing photons as we spin

Through space untouchable

Dancing, Twirling,


On our separate paths

Swimming parallel

Through the universe

In our minds.

2020 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
The sun light in purple flare peeps through the bamboo starks, its stripes in stride of leaves bubble at the hissing sounds of a conceal long belt-like tread bidding its time to hit its target and as well defend itself.
And Like the cobra the chameleon dodges between the blistering colors of the bamboo yellow and it’s straying green for dear life.
And minding the dance of the Hunter and the hunted; the cobra and the chameleon, is the hulk hovering in the distance sky in colors and shades as the hen gathers its chicks.
At the teak bush of my Ezi the blue sky lines with the departing sunlight in silk white and gold gives hope of a life from that of the pre and predators in today’s world.
The conqueror is also the conquered, a true testament that the sky is an open hall but our starting points.
Ezi is my town and my people of peace,brotherliness and community of great minds
Shanti Starks May 2020
I hate you
You've grown distasteful of me
Suspicion flies by for the time being I,
Don't think I mean much more than I say,
That is to say, it's a weird feeling
Like stepping on glass that feels like clay
Like floating in your own blood
Resentment is a word
Not used in the correct context
Not nearly enough
You resent me,
That, I can see- because you're crystal clear,
Like a megaphone on overdrive,
On the other end of the million mile field.
Every side to their own, the war has begun.
Offense and defense are claims- we are all opposition,
Yet we are all in macro superposition.
Are my intentions read?
Do you have an understanding that they understand you?
Mutuality is an unattainable bliss.
I'll kiss the night sky goodbye.
And rush back to my existence.
What use is speed of the universe,
When distance is irrelevant,
And time is perception?
My selection of weapons are for protection,
Of course, opinion can **** fact any day if there is enough support...
Build a fort.
Sleep, eat, breathe,
Crawl, drool, heave
The fluke that you are, living on a series of flukes,
Like mistakes without negative impact.
The battle has paused.
We take time to reflect on ourselves,
By deflecting on others.
Destructive forces we possess.
Yet less, we retain our humanity.
Through the guise of appearing civil for a brief second,
We let our discussions cast our fate,
Hearing our contradictions in order to heal our wounds.
Momentarily, that is-
Can't you see? Syntax fails me...
Plausibly unexplainable through the heavy bias of words.
The shade of our own lack of information,
A dense shadow looms.
It is hard to see through such limited eyes.
Expression is a mission to break our own human barriers.
Setting more would be counterproductive.
But some disagree.
Therefore the battlefield is stained with fallen ideologies,
And victims of the ones still standing.
Some turn their heads first,
Their eyes revealing the scene at hand.
Blood stained grass,
Thick bullet-sprayed mud makes the land.
The brief moment is over.
Our privatized chaos ensues.
Many more will fight, hoping to win,
But everyone will lose.

2018 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
Don't lie
I know
You sleep with sleeping pills ...
Through sleeping pills....
Like a frozen glass out of Windows

Open the windows of dreams  streams...of love, I will fill..

Flowers ...
Bed of roses...
Like a charming...
Let's fall in love...
Like a sweet venom...
Let's kiss , throw the depression...
Fill the anxiety ... Just love...
Forget everything else...

Shanti Starks Sep 2020
How I found trust in you so fast..
How to stand by your side,
Would be a lifelong adventure.
How to die by your hand,
Would be a great honor...

2020 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
Shanti Starks Sep 2020
I will my soul to be still
As you force your every step away
Through the grass and dirt
I try to keep my pain

On that day you left me
Not just your lover, but your best friend
Red blood spilled gently
Marking an unwilling end

My heart travelling miles
Pulled softly from my chest
Traversing the depths of darkness
Caress the cavity that it left

Bruises brown and blue, deep maroon
Below and above my collarbone
Left to mark me as your own
Leave me this feeling I've never known

The smell of you was strong at first
But now it's ever fading
Like these memories I hope to keep
That are not so everlasting

2020 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)
Shanti Starks Oct 2020
Cut me
From my cloth

Sew my rough edges together

Hide my insides
Paint a pretty picture

Stick me by your window
For everyone to see
Your handiwork

Or maybe, put me on a shelf
So they give you praise
When your friends show up

Give me a story
Give me a name

All day, children with God-complexes;

Play children of God;

Play authority figures;

Play cops and robbers;

Play house with me;

I don't have a voice
To tell you no
Or the ability
To walk away

But being passed around and used
Can wear you out

The cloth you cut me from
Is just cloth,
The same you were once a part of

But when I start to unravel,
No one is bothered to repair me,

You just take the sharpest tool in your torture chamber





2019 Shanti Starks (Indra's Child, Lysergicidal Maniac, Lysergic Pancakes)

— The End —