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Palpating the empty cavernous realm of intellect and morality,
I find a restricting noose constructed of the finest strands of insecurity, but it's more proportionally comprised of self-doubt. Each fiber's soaked in a vat of social restraint, the ineffective capability of people to deny injustice. Choosing instead the intoxicating mirage that hereditary lies has handed down throughout the centuries.

Helping the constructors of irrationalism build their platform upon supports of popular opinion.
Equipping it with the ingenious trap door many a potential scholar of entropy and fatalism has fallen through. Snapped necks they suffocate on the breath of pseudo-liberty; as the French have, and Americans still do.

Hands bound behind their backs by indecision, latent anger, the belief in a system far from progressive. Where morals and codes of conduct are tempered, and deliberately shaped into devices of torture sugar coated, and worn pridefully without knowing the restrictions nor the pain, any form of progressive thought is absent. The mass majority select intellectual stagnance over the enlightening evolution of attempting to understand the human condition.

They are not to blame.
For shame and resentment are left for frugal debates over each new candidate, sheered from the same wormwood poisoning the stream of consciousness ****** by a nationalistic fervor full of flavor, no long lasting integrity, only iron clad walls of discretion and misrepresentation.

Traveling great distances, shoulders encumbered with regret, apathy, and triviality; the phantom that is a patriot has left his burden laden tracks for the next poor sap to find his way far from freedom, closer to slavery. The yoke fits loosely but unlike the bumbling oxen his purpose is indiscernable, his capacity to think of a way to escape is neutralized by the bag of oats and blinders he himself accepts; by abhorring what he’ll call disrespect and irreverence toward a slave driving body masked by the right to live fruitfully, albeit sedentary.

The joy of complacency is not holding responsibility, not feeling accountable for any choice where the dangers of rational thinking may awaken the bitter, savage realization that he is merely a by-product, a cog in a larger scheme to keep freedom a longer journey than it is according to the whip holder’s theory. The excruciating knot is pulled tightly together by hunger, so the worker satisfies this hunger with more intricately designed knots. His concentration isn’t in untying it, it’s merely compounding it with greater enigmas he’ll leave for the omniscient to decipher, and untangle.

He’ll wash his hands of the assignment and swallow what he deems nourishment, but the hole is never plugged. The hole grows and the abyss growls, the sounds of thousands of souls in constant traction, but this man of many fantasies can have no distractions. His focus remains selectively aimed upon projects the future will later ruin, yet without foresight the ambition has no name so the cycle remains the same.

His lifeless body now swings to and fro above gallows where the omnipotent applaud the writhing spirit of free will convulsing violently; gyrating while the sedated world of the executed continues being recreated to disguise the sincerest, deepest pain he’ll never know, because knowledge is will and the power struggle is one of isolation and possible destitution. So only when he wakes after his fate has been sealed will free spirit, and free will assault his no longer inebriated body, showing no mercy and reminding him of every time they tried to save him.

He’ll scream in utter agony placing his voiceless soul amongst those bellowing from the abyss he never tried to close. What’s more, choosing to ignore such an enormous expanse of nothing, makes the punishment perfectly sufficient, and succinct with every bit of skepticism he had that such a void of expression, virility, and endless suffering even existed. The twisting twine that holds this wretched, still body of reason securely above the wastelands of awareness makes the most insidious noise. It’s like rubbing famine and pestilent ridden bodies together; the crunching sound of bones absent of mass, riddled with brittle chip marks where the consciously aware soldiers of misfortune have attempted to shape spearheads of vindication, but are then left where they were found because even the potential tools of warfare are less sturdy and strong than the flesh bound mind of sterility from whence they came.

So there is nothing this heap of biological ingenuity and imagination can offer, but to swing in each gusting breeze like a sign posted “No Loitering,” “No Trespassing” would when pushed by the conglomerate gales of assembled hundreds. Ignorance prevails, those who fight are made to accept this evil mantra not out of doubt, but hope that once one awakes before his/her spirit and will has been completely removed, they’ll feel the refreshing irony of those who prayed silently that their army of insolent rewriters of justice has grown by one more.

Still breathing, within a masked struggle fought on separate planes of reality, behind curtains weaved of Kevlar, lead, and iron, many perverts of theory co-opt covertly in absolute anonymity fashioning plans: the plans of liberty, freedom, and prosperity.

They’re his only means of acquittal. Slashing the ropes and allowing those long since dead to die in peace, and those whose breath still has a bit of resistance to fight; the chance to view in full honesty and tragedy the gallows where weary travelers of theory are beaten by conviction and moral restrictions.
Simran Nov 2015
My heart laid stagnant
My heart laid strong
yet I will still be independent
and not fazed by your tempting song
Brian Sarfati May 2013
i keep on thinking,
and grasping,
and clawing for

and words
and words
upon more words
stacking on, or attacking
this stagnance of mind,

unintentionally filling
this nothing
with thoughts
of your memory:

a sunsetclad feather
locked in a safebox
in the corner of the basement
of a mossy cottage
resting on a flowered hill
in some faraway place
in my sleep's sleep.

i long to belong to
but may never reach.)

do you travel there, too?
Mmkay Jan 2019
They put my cage beside a
While my heart bleeds
And my body remains
My dreams touch the
Stars, sun, moon.
They are as trapped as I
Deep in the folds
My vulnerable places
Like a draft displaces
Turbid Stagnance
Firey sun illuminates
The dewey fertile soil
Infiltrating unturned
Spongy depths
Stimulates the follicles
Teases tenacious life
Into frothing vigorous
Surging prominence
Hungry searching tongues
Tasting the flushed flesh
So forceful and so hot
in open air
Primitively freely
My hunger
Devour me
Like a flame
My pride and shame
To surrender
Is to love you
And the falling
Hurts the best
Poetria Dec 2019
cold air is burning my face but the feeling is muffled, far away.
i look at you, stoic menace.
you are a block of ice and i am a flurry of snowflakes, raging, cold, soft.
you ask me what the heart speaks.
i do not know how to tell you what emotion is, just like i do not know how to explain to you what i am.

(things far too familiar are seldom easy to translate into a language someone might understand, a language that is not your own, a language you've forgotten the taste of)

mountains on my shoulders feel lighter than they should, and you take lightness to mean of less matter.
perhaps you think these mountains have a hollow center, are made of feathers.
you and i are two different forms of water.
i have known ice, and you have known snow, years before today.
i have known stagnance, you have known change, you took the word like an icicle to your chest, falling too far into your cave.
pull me out, you say, and i am frost lining your windowsill.
leave me be, you say, and you are a dull fog, whispering to glass.
through the glass, we interact.
you are trapped.
i want to see you cry for hours and never stop until you run out of what's made you so cold.
It was late into that viscious seasonal transition
with sticky heat grating at the loose barricades
the confused masses put up around
patterns of docile thought.

I remember entire cities
churning out their leaders as children
and dressing our most vulnerable
up for combat.

I remember each first moment
when another person knew
how painful it was
to just have it all happen.

The sweet sting of a tireless wind
at least taught us what momentum existed,
but never how to resist the pull
and claim it as our own.

Whatever took us kept us
up until the very end,
and we expected to wake up
panting, embracing a new land.

And then the storm stopped
and the eyelids pried open
against the settling dust
that encapulated the chaos.

Nothing was harmed and no one was moved
and the waters reclaimed a normal flow
but they all just sat with nowhere to go
in shock that their, "right here" hadn't changed.

Not right here
nor the now
nor the us
nor any "them".

We sweet human creatures
are built to seek shelter
to make it grow
into tragic stagnance.
Jenni Jun 2015
Drowning or falling?
Floating or flying?
Is it raining inside
Or am I just crying?
Is time moving slowly?
Or just not at all?
I want to stop climbing
I long for the fall
There's chaos in stagnance
This silence is too loud
I feel lost in solitude
But smothered in a crowd
The darkness is freeing
The sun is too bright
I just want to hide
I thrive in the night
Just leave me, I beg you
It's too late for me now
Don't leave me, I beg you
I need you around
When you're gone I'll be left here
Alone with the sound
Of choking on oxygen
That can't be found
Pick me up
I'm falling  d
Mmkay Jan 2019
Cold, rust, metallic
Bars of stagnance and "normal"
Hold me captive, Caged.
F**k social norms. I will be myself, even if I'm not "normal".
Genevieve Jan 2017
It feels like a calm before the storm.
Avoiding the red flag triggers
Like trap doors leading to the underworld
Or a rabbit hole that only leads to
Me in the fetal position
Begging the universe to bring you back.
Instead of wandering this *****-trapped  wasteland,
Searching for the road out,
I'm clinging to the dirt,
Refusing to get up.
It is quiet like this,
Nothing scary to stumble on,
And no gaping holes to tumble down,
Just me, and the dirt
Solid, grounding, still.

I can breathe here,
But I know I cannot stay
Staying means starving
Staying means giving up a future
Staying means stagnance.
I cannot stay.

So it really is the calm before the storm
Because I feel fine now,
In the quiet aftermath,
But soon I'll have to get up
Navigate this minefield of memories,
Sadness, longing, and grief
If I want to see the sun rise.
And I will.

I once said it about you,
Now I say it for me
Here comes the sun.
Tafuta Atarashī Dec 2019
unpromise me forever;
abandoned lovelorn that I've become,
I need to be free from
the paradox of your absent
Jenni Mar 2016
I've never been comfortable with permanence
I guess you could say
I have commitment issues

the irony
-of course-
is that my fear of making permanent decisions
leaves me in a constant state of stagnance

we're not meant to stand still

we can make a thousand marble statues
in an attempt to grasp immortality
but no one was ever meant to last forever

our cells are doomed from the start
when you deselect for aging
you select for cancer
-just like marble-
cannot escape the weather
we cannot escape out own mortality

I've never been comfortable with permanence
but thankfully
-I suppose-
I'll never have to be
Myra Dec 2019
your voice
came into my mind
And I felt the stormy blues
But then I asked myself
"What is the point in even missing you?"

The reality is short and sweet
Like your favorite peanut butter snacks
That once took over my apartment's cabinet
I'd save them, assured you would come back

The reality is you won't.
Even if you knocked on my door,
Missing something faithful and true
I know what I know just as much as you've known what you knew

That you'd never admit your mistakes to your friends
Highly influenced by their opinions
Highly influenced by our differences
And yet you spin the wheel,
Manipulating their perspective
Like I'm daft just because I'm in this process of transition

God forbid you don't have some structure in your life,
But even more so God forbid you have an ever-adapting and changing wife
Because the reality is you won't find a partner who isn't transitioning
Between growing to different levels
A different person every decade
She could be a business owner one year,
then regress to a stay at home mom, having spit and crayon on her face every day
Is this your fear?
But what about the moments between,
That are still, like calm water?
You wont see growth but it's happening
But I know you- you'll never stay to see
Because stagnance is a red flag to you
you'd rather chase the white foaming edge
You'll never see the calming storm on the sea
You'll never know your destination's end
And I feel bad for you,
In your infinite search
Never content

If you couldn't accept me in my still moments
When my world is asleep
When my water is still
When I'm in hibernation
And preparing to bloom
When you couldn't just love me
despite my winter
What's the point of missing you?
Ayn Feb 2020
An article of stagnance,
With a heavily dusted window,
And a soul in heavy fragments.
Looking at you through the glass,
Wondering what has come to pass.
I’ve been here forever,
But nobody stays forever.
Now forever feels like home,
And I’ve turned up alone
After you vanished from my head
And filled my mind with lead.
Through Glass, by Stone Sour. The lyrics are so loud in my head rn, and I had to restrain myself from copying it. I was recently reminded of the dude I liked who I ended up rejecting and it took a toll on me. I wonder, if I had said yes, would we still be dating now? Would I be happier? No clue.
Kayla Chappell Jul 2024
And then, she woke up.
She decided,
This isnt what she wants.

She then calmly packed her things
Silently dwelled in leaving another home
Uh oh
Time to begin again
And said goodbye to the stagnance,
And with each step forward she gained a little bit of  valiance?
In each step.
She remembers who she is.
Pain is there,
Tears at the waterfront,

But still,
Shes empowered in stepping back into her power.
On to the path of self discovery,
Self love,
And connection.

Strength is never easy.
She drives her tiny car jampacked in silence,
And silently starts to cry
The whimpers turn to gasps
No one there to stop them

Bawling so hard she cant see the road,
She doesn't know where shes going,
She doesn't know where home is,
But still,
She continues.
To go.

She has to do it for herself,
If she doesn't, no one will.

Dont judge yourself for getting lost in the tides
We all get lost in the waves
But there was too many crashes
For how short the waves were.
Doesnt matter about fair.

And today,
I realized what is, is.
And it isnt what i want.
With that, i say thankyou
But the new me is ready to sprout.
No time to shout
This ***** is out

Dont worry too much about right now,
And the future.
You will make the decision you were meant to make with the precision

Each step,
For yourself
Filled with love
And pride.

Her feet dragged,
Her hair messy, puffy eyes,
Unsure of what is next
But still,
She walks.

She continues,
No matter what.

For herself,

And that my dear, is love.

The love you deserve.

Nobody can leave for you,
Nobody knows truly how you feel,
Except you.

Love yourself like you want to be loved.

It isnt easy,
But neither is life.

You are love.
In your pain,
In your joy,
In your madness.

Is when your most beautiful.
Show up for anyone?
Show up for you

Show you what love really is.

The rest can undo.
Make your dreams come true.
the black rose Oct 2019
with no need for a mirror to determine my reflection,
she shows me who i am,
and the nature of my essence.
she displays
without influence or judgement.
without adjustment
or renovation.
she's inspiration,
she's motivation.
she's stillness
without stagnance or a bit of hesitation.
honored to be mother.
Dan Hess Jul 2019
I slept for days in darkness
Til my mind awoke in somnolence
When soporific company
Beget to me lucidity

And levity of thee
My loving enemy
Take flight, be free

So fly, did we
Plunged into new infancy
'Til wake, did I, to find
Signs all around me

The sleeping mind might hide
Behind the tides of rationality
For what is true to me
Could cause my honor to recede

They say spirits fear these
Thou; we; people whose fear flees
Those who live without the need
To hark, harrow,
To this extricated stimulus of survivability

Thus my fear is wrought from nought but me
And what might come to be, begotten by my
Through recompense
And stagnance

Til decisions become prominent
To dislodge my obstinance
And force me to act
In likely, what is foolishness
But such grand an action meant

Should all things come to, for repent
And as things are evanescent
And as things are always writ by what is spent
And some things underwent, but not aptly lent

Forbearing prescience, and cognizance
Of what should come to pass
By destined placement, alas
My sweet laments
Earthen Heart Aug 2020
So many feelings unleashed
stagnance must come to cease
Trauma triggers;
hell, it figures...
because the life we’re living,
constantly overwhelming.
Stored emotional warfare,
Seems so ******* unfair.
but, what did they come up for?
There always seems to be more
than what's on the surface
that's making me nervous
and angry, I know,
because I've been at that all time low
and that's not where I ever want to go
back to again:
so unconscious
feeling nauseous
heart is racing
mind is pacing
blood is pumping
Mind is pounding
I need to get away.
how can this be okay?
*******, I just want it to stop
It takes control
of body, mind and soul
but, wait…
there's emerging resilience
overtaking this pestilence
reminding me that I am strong
even when everything seems so wrong
and although I may be afraid
that doesn't make me any less brave.
Courage is contagious in of itself;
when it gets rolling,
everything begins flowing.
My current finds
is that trauma reminds
me to look back inside
the whole picture of what's going on
breaking through the storm
even when my psyche’s torn...
that's the hardest part,
and then I press restart.
There will always be a flame Within
and that small light is where life begins.
when it's dim,
give it oxygen
and it will glow
increasingly so...
it may start out slow
but give it time with patience
the emerging resilience,
the white and gold
illuminate so bold
the inner body.
it'll be okay...
maybe it won't feel like it today
but you'll find a way
to press on
through the tears, through the pain
Through the sunshine and the rain.
gather where the elements meet,
feeling the Earth beneath your feet -
so sacred and grounding
the love that's surrounding
it will come in abundance
with no resistance
the weight will again shed,
my dear friend.
No longer will it depend on what you’ve been fed
And how to God you were once led,
As the Spirit descends
And your mind, it transcends
The light on your face
Is exuberant with grace.
So take a deep breath,
Because one day death
Will coming knocking on your door
And you’ll finally find what this was all for.
cosmo naught Mar 2016
stillness or stagnance
collection of fragments
which stand,
but not weathered—
they're worn.
happiness staggered,
she talked herself haggard:
she thinks herself fragile
but she is the thorn.

— The End —