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aashay sao Jul 2015
If I die in a war zone,
Box me up and send me home,
Put my gun on my chest,

Tell my mom, I did my best,
Tell my dad not to bow,
He will never get tension for me now,

Tell my bro to study properly,
Key of my bike will be his permanently,
Tell my sis don't be upset,

Her bro will not rise after the sunset,
Don't tell my friend, they r hearties,
And ask stars for party,
Tell my love not to cry,

Because, I am a solider and I born to die..
Dear Uganda, listen.

For we have heard your cry.

Our voices have been building,

the end is now in sight.

We know that he has taken,

those born from your own womb.

His sick mind is making kids

grow up much too son.

They're stolen from their beds,

a silent crime at night.

Invisible children marching,

now soliders made to fight.

With over 30 thousand taken,

how can we stay blind?

The place where you are born,

shouldn't decide if you live or die.

Our soliders there on foot,

it's time to spread his name.

Kony thinks he's winning

but we're about to change the game.

Africa please have hope,

for in this you're not alone.

Joseph Kony

You're children will be made known.
KONY 2012. Futher the movement. Make people aware of Joseph Kony's crimes. His arrest will change the lives of over 30 thousand children, and save the lives of so many more.
Daisy Fields May 2011
there are in my opinion 2 differet types of doors of perception in the human mind.
the doors to darkness & the doors to light.
the doors to light have always been in everyone,
but the doors to darkness were built in our minds to confuse & control us.

everytime a door of perception closes a new one will open in it's place.
& i find that for every dark door you close 2 or more doors to light open.

when you shut the door to government the doors to real freedom, real privacy, & real truth opens.
how can we really feel free in the relaity we are in now?
we all have a false sense of freedom, to think, speak, & act,
but really nothing is free anymore, everything will cost you something.
how can you truley believe we are free when there are so many laws, rules, and confinments & so much we have no say in.
human's don't need laws or bibles or police to tell us what to do,
we have the sense of right & wrong built into us.
we know what is good or bad by how they make us feel,
and we all generally feel in the same ways.
with laws in place we don't take the time to really think about how our actions will make others feel we have alredy been told & there is no need for further thought.
also, people i find always have the tendacy to want to do what they can't do.
if you tell them they can't do things, they're gonna try.
so are jails filled with bad people, or freedom fighters?
people rebeling against the law.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to media you open the doors to true beauty, to inner beauty, to self love & to self acceptance.
how can one see real beauty in such a fake reality.
in people today judgement, cliques & suicides are at an all time high,
self confidence & self worth is at an all time low .
people judge people based on how they look, & what they're wearing.
they form opions of others without even talking to them.
we should love & celebrate our differences, not hate & divide them.
you could miss out on meeting an amazing person because you are so blind to real beauty.
think about all the things great things people don't know about you,
now think about all the great things you don't know about other people.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to technology, you open the doors to unity, to true connection with others, & to real experiences.
in our technological relaity we live in the illusion that technology is bringing us closer,
and that we are becomming more inter webbed to eachother when we humans have the capabilites to establish these connections without help.
we are like robots, expressing emotions based on how we are told/suppose to react, not because we are really feeling.
instead of going out to explore & expierence life, nature, & new relationships,we stay at home and watch them on t.v.
instead of talking to someone, visiting someone, spending time wth someone, we connect with them threw computer screens, facebook profiles & emotionless txts.
where is the connection?
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to money the door to free trade open.
to a reality where we help other not for money or for benifit
just to help another human bening like yourself,
just because it feels right, it feels good.
the reality we live in now is one with fake, bought happiness & of selfishness.
we try to make ourselves happy with big homes and nice cars and expensive things when we don't need them.
true, pure happiness comes from the love of others, from helping, giving, sharing,
& from making others happy as well.
nobody can take that kind of happiness from you ever.
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you shut the door to war & violence the doors to peace opens.
the door to equality, to harmony to love.
to a reality where we work out our differences with words & not wepons,
it doesn't require money, or casual deaths.
how can we use the term casual deaths?
let's take a look into this relaity for a moment...
there was a solider in iraq who ran into a home & killed a man in front of his wife & kids.
this man was killed because he had weapons in his home which was viewed as a threat or possible terrorist.
in actuallity the man was not planning any attack at all he merely had thoes weapon to protect himself & his innocent family in the case of a home invasion.
back in the soliders home town a man wakes up in the middle of the night because he hears glass break. he grabs a wepon that he has in case of emergency to protect his family and goes to investigate. he walks in on a man intruding in his home, the man has a knife, the dad shoots him dead.
on the same day as the solider get his medal for killing an innocent man the dad gets sentenced to life in prision for trying to protect his family.
who is the real hero, who really deserves a medal, the solider or the man?
i guess ****** is a heroic thing if your doing it for the government..
we are living in a dark reality.

let in the light.

when you close the door to religion you open the door to wonder, curiosity, and exploration.
to a relaity with less division & less disagreements.
where does all that money go to?
certinly not space exploration.
i strongly believe that by giving into the idea of god you giving into the idea of there being a higher power in anything race, gender, religion, ect.
i also believe that because of this and the idea of god it has created this huge power struggle all over the world of people trying to own/run the world.
people trying to be god/godly.
these are the most powerful people in the world right now.
and it is thoes people who have place these dark doors in our heads.
and who are constantly watching, and making sure the doors stayed open and all other doors stayed shut.
but we have the power to.
we are all god.
& we all have the power to view the world in any way we want it, heavenly or hellish
.'god created the world with his vision'
change god into we,
'we created the world with our vision.'
'god has the power to change everything'
'WE have the power to change everything'
but as of right now we are living in the dark.

so let's let in the light.
& let it shine threw every pore, every breath, every thought we have.
let it ignite us, & drive us to great heights.

don't live & act based on how you look to others/god/ect.
live & act based on how your feel inside.

don't have an idea of who you are,
know who you are.
live for yourself, not for anyone els.

i want real words & thoughts
i want real freedom & truth
i want real faces & emotion
i want real experiences & places
i want real peace & equality
i want real people
i want real happiness
i want real connections
real love, real light, real laughter, real life.

we can make things real again, just don't be afraid, don't be lazy, don't be doubtful, don't be fake.
Beverly D Bryant Jul 2010
HE is a human being,
Hes not just a solider,he is someonesson,brother,
or he issomeoneshusband or father.
HEs not just a soliderhe could be just a friend.
He could besomeone you love
or someoneyou could see day or even night,
He is serving his country,putting  his
life on the line,for the american  people and
for the country he loves so much.
He will go to war,and we will all prayhe comes home soon,
that all our soliders come home safe and sound,
WE will all pray for all our soliders to come back
to thier families and to thier friends who love them so!
I have many friends in the military and this is for them.god bless.
preservationman Nov 2014
Stand at attention and salute
War veterans and current in toot
Eyes of sacrifice
Being a solider with no time to think twice
Washington, DC being the call in advice
Conrad’s who loss their lives
A trumpet sounds being the transcribe
Yet a moment of silence in making us non-veterans wise
A reflection of the front line
A revelation we must keep in mine
Being a solider more than a uniform
A nations call always on alarm
Bombs on targets below
Precision must be quick and not slow
Bull’s eye on various sights
It’s never time to be the enemies polite
Wars being a solider’s name
Territories over boundaries being a solider’s gain
Then there’s destruction and what remains
Strength being in numbers
No time to sit back and slumber
It was the mission at hand
The General who gives the command
Veteran’s Day with many words to say
“We honor you on the world’s behalf and it’s a memory we all want to last”.
Tommy Johnson Jun 2014
Her life has gone haywire
So she hits the sack of hay
Capital Hill tries to take advantage of this
So they try to revive their old conservative practices
With tools of maladjustment

The criminals give good ideas
To the goody-two- shoes looking to bust loose
Who create dark desire
For the demented ones with power

The Birthgiver slaves away
Until her heart gives out
The Embeder is on his hands and knees
Searching for sustenance
I, the final product is at the first national bank
Missing all who have died

The man from Illinois
Pleads not guilty
The judge looks in the eye
And says this mistake will cost him

His lawyer stands up
And puts his hand on the mans's shoulder
And tries to cheer him up
And says "it's only a life sentence, you'll be fine"

The smart mouth, while ridiculing the knife thrower
Sees the sword swallower  doing his act
And asks, "Did you pick that trick up from your ***** mother or **** father?"
The sword swallower regurgitates the saber and removes the smart mouth's tongue

Soon after, the smart mouth becomes the fat head
Who is now a priest
Who has no idea what he's talking about
But, neither do the people who follow him

Our six-star rank general calls an assault
And tells his soliders to do handstands
As he personally executes our last hope
To end this holy war we have nothing to do with

All the branches collectively agree
The public can never know their plans
They can only be spoon fed political promises
That aren't meant to be kept but to get votes and fund their federation

If you look up naive in the dictionary
You'll see the synonym ignorant
But in an atlas you find the address
Of some one who sees the school system more useful than an encyclopedia and library cards

I hope that the kids of tomorrow will be prepped and ready
For a world where it's not what you know but who you know
And where a degree is the equivalent to bathroom tissue  
But mutual friends are golden tickets

The musicians these days aren't artist but entertainers
Who write catchy tunes with an accessible message
While the social networks keep us connected
And up to date with everything they say we need to know

I dream of creating something simple
That can wake up the world from this trance
So it can stand up and make a change
And save the unborn and put the dying at ease
miranda schooler Jul 2013
i was raised up
to sing ,
and to praise god ,
and to say amen .

nothing else .

but as i live this life
with all of the forks
in my yellow brick road ,
that i was urged to travel on
by people in my life
who i realize now
were children
compared to people who cared ,

i see no god .
i see no praise ,
for him or anyone else
that is said to deserve it .

i hear no singing .
just see thousands of quarter notes
in a hymnal book that five people
pick up
and study , like it's their job .

i hear no independent amen .
it is only said after one person's prayer
is finished
and after they have used
s p a c e f i l l e r s .

" dear
lord , we just thank you father
for the day to day lord . and
god , we just love you lord . and heavenly father ,
we would like to pray, lord , for those who couldn't
make it to this service tonight , god .
remember , dear lord , our soliders , god .
remember those of your children , father ,
who have strayed from you path god , and
please help them dear jesus to
find their way way back to you , heavenly father .
in jesus' name . amen ."


i bet god gets sick
of his own name .

i bet he changed it
like mom does when the kids say "MOM"
too much .

maybe that is why prayers
aren't getting answered anymore .

i bet he changed it to something awesome , too .

like Spacefiller Christ .

i think a chorus of silent , heartfelt prayers
and hushed amen's
would be more beautiful
than any robotic , unified repeat ;
more beautiful
than any hymn .


you are not just
one of god's children ;
you are whatever you want to be .

god is not glenda
and the devil does not only reside
in the west .

life was made
for you to awaken
from this controlled dream
and hug your auntie em
and to work on the farm in kansas
until you get the money to go
where you want to go .

you don't need to click your heels .
not even once .

you just need to wake up .
James M Vines Feb 2017
The flags fly in tribute, the grass is cut and the stones glisten white. A fallen hero lies quiet until the eternal call comes. When you look at the name and the place, you wonder who he was. A story that lays untold is a story like mine and yours. He was someone who loved his country and was not afraid to answer the call. When it came to defending freedom, he stood proud and tall. He didn't want to lay here, but he knew that is how it might one day end. This could be anyone of us whose love of country is so great, that we would be willing to die for the land of the free and the home of the brave.
I just want to say thank you to all the soldiers
To those whom enlisted , I just want to thank you.
It does not matter if you went to war or not.
You are all still heroes in my book, thank you.
For you made a decision to serve our country.
I just want each of you to know this thanks.
I truly am blessed by each of your heroic decision.
To protect the people of this here Great Nation.
That each of us live in , Thank you very much.
James M Vines Apr 2015
Across Green valleys over snow capped peaks, and through scorching deserts I walk on a journey home. From distance lands I come, bringing back my weary soul. In the name of a country that has all but forgotten me, I return to my greatest treasure. As I walk down stone streets wet with rain, I hear laughter and see a familiar door. From inside the sounds  warm me. The cold of duty recedes from my weary soul. I open the door and I hear every creak and groan. As I step through I see the reason I kept my oath and fulfilled my duty. I see all that I hope and believe in as I realize a forgotten dream and let my soul rest in the love and safety of my home.
In the Garden of Gethsemane
My Lord did humbly bend the knee
Praying all night for the world at large
And wrestling with His mighty charge

Yet as His disciples prayed to God
Their weary heads began to nod
And soon drifted off to sleep
Jesus alone; they slumbered deep

In the morn He woke them saying
"Why sound asleep; you should be praying"
They had no answer for their Lord
As soliders came they slashed with sword

Severed ear fell to ground
Which Jesus replaced without a sound
He was led away in captivity
But they did not know it was His destiny

Pilate succumbed to the crowds demands
To the cross they nailed His healing hands
"Forgive them, they know not what they do"
He pleaded to God for me and you

"It is finished," He said with final breath
And the Devil rejoiced at His death
His followers mourned for Him aloud
Yet on the 3rd day He threw off His shroud

For He came to seek and save what was lost
Bringing light to a world at great cost
He freely bore the sin of every man
Securing once and for all Salvation's Plan
In honor of Easter
The united States should NOT send military force to intervene in Syria not only because Syria is already been through some conflict why should we put them through more? Also, if we go over there acting like we are big guys who **** anything; we will lose our soliders as well. Which is irrelevant because Syria is not our problem but going into their territory will make it into theirs. Which will initially **** INNOCENT PEOPLE. Why should we start a problem with someone who has never had a problem with us? Seems like we are just bullying everybody and that is unjust and very wrong in many different ways & perspectives.
It is unacceptable. I don't understand why we are even deciding if we should or should not strike them.
We need to maintain our needs before we try to help others, all of our economy problems, low employment, our debt, we have too much on our plates already it would be simply stupidity to put our nation out there in the spotlight just to be on "top."
If we keep up with this cocky and over confidence of our nation, one day the countries surrounding us might just join together and strike us just because we are too over our heads. And people who go too far are sometimes better to not be there than to be.
We have values we need to protect, we have lives we need to continue, we have mysteries we need to discover! We need to be more into what BENEFITS us, not what is possibly going to bring us down. I am so confused on why the United States feels as if we are always going to be okay with what we do, we must not let the favors & the ways life has been given to us for granted.
To gain power, we must be a source of pleasure for those around us, if anything we should HELP Syria rather than killing innocent lives. Out of those innocent lives, those people could be the most smartest people to live, but we wouldn't discover this person because of our foolish thinking. We could even sugarcoat the countries around us, being their "best friends," promising them the moon, playing to their fantasies just to keep them in a better state of mind, more of a content feeling rather than the feeling of getting attacked. When we are in the position of feeling like we are about to get attacked & in their case might end up all dead, it's a natural instinct to react in ways we cannot explain. We don't have to promise gradual improvement; rather promise the great & sudden transformation, THE *** OF GOLD.
We can all eat like kings if we evaluate our minds in complexity, eventually resulting our radiance to lift its self up with grace.
Be positive, think Godlike. That is the main focus for those who believe in the Christian Bible, The main goal is to try an attempt to God's ways & adapt to him & how he thinks. He helps, he gives, he protects, he watches, he is God! Why wouldn't we want to try an bring positivity rather than negativity? It mindboggles my mind backward, forward & all around on how evil our generation is coming to be.
DET Jan 2016

Every soliders has a uniform
With beautiful
But you don't know how every morning
Some soldiers
Are praying

To come alive
Cuz they are they don't want to say goodbye
To their beloves
So, they look above
Pray to god
Not to fail on his job

As soon as they step the fields
They don't know how it's feel's
To see one another and not know whose gonna make it
But as they face it
They know they are not mistaken

Yeah, as they hear the gun shots
Alot of their thoughts
Are spinning around
As they see how some hit the ground
They want to drop down
But they know they gotta fight
And hold their breath tight

Yeah, the danger
Is getting closer but before
They hit they pray to a angel
As they hit the base
They just ask god for peace

And us we should be thankful
Cuz even if both of their ankles
Were in pain
The took the chance to fight
For what we think it is not right

Yeah, think about it
Cuz there are some kids thinking about
Their father who happen's to be a soldier
Hoping that their life is not over

But what would you do if you received a phone call
Telling you, you just lost your daddy
Probably you'll be running to your mommy
And saying tell me that this isn't real
And there is no word
That all you hear is silence

Yeah, if we don't want anymore death's
Then we should stop all this violence
Every solider is a hero and we should no forget to pray for them cuz they have given their lives to save us:(
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
GQ James Mar 2021
This was very unexpected,
The pain is a pain I've never felt,
There's nothing easy about losing a child,
The moment I found out,
I was drowning in tears,
I've wanted a child since I was young,
I don't question his doings,
I just take it as a lesson as well as a blessing,
God has something bigger in store for us,

This broke my heart deeper than you can imagine,
I felt like my heart was taken out my chest,
My heart stopped for a moment,
I'm trying my best to keep it together,
But truth be told it ain't easy,
The holy spirit is what's keeping me sane,
Without my faith I'll go insane,
Outside I look good but inside I'm in pain,

There's no one to blame,
Life will never be the same,
Me and my wife went through this together,
We will get through this together,
One day we will try again but not anytime soon,
My pain so deep you can't see it,
Keep my emotions inside,

God gives his toughest battles,
To his strongest soldiers,
So the battle hasn't began to begin,
It's far from over,
We are soliders so will fight to end,
Children are in our future.
Nash Wolfe Dec 2014
The image of you stuns me, freezes my breath

The taste of your lips draws me deeper

As I lay and feel your heart beat steadily through your chest

Your eyes are memorizing

They change as your affection lingers for depth

Pointing towards my direction, I wait paitently until my desire is fulfill

For I crave your sensation

Come a little closer so I can convey in your ear all my secrets

I'll lead you down a mystical speedway

A place to escape when you've reached your darkest hour

An embracement of happiness to cap a hold of

My finger tips push back your hair

A sense of calmness runs down your face

Cold chills spread down your spine

Your muscles start to contract

A gentle kiss to the neck

The night carries on

I long for your body, your taste

You move me, where I am hypotize

I gasp for a breath of air every time Im in your presents

My body contracts with every movement you make

Swiftly adjusting, as you take me away

Your fingertips which softly passes the base of my body

Draws deep sensation

I crave more affection from a man who steadily stole my heart

Time ticks, yet with him everything seems endless

I'm in a state of mind, where I discover a new life

My desire is hotter than fire burning to ashes

Stronger than any substances of addiction

My body shuts down in despair

Lost a sense of direction which once led me some where

Taunting me as if my arrival was near

I'm not quite ready to surrender my will

I contain some strength left within my soul still

This war craves for a revolution

A obstipate solution

Which is hidden within the wounded soliders that lie on the battlefield

Anert and numb

No sensation to wither to or from

A silent prayer whispers in the wind and blows calmly through each tree

Revealing the truth behind every lie

Still struggling to find, another one's mind

The last shot released

The last soldier that falls

A picture touches the ground of his love that he will never get another chance to be around

For he sacrificed his life, not only for his country but a wife he devoted his life to

He dies and deceases away

Years pass his love carries on

A flash back hits her thoughts of her husband holding her in his arms

She loses control of the steering wheel

Another car collides

She gracefully shuts her eyes

The image that is expose is her husband taking her hand to Heaven

A once upon of time
Anndersen Fremin Jun 2014
we play games with the word Death
and it loses its meaning
game over
try again?
soliders with out sacrifice
electric children
plugged into
imaginary building blocks
in unseen and unreal
a stranger imagined for them
From the Green Book 2013-14
David P Carroll Sep 2022
Fighting away in a war all day
You've traveled by land and sea
To keep our little children safe
And warm protect us all from
This evil storm and keep us free,

Words will never be enough
To tell you how much we love yee
And on Veterans day  
We'll all stop and pray for
Everyone who's giving there
Lives go to war
To keep our children safe
And free every day.
Free 🆓🆓🙏💕🌹😘
KB Aug 2018
It's gotten bad.
To the point that I let the emotions consume me.
Consume me from writing the ink.
I wanted to supress my feels.
I wasn't ready to let waves of emotions come through my body.

I didn't want to feel anymore.
I didn't want to share my love to another anymore.
Too hurt to feel the emotions.
I wanted to be alone.
I wanted to be silent.

Felt like I wasn't enough to feel human.
Tired of the fire burning inside.
I know.
I need.
To let go.
I have to feel it.
Let the words come through my fingertips.

But I was afraid of the ink.
Afriad that if the ink is expressed.
I will feel the depression.
The anger.
The fire.
The anxiety.

It all grown upon me.
Like soliders attacking the enemy.
When will it stop.
At the pit of the throat, piles of innocent ink fill the hole.
Trying to escape.

And maybe now I am ready to let the ink flow through my body.
Conor Martin Oct 2019
In the long hours
When loneliness rears it's head
This iron soul on shoulders lay
Raising with the shift to night
"I've waited for this inky blue"
The midnight rider onward at dawn
With Common sense no more among
Gods with little soliders burden the young
Taking away what never belonged
Peace on earth, In airfilled quotes
Nightmarish slumber
As impatience grows
Imaginations creatures crawl from dark divides
Split the earth and atom between the whispers and the eye
The silent figure at the bottom of the bed
In the long hours
That's when all my living is in my Head
Sleep paralysis
James M Vines Aug 2019
The dust falls off of the flag as the soliders quietly salute. The stars and stripes ripple beneath a pair of well worn boots. An honor guard walks ahead of the covered coffin, another fallen son. Children weep silently, dad's work is done. On a TV people scream, but they do not understand the sacrifice that our sons and daughters have made for this land. In quiet repose a coffin sits awaiting 21 guns, before being laid in hollowed ground where others have gone before. At last a solider has come home from another foreign war.
My Generation?
What I expect from my generation???
Why don't we try it this way??
What foundation was my generation built on?
What moral, principles, values or doctrines were carved into the hearts of people from my generation???

Our foundation was already built, long before we existed
Clearly built by "the society" like we were always reminded, cause hell yes, we live in it.
But that was the beginning of our loss,
We met the society in existence, way before we had the guts to build our own foundation not to talk of the opportunity to challenge or even change it.
And it saddens me to say that I expect NOTHING from My Generation..
You know why?..
Because it is bleeding us out even before we existed.
It tells us today, education is the greatest gift you can ever possess
But guess who runs the market?
Soliders with maybe Secondary School certificates.
A great number of them as that.
Any traces of rebelling against the society who"protects you",  is kicked off from the devil's dinner.
And then we are enstranged from our freedom and have to start afresh!
The God damm society gave us the ******* fear we experience every ******* day!
To enstrange us from the devil's intimacy.
They say, you have to take risk to be daring enough to beat the society hands down
But guess what? We ******* don't choose the consequences that comes with the risk!
So in case you have some problem with your present social status, academic goals, crisis, whatever the ******* problem it is?
Get the **** up and **** the damaged society you exist in!!!!!.
And that's what I expect from My Generation.
Tables don't turn if you let the position of the table restrict you. Everyone knows the society has been established, change the position of your chair from the sides to the top with no other chair contesting your space with you.
Edward Jun 2020
I kiss your ring, my Awesome King and Lord.
For it is only, you whom I shall bow to anywhere.
It is by your Grace that I still live this here life of mine.
Your soliders, have kept me safe here and I am grateful.
Yes to you, I give my full allegiants to now and always.
For you my beautiful king is my life giver and my Lord.
I shall sing great Praises and worship you everywhere I go.
For time after time you have came in to save me from evil.
So I shall always bow before you and kiss the sons ring.
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2024
different spirits agree with me:
others don't:
we can agree to disagree as the clitche goes...

today i was supposed to finish
at 9pm
i finished at 8:10pm
in the car park with the away coatches
all the way from
2nd London:
that is Manchester
in terms of spirit...
not in terms of numbers: not so dearest
let the cities talk as if they were
free from the state!
let Manchester become a city-state!
let it build up its walls
let it become the Troy i want to have
when i leave:
London can burn
but i want my heart to be burried in Manchester...

no such thing: enough coincidences and you
get Cambodian: MA-GIC!

i switched temperaments i switched humors
i switched from whiskey
to *****
and everything became i'm high: REAL
i got a real pusher of the American finest "tobacoo"
and i as:
Ken: totem: shove that stinker in there:
in some wood:
keep the **** in scented wood
thje doctors are becoming suspicious
having a *******
about Oedipus Schizophrenic-Android-Altruism
of... off.. Atheist: the Lombard
Crusader Simple tonne of Simples:
  Argentinians:                       (atheism, solipsism,

civil army: i work with armny veterans
i'm not a Charles HARLEM HAREM
the grin reaper of lonely women
whos loves didn't come back from the beaches
of Normandy:
like the women prior
whos men didn't come back from the trenches...
i don't work in a prison:
just a civilian army...
and this ******* pencil-sharpener of a "doctor"
from Poland
had the audacity to play the "doctor"
and the DWP pencil pusher:
i watched the Green Mile
because i wanted to see...
not the execution of the repentant Cain
but the Prideful Abel:
finally resurrected and so vicious resurrected
as a woman...
and men as portraying women
on the screen: but not in theatre of opera:
the world is intact there:
i rewatched the Green Mile
because of Mr Jingles...
oh the ghosts and the spiritless that live among
you and crab bucket you into darkness

Coronation Street
before my time apparently:
oh: grandpa knows the world: WOKE!
his is ich spreschen detuszche
stationed on the Falklands:
made redundant now drives Manchester
so the Bennies...
wha?! the Falklnaders were always there?
did i fear correctly?
painting colours on penguins the ones
that fall over
go back to the nest
and you get aces and the races
British soliders passing time
if i were there: passing time...

MAnchester incoming LOndon answered:
there is a cohesion to mind:
state cities:
there are many citities within the confines
of the Christia-Jewry-n of the City of London
that the Arabs are infiltrating
because i see the perishing god of money
that's where Mammon was crucified
in Islam...
because Islam doesn't believe in usury...
and Ezra my Essex of the Pound
5 books is difficult:
10... i need 10 books...
at least two that i haven't read in English
and at least one in Polish
but i'm finishing at least five books at once...
i found the bibliophiles asset of parasite
in worms...
i moved beyond snakes
i only believe in the stelar symbiosis
between man and worms
i am armed with wormed about to stage
fright fights with serpents
and streets and dragons
and ladders...

Dad's Army: motto: let us disperse the world!
we travelled almost everywhere:
let us be the beacon and the baton
this New Greece
that's England...
let us become ground zero:
let us accept Rome thrived... preserved itself...
like Greece...
let us free ourselves:
the Celts the ******* Romans
then the Saxons then the Danes?

the Finns are weird
the Norwegians discovered Iceland
and America
the Danes sailed west to find England
the Swedes went east and found
Byzantine: dropping ***** as they went...
Goths and Vandlas...
the ******* children that invaded Rome:
it can happen again...
if you wish it...
there are plenty of *** starved young men out
i don't care to have a persuasion...
to deal in these matters...

my cat woke me up at4:30am
couldn't go back to sleep:
music? what music?!
SMNR: whatever that acronym stands for:
i would rather listen to the sound
of rain against a tent:
then rain hilt: on a tin roof...
then rain and thunder
then the sound of crashing waves...
i don't care for music
i already know not to care for sport
i was working with one  WAGWAN
woman... and some African gremlin (sized)

i still care about music
the Green Mile:
but i was there for the Percy Wetmore
such a simple Christ
no more agonizing paradoxes
O: oculus per oculus...
no: you first: thirst: turn the other cheek!
burying naked feet...

i wasn't there for the graces, and god...:

Braille: came the "despots": i need a library
if i'll be moving to Kauiai...
i need a library...

i pay my dew with dues:
should my doctor be my ogliest
U... huel: bananna flavor...
400kcal... but the amount of protein...
then this evening:
because by now the night:
a bunch of children walking against
until one voice made
Dasein: there's concern to be had
about being conscious, mortal, alive...

because i was pushed to the side:
but i understood:
the necessary ****
of crowd of *****
and one only one of a billion
experiencing the burden and pardon
of atomized consciousness...
as ***** then ape then man
what closet of history to be having
to have to keep...

i switched from whiskey to *****...
my temperament is stricter: wiser:
more prone to acknowledging self-mistaking
self-propeller with self-block-blockage-also-alias-a-self.

new *****: artsian spelling my-stakes:
away from rye and whiskers, mrs.:
party boy drinks only *****
prayer boy drinks whiskey straight: at a party:
please don't confuse or conflate
         ooh: the 007 chills!

— The End —