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He Pa'amon Nov 2019
I have nowhere to go
nothing to do
no one to be.


Splayed out, face to the sky
let the ground consume me
let me melt into the floor and float
down a river of onyx oblivion.


Hovering between inhalation and exhalation
let silence tattoo itself onto the back
of my lids
and stillness weave itself amongst my ribs.

Soham- I am that.
pluck the glad strings of my
kind One
while I rest in Your lap
beneath Diana’s Grecian moon
and the dulcet notes of Your Love
no worldly words
no hidden petitions or agendas
only the
sound of Your holy breath
blowing soham

I am He
Rama Krsna Jul 2019
in the rarified air of kilimanjaro
damsel vyomakesi
sporting parrot in hand
recluse vyomakesa
to another game of wanton love making

some five thousand feet below....

i battle
step by step
ambling into the den of lassitude

intellection and fervor dissipate
until that experiential void is hit
as frugal breaths get consumed
for unalloyed endurance
at that razor’s edge
between life and death

just then
the root mantra of subsistence
alights the anima
it whispers

iceberg mendicant
you take a pause
from that fervid dalliance
with the galactic enchantress
to throw my way, an entranced smile

hermetical vyoma
armed with that beam
i’ve now merged
with the macrocosm

I watch the
sea breathe
from the deck of the ship
indigo ribbons
skittle across the ocean's
vast billowing blue breast
the wind breathes too
in fact, everything is breathing
one mighty breath
inhaling and exhaling me, the ship and this whole
luminous creation
He comes to me with

wings of the morning

Sunlight in his eyes

I awake to love

Dawn rises in Krishna's eyes

Hear the celestial Conch

I awake to love

The Splendor of His breath

Fulfills me

a glittering star

I awake to love
chitragupta Mar 2019
Dear Granny,

I saw someone
a week ago,
In the streets
on my way back home..

Her wrinkled skin burnt by the Sun
Her attire frayed and patched with dust
An empty oil can of crumpled tin
A humble sum peeks shyly from within
Her hand stretched, a cup formed from her palms
It shakes too furiously to beg for alms
She speaks a language alien to me
Yet her eyes tell me a universal story
A tale of a debt that was never paid
Kindness was dealt a hand of apathy instead
And the care with which a seedling grows
Was not returned as winter crept close
Because fall came and went, and the old leaves are spent
Shed across the city streets, with none to speak for the dead

Like the world around me I know not
why I should care
Her face is that of a stranger to me
Yet I keep waking up
on account of these dreams
A similar picture, a similar scene
And at the heart of it
The face is yours,

Do not neglect the old. As you wouldn't be neglected as the young.
The golden rule.
Soham Shah May 2018
I feel magical, beautiful, heavenly wonderful;
Whenever I look at you,
The sunrise at the dawn, its beauty up above
And yes, those pearly dews,

Up above, the sky is bright, azuring
And makes me smile, I wanna drive you there,
The way you talk, way you chat,
The way you love, the way you move,
Always makes me overwhelm!

You’re my kryptonite, my soul stone
I’ll chase you, never leave,
I’ll never ever let you go;
Oh! Look there, the sky ends,
Yes, I see the golden lines;
Sheening up the horizon!

The sun blazing overhead, birds nestling in their nests,
It’s basically a hot summer noon;
When I look, into your eyes, I get so much hypnotized,
I’m mesmerized, oh; I swear!

It’s now the evening, the summer’s dusk,
Divine ecstasy, splendidly,
I witness the nature’s painting skills;
You baffle me, you dazzle me,
You amuse me totally,
Girl, tell me the spells
The enchantments on me you did!

The glittering stars at the night,
The singing trees, the clear skies
And the breeze that plays your hair;

You’re my princess, you’re my queen
Oh, my “Captain Marvel” where have you been?
I love you to the moon and back!

This is a poem connecting nature and love. One part describes by eternal love for my girl and the other part draws the summer day from dawn to dusk. Also you can enjoy the marvel reference in it.
Abby May 2018
I read on a poem on a wintery day
Some kind of soham:
Nothing gold can stay.
And even this saying might be much true,
So much is staying
That is golden too.
So much you can't touch,
So much you can't see,
So much of you
Forever in me.
For Time can take,
And Time can break,
Things we've touched
And things we've seen
But Time, Valensa,
My love of Provença,
Can nothing do to what we have been.
Valensa is the heroine of a now forgotten story quoted in a medieval French song, "A chantar mer".

— The End —