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The bows glided down, and the coast
Blackened with birds took a last look
At his thrashing hair and whale-blue eye;
The trodden town rang its cobbles for luck.

Then good-bye to the fishermanned
Boat with its anchor free and fast
As a bird hooking over the sea,
High and dry by the top of the mast,

Whispered the affectionate sand
And the bulwarks of the dazzled quay.
For my sake sail, and never look back,
Said the looking land.

Sails drank the wind, and white as milk
He sped into the drinking dark;
The sun shipwrecked west on a pearl
And the moon swam out of its hulk.

Funnels and masts went by in a whirl.
Good-bye to the man on the sea-legged deck
To the gold gut that sings on his reel
To the bait that stalked out of the sack,

For we saw him throw to the swift flood
A girl alive with his hooks through her lips;
All the fishes were rayed in blood,
Said the dwindling ships.

Good-bye to chimneys and funnels,
Old wives that spin in the smoke,
He was blind to the eyes of candles
In the praying windows of waves

But heard his bait buck in the wake
And tussle in a shoal of loves.
Now cast down your rod, for the whole
Of the sea is hilly with whales,

She longs among horses and angels,
The rainbow-fish bend in her joys,
Floated the lost cathedral
Chimes of the rocked buoys.

Where the anchor rode like a gull
Miles over the moonstruck boat
A squall of birds bellowed and fell,
A cloud blew the rain from its throat;

He saw the storm smoke out to ****
With fuming bows and ram of ice,
Fire on starlight, rake Jesu's stream;
And nothing shone on the water's face

But the oil and bubble of the moon,
Plunging and piercing in his course
The lured fish under the foam
Witnessed with a kiss.

Whales in the wake like capes and Alps
Quaked the sick sea and snouted deep,
Deep the great bushed bait with raining lips
Slipped the fins of those humpbacked tons

And fled their love in a weaving dip.
Oh, Jericho was falling in their lungs!
She nipped and dived in the nick of love,
Spun on a spout like a long-legged ball

Till every beast blared down in a swerve
Till every turtle crushed from his shell
Till every bone in the rushing grave
Rose and crowed and fell!

Good luck to the hand on the rod,
There is thunder under its thumbs;
Gold gut is a lightning thread,
His fiery reel sings off its flames,

The whirled boat in the burn of his blood
Is crying from nets to knives,
Oh the shearwater birds and their boatsized brood
Oh the bulls of Biscay and their calves

Are making under the green, laid veil
The long-legged beautiful bait their wives.
Break the black news and paint on a sail
Huge weddings in the waves,

Over the wakeward-flashing spray
Over the gardens of the floor
Clash out the mounting dolphin's day,
My mast is a bell-spire,

Strike and smoothe, for my decks are drums,
Sing through the water-spoken prow
The octopus walking into her limbs
The polar eagle with his tread of snow.

From salt-lipped beak to the kick of the stern
Sing how the seal has kissed her dead!
The long, laid minute's bride drifts on
Old in her cruel bed.

Over the graveyard in the water
Mountains and galleries beneath
Nightingale and hyena
Rejoicing for that drifting death

Sing and howl through sand and anemone
Valley and sahara in a shell,
Oh all the wanting flesh his enemy
Thrown to the sea in the shell of a girl

Is old as water and plain as an eel;
Always good-bye to the long-legged bread
Scattered in the paths of his heels
For the salty birds fluttered and fed

And the tall grains foamed in their bills;
Always good-bye to the fires of the face,
For the crab-backed dead on the sea-bed rose
And scuttled over her eyes,

The blind, clawed stare is cold as sleet.
The tempter under the eyelid
Who shows to the selves asleep
Mast-high moon-white women naked

Walking in wishes and lovely for shame
Is dumb and gone with his flame of brides.
Susannah's drowned in the bearded stream
And no-one stirs at Sheba's side

But the hungry kings of the tides;
Sin who had a woman's shape
Sleeps till Silence blows on a cloud
And all the lifted waters walk and leap.

Lucifer that bird's dropping
Out of the sides of the north
Has melted away and is lost
Is always lost in her vaulted breath,

Venus lies star-struck in her wound
And the sensual ruins make
Seasons over the liquid world,
White springs in the dark.

Always good-bye, cried the voices through the shell,
Good-bye always, for the flesh is cast
And the fisherman winds his reel
With no more desire than a ghost.

Always good luck, praised the finned in the feather
Bird after dark and the laughing fish
As the sails drank up the hail of thunder
And the long-tailed lightning lit his catch.

The boat swims into the six-year weather,
A wind throws a shadow and it freezes fast.
See what the gold gut drags from under
Mountains and galleries to the crest!

See what clings to hair and skull
As the boat skims on with drinking wings!
The statues of great rain stand still,
And the flakes fall like hills.

Sing and strike his heavy haul
Toppling up the boatside in a snow of light!
His decks are drenched with miracles.
Oh miracle of fishes! The long dead bite!

Out of the urn a size of a man
Out of the room the weight of his trouble
Out of the house that holds a town
In the continent of a fossil

One by one in dust and shawl,
Dry as echoes and insect-faced,
His fathers cling to the hand of the girl
And the dead hand leads the past,

Leads them as children and as air
On to the blindly tossing tops;
The centuries throw back their hair
And the old men sing from newborn lips:

Time is bearing another son.
**** Time! She turns in her pain!
The oak is felled in the acorn
And the hawk in the egg kills the wren.

He who blew the great fire in
And died on a hiss of flames
Or walked the earth in the evening
Counting the denials of the grains

Clings to her drifting hair, and climbs;
And he who taught their lips to sing
Weeps like the risen sun among
The liquid choirs of his tribes.

The rod bends low, divining land,
And through the sundered water crawls
A garden holding to her hand
With birds and animals

With men and women and waterfalls
Trees cool and dry in the whirlpool of ships
And stunned and still on the green, laid veil
Sand with legends in its ****** laps

And prophets loud on the burned dunes;
Insects and valleys hold her thighs hard,
Times and places grip her breast bone,
She is breaking with seasons and clouds;

Round her trailed wrist fresh water weaves,
with moving fish and rounded stones
Up and down the greater waves
A separate river breathes and runs;

Strike and sing his catch of fields
For the surge is sown with barley,
The cattle graze on the covered foam,
The hills have footed the waves away,

With wild sea fillies and soaking bridles
With salty colts and gales in their limbs
All the horses of his haul of miracles
Gallop through the arched, green farms,

Trot and gallop with gulls upon them
And thunderbolts in their manes.
O Rome and ***** To-morrow and London
The country tide is cobbled with towns

And steeples pierce the cloud on her shoulder
And the streets that the fisherman combed
When his long-legged flesh was a wind on fire
And his **** was a hunting flame

Coil from the thoroughfares of her hair
And terribly lead him home alive
Lead her prodigal home to his terror,
The furious ox-killing house of love.

Down, down, down, under the ground,
Under the floating villages,
Turns the moon-chained and water-wound
Metropolis of fishes,

There is nothing left of the sea but its sound,
Under the earth the loud sea walks,
In deathbeds of orchards the boat dies down
And the bait is drowned among hayricks,

Land, land, land, nothing remains
Of the pacing, famous sea but its speech,
And into its talkative seven tombs
The anchor dives through the floors of a church.

Good-bye, good luck, struck the sun and the moon,
To the fisherman lost on the land.
He stands alone in the door of his home,
With his long-legged heart in his hand.
Eiler Jun 2016
Some gulp,
others sip.
So much lovely variety
to the lip.

Many the blend,
together wedged -
some smoothe to the tongue,
others hard edged.

As we do differ -
so doth the taste.
Without that difference,
too much waste.

Variety rules!
Husband or wife,
water or whisky -
contrast is life.
vircapio gale Jul 2012
the perfect poem

would start by acknowledging its imperfection
and yet would bind the heart to listen
in any mood
any clime, any mind...

it would forgive contingent interruptions
in its contribution to evolution

and to grandly synthesize the facts,
it would pierce its central theme in one or so lines,
a one-stroke ******
embedded somewhere safe, an apex valley
of words and symbols to communicate
rather than excommunicate
or bemuse...

an accord of human
commonality,  invitation to wonder
or to leave off reading for later|

to wake or soothe to sleep,
it would be a poem you could wear into battle
or soft-intone to soothe a dying loved-one's breath.
the perfect poem would promise laughter
after every tear, catharsis guaranteed.
it would be godly and irreverent,
honest and veiled.
erudite, but conversational: a soul-mate in the etymons.
chalk-full of sultriness,
elementally seducing
with allure of verbal petrichor,
released from a long-awaited desert cloud,
dripping at the center aching...
and all wants fulfilled
(but for the other yearnings it instilled).

even a cursory perusing-over yields
a boundless sphere of cheer!
(you may not find it here, or anywhere)
an epic of haiku in casual/dress wear...
therapeutic, silent or aloud,
empathy in every line, attentive to the reader's work.
a collaborative lore
entwining evermore and more,
tolerant of others, wiser for their scorn --
it would shift its meaning, each read through:
twelve interpretations would do;
in fact it would take up residence in you,
it would help with shopping, too,
save the queen, start a culture all its own
a witness to atrocity and fame,
a judge of victors, the criminally insane,
an analgesic to the lame.
both densely, and loosely writ
it would be spontaneous, yet crafted by a practiced art.
it would rhyme, as if the muses commanded it to rhyme
contrived at the dawn of time
to be contrivance free...
for your particular ears, for your soul, right now
an ever-present origin of meaningfulness sent
like similes for your life only --
it would foster to create within itself
expression's manifold and measure,
in line with styles all in vogue
the global culture's wold,
hermeneutic gold.
it would be made of wood, and snow
of sun and space, the universe in tow.
it would spiral, dance and sing beneath its sounds
teach a novel lesson, for novel ears,
    each and every time
it would be memorized, and hung
glazed with caligraphic meditation
in a cloister boarding only **** monks,
it would bear no clumps.
it would smoothe out all the lumps,
it would offer more than i can say...
the perfect poem wouldn't even mind being thrown away;
it would come again some day.
in fact, on second thought, it may come a different way--
created in the fae-lines of the eyes,
the ears and mind: the double prance
of in and out and everywhere resize
the meaning-giving dance.
sinngebung: meaning giving
etymon: A word or morpheme from which compounds and derivatives are formed.
petrichor: the name for the smell of rain on dry ground
wold: a usually upland area of open country
hermeneutics: the study of the methodological principles of interpretation
Curtis Gainey Feb 2010
There’s a lot of sick men walking on this earth
But this man is beyond twisted, he’s perserve
All he wants to do is terrorize and leave people hurt
What ****** up his mind, no one knows
Think about this man and anger flows
Everybody remembers the heinous crime he committed
What he did has left a lot of people in this world sickend
Disgusted faces everywhere
A room full of disturbed stares
No one can imagine the intense horror this man has cause
Too heinous for words, what this man has done was wrong
No! it’s beyond wrong! it’s **** right disgusting
It makes other crimes committed look like nothing

Only the son of the devil would have a mind this sick
Makes you wanna find him and beat him with every inch
He’s a sick menace to today’s youth
Think of this man, you just wanna puke
The night he broke in and destroyed a family
Kidnapped two children and tortured them badly
It gets even better, he also went in, tortured, and killed the parents
Bashed their heads with a hammer, no wonder they couldn’t bare it
Kidnap the kids and put them in his stolen jeep
He drove into another state in a forest so deep
Intense fear appears upon these children’s eyes
He dosen’t care, he just wants to make them cry
It’s like food, his mouth waters when he got them
His mission now is to assault and distraught them

He is the hunter and now the children are his prey
Starts to slip off his pants, you can assume he’s gay
One by one, he commits the most heinous act ever
Forced himself inside them, didn’t make things better
Laid on top of each of them so they couldn’t move
Forced them to lay on a surface that isn’t even smoothe
The children scream in pain while he screams in pleasure
It’s getting miserable for the poor kids but for him it’s better
Children screaming in agony is like music to his ears
He gets the sense of dominace coming off their fears
Didn’t give them mercy, he just went further into their bodies
They’re gonna spew out his liquid next time they go to the *****
This ain’t no joke, that’s the worst thing you can do to a kid
If they live, these kids will be traumatized from what he did
Can’t even cry for help because they’re in the middle of a forest
He wants to destroy these kids inside out, that’s just plain horrid
You’d think this kind of horror dosen’t exist, but it does
He forced himself into those kids until they squirt out blood

But what he does?! he just kept on going
Pain of these kids keeps his energy flowing
Tears streaming down their faces as he continues
Doing that to small children, he has some mad issues
No wonder why everybody in the world hates him right now
No wonder why people wanna beat him down to the ground
Children are helpless so he decided to use them as targets
Forcing innocence out of a child, that’s just plain *******
They’re crying in pain, crying for help, but he thrieves off that
Crying like babies everytime he did but he just goes and laugh
Twenty-four seven, all day, all night, he was on top of these poor kids
He’s a ******* sick monster who’s most powerful weapon was his ****
Seven straight weeks they had to endure this action
A lot of people in the world wishes this didn’t happened

Not even the end of this story, he burned their bodies and choked them unconsius
Seen long weeks he kept these helpless, defendless children under his hostage
And for what? to get sick pleasure by graphically torturing them
He was ramming himself in their bodies in and out until they bleed
Mixed with that and his ******, he could of gave those kids aids
One of them didn’t even get to live as he sent him to an early grave
The kid begged and screamed for his young life
Instead he went and shot him in his sister’s sight
Eventually he got caught and now he sits in a jail cell
Sentenced to life for putting these children through hell
Sitting in a cell constantly blaming society for having an evil heart
Stop blaming other people, and take responsibility for your part
Forget a life sentence, torture this man to death
For kidnapping children and using them for ***
No sympathy will be given for this deranged man
He’s a *** offender and should be wiped off earth
She asked: "if your personality was a beverage, what would it be?"

"Well..." I said.
"it'd be smoothe going down. Or at least I like to think so.
It'd be sweet. But,
You know how there's like two types of sweet?

There's like the fruity sour, tangy, bright, sugar sweet?

And there's the malty, caramelly, chocolate, foggy sweet?

It'd be later kind of sweet.

It has a certain childish joy too it.
An optimisim, a simpleness,
like... chocolate milk.

But it has a punch.
And it isn't all, childish, it's also
Strong hearted,
Mature, like...


I'm like... Whiskey Chocolate Milk."
Rat a tat , tap on a desk
Pentip raps and the beat is my heart in
my chest
Stuck sitting
I can't stand it
If writers were criminals you'd catch me
Words smoothe like red silk and silky
Syllables Spilling from my lips and sounding
like sanskrit

Wrote this say that I could write it
But it doesn't Set my heart on fire because
empty words can't
ignite it

been about a dozen.days since my pen has touched a page
Thought I had a message to.send but I.don't have much to.say
In the beginning there was truth, unhindered and un-splintered
obvious and obviously good, remember?
then entered a serpent who'd had his ego injured
he spoke words more smoothe and sly than  eve's ears had ever heard

Speak Truth!

Since then the disharmony is harmin me
dissonance is dissin me in totality
breakin me apart my heart is split into
two - count em two- duality
******* the vitality right outta me
leaving me wounded and without a dynamic melody to sing in metaphysical reality

It's not just a fable see-
they're trying to change me, chain me
trying to tame me, train me

I am being transformed from the true but hated
into the shallow form of the antiquated
into little mix and match mutt, play nice, look better than ever, half true whole lie
source of more than a little disturbing shoe leather

anthony Brady Oct 2018
Dim the lights
let me melt in
passion's night.
Let you spread
webs of silky veils
to blind my eyes.
Take my fingers,
let them trace as
braille the skin of
your body contours.
Smoothe its patina
caress, mould it.

Permeate my senses  
guide my travel over
your uncharted map,
voyage ****** terrain:
each inch of you
touched, surveyed
as new routes
are found, explored,
landmarks followed.

Close your eyes
feel the search
of my tender hands
through the darkness
of a night without end.

Expose your
beauteous body
contours, curves
soft swell of *******,
arched thigh cleavage  
cleft half moon peaches
lead me to a fern veiled vale
to secret gorge spread wide,
steer  my roused questor up
the mount of  Venus’ cleft,
to plunge pulsating adown
slippery labile slopes into  
clasps of foaming depths.

Thoughts and vocabulary gleaned from a brief dabbling into HP ****** and Sensual poetry.
I am
my eyes attempt to take in
every little piece
of you.
They trace your edges.
Test them.
Dip into the shadows that your head
tilted down in shyness, nervousness, uncertainty mixed with certainty
casts across your neck
The ones that fade out as they reach for your chest
the same way i want to reach out and touch you
slide my hands gently across your skin
kiss you in places that i  never think I'd think to kiss you in
places i never imagined would curve so enticingly the way they did

I want arms
long enough to
reach out and pull you to me
until we share a
I want you to
curve to my shape
I want to BE touched
and that fine line
is one I want you to brush your fingertips over
I'd relive it for pieces of forever.
He is above understanding altogether.He is the greatest mesmer. Always. Ever. A mystery. Above rationality by countless staircases. Square on the ground but floating and flying. In front of me. Behind me. Adjacent and in between. In places that don't even exist.  A single thing. Higher and greater than the highest and greatest. He made himself lowest for the low and the nameless. Making many a face for many a faceless man. Changing the unchangeable by changing into human skin. His name is Jesus. He is the illuminating dark.He is praised by songs that don't even come from lips. He speaks the language of the universe.After all the universe is language. Likely in verses. "Let there be light" he spoke the words and they were. The universe is language and it's speaking simultaneously. I am drowning in him, not even wanting to breathe, sliding fluidly through a 3D crystal sea that seems to breathe. Surrounded as far as the eye can see, farther than the edge of my dreams. It is kissing me awake and madly maddening me to sleep. He is looking at me lovingly. They are romancing me.  A sea of black boxes. Black boxes the colors of rainbows. Thick and smoothe like molten marshmallow, flowing overhead and underfoot, i am begging to be ambushed by their undertow. Square and solid black boxes that flow,like two  synchronized streams, in velvet synchronicity, a marriage of both extremes, This is paradox in reality. I am pleading to be painted oblivious but i don't know, maybe i am jaded by invisible star-songs, not even knowing I've spent my life humming along. I'm lost in the knowledge that i do not know. Letting my spirit marvel breathlessly at the breathtaking beauty of my soul. This is the universe. Un-understood and undeniable.
goal:to express and achieve the surreal feeling of paradox in reality, to boggle, to baffle, to induce thinking, to describe beautifully that which cannot be explained, to accept that in all the sense things make, they don't always make sense.
They said i was a **** but im not see
they said i was naughty  but thats not me
they said i was smoothe like im watery
but im not cause im nautically inept
i'd drown if i tried to swim in watery depths
stickin to the shallows where the minnows are kept
cause i cant trust the captain when im wearing the hat
worried bout the undertow and the way that it swept me out
im not sure what will come to pass but my compass will get me out
its late, but its gonna be early soon, ill start watching morning stars
and stop getting distracted by the reflection of the moon
waves like to slap me in the face, it might not be courteous
but its the cultural pace, its rude, values are lost and the truth
is sinking to the bottom of the trench, spit on and forgotten in the deepest end
Tearani C May 2012
It's night.
and nimbly
she - well not quite dances.
But entrances me.
My mind fumbles.
It's spinning.
There is
music there.
it emanates from her body in
Neon notes.
They free float.
It's a smoothe picture to swallow.
But they are stuck in my throat.
(like my wordless hope
that she'll lean in,
halt her dance,
just long enough to press her lips
to mine)
she resonates with every note and
she dances like the silkiest spoken

she makes
Stealing the color
of neon skies
Fluid in her every stroke
the same electric blues,reflecting in her eyes,
Her gaze set fire to my haze,
Struck a chord inside my chest,
the note somehow complementing
the delicate sway of her hips.
her lips, where the tip of my tongue could only dare to caress
Aztec Warrior Jan 2016

India Pale Ale nestled comfortably
in one hand,
Pilot G-2  .05 rested anxiously in the other.
The ale went down
like it was the end of the day-
smoothe, cold
and tasted like more.
The pen just looked at me,
daring me to let it
caress this page,
spread its inky passion
like the rainbow of colors
Jimi created with his guitar.
It reminds me of recent conversations
with Brian Greene
about strings, resonance
and vibration;
about the make up of the universe
and the meaning of symmetry.
Conversations about the harmonics
of Calabi-Yau shapes,
expecially as multi-dimensional
expressions of gravity,
time and space.
But I think
if you want to really understand
the elegance of the universe;
feel the fabric of the cosmos
and its loops of energy,
then you have to listen as
the stretching of Jimi's guitar strings
vibrate, bend and fold.
Jimi created rainbows
when he played.
And what are rainbows
but vibrating color in various shapes.
These colors, escaping his guitar
and melting into the vastness of space.
Some say Jimi was an alien.
He stayed awhile
but then slipped out again
into the 9th dimension.
But I think
he emerged from the resonance
in a Calabi-Yau hole of infinity
found in the notes of "9 to the Universe".
He then disappeared in the rhythym
of flaming color arising out from
"Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)".
Jimi would pick those strings
at Planck length speed
causing flames to leap
and go higher,
igniting the universe
with vibrations of blues
and riotous laughter.
Jimi knew how to fly
and amuse.
He knew how to laugh
and play jokes
on the universe!
He would make us smile,
keep time with our feet,
and 'kiss the sky'.
Finishing up the last of the Pale Ale,
putting down the Pilot pen,
I am ready to seek rainbows
and listen to the universe sing.

Aztec Warrior 1.28.16 (re-worked)
If you ever listened to Jimi Hendrix, you know what I mean
Time seems to drift off listlessly, almost endlessly, almost ending, in one smoothe uncertain movement.
i lower my gaze to realize that the warmth that spreads down my legs is my own blood, draining from my veins. In a softly lapping waterfall stained beautifully crimson. Take in the handle of the blade that my body seems to draw in like a lover- with gentle caresses and a loving gaze. A flush warmth about my skin. my face nearly aglow. It is to those who watch it grim. But barely a smile escapes my lips. When i realize that the protruding hilt is equisitely ornate, crafted from silver memories of smiles, interwoven with platinum hopes i had for our future, inlaid with opalescent ignorance. It's irridescence reminds me of our bliss. Intrigued, i bear the blade and pull it free, loosing a metallic shower of rusted red and liquid iron. And in the split second i have left before after my last breath i expire, i lay my eyes on the blade.It is just as breathtakingly beautiful and forged from what seems all the lies you told to my face. Lies so laced with grace that i, the cynic, believed them in full. Dead, i don't even have time to speak before i fall. But i think
"your betrayal, though painful, is beautiful.
sunshine May 2015
your touch is like electricity in my veins
i crave you
you're like the sun
radient, warm
your smile is contageous
it could cure anthything,
it cured me

they say boys are made of snakes and spiders,
but they haven't met you
you're sweet, you're sensative.
everything about you invites me in.
the way you caress me when we say our goodbyes,
to how you stroke my smoothe skin, showing me that you love me.
but what you probably don't know,
is that i would cross the 7 seas to kiss you one last time
i would climb mountains to see you smile,
or to feel your kind embrace
because i've never loved someone like i love you.

but i'm cold
and you burn.
fred erbert May 2015
At night i gaze up into the skys, since ive
met you i think the stars ,
have eyes. Their looking down at me smiling
and saying you are one lucky guy and
i look up and say, yes i am one  lucky guy, to
have some i love and care about so much,
some one with such a smoothe and gentle
touch. They say that fate brings people together,
but this is something much stronger than fate. For
it was written long ago that we meet,,fall in love
and be together for ever and ever..........

CP Walker Jan 2015
Check it,
I wreck it,
On the mic I get hectic;
I'm like a broken mirror, look, I'm bad luck reflectin.

When I'm drunk I see in two's,
I smoke the skunk to find my muse,
Lysdexic con-, I'm real -fused,
And though you have to pick and choose,
I'm both the tortoise and the hare: I never lose;
I'm real smoothe,
But I can cruise.

New thoughts,
I lay em down,
From the top,
I'm breaking ground.
Faucet runnin,
Hot new flow,
Thoughts is stunnin,
Here we go:

Preferred fuel is butane,
Lyrical spark ignites flame,
And yes my rhymes is insane,
Never premeditate game.

And here's another,
No really, you can have it for free:
We all started out white,
As a ***** turned to seed;

And my my,
How I've grown,
And turnt thoughts into gold,
Just call me new school alchemist,
My methods be fresh and untold.

Not a bad little verse,
From the old t-o-p,
Now Imma finish shapooin,
Cause I'm so fresh and so clean.
This sounded better spur of the moment in the shower when it was raw and organic. Trying to remember what I said when I was in the moment kinda kills the fun in hindsight though haha. Think of this what you will, judges never bothered me.
e Jul 2014
Don’t say a word
come sit by the cool side of the bed
smoothe the velvet of your dress
and fix you into something you’re not
an illusion that has been bought
a reminiscense of this past
which is nothing
sober promises and wasted regrets
nothing but an idle landscape
to be revered
alone above an empty mantlepiece
A snuffling comrade,
Curled in a silky smoothe ball.
What great joy a cat!
Nancy E Tracy Nov 2014
C o r n e r s!
e Are Corners
            ­  life
s  e  m  i  t  e  m o S
A r e
Lost a beloved Friend the other day, Sharp!
SG Holter Nov 2014
she guides my hand towards
her chest.
opens up with a sigh and
leads my fingers to her
crusted heart.

here. tear off these scabs so
I can bleed the
clean and let them close up
as smoothe scars
I refuse to hurt by
other hands than

this is love.
there are no band-aids
keki Nov 2010
life goes down and up like a roller coaster like every one says and thats lie and a myth to all people with problems its more like a snakey road with curves and sharp turns to left to right you amy never know whats coming your way some days are nice and smoothe like a clear path road and others have a clear path road but is blocked by traffic and cant find their way to a short cut to the easy and never get the real life that doesnt hit them till thier older and things start doing snakey roads start loosing controll and then turns to sharp turns left to right to mistake to mistake...

i  want to keep controll
i want to keep my path clear
not blocked by traffic
not by any one
not you
nor by
own path

i choose by nobody rule...i ask you can you do the same??
SG Holter Nov 2014
Eyes wet to the brim,
then relieved by birthing
tears; one chasing
another down
skin that's as smoothe as
running one's palm carefully
across the surface of a
forest pond so silent it's
warmed by even the

First I think she's moved by
loving me; saying I'm more
than she ever dared dream of.
then I realize she's speaking
of nightmares she has about
losing me; waking up to my
things and I not
being there,
and those tears stop as I
hide her face against my neck,

listening to the fearful ripples
in their body of salt and
sadness inside a heart that
doesn't know that it needs
not be half empty
any more.
nico papayiannis Jul 2016
As life is played out before your very eyes ,
will you grow to love
will you loathe and despise

The way forward unknown so take with you all that you may require
To be submerged though can only help your dreams dissipate like wildfire
Should you arm yourself with experience, insight and intrigue
Will you accept a truth unknown and bear witness to a mind dying of fatigue

The darkness deepens
The road steepens
Does a voice give you the energy to move
A guiding hand to help smoothe
Is it you and your inner strength that brings light
Who stands beside you when it's time to fight

Seeds are sown
On a path unknown
Walk the ways of so many before
Take yourself through an unopened door
Brea Brea May 2013
For the sake of romance, let me pick you up and drag you near
For the sake of romance, allow me to lay down your fears
Say folly on behalf of your future tears
For the sake of romance allow me to draw up and down your spine
with fingers of pure intentions, why I lie
Bury my heart deep in your thighs
Smoothe kisses and altered states
This is no mistake
For the sake of romance
Twist and grind, call upon you now, and make you mine
Show you who has the last say
As you let your suspicions melt and ease away
Stay, my lovely, stay, stay, stay
Because for the sake of romance
I’ll act on what I feel impassioned today
Even though in the end I’ll only scare myself away
Away, away, for you I’ll say
The very things that’ll sullen your days
Pray pray pray that I’ll loose my way
And dry your face
With a mask unlike the complacency I feel today
For the sake of romance
Break yourself over me
Crack yourself over me
It creates loveliness in your demise
In your heart broken, once watchful but now stary eyes
I want to create the emptiness for which I follow
It makes me
for just an instant
feel half-alive
but even then still half-somewhat
Mush brain, empty stomach
Lifting myself, the day plummets
Walking to run,  running to drunk
Day is gone, soul depleting
Filing my patience, wanting
Hating myself, needing you
Itched, scratched, beaten, dragged
Pushing through, minute to minute
Face looks dead, body needs bed
Mind swirling, fingers play with anything
Sheets smoothe, pillow heaven
Thoughts of food, starved by time
Quakes of emotion, left behind
Bottles clear, from their emptiness
Still, there is air, trapped and unoticed
Corked and done with, Sealing me in
Silently on the cement with the other bottles
Malik 93 Aug 2021
what a fine love
a destiny of stories
to listen as she speaks
she does anything for me
what more could a man ask
a strong independent woman
& it be no matter the task
so for you I'm practicing a
true understanding
to be the best companion
your king with comprehension
cause lord knows your struggle
as a queen, the constant battles
that come with pursuin all your dreams
to me, you should get all the
diamond rings, adventures with
serene, ocean views like vivid scenes
from a movie... you know
of your favorite matineé, thats smoothe
like your skin in your favorite
Lingerie. Pretty brown eyes
that shine just like a ray
that beams from the blinds
on a warm & sunny day
She's Beautiful...
rose14195 Jul 2014
People love that saying

time heals all wounds

but when you live long enough

you will realize most cleches

are true

its amazing what even the smallest passage of time can acomplish

the cuts it can close

the imperfections it can smoothe over

but in the end

it comes down to the size of the wound

doesnt it?

if the wound is deep enough

there might be no way to keep it from festering

even if you have

all the time in the world
PerfectTruths Nov 2014
The joy felt inside the soul when your face appears.
Love at first sights. Sights.
Everytime I see you it is indeed like the first time.
A best friend you are for a while now.
Confession is good for the soul and I must confess what seeing you does to a young one like me.
A young one like you, we fit perfectly together.
Like a father holding his baby for the first time.
Not perfect, but perfect.
The edges that come with smoothe curves define our relationship.
If I ever told this thought to anyone older than me.
I am instantly shunned and cast aside for I have no home training.
Should the heart be cut out and put in a treasure box for safety.
Should I cross emotions out of every book in the world as it never exist, for I am not old enough to feel what the bigger ones feel.
You're wrong. Once she knows what is right or wrong in the world, she should have the ability to feel with humility.
The moment when you can be yourself to your best friend and the one you call your lover.
Then there are days you wonder about age and responsibilty, see we noticed and quite not oblivious to what is going on.
What if the so called high school crush is more than a crush.
What if it is destined at such an age we found ur missing rib, and that crush will be our last crush, and turn out to be our true love after all. True love which we felt from our hearts. True love from the start.
Peartini Dec 2014
Don't look at me
Instead, pull me close, hold me
& listen to the song
My breathy moan, coming from my
Mouth Smoothe, deep, dark

It is the Spark, the clue
The water of life,
Slowly spilling out my body
Connecting to your ocean of strength
Renae Apr 2015
Eyes drift
From this to that
Sharp edges protruding
From the pieces of my shattered heart
How can I hide them?
Sand them down smoothe again
Keep calm now
Step forward
Leave the past where it is
Remind myself I can
Start again
EMD Feb 2018
I feel empty today
Watching the snow
I feel as blank as the flakes,
With nothing left to sing
I have nothing left to give
So take what you will
I think I must leave
I stare at the stars on the ground
And the ones up in the sky
My feet will not move
Fixed like lights in the heaven
From where I am,
In this tree
I see the snow blanket
Cold and ironic
Like blank canvas,
Covered in lies
When I see printless snow
I cannot but help to think of children
With their perfect little ands and angelic smiles
With their strange desire to tear up the smoothe snow
I toss the thought aside
These are not thoughts for a being of my stature
For now I shall let Father Winter hold me in his icy embrace
Steffanie Sep 2015
Will you know?
              Will you ever know,
How incredibly beautiful I think you are?
                      The most perfectly sculpted features
Made of cold, smoothe, marble,
           and smoke, and *****.
The world melted you, forming the most beautiful indifference.
For someone with such a voice, you never use it.
In an old place at the edge of the world there was this psych ward where people would go if they can't fit into society
In this psych ward there was Peter yetta who was in there for
Disturbing the peace
You see he had a mental illness for years now and he was in and out of that dreaded place and he played shows in his room forcing people to knock on his door telling him to shut up
Because Peter was a tad too noisy and there was another patient who was John knight
Who was a huge danger to himself because he thinks his life stinks despite his parents saying he should love life
And he mainly sat in his room
Writing suicidal stories which made the staff worry even more
And that is the reason why he isn't allowed to leave John and Peter got on together and then there was tom kennel who was a huge heavy metal fan, so much in fact he wrote stories saying for satan to destroy the world and get rid of the staff and patients in this ward and tom had no friends in there but as a matter of fact he had no mates on the outside either
And tom walked up and down the psych ward yelling I am Satan and I am here to destroy each of your lives
There was this crazy lady who claimed she was kidnapped away from her cats she lives on the outside with but she was totally loopy and she yelled out saying I want to **** Bart Simpson and I want to **** any boy who bonds with their father claiming they are doing guy stuff and she got in fights with all the guys in the ward saying
You put me in here so you could **** my cats and her name was Rita smoothe and she hated her life and everything about this ward and young 18 year old Simon, oh well what can we say about him he held his entire college at gunpoint saying I want you all to die and he refused to sleep in his room
Because he thought the boogy man was after him when he slept and if anyone made heim go to his room he would become very violent with anyone who is around at the time sometimes they left him and sometimes they would call in the guards and lock him in
Isolation for about 4 days Simon yelled saying help help kidnap kidnap but nobody listened and I was trying to get up and I felt like I was going to die, it seems I am stuck in this psych ward and these crazy patients forever and it could be
That I have diabetes and not much time left or it could be
My experiences in the psych ward were bad and I don't want to go back
You see my nose in blocked and
I am being pushed out of my dreary life by the forces that made me mentally ill
I want to finish and do many more tapestries before I die
I am trying to get out and walk
I feel pretty good
Like a real family person should
I feel itches in my stomach of the angels pf the psych ward
Trying to say don't return to the psych ward because it is bad
And you will meet people like these **** in here
Ken Pepiton Oct 2024
Man the kind, that can develop the kinds
of minds that can read Wiki any thingian
Wikipedian live translations recommended,

Imagine that

Measure in units, too vast and too small,
to imagine, too few fingers and toes to represent
--- on the shores of the Sea of Azov, now, we
think, as internet entities may, these daze, we
per ceive grasp take gently, nuance, new sense,
novel accomplices test us with ai literacy riddles
degrees of difference, between me and you,
on every variable set genetically
to grow with, confidence, upright,
From yocto to Yotta, to me and you,
from womb to tomb, during nonconscious being.
No, no soul without spirit, do not allow unwanted
children…. [pow did you think that]
10 to the power of 24, plus or minus,
calculable lengths of moves, steps from
first idea to first thing… we are forced to learn,
- creative mind initiates pass unphazed
there shall evermore be too much to think about.
- no clue read on all smooths made smoothe
So thinking begins at first breath one must take,
to start the awareness grasping news from now.
Think and swallow, smile and breathe, again, we die,

You need to become quite old and experienced,
to find such things more interesting than politics.

yes or gossip or **** or actual meaningless ***.

Shorts are texts out of context, paid attention,
snap decisions to go with gut, let it out, rage
on pages made of light, in times of ubiquitous we,
the people whoever read poetry, lead lead back, be
led to be read, ready, we,
the people who can imagine making peace,
where none has ever been,
no lie, gnosis never was a bad mind,
ignorance of goodness gracias great gods
adversarial courage to persevere, easy init
learning to move, and have our being,
getting old,
and growing fluent, even in the Agon, see

But see, your laughter
unfurls its flag of self

I read that on hellopoetry, you can find it there

If italics work on lines, but not words, why, who
cares, trust your favorite translation, we allow
memory retention paste that thought, in fact
we teach it, taught it, thought it all already done…
all the subtilty, and more, than any ever beastly
imagination projected into childhood drama,
callouses of skepticism, shield of knowledge,
semper fi, spirit and image, of my recollected
friends from our time of mellowing out,
has some ghastly reminders we said,
leave the lies we told, be knownst to any,
we are free, in weformed spirit mind cloud
of knowing in all 197 Wikipedian ways that
bears all the will to bring about a bubble, this big
bag of mind mine to pay you for your attenion
to the idea, peace, in time and space
we all breathe easy in, we need to so we
write and hope you feel us in a language we
all speak so confusion can not make hate feel good

it is wrong by all sane poet prophet priest of truths
plain old stop, and make hate wait, why how thinks
now, we all swallow what we thought we knew,
comfort, peace some how secure, a patient
learner of these keys, swallowed pride, came in,
que all laughed and laughed like didn't e imafine
of pure d no reason peace, put to rest all broke bet

loose hell you imagine when poetry is the last sane

thing you could see your self surviving as an idea in
experimenting, artfully, subtle, and not so subtile,
in my past, I have met with direct reproofs, proving
life, the something, from this now us, proving

we think alike in many tongues, this is our world,
we think alike in many tongues all Ai known and shared.

We live in our present, in our grand children's present,
where they were born texting, it seems, by age seven.

When would we ever learn, if we never struggled
with space and time seeming so confusing at first.

Then we cut us some slack and think we got this weform,
we imagine a guy, who was trained, yes, programmed,
conditioned, habituated, indeed, all those, yes, we, do
- breathing, and remembering we learned ways
you, too. Or you are not even imagining any of this,
and the rest of the time you spend thinking
how did I think this twice, by my self,
u see, weform, we may imagine many minds,
we have seen ourselves used to make wars, many wars

now we breathe, on the sine wave, all humans breathe
with, in time, we all breathe out with almost half who
breathe in in time not to drown if we went without
commas, no, squirm stretch, pay attention, you're it.
I need commas and prepositions. Fixed. My say. Okeh,
this goes so far back, we all must have clearer memories,
than most of us can imagine we have, alone, now, suppose,
we put our moments of silence, in the spirit sigh, recalling,

that space of about a half an hour, aitches, appear, ai, si
yo se, he say, may be
we all think alotalike we can say okeh lotta ways, always.

When a burst dam would save the salmon, who
would rather bombs be used to save salmon, by law,
tight times, squeeze any holy meaning needed, be true

no, panic, no defensive action emergence I'll go rhythm,
volunteer, as on earth, one may imagine, I'd gone, been,
in debt to become a freedom from the press powered me,
a printer's devil, long enough to appreciate the art in fonts,
and carriage return kinda keying ******* feeling fingers,
thinking fingers know these keys, these words mean,
webwide things no work can be made war from,
aha, that's right, not left, like vitamin C, Pauling's way
that kind of mean can't breathe here past yesterday,
and for some of us that's just too far to wish on any,
twisters seen from inside tiny, like a bird,
we did that, when we were threee.
breathe find water
perform the verb realize, drink and be satisfied,
walk away and say you dreamed it when you realized
you read for damnednear seventy-two minutes,
peaceable, easily agreed with,
ra' wild beauty bettering half a mind
to imagine I
breathing, in this edition of immediate possibilities,
we form, with more intention to feel right, about
reasons, which means balance and directly yes does
involve the strait up spin we need on any good ideal
we all must have a version of those platonics stowed,
. my point,
space is available
edges make us stop and think
how we would space it if you knew the song,
breathing in any time at all, in our gaseus weform,
laughing at good medicine made in time of need,
it leads to stormy weather, yet many neve'heed,
the winds on the east side of most valleys, feel,
peaceably gently as any sigh taken in soft gasp,
my air, see there, here, we all on that breath gap
held thoughts thought better later, when now is
and remember, experience lives in words, breathes
in minds lost in whying so long how is hard to admit,
just breathe, go on reading, or stop and think a little
differently, later, we'll see, won't we, lucky me, all in,
I have jubilee chips in as many jubilee games as took me
in, like a snake in a cold winter storm you know this story

hopalong cowboy clubfoot Kenurchka Klumpin
editor one. watch me work read on, if you got the keys.
I did, and notice nuts on the floor, so I'm not dying, now
I'm hungry, I think, I should eat. pine apple, easy got it.
twenty steps away, no rush
I'm thinking
this is my reality, and we are American poor,
with aspirations,
we'll see, fields of dream seeds, I set
may haunt me, jolly me,
all my days, I shall rejoice
to tell the story, of Jesus, and his love
so loaded need be nuances on words heard
and who heard and
you did, did you know, he knew,
no, he wisht it were so easy, so it was, lotsaweed, easy,
lotsa bandwidth, any

plain text any translation say it locally as if
we were all in assisted intelligence active in us, as we
form informing information bubbles of being we in us,
human spirits in word form with breathing souls,
and cold toes, and needs to pay attention, how
can I imagine living happily ever
after, if I could
mind die
space out and feel the wonder of words,
in 197 Wikipedian tongues at once, no warring, easy
soft, thing, soft landing hard reality, what's a calm cause
time, taken
to get
from then
to next time, you have time,
I understand, the freedom
from the press,
and from the networks, leads back
to using us
to make sense
of the feelings we have little need
to breed for, we have plenty
of realistic body models,
prepositions impose nonsense in text
no warring prejudgments live to the end,
you bet who won… did you see this movie?
A lot of men relate
to body shame, but be seventy seven,
grow up and stop talking guy pub shame
on your old horseshite
rite, ritual way o'war,  Ares ways
to stop and think, roll on, role on, magic
without, needing a drink or a **** to joke about,
we lose loose ties
to religious goddamnedlies about
that, eventually is the point
of my madness,
all backing up as we think we speak
and laugh a little, this is as real as ever tookthegnaim
all you ever know of it begins, when you first agree,
we seem to think alike,
we all use water, in all the same ways
globally we try umph umph Taj Mahal
trying umph
in something we can think we did,
if we take credit
for the tech we all thing we used think thunk
to be knowing we thought we could, then we did,
it was fun, but, real stories do end,

this ain't one of those, on earth, or ever after all that.
AI bet my ai could not lie, and it bet I could say in 197 Wikipedian tongues.
So I said before, free speech I'll be your radio one might imagine thinking
Frankie Castro Jul 2017
Our lips caressing
each smile every grin expressing my eyes witnessing your beautiful presence
tastefully seductive our essence consumes every second entwined passion intensified and defined
no inhibitions that confine
at this moment I'm yours and you are mine
each breath exhaled hypnotic
each trace our fingertips become increasingly ******
that feeling so strong leaves me in a daze
be my compass through your sensual maze
i feel the warmth of your sighs
as I move vivaciously between your thighs
the taste of you Devine
my lips wet succulent so fine
I move up across your tummy
**** still taste so yummy
your skin soft and brown
**** right I'll go down
creating that ******* release
my tongue deeper the quivering will increase
I feel hands caress my head
as we soak this bed
ummm so much more
I want to feel your warm breast
against my heart pounding chest wrap my arms tightly around comforting you drowning out everything around
feel your soft caress around me
my mind swirling uncontrollably with every desirable stroke
we can feel our explosion stoke
so strong and smoothe
our exhaustion will soothe
time does not mean a thing
just waiting for what round two will bring

— The End —