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Micheal Wolf Jan 2013
Dinner is done table cleared guests are gone the sink is filled

Off she trots marrigolds on, hands in studs he watches on

Stood in heels she rocks and sways, a long time since she looked that way

He stares and smiles as he catches her gaze an inviting look to come her way

Hands on hips he kisses her neck as she pushes back their body's engage

She lifts her skirt and leans across inviting him to come on in

Two as one they now engage
The dishs simply have to wait.....
A poem for Birdy who gave me the idea
Gwar'th, a scranny peasent boy
from Deastbhillow
Frequented the tavern to hear the local bard play
Enthralled by stories of shipwrecks, cataclysms, Corpses rising from their graves.
He begged the bard over and over.
"Please! take me on your next adventure?"
Gwar'th locked eyes with the bard
Gave him every bit of attention.
The bard always declined,
"it's too dangerous for a child." He said,
"But I'll sing you a song.
The tale of the Red Metal Lute."
The sky was black
pouring buckets.
You couldn't see but walls of rain
you couldn't hear a ****** thing.
Not even each other speak
Until A loud wail rose from the sea
shattered every window and bottle on board.
In the distance, a figure
unwaivered by the storm.
A ghostly figure,
with a red metal lute
Seemed to fly,
Loom on the rain.
the figure plucked a single string
wailing screams from years of forgotten dead
some sailors on board went mad
The woman and children ran inside.
The captain headed out the cabin.
Grabbed his lute from off the wall
Walked right up to the ghostly demon
Challenged him to a duel.
"I win, you lure me the biggest fish
inside this ghostly sea
Once we haul it back to shore,
you let my sailers leave."
The ghostly demon preached back in wail
"My spoils claim each drop of blood
left upon your ship,
you'll join all the eternal tongues
wailing from my instrument."
They played their lutes so hard that storms whipped bruised wailed and brown
Lighting struck, fire popped and squeltched under the heavy rain.
Not a soul on board could hear the music, for they all deaf from the banshees wail.
But one small float snuck cloaked in shadows from the duel above the sails.
It had a mother and a brother
a baby in the mothers arms.
They made mostly to shore.
The oceans trials took all the family, but I, the baby,
A boy.
I don't know who won, the Captain, the Demon.
But I know one thing is true.
The power that lies within' an instrument
is more then anybody knew.
One foggy night in Deastbhillow
Long after the tavern closed
The bard was packing for a 'venture
loading up the partys caravan to head out of town
Gwar'th snuck on behind the treasure chests.
It stopped in front of a cavern
Five adventurers stepped off
A knight, a priest, a bard, a Clairvoyant
And In the shadows,

Down in the belly of the cave
Past the bones and the torches
there was a red glowing from the end
Gwar'th, excited, lunged from the shadows
Alerting the party.
The knight drew his weapon
The bard struck a chord
The priest prayed
And The Clairvoyant read the boys mind.
Together They killed the boy in cold blood.

"What did it look like to you?" Said the Preist
to the knight who slaughtered the boy.
"A beautiful woman.
What did it look like to you?" The knight asked the priest.
"My god."
"What did it look like to the boy?" The bard asked.
"An instrument," said the Clairvoyant, "A powerful instrument.
What did it look like to you?"

The bard looked down.
"The boy."
Jay Jimenez May 2013
Family Bound
My Family means everything too me
Got a brother in the Navy He's married got a beautiful
wife too.
He's enjoyin the beautiful sunsets in the city where Micky Cohen use to own.
Got my other brother whos a gear head, a knucklehead, works on knuckle heads, and hes my knuckles too.
Me and him use to get into it throw a little bruises around but **** has he made me proud
went to the city where you can cook eggs on the sidewalk Pheonix.
Went to school too work on bikes and now works at Harley.... this means for me free tee shirts and cool biker partys too go to
hot women in leather pants and mean dudes with long goatees.
My Mom shes a healer, a bible dealer, and the leader of a womens AA program but is married to a Ex-convict, Ex-felon, Ex-drug dealing, Ex-******
I never understood why she goes for trying to heal men maybe it's because shes been trying to fix all of her 3 boys and thats the only way she knows how to love a man. Either way I love her too death and it'll be death if that man decides to lay a hand on her again... you'll see something that only Hades eyes have seen but enough about that loser... Unto my Old man.
My pops hes a machine mechanic a use too be psychobath maniac tatted up with rough hands, palms always itching and eyes always looking out for his family. He once told me Jay " You Gotta Pay to Play" and those words have stuck with me for some reason for a long *** time. He always has these little one liners that just make ya get back to reality,wipe your nose clean, put your head up and stand up straight and get back to the money. So thats my blood thats what makes my heart beat everyday knowing that my family gots my back to succeed.
katewinslet Oct 2015
Ein Früh ist ein Procedure von Servieren von Speisen, within denen Lebensmittel in einem öffentlichen Bereich, wo pass away Gäste sich selbst dienen throughout der Regel gegeben. Es ist eine gängige Methode zum Zuführen einer großen Anzahl von Menschen mit minimalem Particular. Buffets sind a particular verschiedenen Orten, einschließlich Hotel rooms sowie eine grorre anzahl gesellschaftliche Veranstaltungen angeboten. Sideboards werden ebenfalls als Buffets bekannt, wie sie verwendet werden, um das Geschirr eines Smorgasboard, um bedroom Gästen werden. Eine Create der Buffet ist habe eine Tabelle durch Platten, depart this life festen Teile der Nahrung gefüllt; Kunden wählen Platten, cease to live was initially Lebensmittel sie wollen, wie sie entlang gehen. Diese Sort wird am häufigsten on Cafeterias gesehen. Eine Big difference tritt on einem Stained Add Haus, wo expire Mäzene ihre Auswahl aus einem Wagen mit Rädern die-off Platten von Lebensmitteln, expire durch das Eating venue zirkuliert enthalten. Ein weiteres Derivat von dieser Paintings von Buffet auftritt, wo Gönner wählen Sie Lebensmittel aus einem Food Style and design sowie dann zahlen auf, was gewählt. anderen Variety, wie das All-you-can-eat-Buffet, ist mehr Freiform: Kunden zahlen eine feste Gebühr und kann danach helfen Samsung galaxy s6 edge, sich which means that viel Nahrung, wie sie within einer einzigen Mahlzeit zu sich nehmen möchten. Diese Variety wird oft for Dining places vor allem in Resorts,. Eine dritte Art form von Self serve buffet üblicherweise in Feinkostläden und Supermärkten angeboten wird, ein Salatbuffet, bei dems Kunden zu helfen, sich für Kopfsalat und weitere Salatzutaten, dann durch dems Gewicht zu zahlen. Eine vierte Technique von Stücksbuffet wird mit einer Feier irgendeiner Artwork verbunden. Wie Kompromiss zwischen Selbstbedienung und Full-Table-Service kann ein besetzt Smorgasboard angeboten: Gäste bringen ihre eigenen Platte entlang der Buffetlinie sowie werden einen Teil von einem Host the jeder Train station gegeben. Diese Methode ist weit verbreitet bei gesorgt Sitzungen, with denen Gäste nicht speziell für ihr Essen zahlen. Buffets sind wirksam zum Servieren große Zahl von Menschen auf einmal.

Aus diesem Grund sind sie weit verbreitet with institutionellen Einrichtungen wie Firm Kongresse oder große Partys. Ein weiterer Vorteil des Buffets internet marketing Vergleich zur Tabelle Assistance ist, dass Gäste haben eine große Auswahl und die-off Fähigkeit, Nahrung zu eng inspizieren, bevor Sie ations. Nrrr ein Smorgasboard beinhaltet People selbst dienen, ations war for der Vergangenheit wie eine informelle Variety von Essen, weniger professional wie Service are Tisch. Around bedroom letzten Jahren sind jedoch Buffets immer beliebter unter bedroom Gastgeber zu Hause Abendessen, vor allem within Familien, in denen wenig Platz erschwert pass on Umhüllung der einzelnen Stellen. Startseite Buffets funktionieren digestive tract around kleinen und großen Räumen, jedoch nur, wenn jedes Feature von Food Set-up wird berücksichtigt. Das Zimmer, during dem ein Smorgasboard gehalten werden muss ausreichend Platz weg von Möbeln, ium Schäden zu verhindern. Expire effizienteste Buffet eingerichtet besteht aus ein bis zwei Tabellen breit genug für zwei Reihen von Platten Samsung Galaxy Phone. Becomes deceased ermöglicht puede ser living area Gästen, sich von beiden Seiten des Tisches zu dienen, pass on Beschleunigung des Prozesses dienen und reduziert das Risiko von Verschütten. Buffet-Tische sollten when it comes to einer logischen Reihenfolge zuerst eingestellt werden, durch Platten, gefolgt von living room Hauptgang sowie Beilagen. Zuletzt sollten Geschirr und Servietten werden.

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Absolute self confidence
Or nights full of doubt.
An arrogant fool
Between concern and an inflated ego
Between days full of tears in the shower
And partys to dance with anyone.
I wish I could somewhere and somehow
Find myself.
I'm still searching //
I hope the language is ok, message me if not.
Nina Jun 2019
I have been the bright one at partys
the funny one in groups
the cute one for boys
the wild one
but nowadays
i am more and more losing myself in the rain
and its like my tears about him
wash away
m          s

Angel Moore May 2013
HE said to write
{read my wordfs} dont be scared.
your m.ind will fill in the blanks

caps lock willl destroy. your muind.

....your story begins now.

Dont be afraid and read the wLls./
find a quiet place.
find a song.
feel it. taste iut. create a song......                                                       ­   

chapter two.
i went to ***...
      you came to me,
found me in a dark room....posted.      I cant read this he said disappoinbted. :( keep trying :)))

{hey there friendship, lets have a heart to heart....walk outside for chapter two..... i'll be there in the night. In the quiet. silence.

phone is dead :(((( who cares! party in the basement.

can you read this yet???
tgake me on a messy date.
i want to play in the sunshoine. heal my /adhd please
                                                   ((((adivan is gone :( who steals from a friend???

/where did Noelle leave her pants anyway

((((( chaptep two.
quit your mind. listen to the music..shhhhhhh////
read tyhisd 6omorrow...
caps lock are evilsssss.........
listenm tp the robots 2013......

find me in the dark writing rymes. changing soings. creating. , , , ,
authors. intillects.

cults are bad!!!!!!!! god is love. dont do drugs and go on adventires.

read the bible everyday. silence your heart. take a deep breath. no one cares. they will foind you again.

dont be scared...

quiet moments are the best. where did i put my cigarettes.                                  to be conyinued.
edit or no>>>>

bring back indie bands. then they become mainstream you know :( sad hipsters.
i just wanna play.
no one gets me.

pep talks and ****.
partys downstairs.
find me later when they go to bed.

go play.

you have nothing to do tomorrow.
its only 11????? i like numbers. i hate math.

i have to *** still.

waiting. who cares. go to sleep. i'll stay up all night and write poems...

i sleep in tuckers room when heres not here. i miss him so bad sometimes. i wonder what 6 year olds dream about, you know?

this is gunna be EPICCCC!!!! sermon on the becontinued. tweet me clues from the front porch.

i'lll be quiet. my phones dead anyway. oh well. phones are bad.

wheres the bathroom?

oh yeah. chapter two.
how long can i write this poem before they try and find me.

          the basement is to farrrr.....cigarettes on the front po
Abi Perry Nov 2013
ohh where to start… i know, You sir are an *******
You were there then you weren't
leaving when i needed you most
making me grow up so fast,
at a young age, you taught me what disappointment was when you would call saying you would visit in a half hour and never showed up…
when you chose yourself over me..
you next bottle of beer over me…
still I give you a second chance and invite you to one of the most important days of my life…
you showed up late
so late you missed my performance…
got hauled out of the place by the cops because you were so drunk you fell on one of them
you can't even put the bottle down for one day
birthdays, Christmases, my first date, my first boyfriend, my first kiss, the week i spent crying over that guy.. with hair or something
Dances, partys.
I bet you can't tell me my best friends name?
any of my friends?
MY favorite color?
That boy I likes name?
you will miss my graduation….
My brother walking me down the aisle at my wedding
you're grandkids
all because you are to selfish to se what it does to me, what it will do to them.
you already did this to one kid
left him 16 years ago without another thought
I talk to him sometimes, he tells me he wishes you had stuck around longer like you did with me.
I tell him I wish you had just left…
i wouldn't have had to hope
I wouldn't have had to wait
I wouldn't have had to grow up
I wouldn't have had to cry
I wouldn't have had you
I would have had the gift of not knowing what I'm not missing out on
Gonz and Roses Oct 2011
Sweet rejection a simple pinch and slap in the face.
Drunken splendor  and a ***** floor.
Some woman I dont care to know why do I always
find myself in this ****** up place.

Puff Puff Pass.
Wild Turkey loud music im such a happy sleeze
with not a hint of class.
Lean of over the bar my dear you fill my thought's and i your glass.

I walked when I was ten.
Runaway in New Orleans dont belive I could do that one again
Two packs a day and a shakey hand.
Midnight drives strippers in arm bar's
with floor's of sand.

Im not ment for long but sugar im here now.
Drinkin till I die fields of my past been burried
long ago under plow.

Dance in happiness die without regret.
My friends names tattoo my thoughts.
Richard ,Rach,Baths,Lily,Paula how can I ever forget.

******* up perfection is I.
A perfect losser who could care less.
How could you ever shed a tear when I die?

Rearview babydoll backseat queen.
Stay crazy in this cold place.
Skeeter do you still dream in your beauty so tormented
and obscene.

Where all perfect for are flaws.
Barstool will be forever empty.
Im tried but always eager to fall down for a
half naked body or a fellow lunatics cause.

Gonzo do ya know how they see ya outside thoose glasses
so dark.
The partys jester  spirt of a eternal teen.
Empty cans hold court by the lake of lovers lane
where still they park.

Richard a bottle  and friendship forever i'll share.
Insane is a buddy but never worry.
Cause even a falldown drunk does care.

So sad is the fading light bitter the moment.
But perfect isthe ****** up song though.
Kids dont let em break ya you stay crazy.

And I'll forever be Gonzo.
Micheal Wolf Dec 2013
He's dead!! They weep and wail
Now they proclaim "He was a hero" apartheid slain
True it was vanquished but at a cost
Acts of terror,  his proclaimers forgot
Preaching peace to a world stage, others you counsel killed each day
The truth is tainted by the media's stage, all colours all tribes dead on the way
I don't decry the good he did, but remember the killing in his partys name.
Freedom fighter/terorist/prisoner/president/penitent
Bogle Aug 2013
I want to know.
   Old stages,
super rock,
Is she alright?
double grade 8,
I hope she sticks to the light.
does she look like the love I know?
will I find something that she hasn't shown?
   Not enough time to exercise,
A diseased family,
I want endless time with her in my future,
do I sound like a preacher?
can I cope?
when will I next see her,
can I manage more motivation,
JaxSpade Dec 2018
On the poetic hills
Of love

We ride along


       For the world

We're building the strength

For it
    To fall

So we could get back up again
                                   And love
On the poetic hills
         Of bacchanal


              In alcohol

Naked under our clothes

We ride along


       For the world

We're going to be strong
When everything goes wrong

And smile
When everyone is back
      In eachothers arms

While she puts on
Those poetic heels of love

We ride along

Pushing and fighting
      For mother earth

On the poetic heels of femme fatale

We write along


On the poetic hills
                        of love…

I'll leave my resolution as she leaves her
tight black dress apon the floor.
In passion of a ***** tinted kiss.
we'll forget the times to follow if only
in are trainwreck splendor.

Two souls thirsting for contact.
Tearing at one another like children unwrapping
gifts from under the tree.

Plessure is a dream togather were caught willing
victims of a lost night and a years end.

As tommorows starts a year's slow decline.
In her eyes I need only a glimpse to recall.
The madness that was in the streets we
stole a nights most simple plessure.

A private partys afterglow is such a bittersweet
tressure we'll recall togather.
In the velvet of a embrace more than skin did connect.
Within thoose eye's the embers of that private
party for a breif moment does reflect.

As traces of reallity plague the return of the following
One kiss tasting of devilish remorse I caught a whisper of love
But in a shallow moments thought just watched it
walk away.
Another off the top of my head write from my  book The Still Night Sessions.

Even  a comedian  has a much darker side.
Were all ****** up somehow and it's my flaws and thoose in this
nightworld  inwhich I exist that will forever be my canvas
and my drive.

Stay Crazy  John
Im a caged animal befor my set.
Get to close and you'll understand why a starved animal is the most vicious
animal there is.
It's not a release its a war a battle to the death between me and all.
I care little for thoose who've stood befor this is a a fight between me and them and
I have no desire to be nice.

Safe never belongs in any form of art.
The eye's the window i see all to clear and as always i only focuss on one
for theres such a seduction in the moment there laughter a drug and  as she laughs above the noise that sense of wrong at such crude logic she bite's her lip and togather we connect.

Moments we share will only be now as like a fire's glimmer what burns bright will all to fade.
And my job is to make you never forget.
It's the romance of the stage the nights illusion that is my true poisen and i drink with no regard's of tommorow.

If you pick apart why you''ll never grasp the now.
I thirst for life and never give thought to death.
It's only the people who worry who sink to the bottom.
Drown in thought and you'll embrace reget as a empty lover .
I preffer much warmer company myself.

From the light I wish only to embrace the dark.
I see the eye's and always view the one pair.
thoose that linger in laughter that have forgotten all but me.
Like some vampire in a black in white film I draw them moth to my ever jaded flame.

I force the laughter in that awkward moment fill the silence and make the night something more than it truley is.

***** the velet of passion give the friction of summers hot backseat
Take the moment ***** the wait!
For to hold back is to fail and failure sure doesnt feel
good as a after partys release for two.

Of the chatter and drink orders  I take that which i desire.
Why live in  reget when you can bask in release.
Have you ever truely tasted the freedom ive known?

Be herd now for  tommorows a promise is often changed to well intended  lie.
Command the crowd or the ocean will swallow you up as a lamb.
Anger ,Rage ,Happiness , I dont care as long as i get a reaction.

For in this game i never play it safe.

In the eye's of other's I read the reactions like a higways map it always tells me where the edge will be.
And I yern not only to take you there I'll push you over it going right with you laughter mocks the crash
as we understand  its all just for the hell of it care to come with me?

Strippers, Drugs,******,Hookers,You want apple pie and pickett fences
you've taken a a fatal wrong turn.
I'll burn the devils *** and embrace the flame only to smile  and vanish just as the night befor.

I would rather get a slap across the face than a gentle pat on the back.
It's not just a act it's just who i am.

And when it's over you'll either love me or hate me.
But one thing is for ******* sure you will never forget me.
For behind all the *******  when others  remove the mask you'll learn.

It's just who I am.

Anyone can joke  but few can make you truely
question what just happend?

A storm from afar is perfect chaos but nothing can compare to
riding it out in the choas.

Safe is not a word I'll ever be.
Pills' partys  the last seven years washed unclean.
Streets  now empty past there prime and looking
to score.
Ive lived till the edge is dull.
I sit knowing theres nothing more.

Are we as ****** up as are parents befor?
The answers passed down are but secondhand

As the madess goes from funny to something altogather sad.
My eyes blind yet still able to see.
My own personal hell thoughts of a far off escape.
Hope is but  sweet dellusion not ment for me.

When the flame is gone darkness signals the change.
fake words concern is but a vice carried to the lost soul.
To live in the circle is but to embrace a soft cage.

No life  is a end at its false start.
A chord lost in time.
shadows I chase to there darkest end.

Laughter  hides the so clearly seen.
Hate take's my passion as time take's my
story the final verse to share with none.

Im the ******* of a stranger I know well.
He reflects the prison for which I yern for this nights release.
Dying in seconds  counting hours.

Killing the drug  strangles my air.
A painter never shows his thoughts.
Just covers his canvas.

Tomorrow I will no longer see your failure.
As in days I will embrace the emptyness
you no longer  control.

Vacant is the space windows and empty eyes.
The time 5:oo am  strangers will take the story
rewrite my past.

Lie's  are a freedom I no longer need.
Goobye's a return's promise.
I can no longer say.

Im exhuasted  yet I know its best to fill
the page.
But that southern breeze will  now be my home.

In sunsets i hope you see what never was.
Charm of a maniac  the sense of a legend to never be.
Darkness I wish i had shared tears  are the taste
of a talent  that never was me.

the glass is empty.
Nothing  holds more merit  than a end.
Partys for couples new lovers and just friends.
Music to fill the night the streets of New york
breath life to old flames keeping even jaded souls warm.

The lonley gather round the TV.
sharing a glimpse at something we all yern to have.
And from the up high the streets seem magic tonight.

the soudtrack of the night will echo
into are hungover minds with a painful yet happy reminder
of last nights celebration.

Late night lovers will smile and go there awkward ways.
So many acts in so many different plays.
creeping back to are corners in lastnights suit and tie.
Tight little black dress kiss worn lips
acting happier than two kids ragged in need of a shave
you with hair in a mess.

And for friends that gather to relive not so real
past glory.
The pages are left to the writter.
To add to lastnights not so original story.

As the barflys gather to battle another unsober day.
I watch this first new day anew.
Take a sip from my flask and thank the lord
for one more year with you.

And tonight I say to you all raise that glass.
kiss that stranger you know so well.
Laugh love and live.
And thank whomever ya choose weve made it through another
year to tell.
I learned early there ways.
Words that speak of  happiness.
Barbwire is the tongue of the heart that always

You cant put your hopes on the false and untrue.
Deception doesnt  help the case.
For I can hold this bottle closer than you.

Bitter are my words  but it falls apon
deaf ears.
soaked are my memories.
Washed yet still they remain after all the beers.

Sugar dont worry with false emotions
just put it on my tab.
The warmth of this bed now ressembles a slab.

We struggle to recall who we once
The partys the past mistakes.
It's a nothing more than a blur.

Hollow in heart is my truth filled obsession
Lovers often embrace in lies.
And hold hearts in bitter nights confession.
People mask pain becoming blind  to there own ways.
Just a on the spot write it's how most my work goes.
drew maidment Jul 2013

early morning breezing
early morning cruising
what happened last night?
I couldn't tell you.
every night is a blur
drowning my liver with wine and gin
inhaling nicotine after nicotine
cant remember if I got my fix
this is how I love to live.
partys every night
meeting people and not remembering their name
love and party fame for losing control  
its all a game
kyle Shirley May 2016
Dear to whom it may concern,

Thats how it starts... Iv been thinking about Us (with a capital you) the story of us. How the **** do I sum it up? Has it been perfect? Hardly. Any story with me at the center of it will never be anything less then a big smiling mess, But here's what I know for sure, our time in the sun has been a thing of absolute ******* beauty. The nightmares, the partys, the hangovers, the wedding... This magnificent shimmering insanity in this world of ours. When for months I woke up to you leaving because you cant sleep till 2 pm, I roll outa bed telling you im sorry, I'll do better, then proceed to disappoint you and repeat till you walked out for good.

As writer I'm a hopeful sucker for happy endings, the guy gets the girl she saves him from him self and they live happy ever after.

As man who has loved such girl, I realized there is no such thing, there's no sunset, there's just now, just the two of us which can be ****** scary and ugly sometimes.

But, if you close your eyes like I have and listen to the whisper of your heart, if you simply keep trying and never... ever give up. No matter how many times we get it wrong, maybe till the beginning and end blur into something called, until we meet again.  Thats.. Thats all I got, I didn't know how to finish it, but it's not finished it never will be with me and you.

I wrote you, because every single time I try to speak, something stupid comes out of my mouth, and the words dont mean what I want them to mean, or even half of what I want them to mean.

Its, It's never over for me. Never.
I say I love you but what does that mean when I only ever let you down...
Toothache Oct 2017
Not one or another
I don't care for the sunrise or set
Dusk and dawn
The rise and fall of your favorite icon
I don't care
Life is dull when you're between
I don't care for the beautiful seas and hot summer days
Partys with friends, gifts, and praise
It's all a blur of day to day, meaningless interaction
Is it even real anymore
Does it even matter
Are all my emotions forced slightly encouraged by the facade, the mask I wear day to day
Sometimes one can help, with a real smile or laugh
But beyond that
There is Nothing
Anique Prinse Apr 2018
Hi there,
When I say how are you?
I mean to say thank you.
When I say Fine and look into your eyes
I mean to say thank you for saving me

And what I mean by that is this:
My story is not a pleasant one.
I carry it all on my body
The abuse being my strechmarks,
The pain being my scars,
Every mole I have will tell me a story
And none of them were pleasent

I self-harmed, self-medicated, self-taught everything that made it all worse.
Let the makeup become my day to day mask that hides my pain from the outside world.
Let the partys be the good excuses to self medicate in alcohol and drugs, for that was the only way I would not lay in bed alone, sober, with my thoughts.
I let the warm bodies of men become my doctors for when I would need a check-up. And I needed them a lot.

Then I met you, and from that first moment our eyes locked I stopped thinking about the check ups from the warm bodies, the sober thoughts i couldnt handle without my party excuses and the way I wanted you all to see me.
The first thing you said to me was 'Its okay, I see through your wall'

With those words you have changed me. made me want to have fun, but with you. I let you brake down my wall without any struggle, as if i were an animal which just came out of hybernation. ready to start again, to start fresh.

While some time has passed now, you have created a distance. you said you needed it and i was fine. no, i wasnt fine, i just said i was fine cause i wanted you to believe that you have 'fixed' me. with every unanswered phone call and every message left on read. I BREAK.

My heart turns into thousand little mirrors which you break again one by one with the push of the off button on your phone. you repair those pieces with your superglue. your superglue is hot and steamy but unreal. After healing me again you leave me. AGAIN, this time for good. And i am left jet again with what is now a million pieces of mirror. the reflection will never be the same.

So I go back to the warm bodies from who i need a check-up to tell me I am still beautifull. even only in that moment. So I go back to the clubs and make excuses for my self-medicating ways. So I go back to the safety of my makeup so no one will know how broken I am.

And still, I blame myself.
JaxSpade May 2019
Ears for the crowd
Lips for the writer
Rain for the clouds

Purple wears a jacket
And blue dances with the moon
He writes in rainbows
For the gold in a girl

If he could've bought her diamonds
It would've saved him the pain
Liquor for the violins
Numb for the brain

If he could've been a different man
Perhaps she would've stayed

Love for despair
Cowboys for angels
Trotting on mares

There are gardens for a woman
snakes for the scare
Poison for an old man
Decisions for mirrors

Black wears boots
While miracles wear truth
He wrote to her in metaphors
Deciphered in ****

A tree sheds its garments
Fall comes through
Seasons change everything
She was for you

Nothing last forever
Time is for youth
Broken is for the hearts
That thought eternal was true

Tears for an alligator
A crocodile for luggage
Traveling out of town
Looking for another

A forest found a lover
In an ocean of lingerie
Fish were found plenty
At a partys masquerades

Souls are for lovers
Lust is for lemonade
When life gives you lemons
Leaves give you shade

Fruit for the summer
The same as her name
Gone faster then she'd come here
Fools are for blame

Yellow wears a melody
Of blue turning green
New is for the calenders
Beginning of spring

He started a joke
But the joke was on he
Every one was laughing
As you know he was me
Annika Dec 2020
Was it love or was it just a game?
Was it real or was it just a joke?
Was I just a joke?

You gave me hope
You gave me love
You brought me pain
You brought me tears

Can‘t even describe the pain
The pain of you having someone new
Just after one week

While I was crying
While I lied in bed
While I listend to sad songs
You were smiling
You lied in bed with her
You went to partys

Was it love or was it just a game to you?
Did you want me or just someone?
Was it just because I was there?
I will never know

But I see your actions
This can‘t be love
You moved on so quickly
This can‘t be love
You pretend like nothing ever happened
It wasn’t real
Deep inside I know I was just one out of many

This will never change  
You will never change
But I still wish I could rewrite the stars

— The End —