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Sally A Bayan Sep 2015
r e m e m b e r i n g
c o n c e n t r a t i n g
trying  to  p i c t u r e :
~~ A ~~

P--lethora of trees, flowering plants...across and beyond...surround the

L--ustrous surface of the rushing blue green water...spraying...  
A--maranths and azaleas, with its windblown mists...refreshing.....see,

C--reeping creatures underwater could not ruin the quietude it emits

I--nimitable is its Serenity...nothing else is at par.............its

D--impled surface, tiny ripples running, creating streams of dreams...

W--ords...a gentle massage, washing away rage, precious

A--methyst, jade, citrine and crystals...shimmering down under,  
      rebuilding, helping
T--urquoise, gently touch with its sea blues...above, under...wherever

E--merald waters, against red carnelian

R--escue someone reeling...patiently...with words mollifying...and  
     sprays of
S--alty mists..soothing pensive eyes, mind, soul...cleansing...healing  

b e h i n d~~me
b e f o r e~~me
~~ m e ~~


Copyright September 3, 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
Jeffrey Pua Feb 2015
What is with those eyes, that
I'm impoverished into Ten w...*

© 2015 J.S.P.
Anybody literate can read and write.
But do they understand?
Can they see and feel the deeper meaning?
Do they hear the poets words?
Emote along with the writer?
Find a chord striking them within?
Gasp at the beauty in the imagery?
Hold their breath as the poet weaves magic?
Inhale the scent of sweat the poet gave?
Jump at the twists and turns?
Keen to learn the ending?
Laugh and cry along with the poet's words?
Mope at the end?
Not wanting to let the words go?
Opining their views, not the poet's.
Positing assumptions not the poet's.
Querying imagery, syntax, metaphors and similes.
Robbing the joy from the poet by making grand assumptions.
Seeking to emulate the greats, and join the canon.
Taking what they need from the words written down.
Utilising the poem as a learning tool.
Venerating  the poet and their work.
Words speaking to them from afar.
Xanthic coloured complexions, as they read into the night.
Yanking at the pages of the book.
Z**ealously impassioned by the poet's conclusion.
Xanthic means yellowish.
Abecedarian Poem — An abecedarian poem is a special form of an acrostic poem, in which the initial letters of the words beginning each line or stanza spell out the alphabet in order.
on to new things Dec 2013
You always meant the world to me ....even if I didn't show it....*** I wanted you from the moment we met and deep down u know it.
You said you cant "say it", well im the opposite of that..i can "say it "but im scared to "show it" .. *** what if  I do something dumb and blow it?
There isn't anything I wouldn't do to have u back in my life....but I don't think you want me in ur life  especially since you already pretty much  have a "wife"...
it hurts so bad it feels worse then being cut with  a knife.
I want to just talk to u....*** I so badly miss u....I think it will even matter....but you've always been the one....that's why before we meet my soul knew when we connected  of fb that we weren't just 2 people talking....Ive talked to  a few guys here and there....had no connection with even one of them....but with u.....I cant even get u outta my mind. I was looking for u too but not like Sherlock....(maybe a sure lick but not a  or how some look for others....but I was looking for you,,,*** there was something about u that had some major hold on me.....then when u left me on fb I knew u were on twitter and I was on there a few times before that  but once u left I was addicted to it.  I was watching your first I was anaylising(I know its spelled wrong and I don't care....its to know one so why would I give a **** if its correct.) the things that were said and if certain words you used more then others  also you  spoke like a knight would at times and say things that only "knights" of the round table kind of guys say.... im not going to tell you *** then youd know. or I was watching the content of which the words were worded and the types of ords you used. if your punctuation was perfect every time. also the typos if any or not *** when u are on fb and instant msg someone its fast and u cant proof it before sending. so u made basicly none but you did on few things and ive always remembered them... I watches what words you said or used the most....things you would say every time...because were connected for some reason. You know its true but you for some reason don't want to let yourself feel real love....or are scared of did u ever get her if your always in fear of everything...? I don't know why you  don't want to let urself feel these feeling and keep fighting it.....I don't know why.....*** I can feel all of u have 4 or more people inside u and they are the ones whos fighting u....its one against like 3 or 4 if your my angel and the others are the devil.....
*** I learned that you had many many various accts...womans , kids,  men , boys, kids in high school, teen girls who cut, many others ....from other countries....those were all my favs.....but the one the MAIN one (was Be_N....) was a farm animal...I couldn't not go one twitter and see what he said.....*** I was in need of closure....   I was also convinced I could win u back becus we had a weird connection....and it was lust or anythg stupid like that....its is *** we were suppose to be together....why do u think I was honest from the gate....I told u I cared and have love in my heart for u but I was in love with "him" and would point to the computer.......
my point is you know ive always wanted u and if you cant see that.....then im lost and have no idea what to do.....*** all I know is....for all eternity I will be loving u.
it was going to be a (lame rhyming poem) but I started to say what I felt ...sorry kinda dumb.
Jaz Rhodes Jan 2013
And sew for the Vomitorium
I kept seeing sighns I’d sent
repeatered and beltsched on my back -
Now ords to waste
- so do it shortly;
3 word lines
but Never will do
not enough
and I have a lump of love
as solid as a cancer
and no room to operate on the bit of self that sees it this way;
do I eye Need to argue
and is want a word
to replenish the necessary necessarily!!?!
An Myth.. amyth miss.. and the Muppets then ensues, as it's time to start the music.
Alex Stavros Jun 2015
My mind wont race.
My body wont feel cold.
My heart wont drop everywhere I go.
My soul wont seem far away.
My laugh wont seem fake.
My words wont seem empty.
My world will not stop turning...
...when you are gone.

My mind is blank.
My body is numb.
My heart is already on the floor.
My soul is gone.
My laugh is quiet.
My words can't get out.
My world has been destroyed... that you are gone.
Just that feeling when you think you are strong enough until it all falls apart.
David Feb 2019
Waking up.
Cannot see.
Ords of skeletons
Guided to hell.
Cain kills Abel.
Pure children of white drenched and torn of red leaviathans.
A whole humanity slashed by blazing blood splattering.
Gatlings trespassing skulls and brains.
Nothing more.
Nothing more.
Young died.
Nothing more.
Nothing more.
Black sky
Drenched-by-venom eyes.
Your flag triturating bodies for metal shards.
I cannot see.
Nothing more.
Nothing more.
This is a poem about war, for my great-grandfather,
He fought in First World War.
Most of the people who survived the War were mutilated or crazy,
My great-grandpa was depressed,
When he came back home with his family
He didn't eat anything anymore and decided to suicide himself in that way, dying slowly.
Cailey Weaver Mar 2014
Words are the key to the door between
Reality and fantasy. Through writing, you can really see
Inside a person. You can learn their secrets, things they'd never
Tell anyone. Writing allows you to let others see
Inside you, for when
No one's looking you in the eye, it is easy to
G**ive them your heart.
jeffrey conyers Mar 2016
Do we know about Bill?
Nothing but what we heard.

We wasn't there.
Only the ladies and him.

And selected memory holds weight in various ways.
Especially when you're seeking to be paid..

Not that he is innocent.
This I can't say.
Anymore I can accuse him of being guilty.

A crafted image can always be torned apart.
Like trying to protect your wonderful heart.

But money and fame does attract.
If honest with yourself.
Some were attracted to his name.

Lawyers loves infamous cases.
Simply for the money they hold to gain.
Cause eventually they gonna get paid.

We must wonder down the line of our lives.
That after thirty years if we might be sued.
And the excuse will be I thought no one would believe me.

But truth holds a lot of weight.
If evidence points to the subject of your hurt.

ords spoken is simply that.
Until a court decides to convict you based on your past.
Sky Mar 2016
black words with their black letters
s   u   g    l
  q   i    g      e    across the page

i t ‘ s  ha   rd  f  o   r me to rr e a d
i think my i’s are broken
my I’s are broken
my ie’s
my eyes my eyes i think my eyes are broken
and my head hurts
like the demons inside are
a                       u ll screaming RELEASE MEEEEEE
g                    k                                                    
   a               s
       i nst my

thw ords ar brken
r my hed is brokn
or im brkn

i think
i need
s l e e p
evil, vi-
triolic, m-
arrowed, m-
emories, that,
travel, through,
hollow-*****, w-
ords, come-forth;
a, cerulean, reverie,
from, the, decaying,
skeleton, of, a, whale's,
mouth, and, sweep, the,
landscape, like, a, desola-
ting, tsunami-wave, of, cada-
verous, cartilaged, evocations,
destroying; lives, loves, relation-
ships, and, long, lost, treasuries.

© poormansdreams
A poem about a dead whale's mouth.
Tatiana Jun 2020

               pick them up
Can you                       for me?

Rearrange t-h-e-m
w a y
I meant to s p e a k?
Because I                  k n o w   you
and you                    k n o w   me.
We would n e v e r use
stale, weak words
to hurt each other.

No, we would(n't.)
Had this one in the drafts for awhile now. I don't really format poetry in crazy ways, but when writing a poem about twisting words, I feel like it needs it. Mocking and sarcastic is the tone I was going for in this one. What do you all think?
TreadingWater Jun 2017
]] will it ]] ever
scrape /you /from /my /bones
squeeze } you { from my soul
if. only. to.
& those hands
your ~ laugh ~ to be
less than a  | memory |
& (mercifully)
left -out -of -my
time cr _ aw _ ls a _ lon __ g
while 《whiskey《 brings 《you
those sad songs [i favor]
^have me^
while words & rhymes
simply shred;
TreadingWater Aug 2016
when breathing = needing
are just. empty. cups.
it's _ mostly <always> _ you _  
all the hues we heard
sk,...ip,,.. ₩ords,...
like sk _ ip _ ping st _ one _ s
that could ever{really}matter
to ○ me
jojo Mar 2020
When you need to he(a)r
"I love you"
All I want to do is tell you.       (again. and. again.)

I will kiss the words back into you
A(l)ong every scar on your body
Till you understand my love through and through

I will speak it every day,
When you're crying or in pain
I'll take your hand and those three (w)ords-
I will again say

I will write it on paper,
p(a)rchment, napkins, and sticky notes.
All throughout your world-
Just so-
you get reminders that:
                                                  I Love You

and maybe

if i'm luck(y)

and i play my cards right

i'll keep seeing your (s)pecial sort of smile-
every once.
                        in a while.

— The End —