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Cindra Carr Nov 2011
Finding love in an unattractive package
Feels as though love needs to resort to trickery
To satisfy the perverse need to be loved
But, also, to show that everyone needs love
Long losts to almost have
Each attraction star struck and devoted
If there is none
Then there never was and keep moving
Unattractive or not
Love finds a way

Heike Borgard Aug 2014
At night when the moon's shimmering glow
takes the cold and fear of darkness away
when fireflies silently  guide the way for the losts
when mothers softly dandle their babies to sleep
then let yourself float
wrapped into a warm and sheltering bubble
into a world of impossible possibilties
yet tomorrow to conquer reality again
full of hope.
©Heike Borgard 2014
I do still remember, our walk,
  In every morning and evening,
How very winded path, together we have decided,
  Keeping our hand to hand of each other,
    Having an embarrassment in together,
Two fresh mind was roaming freely in the air.

How lovely, was my childhood,
     filled with the memories of loves and brabbles,
But, why do I love you, in my memories-- so immense?
   and why do I still wonder,
That I've lost you forever?

Why the childhood love always losts,
      by the increasing age?
why the list of my losing is getting so longer,
     And oh! For that I really wonder.

Something must have been changed,
          either me or you,
Or may even the time,
But, for that why our love spotted with grime?

We even don't know today, where we are now?
  But on your that sorrow,
I had my part also!

In this running life, in an inch of place,
You will never find me again,
And I even may won't search for you, once again!

You are may be doing well.....
      and I'm not also bad!
Yet, in the core of my heart,
You are always remembered.
And sometimes, I still wonder,
    How I lost you forever?

               __ Sougat Dasgupta.
A few lines on  lost love......
Just24 Dec 2014
apps and adds, digits and notes,
pixels and bites, tweets and blurbs,
pics and clicks, hits and views,
looks and stares, steps and moves,
loves and losts, drops and tears,
lives and smiles, hopes and fears
Quentin Mills Nov 2011
Thoughts run wild, and words begin to flow,

The more I think, the more it starts to show..

Emotions cause commotion, feelings cause confusion,

I always feel so happy, but is happiness just an illusion??

I hide my true feelings, I never let them out,

It may seem like im open, but im honestly shrouded in doubt..

My mind is so lost, my judgement is unsure,

I do know however that my feelings are pure..

The rain, the snow, the sleet, the wind,

All the storms make me realize once again..

Its a symbol of all the turmoil that loves put me through,

But none of that pain even matters now that I have you..

My uncertainty is my burden, but my blessing too,

Uncertainty proves im human and shows I dnt always know what to do..

The uncertainty makes sense of the oppurtunity,

I know it doesnt make sense but it will, just wait and see..

Life is a risk, its a challenge and a task,

Its gonna take work to make it last..

Thats just like love, yea its true,

Love is a risk between me and you..

We risk rejection, humiliation, judgement and pain,

Even on the brightest day, love can cause rain..

But for you, im willing to endure the storm,

Because in your arms, im safe and warm..

This ended off topic, it losts its path,

But its worth it to me, I hope this next statement lasts..

Love brings happiness,  but it also brings pain,

It causes sunshine but it also causes rain..

But in the end, to me its all worth it,

Cuz true love is a gift, and we can endure it..

Once you have love, its worth all the pain,

And now that I have you,

I can stand the rain..

JaxSpade Nov 2018
My masquera drips
Onto sticky lips
Colored black and red
They mix with tears of death
And losts breaths
They ran
All my make up
And messy break ups
I can't stand
I'm a broken man
My lipsticks
Hold my head
All my makeup smears
With a womans tears
My face is mirrored
What do I look like now
An unpainted growl
I'm a dog
Beat down
All of my make up
Tears of a clown
Where your soul is dismissed
You rely on the truth for finding a reason
To exist, love, hate, and perish

Bones to ashes we become
magnify on the time of losts and gain
How can we live when we're all struggling to breathe?

Truths become lies
Beauty becomes a phase
An illusion to find a reason to smile
And ask ourselves what made us happy while we lived

My understanding of how such a ****** up illusion can be so ugly that it becomes beautiful to indulge in the act of of finding who you are

What's a day when it's always night?
Ask yourself away

By: Leory Santana Dawn
Charles KC Aiken Jul 2022
I've got a broken back tonight
I just can't seem to get out of bed
Unless the beer is empty
Or the nicotine is all but dry

And I could cry, and I could feel sorry
That losts love is all I've had for years
But I'm smiling and I'm hopeful
And the world can't drag me down

It feels right and it feels so wrong
To be happy at a time like this
But I know, it just means I'm healing
And that sad state isn't needed no more

I could cry, but instead I'm smiling tonight
Nothing but a walking shadow 
partial and wicked with irregularities like the meadows 
Pains like a needle in wounds
And non soothing like sounds of no consolation
What is pain other than our lives
What is wound rather than the tears we shed 
We may live like this for long 
But There's a pause called victory
Like an oasis is differentiate desert from farmland 
Hunger from satisfaction 
Fruitful from barren
Lack from surplus
A cheap consolation satisfying our expired need and unchanging greed and desire 

Life! It is full of miseries like a pack of card with only aces
It takes trillion years to understand the prelude 
Another billion years to comprehend the interlude 
Years and years roaming on the crossroad of mind
Can't solve the deep puzzle in the drama of life
Is it crossword of our aspirations or destiny?
Or jigsaws of our thoughts,ideas,concept and prospects?
The things we shall never know that is within us 
Our strengths and weaknesses
Our ups and downs 
Our victories and failures
Our inabilities and abilities
Our losts and profits
Our tears and laughter 
Our frown and smiles
Even actions and things we portray 
we are ignorant of these in the game of life, defeat may be a consolation 
Success may be a Greek gift 
Flaws we never create
Dreams we never create 
Still revolve around us 
Like we are casts in a movie 
And the script already written
Ours is to act 
'Not minding if it's tragedy or comedy' 
Like pinnochio and the host of the Disney
Our mind have been trained to forecast for seasons
But if we try to live other than it
that's treason 
That's why people suffer
others feasting 

drumhound Oct 2017
she would miss her children
if she ever admitted they were gone.

dusting shelves still full of trophies
placing fresh daisies on
her daughter’s bedside table.
it’s hard to tell
how long the girl has been gone
the cut flowers uncomfortably alive
with mom’s weekly replacements.
this bouquet is one hundred fifty six.

her dead son’s shoes still peek
from under the bed
by his football and box
of cards which he kept
marking his birthdays,
his loves and his losts.
her only brush with reality
comes with floor hugging sobs
reading historic Hallmark memories
returning each one exactly as
she found them.

the dressers are full of
left behind clothes
neatly and compulsively folded.
the kids never leave if
you never stop taking care of them

and you never have to admit
you’re alone.
shilha madhuri Jan 2017
...Tody is soo... special to me...
I  fell in love with someone  unexpectedly without knowing..
He  has  beautiful eyes..when he  sees me...... i feel shy......
He has bright lips......  his smile ....  makes me mad ....
His  touch makes me feel warmth..
He  gives me happiness when i am sad.....
He brings brightness in  my life...
His  love is with me... from the time i was born.....
His beauty attracts everyone but he is special to me......
He's everything tht i need in my life....
With his love my life is like a mini heaven ....
This love losts forever and tht love is non another thn....................................
        Shilha madhuri tanguturi
Love has no maybe in anyway...❣️
(20 minute poetry)

all about me,
signs of misery
must be Tuesday

Lost in a long list of losts
I make a longer list of things
to be done
I run from the memory
only to bump into misery
on the underground line.

one day closer to being no nearer
what do we do it for?

we do it anyway
every day
and some say
Tuesday bears none of
the blame,
all the same it's still ****** misery
stuck here with the memory
of Summer
that's still yet to be.
Nerilia Xekoen Dec 2018
You have gone million light-years away

Time waved last farewell with the aeons

The white nightingale sung his song before its

tender voice to be gone forever

The seven moons' light shall be gone

by the end of the twenty years of night

The ninth suns soon shall be awaken

From silver-silk slumber

One by one they'll rise and shine

Thirteen urns for the Forsaken

For each of them -

A single tear covered with thorny pain

and ugly emotions.

Let the rain wash away everything else

Until it fades

Until your memories losts its satin shade

Time has lost its beauty

No one recalls

Birds have flown away

Searching for a new home to stay

Forests seems so hollow now

moons are no longer shining in the night

Even the ninth suns could not warm your soul,

nor your heart

They've lost its halos as they rose

You slipped away

Drown in the ocean,

I could not hold you back,

You decided to disappear

Where have you gone?

I should've hold you tight.

After twenty million light-years

My longing is still the same

I wish I could see you again
Andrew Rymill Jul 2018
...It always seems...
            that we come to
               beginning at the end…

I disagree
              we are at a table.

Technically at a table
      but more al fresco
                              than inside...

I do not  agree  
                      with your
                                   misuse  of metaphor.

What a surprise...
                       To  understand inside
                                                       on must understand outside...

No you miss-understand!
          Please stop drinking
          you are a waterfall in reverse
pouring liqueur down
          the pettiness of your throat.
Oh! you spilled again…..

… Gin...i think its more
           likely libation
than your crocodile tears
           splashing like thorns on our salty dinner table...

You treat our wedlock
like pinata
and keep on swinging  

<lifting a glass of sherry>
...the mermaids are singing
the crickets are  chirping
can i  join in the luminous tunes
under moonscape & street lamps...
  i  am not sure if the
narrator or the voice
  of our disconnect,
is just a  ***** or an effaced  harpy ...

Monologuing  are we?

    That was always your problem….

No i was hoping for a liqueur
& well-lit soliloquy
you hearing is
too good & your plates is
too clean.
Never trust a skinny noun
for a lover...

                                              Your using the wrong fork….

No fears,
           as my empty
            overturned glasses
                               tremble around us
                               like our nonexistent children.
                 that  haunt the spaces of our words
                 like overcooked spaghetti too our invisible similes
at our
        evening repast...

                                        No worries
                                                        I was written that way
                                                                                         and you are a miserable lush.

not on the menu
but our relationship
is a taco
with not enough lettuce…

I would say there are
                              losts of green words
                              missing  between us
                                                 and echo of your ego
                                                  swims in the whiskey.

the beauty of a glass  
             is its final emptiness;
the difference between          
lust and lush is just  one letter.
              you my dear  
             never lets the letters
            of your alphabets
free to flap

to the porch lights
              except for a price...

It   might  just be the
                             spaces between
                                                   stars and ignorance of moths.
Your ignorance
                        always steals the narrative
                                                                  in my fortune cookie.

  no desert tonight i guess.
i hate this  mistaken table ….. mean
miserable table!!!

your reflection my dear
will always reflect
            in waxy wood rings….
           returning to where
we first met
making one
            want to drink
            deeply the forgetful draught
                                          from the Styx
                                          my cold little-sphinx.
Ikaros Nov 2019
I know it's early to judge
but this lifetime seems to be
the one
where I get to meet all the past loves
                                                 losts foes
in once and all, it's like a
curtain call
one walks in, we clap
wait I didn't quite-
        repeat that please I'm not over yet

there must've been a story
and behind each, many
but I fell asleep and I forgot
       for me it's this one night
                                  one night only
plot? only bows and poses
and when I'm lucky, a brief glimpse
of what could have been
         can be seen behind the red velvet

I throw roses, try to catch a glance
                                                a home
anything but a dead end
but it's not meant to be, no room for
not this time around

                        "partner in crime"
                                      "twin flames"
all or nothing, told the Playbill
I miss you i miss you you you all still
                              "best friend"
yesterday left the last train for closure
need to wait two light years more for our future
for the price of you all it all just
                                            breaks               "This must be fate"
                    "I get you"
                         and the play is through
            I know we've done this before

the last bow leads to a
roaring applause
     I get my heart signed after the show
          it too plays its part
          knows it's not enough
and I too know,  I know
                                              lights out        
    end this round I want to go home
It be like that sometimes I guess
Randolph Napoles Jul 2018
Is it your eyes that caught my heart?
Or is it the way that you smile, when our conversation starts?
Is it the way that you move and sway?
Or is it the moments where you complete my day?

Is it your childish mind, that losts tract of time?
Or is it my urge to want you to be mine?
Is it the way how your face says Hi?
Through adversity, that look never dies.

There are many things that i remember,
From the unexplainable thing to these minute details.
From how you flip your gorgeous hair,
Or how you love to connect to life with stories to share.

I am humbled to be in your presence,
You give meaning to things that does not make sense.
Like how you made sense to my nonsense being,
Oh, I am so glad for all the things that you are doing.

Times pass by, yet it seems too slow,
We have known each other not too long ago.
Yet it feels like we are old friends,
And you know what this will not end.

I remember you in every morning, with each sun rays,
And these moments I will keep, until that very day.
Where you and I will meet again,
Because in my future you will forever remain.
Sometimes i wonder how the world works..
Does it always hurts?
Does everything becomes rust afterwards?
What if i was not meant to be the first?
Is it really a curse?
I can't be the worst..
For sure, i ain't the best..
And i ain't in a competition against the rest..
Life ain't a test..
I just wanna live..
With the ones who won't leave,
I just wanna breathe..
And set myself free..
I don't wanna be chained,
Cause sometimes it's good to be drenched under the rain..
Sometimes it's good to feel the pain..
Cause when comes the sun again,
When happiness finally takes over the reign..
Everything will return the same..
The same again..
All you need is someone who don't thinks it's insane..
Someone who doesn't cares about the losts and gains..
Somebody..who knows what is pain..
Somebody..who will never let you feel lonely again..
Ashutosh Mar 2020
you know something is changed
i used to read you like a book
but now you are like a lost character
kind of lost kind of aloof
you had it all the ingeniousness ,the badness
maturity and the recklessness
but you know its losts on its way
people change ohh! mademoiselle i know they
but you , you are squandered in this evil world
but you are the favorite character of my favorite book which i read perpetually the character thats being missing its laughter they say it was the best countenance ,but it somehow lost its enchantment.
now days go by when that smile doesn't make its way to the surface ,its somewhere there but hidden beneath a veener ,a veener of melancholy
I know somethings change because
i used to read you like a book
Yenson Aug 2020
they cancel each other out
exchanging fear for fear to be
battering wants for wants at the bazaars
of the weak
and the inadequate insecure
looking to belong in cohorts with ***** salts
these orphans o the moral less and the blinded
they say they are cancelling me
yes in blameless decency I become a foe
to be canceled by the cancel culture of witless losts
well, some tell them
you blunt pawns are the ones with the losses
what  graces you, I wonder, that I lack or hanker after
what about you beholds worthiness, pride or honor
whereas you see so much of my qualities
shrine in noble fares, the solid character of renowned note  
the real human you can never be with achievements
ever unattainable by knaves and wasters and simpletons
so mired in envy, jealousy and resentment
your asinine ploy called for ******* solution
you punish each other by denying yourselves
the pleasure and perfect grace that is me
but, did I grumble, did I lay down and die
its your losses as clear as day
I still live and fare me well
for you do nowt but cancel yourselves
deny the happiness of those who would have benefitted
who would have climbed and been made better versions
and in turn have made others better
so go read it again
while cancelling yourselves out
there's nothing like good breeding
go eat your hearts out, Cancelers.....
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2020
Snowfall sunyata
Nothing lasts forever

But O! my losts and loves
The times ah! true together.
Yenson Jun 2020
Come all ye misfortune-d converts of Cancellation
remember your wounds are yet unhealed
sorrows of your yester years and lack lustre todays
still hang those yokes around your necks
bring your pains and your angst in payments to strife
to vent and damage in malignant rages
enmesh your frustrations in tripping and foul sabotages
**** your kindred's losts' in warped regales
**** the Light and in murderous lust joy peace and harmony too
swallow the painkillers by dispensing miseries
So out your maddened beasts in dark rampages otherwise you die
your lives of ignominy in fervent hurts
please come take relief in cancelling for then and now you are mere viruses

— The End —