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¡Viejos olivos sedientos
bajo el claro sol del día,
olivares polvorientos
del campo de Andahicía!
¡El campo andaluz, peinado
por el sol canicular,
de loma en loma rayado
de olivar y de olivar!
Son las tierras
anchas lomas, lueñes sierras
de olivares recamadas.
Mil senderos. Con sus machos,
abrumados de capachos,
van gañanes y arrieros.
¡De la venta del camino
a la puerta, soplan vino
trabucaires bandoleros!
¡Olivares y olivares
de loma en loma prendidos
cual bordados alamares!
¡Olivares coloridos
de una tarde anaranjada;
olivares rebruñidos
bajo la luna argentada!
¡Olivares centellados
en las tardes cenicientas,
bajo los cielos preñados
de tormentas!...
Olivares, Dios os dé
los eneros
de aguaceros,
los agostos de agua al pie,
los vientos primaverales,
vuestras flores racimadas;
y las lluvias otoñales
vuestras olivas moradas.
Olivar, por cien caminos,
tus olivitas irán
caminando a cien molinos.
Ya darán
trabajo en las alquerías
a gañanes y braceros,
¡oh buenas frentes sombrías
bajo los anchos sombreros!...
¡Olivar y olivareros,
bosque y raza,
campo y plaza
de los fieles al terruño
y al arado y al molino,
de los que muestran el puño
al destino,
los benditos labradores,
los bandidos caballeros,
los señores
devotos y matuteros!...
¡Ciudades y caseríos
en la margen de los ríos,
en los pliegues de la sierra!...
¡Venga Dios a los hogares
y a las almas de esta tierra
de olivares y olivares!   A dos leguas de Úbeda, la Torre
de Pero Gil, bajo este sol de fuego,
triste burgo de España. El coche rueda
entre grises olivos polvorientos.
Allá, el castillo heroico.
En la plaza, mendigos y chicuelos:
una orgía de harapos...
Pasamos frente al atrio del convento
de la Misericordia.
¡Los blancos muros, los cipreses negros!
¡Agria melancolía
como asperón de hierro
que raspa el corazón! ¡Amurallada
piedad, erguida en este basurero!...
Esta casa de Dios, decid hermanos,
esta casa de Dios, ¿qué guarda dentro?
Y ese pálido joven,
asombrado y atento,
que parece mirarnos con la boca,
será el loco del pueblo,
de quien se dice: es Lucas,
Blas o Ginés, el tonto que tenemos.
Seguimos. Olivares. Los olivos
están en flor. El carricoche lento,
al paso de dos pencos matalones,
camina hacia Peal. Campos ubérrimos.
La tierra da lo suyo; el sol trabaja;
el hombre es para el suelo:
genera, siembra y labra
y su fatiga unce la tierra al cielo.
Nosotros enturbiamos
la fuente de la vida, el sol primero,
con nuestros ojos tristes,
con nuestro amargo rezo,
con nuestra mano ociosa,
con nuestro pensamiento
-se engendra en el pecado,
se vive en el dolor. ¡Dios está lejos!-.
Esta piedad erguida
sobre este burgo sórdido, sobre este basurero,
esta casa de Dios, decid, oh santos
cañones de von Kluck, ¿qué guarda dentro?
Ken Pepiton Nov 2018
How we start is only part of what we eventually do.

Physically that's easy to see. Being human, adamkind,
we see weak starts often in life.
Colts or pups born a week too soon can be loved to lives as pampered pets,
Siring toys for the enjoyment of those who can afford to fuel them,
For generations, with never a single care,
Past that initial trauma and subsequent subjugation to the will of man.

I don't tell horse stories, dog stories or war stories, if I can keep from it.

But when you want to demonstrate the purest of payback,
revenge getting the bad guy in the end,
having a horse be the hero makes behaving like an animal
more noble to the mind of vengeful man.
It's not true, revenge being noble.
That's a very old lie.

Law is to prevent error by disallowing failure. Law.

Relative to the rest of God's creatures, we, adamkind, seem dependent, weak and vulnerable next to bears being weak
a way-less long time
Than we.
We come into this world weak as a baby anything and we stay that way longer
Than any living creature.

I am an American, by birth.
I was not born to a political party or a family with political roots,
"I ain't no Senator's son."
I was reared drinking mythic cherry wine
sprung from George's failure to lie
Regarding his woodman's knack with a hatchet.

Sitting on the fence rail Abe split,
town fathers where I lived
were said to have decided the most harmonious of towns
have only gainfully employed darker folks,
while white
trash was allowed to loll around because they was
some employer's kin by marriage.

It all seemed pretty normal, as a child.
The loller-arounders let kids listen when they told
Their friends, who could not read, what the newspapers said.

One block from my house there was a vet's and hobo's flop-house clad in corrugated tin, rusted-round the nail-holes all the way to the ground and the rust had spread, so at sunset,...
I only recall the single story shed having one door.
There were always old white men sittin' on the southside of the shed. At sunset, those old men's whispy white hair

appeared as white flowing mare's tale clouds under
a scab-red wall held up by old men with sunset shining faces...

It was a big shed, a low barn, a bunkhouse,
eight or ten 4-foot tin-sheets long on the north and south
Windowless walls.
The one door was on the south side.
Once I saw an old man selling red paper buddy poppies.
He was missing both legs about half-way up his thighs.
The poppy seller rode a square board that had what I think were
Roller-skates, the key-kind, with metal wheels about a 1/2 inch wide.
Nailed to it's bottom. He had handles made from a carpenter's saw
Without it's blade. He pushed himself with those handles.

That looked fun, to a four-year old.
It looks different now-a-days. Knowing
Those red poppies symbolized
The after math automatics of the war to end war.

Who knows the poppy-sellers son? He would be old.
Does he know how his father lost his legs, but lived?
Does he bear the curse of the curse that lost his father's legs?
Does he honor his father's cause or weep at the thought?

Enough is enough.
My family tree branched in America, but only one great grand-parent,
Three generations back from me, was rooted in this land.
My gran'ma's ma, a Choctaw squaw,
That rhymed fine,
But it's not true. My grandma did not know her parents. She was born an orphan,
And her father and mother were likely strangers.

1910 in southwest Arkansas or southeast Oklahoma or northeast Texas or northwest Louisiana
And the color of her skin is all that proved my American heritage.

My grandma was born poor as poor can be,
she never told me how she survived

To survive a 1925 or so car wreck
in eastern Arizona's white mountains.
I never asked what my grandmother knew,
nor how she came to know.

This is my point.
After you and I have gone into forever more,
Our great grand children may wonder
what we did or did not, since we
Are no longer around to give our account.

These days we can leave our story to our great grand children.
Our own children
And our grand children follow us on facebook back to before they were born.
Shall they judge us idlers wielding idle words for laughs,
or  think us knowers of all we found while seeking first the Kingdom of Heaven
In the place Jesus says it is. You know where Jesus said the Kingdom of our kind lies?

The double minded man is unstable in all his ways,
hence Eve and her broader bandwidth corpus colostrum
Come back later, there is a breath system upgrade evolving.

Such changes to the courage of the mind rolls out more slowly
to the root ideas, labouring to find sustenance,
it is a struggle being a radical idea,
we agree, but we have our part,
as do the flowers
and the spore.
Leaven the whole lump, like it or lump it.

The now we live in grew from far deeper roots than
the roots claimed by the
Self-identified nation through it's cartoons/representations of national desires to rally 'round the flag as if it were the fire,
those desires to herd beneath any shelter from the storm,
Your country, your incorporated allegiance
to the inventor and creator and counter of the money under
the protection of the sword and crown representative
of the flame that burns,
The namers of patriot, the rankeers of ideas
who, by their existence,
naturally, over rule you.
Such powers are granted by the individual, not the mob.
You get that?

The desires of the nation over rule the desires of the individuals who
Com-prize the nation.
Whose side are you on, dear reader?

Is the idea we believed believable?
Ex Nihilo, I don't think so because
I can't imagine how now could be

When my hero wore spurs as he went from the jail office to
Miss Kitty's place, (Gunsmoke on A.M. radio)

What did Miss Kitty do?
I had no clue.
In my hero's world people never
Did the wrong thing
While Marshal Dillon was in Dodge.

So did you think Miss Kitty's place was anything other
than a culturally acceptable
reference to professional social ******* workers
under a strong, smart female CEO
with top-level links to the local cops?

All these are rhetorical questions, this being
Rhetorical if you are hearing me say this.
That means, don't nod or raise your hand or shout Amen, kin!

I see your answer my answer and
I know my answer, so you know my answer.

Step-back, 1961, USA Snapshot
Unitas, Benny Kid Perett, Mantlenmarris, the Guns of Navarone.

Why I recall those things, I know not.
Why I did not say I do not know, I do not know.

Though, pausing to think,
knowing contains the doing of it within it, you know.
What's to do?

Outlaws were more my heroes than cowboys, and marshals, and such
Especially the ones that had been forced out by law.

I grew up in a 1950's junkyard with no fence, one mile north of route 66
On the Al-Can highway to Las Vegas, 103 miles away.
My Grandpa was a blacksmith's son,
who rode a horse he broke and his pa had shod
From Texas to Arizona in 1917, at the age of 18.

by the time I knew him,
He was fifty, settled down, nearly, from the war.
Momma had to work, so, daytime, Granddaddy raised me.

Horses weren't, wrecked cars were,
the toys of my childhood.

Grandpa built a junkyard from cars left steam blown
on the old stage road, from before
the railroad.
The Abo Highway hain't been Route 66 for some time yet…

Hoping sometime to polish this bit of this book, I left myself re-minders
Hoping memory of mental realms might rewind or unwind sequentially
When trigger
That worked, Roy Autry and Gene Rogers were names Sue Snow's
Mormon Bishop granddaddy called me,
back when I first recall My Grandpa Caleb,
a baptist by confession,
who was,
as I recall a *****-drinkin' jolly drunk.
While Grandma made beds in some motel,
granddaddy built boats and horse trailers
and hot rod 34 Chevies,
and he fixed this one red Indian, I could read the word on the gas tank, I knew the word Indian
and this motor cycle was proud to wear the name. I was 4.

A stout-strong man, no fat near any working muscle system,
he could and would
repair any broken thing,
for anybody. People called him Pop.
Pop and Mr. Levi-next-door at the Loma Vista Motel, shared a listing in the Green Book,
so broke down ******* knew where help could be found
after dark in that town.
There was a warnin'ag'in
let'n sunset there
on darker than grandma's skin.

My Gran'daddy's shop had two gas pumps
that were reset to begin pumping with the turn of a crank.
As soon as I could turn that crank,
I could pump gas.
I could fill up that red Indian
But "m'spokes was too short
to kick the starter."
I told my eleven year old uncle
and he told
how he would always remember learning
that saddles have no linkage
to horse brakes.
"Not knowing what you cain't do
kin *** ye kilt."

He grew up in the junk yard, too.
My first outlaw hero.

Likely, I am alive today, because
On the day I discovered I could pump gas as good as any man,
I also discovered that real motorcycles were not built for little boys.
This is an earlier voice which I wrote a series of thought experiments. The book is finished, most parts, some reader feedback as to interest in more, will be high value gifts from you to me, and counted so.
Es tan fácil nacer en sitios que no existen
y sin embargo fueron brumosos y reales
por ejemplo m¡ sitio mi marmita de vida
mi suelta de palomas conservaba
una niebla capaz de confundir las brújulas
y atravesar de tarde los postigos
todo en el territorio de aquella infancia breve
con la casa en la loma cuyo dueño
cara un tal valentín del escobar
y el nombre era sonoro me atraían
las paredes tan blancas y rugosas
ahí descubrí el lápiz como colón su américa
sin saber que era lápiz y mientras lo empuñaba
alguien hacía muecas al costado de un biombo
para que yo comiera pero yo no comía

después es la estación y es el ferrocarril
me envuelven en la manta de viaje y de calor
y había unas mangueras largas ágiles
que lavaban la noche en los andenes

las imágenes quedan como en un incunable
que sólo yo podría descifrar
puesto que soy el único especialista en mí
y sin embargo cuando regresé
apenas treinta y dos años más tarde
no había andén ni manta ni paredes rugosas
ya nadie recordaba la casa en la lomita
tampoco a valentín del escobar
quizá sea por eso que no puedo creer
en pueblo tan ceñido tan variable
sin bruma que atraviese los postigos
y confunda las brújulas
un paso de los toros enmendado
que no tiene ni biombo ni mangueras

el espejo tampoco sabe nada
con torpeza y herrumbre ese necio repite
mi pescuezo mi nuez y mis arrugas
debe haber pocas cosas en el mundo
con menos osadía que un espejo

en mis ojos amén de cataratas
y lentes de contacto con su neblina propia
hay rehenes y brujas
espesas telarañas sin arañas
hay fiscales y jueces
disculpen me quedé sin defensores
hay fiscales que tiemblan frente a los acusados
y jueces majaderos como tías
o deshumanizados como atentos verdugos
hay rostros arduos y fugaces
otros triviales pero permanentes
hay criaturas y perros y gorriones
que van garúa arriba ensimismados
y un sosías de dios que pone cielos
sobre nuestra mejor abolladura
y tampoco el espejo sabe nada
de por qué lo contemplo sin rencor y aburrido

y así de noche en noche
así de nacimiento en nacimiento
de espanto en espantajo
van o vamos o voy con las uñas partidas
de arañar y arañar la infiníta corteza

más allá del orgullo los árboles quedaron
quedaron los presagios las fogatas
allá atrás allá atrás
quién es tan memorioso
ah pero la inocencia ese búfalo herido
interrumpe o reanuda
la fuga o cacería
de oscuro desenlace

todos mis domicilios me abandonan
y el botín que he ganado con esas deserciones
es un largo monólogo en hiladas
turbado peregrino garrafal
contrito y al final desmesurado
para mi humilde aguante

Me desquito clavándole mi agüero
me vengo espolvoreándolo de culpas
pero la soledad
                            esa guitarra
esa botella al mar
esa pancarta sin muchedumbrita
esa efemérides para el olvido
oasis que ha perdido su desierto
flojo tormento en espiral
cúpula rota y que se llueve
ese engendro del prójimo que soy
tierno rebuzno de la angustia
farola miope

nido de águila para torcazas
escobajo sin uvas
borde de algo importante que se ignora
esa insignificante libertad de gemir
ese carnal vacío
ese naipe sin mazo
ese adiós a ninguna
esa espiga de suerte
ese hueco en la almohada
esa impericia
ese sabor grisáceo
esa tapa sin libro
ese ombligo inservible
la soledad en fin
                              esa guitarra
de pronto un día suena repentina y llamante
inventa prójimas de mi costilla
y hasta asombra la sombra
qué me cuentan

en verdad en verdad os digo que
nada existe en el mundo como la soledad
para buscarnos tierna compañía
cohorte escolta gente caravana

y el espejo ese apático supone
que uno está solo sólo porque rumia
en cambio una mujer cuando nos mira sabe
que uno nunca está solo aunque lo crea
ah por eso hijos míos si debéis elegir
entre una muchacha y un espejo
elegid la muchacha

cómo cambian los tiempos y el azogue
los espejos ahora vienen antinarcisos
hace cuarenta años la gente los compraba
para sentirse hermosa para saberse joven
eran lindos testigos ovalados
hoy en cambio son duros enemigos
cuadrados de rencor bruñidos por la inquina
nos agravian mortifican zahieren
y como si tal cosa pronuncian su chispazo
mencionan lustros y colesterol
pero no las silvestres bondades de estraperlo
la lenta madurez esa sabiduría
la colección completa de delirios
nada de eso         solamente
las averías del pellejo añejo
el desconsuelo y sus ojeras verde
la calvicie que empieza o que concluye
los párpados vencidos siniestrados
las orejas mollejas la chatura nasal
las vacantes molares las islas del eczema

pero no hay que huir despavorido
ni llevarle el apunte a ese reflejo
nadie mejor que yo
para saber que miente

no caben en su estanque vertical
los que fui los que soy los que seré
siempre soy varios en parejos rumbos
el que quiere asomarse al precipicio
el que quiere vibrar inmóvil como un trompo
el que quiere respirar simplemente

será que nada de eso está en mis ojos
nadie sale a pedir el vistobueno
de los otros que acaso y sin acaso
también son otros y en diversos rumbos
el que aspira a encontrarse con su euforia
el que intenta ser flecha sin el arco
el que quiere respirar simplemente
será que nada de eso está en mi ceño
en mis hombros mi boca mis orejas
será que ya no exporto dudas ni minerales
no genera divisas mi conducta
tiene desequilibrios mi balanza de pagos
la caridad me cobra intereses leoninos
y acaparo dolor para el mercado interno

será que nada de eso llega al prójimo
pero yo estoy hablando del y con el espejo
y en su Iuna no hay prójima y si hay
será tina entrometida que mira sobre mi hombro

los prójimos y prójimas no están el el luciente
sencillamente son habitantes de mi
y bueno se establecen en mi como pamperos
como arroyos o como burbujas

por ejemplo las dudas no están en el espejo
las dudas que son meras preconfianzas
por ejemplo los miércoles no están
ya que el espejo es un profesional
de noches sabatinas y tardes domingueras
los miércoles de miércoles quien se le va a arrimar
pedestre o jadeante
inhumano y cansado
con la semana a medio resolver
las tardes gordas de preocupaciones
el ómnibus oliendo a axila de campeón

los insomnios no caben por ejemplo
no son frecuentes pero si poblados
de canciones a trozos
de miradas que no eran para uno
y alguna que otra bronco no del todo prevista
de ésas clue consumen la bilis del trimestre

tampoco aquellos tangos en Ios que uno sujeta
en suave diagonal la humanidad contigua
y un magnetismo cálido y a la vez transitorio
consterna los gametos sus ene cromosomas
y entre corte y cortina se esparcen monosílabos
y tanto las pavadas aleluya
como las intuiciones aleluya aleluya
derriban las fronteras ideológicas

verbigracia qué puede rescatar el espejo
de una ausencia tajante
una de esas ausencias que concurren
que numeran sus cartas
y escriben besos ay de amor remoto

qué puede qué podría reconocer carajo
de las vidas y vidas que ya se me murieron
esos acribillados esos acriborrados
del abrazo y el mapa y los boliches
o los que obedecieron a su corazonada
hasta que el corazón les explotó en la mano
sea en el supermarket de la mala noticia
o en algún pobre rancho de un paisaje sin chau

poco puede conocer de los rostros
que no fueron mi rostro y sin embargo
siguen estando en mí
y menos todavía
de los desesperantes terraplenes
que traté de subir o de bajar
esos riesgos minúsculos que parecen montañas
y los otros los graves que salvé como un sordo
así hasta que la vida quedó sin intervalos
y la muerte quedó sin vacaciones
y mi piel se quedó sin otras pieles
y mis brazos vacíos como mangas
declamaron socorro para el mundo

en la esquina del triste no hay espejo
y lo que es
hay auxilio
por qué será que cunden fas alarmas
y no huy manera ya de descundirlas

el país tiene heridas grandes como provincias
y hay que aprender a andar sobre sus bordes
sin vomitar en ellas ni caer como bolos
ni volverse suicida u miserable
ni decir no va más
porque está yendo
y exportamos los huérfanos y viudas
como antes la lana o el tasajo

en el muelle del pobre no hay espejo
y lo que es
hay adioses

los tratemos que estaban en el límite
las muchachas que estaban en los poemas
asaltaron de pronto el minuto perdido
y se desparramaron como tinta escarlata
sobre las ínfulas y los sobornos
metieron sus urgencias que eran gatos
en bolsas de arpillera
y cuando las abrieron aquello fue un escándalo
la fiesta prematura
igual que si se abre una alcancía

hacía tanto que éramos comedidos y cuerdos
que no nos vino mal este asedio a la suerte

los obreros en cambio no estaban en los poemas
estaban en sus manos nada más
que animan estructuras telas fibras
y cuidan de su máquina oh madre inoxidable
y velan su garganta buje a buje
y le toman el pulso
y le vigilan la temperatura
y le controlan la respiración
y aquí atornillan y desatornillan
y allí mitigan ayes y chirridos y ecos
o escuchar sus maltrechas confidencias
y por fin cuando suena el pito de las cinco
la atienden la consuelan y la apagan

los obreros no estaban en los poemas
pero a menudo estaban en las calles
eon su rojo proyecto y eon su puño
sus alpargatas y su humor de lija
y su beligerancia su paz y su paciencia
sus cojones de clase
qué clase de cojones
sus olas populares
su modestia y su orgullo
que son casi lo mismo

las muchachas que estaban en los poemas
los obreros que estaban en las mulos
hoy están duros en la cárcel firmes
como las cuatro barras que interrumpen el cielo

pero habrá otro tiempo
es claro que habrá otro
habrá otro ticnlpo porque el tiempo vuela
no importa que ellas y ellos no estén en el espejo
el tiempo volará
como el cóndor
ni como el buitre ni como el albatros
ni como el churrinche ni como el venteveo
el tiempo volara como la historia
esa ave migratoria de atlas fuertes
que cuando Ilega es para quedarse

y por fin las muchachas estarán en las mulos
y por fin los obreros estarán en los poemas
ay espejo ignorás tanta vida posible
tenés mi soledad
vaya conquista
en qué mago atolón te obligaste a varar
hay un mundo de amor que te es ajeno
así chic no te. quedes mirando má mirada
la modorra no escucha campanas ni promesas
tras de mi sigue habiendo un pedazo do historia
y yo tengo la llave de ese cobre barato
pero atrás más atrás
o adelante mucho más adelante
hay una historia plena
una patria en andamios con banderas posibles
y todo sin oráculo y sin ritos
y sin cofre y sin llave
simplemente una patria

ay espejo las sombras que te cruzan
son mucho más corpóreas que mi cuerpo depósito
el tiempo inagotable hace sus propios cálculos
y yo tengo pulmones y recuerdos y nuca
y otras abreviaturas de lo frágil
quizá una vez, te quiebres
dicen que es mala suerte
pero ningún espejo pudo con el destino
o yo mismo me rompa sin que vos te destruyas
y sea así otra sombra que te cruce

pero espejo ya tuve como dieciocho camas
en los tres años últimos de este gran desparramo
como todas las sombras pasadas o futuras
soy nómada y testigo y mirasol
dentro de tres semanas tal vez me vaya y duerma
en ml cama vacía número diecinueve
no estarás para verlo
no estaré para verte

en otro cuarto neutro mengano y transitorio
también habrá un espejo que empezará a
tan desprolijamente como vos
y aquí en este rincón duramente tranquilo
se instalará otro huesped temporal como yo
o acaso dos amantes recién homologados
absortos en su canje de verguenzas
con fragores de anule e isócronos vaivenes

no podrás ignorarlos
egos le ignorarán
no lograrás desprestigiar su piel
porque será de estreno y maravilla
ni siquiera podr á vituperar mi rostro
porque ya estaré fuera de tu alcance
diciéndole a otra luna de impersonal herrumbre
lo que una vez te dije con jactancia y recelo

he venido con toldos mis enigmas
he venido con todos mis fantasmas
he venido con lerdees mis amores

y antes de que me mire
como vos me miraste
con ojos que eran sello parodia de mis ojos
soltaré de una vez el desafío

ay espejo cuadrado
nuevo espejo de hotel y lejanía
aquí estoy
                  ya podés
empezar a ignorarme.
Hoy que danza en mi cuerpo la pasión de Paolo
y ebrio de un sueño alegre mi corazón se agita:
hoy que sé la alegría de ser libre y ser solo
como el pistilo de una margarita infinita:

oh mujer -carne y sueño-, ven a encantarme un poco,
ven a vaciar tus copas de sol en mi camino:
que en mi barco amarillo tiemblen tus senos locos
y ebrios de juventud, que es el más bello vino.

Es bello porque nosotros lo bebemos
en estos temblorosos vasos de nuestro ser
que nos niegan el goce para que lo gocemos.
Bebamos. Nunca dejemos de beber.

Nunca, mujer, rayo de luz, pulpa blanca de poma,
suavices la pisada que no te hará sufrir.
Sembremos la llanura antes de arar la loma.
Vivir será primero, después será morir.

Y después que en la ruta se apaguen nuestras huellas
y en el azul paremos nuestras blancas escalas
-flechas de oro que atajan en vano las estrellas-,
¡oh Francesca, hacia dónde te llevarán mis alas!
Jornaleros que habéis cobrado en plomo
sufrimientos, trabajos y dineros.
Cuerpos de sometido y alto lomo:

Españoles que España habéis ganado
labrándola entre lluvias y entre soles.
Rabadanes del hambre y el arado:

Esta España que, nunca satisfecha
de malograr la flor de la cizaña,
de una cosecha pasa a otra cosecha:
esta España.

Poderoso homenaje a las encinas,
homenaje del toro y el coloso,
homenaje de páramos y minas

Esta España que habéis amamantado
con sudores y empujes de montaña,
codician los que nunca han cultivado
esta España.

¿Dejaremos llevar cobardemente
riquezas que han forjado nuestros remos?
¿Campos que ha humedecido nuestra frente

Adelanta, español, una tormenta
de martillos y hoces: ruge y canta.
Tu porvenir, tu orgullo, tu herramienta

Los verdugos, ejemplo de tiranos,
****** y Mussolini labran yugos.
Sumid en un retrete de gusanos
los verdugos.

Ellos, ellos nos traen una cadena
de cárceles, miserias y atropellos.
¿Quién España destruye y desordena?
¡Ellos! ¡Ellos!

Fuera, fuera, ladrones de naciones,
guardianes de la cúpula banquera,
cluecas del capital y sus doblones:
¡fuera, fuera!

Arrojados seréis como basura
de todas partes y de todos lados.
No habrá para vosotros sepultura,

La saliva será vuestra mortaja,
vuestro final la bota vengativa,
y sólo os dará sombra, paz y caja
la saliva.

Jornaleros: España, loma a loma,
es de gañanes, pobres y braceros.
¡No permitáis que el rico se la coma,
Hoy amanecí con los puños cerrados
pero no lo tomen al pie de la letra
es apenas un signo de pervivencia
declaración de guerra o de nostalgia
a lo sumo contraseña o imprecación
al ciclo sordomudo y nubladísimo

sucede que ya es el tercer año
que voy ele gente en pueblo
ele aeropuerto en frontera
ele solidaridad en solidaridad
de cerca en lejos
de apartado en casilla
de hotelito en pensión
de apartamentito casi camarote
a otro con teléfono y water-comedor

de tanto mirar hacia el país
se me fue desprendiendo la retina
ahora ya la prendieron de nuevo,
así que miro otra vez hacia el país

llena pletórica de vacíos
mártir de su destino provisorio
patria arrollada en su congoja
puesta provisoriamente a morir
guardada por sabuesos no menos provisorios

pero los hombres de mala voluntad
no serán provisoriamente condenados
para ellos no habrá paz en la tierrita
ni de ellos será el reino de los cielos
ya que como es público y notorio
no son pobres de espíritu

los hombres de mala voluntad
no sueñan con muchachas y justicia
sino con locomotoras y elefantes
que acaban desprendiéndose de un guinche ecuánime
que casualmente pende sobre sus testas
no sueñan como nosotros con primaveras y alfabetizaciones
sino con robustas estatuas al gendarme desconocido
que a veces se quiebran como mazapán

los hombres de mala voluntad
no todos sino los verdaderamente temerarios
cuando van al analista y se confiesan
somatizan el odio y acaban vomitando

a propósito
son ellos que gobiernan
gobiernan con garrotes expedientes cenizas
con genuflexiones concertadas
y genuflexiones espontáneas
minidevaluaciones que en realidad son mezzo
mezzodevaluaciones que en realidad son macro

gobiernan con maldiciones y sin malabarismos
con malogros y malos pasos
con maltusianismo y malevaje
con malhumor y malversaciones
con maltrato y malvones
ya que aman las flores como si fueran prójimos
pero no viceversa

los hombres de pésima voluntad
todo lo postergan y pretergan
tal vez por eso no hacen casi nada
y ese poco no sirve

si por ellos fuera le pondrían
un durísimo freno a la historia
tienen pánico (le que ésta se desboque
y les galopo por encima pobres
tienen otras inquinas verbigracia
no les gustan los jóvenes tú el himno
los jóvenes bah no es una sorpresa
el himno porque dice tiranos temblad
y eso les repercute en el duodeno
pero sobre todo les desagrada
porque cuando lo oyen
obedecen y tiemblan
sus enemigos son cuantiosos y tercos
marxistas economistas niños sacerdotes
pueblos y más pueblos
qué lata es imposible acabar con los pueblos
y casi cien catervas internacionales
due tienen insolentes exigencias
como pan nuestro y amnistía
no se sabe por qué
los obreros y estudiantes no los aman

sus amigos entrañables tienen
algunas veces mala entraña
digamos Pinochet y el apartheid
dime con quién andas y te diré go home

también existen leves contradicciones
algo así como una dialéctica de oprobio
por ejemplo un presidio se llama libertad
de modo que si dicen con orgullo
aquí el ciudadano vive en libertad
significa que tiene diez años de condena

es claro en apariencia nos hemos ampliado
ya que invadimos los cuatro cardinales
en venezuela hay como treinta mil
incluidos cuarenta futbolistas
en sidney oceanía
hay una librería de autores orientales
que para sorpresa de los australianos
no son confucio ni lin yu tang
sino onetti vilariño arregui espínola
en barcelona un café petit montevideo
y otro localcito llamado el quilombo
nombre que dice algo a los rioplatenses
pero muy poca cosa a los catalanes
en buenos aires setecientos mil o sea no caben más
y así en méxico nueva york porto alegre la habana
panamá quito argel estocolmo parís
lisboa maracaibo lima amsterdam madrid
roma xalapa pau caracas san francisco montreal
bogotá londres mérida goteburgo moscú
efe todas partes llegan sobres de la nostalgia
narrando cómo hay que empezar desde cero
navegar por idiomas que apenas son afluentes
construirse algún sitio en cualquier sitio
a veces           lindas
veces             con manos solidarias
y otras           amargas
veces               recibiendo en la nunca
la mirada xenófoba

de todas partes llegan serenidades
de todas partes llegan desesperaciones
oscuros silencios de voz quebrada
uño de cada mil se resigna a ser otro

y sin embargo somos privilegiados

con esta rabia melancólica
este arraigo tan nómada
este coraje hervido en la tristeza
este desorden este no saber
esta ausencia a pedazos
estos huesos que reclaman su lecho
con todo este derrumbe misterioso
con todo este fichero de dolor
somos privilegiados

después de todo amamos discutimos leemos
aprendemos sueco catalán portugués
vemos documentales sobre el triunfo
en vietnam la libertad de angola
fidel a quien la historia siempre absuelve
y en una esquina de carne y hueso
miramos cómo transcurre el mundo
escuchamos coros salvacionistas y afónicos
contemplamos viajeros y laureles
aviones que escriben en el cielo
y tienen mala letra
soportamos un ciclón de trópico
o un diciembre de nieve

podemos ver la noche sin barrotes
poseer un talismán         o en su defecto un perro
hostezar escupir lagrimear
soñar suspirar confundir
quedar hambrientos o saciados
trabajar permitir maldecir
jugar descubrir acariciar
sin que el ojo cancerbero vigile

         y los otros
qué pensarán los otros
si es que tienen ánimo y espacio
para pensar en algo

qué pensarán los que se encaminan
a la máquina buitre         a la tortura hiena
qué quedará a los que jadean de impotencia
qué a los que salieron semimuertos
e ignoran cuándo volverán al cepo
qué rendija de orgullo
qué gramo de vida
ciegos en su capucha
mudos de soledad
inermes en la espera

ni el recurso les queda de amanecer puteando
no sólo oyen las paredes
también escuchan los colchones si hay
las baldosas si hay
el inodoro si hay
y los barrotes que ésos siempre hay

cómo recuperarlos del suplicio y el tedio
cómo salvarlos de la muerte sucedánea
cómo rescatarlos del rencor que carcome

el exilio también tiene barrotes

sabemos dónde está cada ventana
cada plaza cada madre cada loma
dónde está el mejor ángulo ele cíelo
cómo se mueven las dunas y gaviotas
dónde está la escuelita con el hijo
del laburante que murió sellado
dónde quedaron enterrados los sueños
de los muertos y también de los vivos
dónde quedó el resto del naufragio
y dónde están los sobrevivientes

sabemos dónde rompen las olas más agudas
y dónde y cuándo empalaga la luna
y también cuándo sirve como única linterna

sabemos todo eso y sin embargo
el exilio también tiene barrotes

allí donde el pueblo a durísimas penas
sobrevive entre la espada tan fría que da asco
y la pared que dice libertad o muer
porque el adolesente ya no pudo

allí pervierte el aire una culpa innombrable
tarde horrenda de esquinas sin muchachos
hajo un sol que se desploma como buscando
el presidente ganadero y católico
es ganadero basta en sus pupilas bueyunas
y preconciliar pero de trento
el presidente es partidario del rigor
y la exigencia en interrogatorios
hay que aclarar que cultiva el pleonasmo
ya que el rigor siempre es exigente
y la exigencia siempre es rigurosa
tal vez quiso decir algo más simple
por ejemplo que alienta la tortura

seguro el presidente no opinaría lo mismo
si una noche pasara de ganadero a perdidoso
y algún otro partidario kyric eleison
del rigor y la exigencia kyrie eleison
le metiera las bueyunas en un balde de mierda
pleonasmo sobre el que hay jurisprudencia

parece que las calles ahora no tienen baches
y después del ángelus ni baches ni transeúntes
los jardines públicos están preciosos
las estatuas sin **** de palomas

después de todo no es tan novedoso
los gobiernos musculosos siempre se jactan
de sus virtudes municipales

es cierto que esos méritos no salvan un país
tal vez haya algún coronel que lo sepa

al pobre que quedó a solas con su hambre
no le importa que esté cortado el césped
los padres que pagaron con un hijo al contado
ignoran esos hoyos que tapó el intendente

a juana le amputaron el marido
no le atañe la poda de los plátanos

los trozos de familia no valoran
la sólida unidad de las estatuas

de modo que no vale la gloria ni la pena
que gasten tanto erario en ese brillo

aclaro que no siempre
amanezco con los puños cerrados

hay mañanas en que me desperezo
y cuando el pecho se me ensancha
y abro la boca como pez en el aire
siento que aspiro una tristeza húmeda
una tristeza que me invade entero
y que me deja absorto suspendido
y mientras ella lentamente se mezcla
con mi sangre y hasta con mi suerte
pasa por viejas y nuevas cicatrices
algo así como costuras mal cosidas
que tengo en la memoria en el estómago
en el cerebro en las coronarias
en un recodo del entusiasmo
en el fervor convaleciente
en las pistas que perdí para siempre
en las huellas que no reconozco
en el rumbo que oscila como un péndulo

y esa tristeza madrugadora y gris
pasa por los rostros de mis iguales
Unos lejanos perdidos en la escarcha
otros no sé dónde       deshechos o rehechos

el viejo que aguantó y volvió a aguantar
la llaca con la boca destruida
el gordo al que castraron
y los otros los otros y los otros
otros innumerables y fraternos
mi tristeza los toca con abrupto respeto
y las otras las otras y las otras
otras esplendorosas y valientes
mi tristeza las besa una por una

no sé qué les debemos
pero eso que no sé
sé que es muchísimo

esto es una derrota
hay cine decirlo
vamos a no mentirnos nunca más
a no inventar triunfos de cartón

si quiero rescatarme
si quiero iluminar esta tristeza
si quiero no doblarme de rencor
ni pudrirme de resentimiento
tengo que excavar hondo
hasta mis huesos
tengo que excavar hondo en el pasado
y hallar por fin la verdad maltrecha
con mis manos que ya no son las mismas

pero no sólo eso
tendré que excavar hondo en el futuro
y buscar otra vez la verdad
con mis manos que tendrán otras manos

que tampoco serán ya las mismas
pues tendrán otras manos

habrá que rescatar el vellocino
que tal vez era sólo de lana
rescatar la verdad más sencilla
y una vez que la hayamos aprendido
y sea tan nuestra como
las articulaciones o los tímpanos
entonces basta basta basta
de autoflagelaciones y de culpas
todos tenemos nuestra rastra
pero la autocrítica
                               no es una noria
no voy a anquilosarme en el reproche
y no voy a infamar a mis hermanos
el baldón y la ira los reservo
para los hombres de mala voluntad
para los que nos matan nos expulsan
nos cubren de amenazas nos humillan
nos cortan la familia en pedacitos
nos quitan el país verde y herido
nos quieren condenar al desamor
nos queman el futuro
nos hacen escuchar cómo crepita

el baldón y la ira
que esto quede bien claro
yo los reservo para el enemigo

con mis hermanos porfiaré
es natural
sobre planes y voces
trochas atajos y veredas
pasos atrás y pasos adelante
silencios oportunos       omisiones que no
coyunturas mejores o peores
pero tendré a la vista que son eso

si esta vez no aprendemos
será que merecemos la derrota
y sé que merecemos la victoria

el paisito está allá
                              y es una certidumbre
a lo mejor ahora está lloviendo
allá sobre la tierra

y aquí
bajo este transparente sol de libres
aquella lluvia cala hasta mis bronquios
me empapa la vislumbre
me refresca los signos
lava mi soledad

la victoria es tan sólo
un tallito que asoma
pero esta lluvia patria
le va a hacer mucho bien
creo que la victoria estará como yo
ahí nomás germinando
digamos aprendiendo a germinar
la buena tierra artigas revive con la lluvia
habrá uvas y duraznos y vino
barro para amasar
muchachas con el rostro hacia las nubes
para que el chaparrón borre por fin las lágrimas

ojalá que perdure
hace bien este riego
a vos a mí al futuro
a la patria sin más

hace bien si llovemos mi pueblo torrencial
donde estemos
                                   o en cualquier parte

sobre todo si somos la lluvia y el solar
la lluvia y las pupilas y los muros
la bóveda la lluvia y el ranchito
el río y los tejados y la lluvia

furia paciente
                                  iracundo silencio
allá y en todas partes

ah tierra lluvia pobre
modesto pueblo torrencial

con tan buen aguacero
la férrea dictadura
acabará oxidándose

y la victoria crecerá despacio
como siempre han crecido las victorias.
Kurt Philip Behm May 2024
Day #7: Vernal to Cortez

The next morning, I was on Rt #40 and headed from Vernal Utah to Dinosaur Colorado. I wished that I had had the time to go into the dinosaur museum again.  When I was last there, over fifteen years ago, they had a fossilized dinosaur, and it was almost half uncovered from the side of the cliff where it was buried.  They had built the museum around this discovery, and its walls connected right to the cliff on both sides of the dig.  I made a bet with myself as I passed by that they had entirely uncovered it by now.  It was hard to believe in this dry arid climate that the greatest creatures to ever walk the earth once roamed here.

This Week Was Not About Museums Or Sideshows, It Was About The ‘Ride’

At Dinosaur, I took Rt. #64 East toward Rangely where I gassed up and connected with Rt. #139. I then entered the great flat regions of Western Colorado where the only towns were Loma and Fruita with Grand Junction sitting just off the interstate twelve miles farther to the East.  

Just before Fruita, I passed the old farming community of Loma Colorado. Loma sat just off interstate Rt.#70 and looked like another one of those towns that time had forgotten.  I stopped to photograph the old two-story Loma School that sat in the weeds 100 yards off the road.  As I approached the front entrance, I could feel the excitement of the students who had attended there reverberate around me. I thought I heard their laughter, as I pushed on the double latch of the large front entry door.  Sadly, it was locked. As I looked in through its glass panels, I thought I saw a figure carrying books and making a left turn into one of the deserted classrooms — or were they deserted.  

I have learned to no longer question what I see but to be thankful for the gift of being able to see at all.  While closed, I was gratified that the county had not torn the old building down and had allowed it to stand. It was a living testament to all that had happened there and to what, in a passing visitors imagination, just might happen again.  I smiled realizing that I would soon be like that old building, a memory, whose retelling would overshadow any new thing that I might become.

There were two deserted schools, that sat dormant, yet vibrant, along the pathway of my discovery this week.  I had put my hands firmly on the front doors of both hoping that they would empty into me all the mystery hidden within their corridors and halls that they had been previously unwilling to share. Forever, they would remain unsettled in my thoughts because of what they once were and even more for the stories they might tell.

At Fruita, I got on the Interstate (Rt #70 East) and missed my exit for Rt.#141 South which would have taken me across the Uncompahgre Plateau.  I went twenty miles too far to the East before turning around and on the reverse trip made the same mistake again.  The exit for Rt.#141 was not marked, so I got off and followed the signs for Rt.#50 and stopped at the first gas station for better directions.  The clerk behind the desk smiled at me as I asked for her help.  She said, “Not so easy to find Rt #141, is it?” Many things in the West were not easy to find, but the ones worth keeping had been worth looking for.

After a series of three right turns, I arrived in the tiny town of Whitewater Colorado and saw the sign for Rt.#141.  I didn’t refuel back at the gas station — I had simply forgotten. The next town on Rt.#141 (Gateway Colorado), was still 43 miles further West.  I knew I could make it with what I had left in my tank but would Gateway have fuel?  If not, I would become the remote victim of an unknown fate caused by an unfortunate memory lapse.  

If the first twenty miles of this trip hadn’t been mired in road construction, the remote beauty of the canyons, and the road they stood as bookends against, were worth any chance that I might run out of gas. The manual said that the Goldwing could go over two hundred miles before running out of gas. Today would test both the veracity of that statement and my belief that the road was always there to save you when you needed it most.  

Road construction in this part of the West meant that two lanes had been reduced to one totally stopping the traffic in one of the lanes. A long line of idling vehicles waited for the pilot car to come from the other direction, turn around, and then take them through the construction zone to where the second lane opened again. Once there, the pilot car positioned itself at the head of the opposing line of stopped vehicles wanting to go the other way. It slowly began the whole process all over again going back in the direction from where it had started.

There’s an old Western joke about the West having four-seasons —Fall, Winter, Spring, and Road Construction. If you’ve traveled west of the Mississippi between Memorial Day and September, you undoubtedly have your own stories to tell about waiting in line.

If you’ve been lucky, you didn’t have to wait more than twenty or thirty minutes for the pilot car to return.  If not lucky, you could’ve waited forty-five minutes or more.  On this day, the thermometer on the bike read 103,’ so I turned off the motor, dropped the kickstand down and got off. I removed my jacket and, within sight of the bike, went for a short walk.

  The Heat Was Coming Off The ‘Road’ In Waves And Made    Standing On Its Surface Both Uncomfortable And Severe

As I anticipated, in exactly twenty minutes the pilot car emerged from around the mountain in front of me. Within three minutes more, it had turned around, positioned itself in front of the line where I was number five and, with the flagman waving back and forth in our direction, had us on our way.  It looked like it was going to be a slow dusty ride through the Grand Mesa National Forest toward Gateway for another ten miles.  

Slow and dusty yes, but it was also gorgeous in a way that only a San Juan Mountain Road knew how to be.  With all the temporary unpleasantness from the heat and the dust, I wouldn’t have changed a thing.  This was what real travel was all about. I had learned its true meaning on the many Wyoming and Montana back roads of my youth — and on a much smaller motorcycle — over thirty years ago.

It’s What You Can’t Control That Allows For The Possibility Of Greatest Change

Casting my fate again to the spirits of the road, I passed the four slower cars in front of me and was again by myself.  The awe-inspiring mountain’s drifted lower into canyons of incredible beauty.  The descent was more than just a change in elevation.  I was being passed off from one of nature’s power sources to the other. As the mountains delivered their tenant son to the canyons in waiting, the road, once again, proved to be smarter than the plans I had made to deal with it.

               The ‘Road’ Had Once Again Proved Smarter …

Typical of many small western towns, the only gas station in Gateway had a sign on the front door that read … ‘Back In 30 Minutes.’ The two pumps did not accept credit cards, so the decision was to either wait for the station manager to return or to continue south toward Nucla, and if I had no luck there then Naturita. “One of them surely had gas” I said to myself, and with still an eighth of a tank left, I decided I would rather take the risk than wait, as daylight was burning.  Betting on the uncertainty of the future was different than dealing with the uncertainty of the here and now.  One was filled with the promise of good intention, while the other only underscored what you had learned to fear.

                                I Decided To Move On

Just outside of Gateway, and like a mirage in the desert, I saw a large resort a half-mile ahead on my right. As I got closer, I realized it was no mirage at all as the sign read ‘Welcome To The Gateway Canyons Resort.’ Nothing could have stood in greater contrast to the things I had seen in the last fifty miles.  This resort looked like it should have been in Palm Springs or Sedona.  It was built totally out of red desert stucco with three upscale restaurants, a health club, and an in-house museum.  

What I cared about most was did they have gas?  Sitting right in front of their General Store were two large concrete islands with pumps on both sides.  It was a welcome sight regardless of price, $4.99 for regular, which was more than a dollar a gallon higher than I had paid anywhere else.

                                  Any Port In A Storm

After filling the Goldwing’s tank, I walked inside the General Store to get something to drink.  The manager was standing by the cash register and talking to a clerk.  She looked at me and smiled as she said: “So where are you headed?”  When I told her the Grand Canyon, and then eventually back to Las Vegas she replied: “Hey, tell all your Motorcycle friends about us, we love to service the Bike trade.”  

I told her I was a writer and would in fact be doing a story about my ride. But based on her overly inflated prices I would have to recommend filling up in either Whitewater or Naturita.  She grimaced slightly and said something about business in this remote region dictating the price.  I returned her smile as I wished her a good day. Joni’s immortal words about “repaving paradise and putting up a parking lot” rang in my ears, as I walked back outside and restarted the bike.

Sometimes We Had To Cross The line To Know What The Line Meant

This place had been recently built by John Hendricks the founder of The Discovery Channel.  He and his family discovered this valley on a vacation trip in 1995.  Instead of becoming part of the surroundings, he decided to turn his vision of the valley into an extension of what he already knew.  It was a shame really because a museum with classic Duesenberg Cars was as out of place in this remote canyon as any notion that you could then merchandise and control it to suit your own ends.

I couldn’t leave fast enough! Without even one look back through my rearview mirrors, I rounded the bend to the right that took me away from this place.  Once out of sight of the resort, I was deep in ****** canyonland again where only the hawk and the coyote affirmed my existence. I wondered … why do we do many of the things that we do? At the same time, I was grateful, as I looked up and offered a silent thank you for the gas.

Asking ‘Why’ Throws My Spirit Into Reverse Gear, And I Know Better …  

Just past Naturita, I made a right turn on Rt.#141 and headed south toward Dove Creek.  It was farther than it appeared on the map, and it was past 7:30 in the evening when I arrived where Rt.#141 dead-ended into Rt.#491.  I took the left turn toward ****** where I continued south toward the 4-Corners town of Cortez Colorado.  This time life balanced. The trip to Cortez from Dove Creek which looked at least as long, or longer, than the one I had just traveled, was only 36 more miles — and I could stop for the night.

I raced toward the 4-Corners as the sun disappeared behind the Canyons Of The Ancients. I averaged over 85 MPH again alone on the road.  My only fear was that a deer or coyote might come out of the shadows, but I traveled secure inside my vision that on two-wheels my life would never end. I knew my life would never end that way, but a serious injury was something to be avoided.  

The trip to Cortez was over in a flash, and in less than twenty minutes I saw billboards and signs that pointed to a life outside of myself lining both sides of the road.  As I pulled into the Budget Inn, the sign that directed you toward Rt. #160 west and the Grand Canyon was right in front of the motel. There were only two other cars sitting in the parking lot with a lone Harley-Davidson Road King parked in front of a room at the extreme far end.

The desk clerk told me that he was originally from Iran but had been raised in the Los Angeles area.  He had a small Chihuahua named Buddy who would perform tricks if offered a reward.  I took a small milk bone out of the box on the counter and asked Buddy if he’d like to go for a ride.  He barked loudly, as he spun and pirouetted in the middle of the lobby. I thought about my own dog Colby, who I missed terribly, waiting faithfully for me on our favorite chair back home. As I walked across the parking lot to my room, Buddy had been a proper and fitting end to a ride that left nothing more to be desired.

I splashed water on my face, left my helmet in the room, and rode back into Cortez. All I wanted now was some good food and a beer.  Lit up in all its glory, the Main Street Brewery sat in the middle of town, and its magnetic charm did everything but physically pull me inside.  It was an easy choice and one of those things that you just know, as I parked the bike against the sidewalk and walked inside.

The ribs and cole-slaw were as delicious as the waitress was delightful. It disturbed me though when I asked her about road conditions on the way to The Canyon, and she gave me that familiar blank stare.  “You know, I’ve lived up and down these San Juan’s all my life, and I’ve still never been down there.”  My heart filled with sadness as I said: “It’s only three hours away and the single greatest sight on earth that you will ever see.”

She looked at me vacuously, as she cleared my table, and promised she’d have to get down there one of these days if time and money ever permitted.  Amazing, I thought to myself! Here I was, a guy from Pennsylvania, who had visited the Canyon over thirty times, and this local person, living less than three hours away had not seen it — not even once. I cried inside myself for what she would probably never know as I got up to leave.

             Crying For What She Would Never Know …

As I turned around to take one last look at the historic bar, I was reminded that some things in life served as stepping-stones, or stairways, to all that was greater. I was in one of those places again tonight. The people who served in roadside towns like this saw the comings and goings, but never the reasons why. They were spared from feeling that outside their immediate preoccupation there could ever be anything more.  I needed to be thankful to them for having provided sustenance and shelter along my travels, but my sadness for the things that they would never see, which were many times just over the next hill, overrode any gratefulness I would feel in my heart.

         The Blessed Among Us Are The Blessed Indeed!
Leydis Oct 2018
La sonrisa que llueve en mi alma,
así eres tú, alegrando mis días
y llenándolos de esperanza,
(Así eres tu).

Como el primor del cielo
forrándome en nubes
que transitan mi cuerpo,
algo así eres tú.

Como ladrillos que componen
mi apasionada fábrica, así eres tú,
brasero en mis días más fríos,
manantial refrescante de ilusión
en mis temporadas de calor,
así eres tú.

Semilla que germina de mi tierra,
Como agua, bautizando mi cosecha,
aceite que embalsama mi piel reseca
(así eres tú).

Como arena que se acuesta
con la última ola, así eres tú,
la paciente y dulce cuesta
del sol en mi panorama, así eres tú.  

Salmo que edifica mi espíritu,
ensalmando mis días de tristeza
y conjurándolos con tus bellas
e inolvidables caricias
Así eres tú.

¡Mi hombre perfectamente imperfecto!
Loma de mis anhelos,
vigor de mi boca refresca.
La calma cuando pienso en ti
en mi vieja mecedora.

Estar entre tus brazos es mi mejor sombra,
besarnos y abrazarnos sin descanso
debajo de aquel árbol de magnolia,
vestigios de amor en el suelo dejamos
cual árbol su bella flor nos va adornando.

Así eres tú, como un poema de Neruda,
que me conmueve y me transporta a la luna.
Como un verso que encontró su mejor metáfora,
Como la energía que logra traspasar las barreras físicas.

Así eres tú, mi rayo de sol en un día nublado.
Suspiro que alienta mi cuerpo y mi morada,
Aquella canción que de niña escuchaba,
ya soñando contigo y algún día cantártela.

Y si, ¡bendito Dios, que eres tú!

Mediaba el mes de julio. Era un hermoso día.
Yo, solo, por las quiebras del pedregal subía,
buscando los recodos de sombra, lentamente.
A trechos me paraba para enjugar mi frente
y dar algún respiro al pecho jadeante;
o bien, ahincando el paso, el cuerpo hacia adelante
y hacia la mano diestra vencido y apoyado
en un bastón, a guisa de pastoril cayado,
trepaba por los cerros que habitan las rapaces
aves de altura, hollando las hierbas montaraces
de fuerte olor -romero, tomillo, salvia, espliego-.
Sobre los agrios campos caía un sol de fuego.
      Un buitre de anchas alas con majestuoso vuelo
cruzaba solitario el puro azul del cielo.
Yo divisaba, lejos, un monte alto y agudo,
y una redonda loma cual recamado escudo,
y cárdenos alcores sobre la parda tierra
-harapos esparcidos de un viejo arnés de guerra-,
las serrezuelas calvas por donde tuerce el Duero
para formar la corva ballesta de un arquero
en torno a Soria. -Soria es una barbacana,
hacia Aragón, que tiene la torre castellana-.
Veía el horizonte cerrado por colinas
oscuras, coronadas de robles y de encinas;
desnudos peñascales, algún humilde prado
donde el merino pace y el toro, arrodillado
sobre la hierba, rumia; las márgenes de río
lucir sus verdes álamos al claro sol de estío,
y, silenciosamente, lejanos pasajeros,
¡tan diminutos! -carros, jinetes y arrieros-,
cruzar el largo puente, y bajo las arcadas
de piedra ensombrecerse las aguas plateadas
del Duero.
      El Duero cruza el corazón de roble
de Iberia y de Castilla.
            ¡Oh, tierra triste y noble,
la de los altos llanos y yermos y roquedas,
de campos sin arados, regatos ni arboledas;
decrépitas ciudades, caminos sin mesones,
y atónitos palurdos sin danzas ni canciones
que aún van, abandonando el mortecino hogar,
como tus largos ríos, Castilla, hacia la mar!
      Castilla miserable, ayer dominadora,
envuelta en sus andrajos desprecia cuanto ignora.
¿Espera, duerme o sueña? ¿La sangre derramada
recuerda, cuando tuvo la fiebre de la espada?
Todo se mueve, fluye, discurre, corre o gira;
cambian la mar y el monte y el ojo que los mira.
¿Pasó?  Sobre sus campos aún el fantasma yerta
de un pueblo que ponía a Dios sobre la guerra.
      La madre en otro tiempo fecunda en capitanes,
madrastra es hoy apenas de humildes ganapanes.
Castilla no es aquella tan generosa un día,
cuando Myo Cid Rodrigo el de Vivar volvía,
ufano de su nueva fortuna, y su opulencia,
a regalar a Alfonso los huertos de Valencia;
o que, tras la aventura que acreditó sus bríos,
pedía la conquista de los inmensos ríos
indianos a la corte, la madre de soldados,
guerreros y adalides que han de tornar, cargados
de plata y oro, a España, en regios galeones,
para la presa cuervos, para la lid leones.
Filósofos nutridos de sopa de convento
contemplan impasibles el amplio firmamento;
y si les llega en sueños, como un rumor distante,
clamor de mercaderes de muelles de Levante,
no acudirán siquiera a preguntar ¿qué pasa?
Y ya la guerra ha abierto las puertas de su casa.
      Castilla miserable, ayer dominadora,
envuelta en sus harapos desprecia cuanto ignora.
      El sol va declinando. De la ciudad lejana
me llega un armonioso tañido de campana
-ya irán a su rosario las enlutadas viejas-.
De entre las peñas salen dos lindas comadrejas;
me miran y se alejan, huyendo, y aparecen
de nuevo, ¡tan curiosas!... Los campos se obscurecen.
Hacia el camino blanco está el mesón abierto
al campo ensombrecido y al pedregal desierto.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
The pilgrim's pull ashore....

Strange glass waves smash their feeble ships...

In the meanwhile upon land
In the distant abyss.....

The wildmen dance in song singing....
Ya ha ha-way!
Ya ha ha-way!
Ya ha ha-way!

Ha ha ** ha ha ha-way
Ha ha ** ha ha ha-way...........

Connecting to the creator
Hellion's to sojourner men
Outlandish semblance
Blush maroon colored skin...

Pinna's stitched into costume
As bead's wrap their neck
Efflorescence garbs their smiles
As sage smokes their chest's

Trace bouquet Smell's as oak
As the Willow's they do gather
Pinecones and nut's the both
Are used, eaten, and slathered

Their friends with the forest
Watchmen of Cimmerian adumbration
Not thy average native
Not found on t.v stations

They follow not the world
Nor the things of material crud
They gallop exposed
All unclothed painted in by the mud

Their mundunugu's and isangoma's
Their healer's of sickened loma's
Their future reader's
And old time Greeter's

They hash up balm pharmaceuticals
And mix in remedy anesthetics
Antibiotic doctors
Believer's in angelic medic

The pioneers come in
Scratching their heads
Bearing babies of far distance
Bringing disease with no end

They park their Vessels on edge
Of those wild men they call beasts
They plant their flag of hatred
And the redskin's are forgiving treat's

The ivory men draws gun
Whilst the natives draw their god
The pale man doth run
This is native land didst the whitened did trod

The natal men's Architect was stronger
Against the real true brutes
As the shaman sent home those foreigners
Back to England and Europe's coupé

As when the bleached beau's had left them
They went into different song
It goes like this
Please don't miss

These are the original's of the law!!!!

They Carol in fire hot dance...

Wee hee nah wee hee nah hee nah
Wee hee nah hee nah

Wee hee nah
Wee hee nah hee nah
Wee hee nah hee nah

Hey **!!!!!!!!
“Look at Mother Nature on the run in the 1970s.”**      Neil Young

The earth battles back,
Katrina, Loma Prieta and Sandy destroy our complacency,
Hurricanes and earthquake chase us from our homes.
Our flood-ravaged farms fail us.
The bees go out on strike,
Refusing the work that sustains us.
Drought destroys germination,
Our food at war with our metabolism,
Energizing while poisoning our bodies.
Dioxin & mercury cross our epidermis,
Infect us; **** us in revenge.
The air itself in rebellion,
Hot, fetid, over-carbonated;
The atmosphere itself,
Voting us off the planet.
The non-human and the inorganic conspire against us,
Plot extinction of our species,
Condemn us for crimes against the earth.
earthquakes happen so frequently
in the snow-capped mountains of Anchorage
that the people living along the outskirts
like to believe that the reason why it always
snows after the ground breaks apart like warm
apple crumble is because it’s the only way Mother Nature
can offer God a tissue after He sneezes without
being too rude about it.
in the winters, it gets so dark during the day
that sometimes she forgets that there is a world
beyond the four walls of her bedroom,
and maybe she is okay with this,
because it mirrors the silence she’s grown comfortable with.
she’s also grown comfortable with sleeping with
one leg hanging over the side of the bed that she
spends most nights alone in, so that she can sprint
for cover when the ground yawns beneath her.
she never runs, not even when she hears glass shatter
in the kitchen and the dogs whining when the bookshelf
collapses in on itself from too many years of carrying
the spines of all the stories her daughter would have loved
to live if she’d still been here.
and Loma she realizes then that maybe skeletons
come in the guise of yellowed, bone-dry pages and leather covers, too.
you can learn to get used to watching the world
fall apart around you,
and yet some pain lingers like a ghost,
taking you by surprise every time you open your eyes to the night
when you’re expecting the sun.
in Anchorage, you can watch the sun rise and set
within the span of five hours.
light is so precious in december that she swears
every household invests in halogen lamps because it is easy
to lose yourself in a room full of people when the day fades.
sometimes, she thinks it’s better that way.
like now, when her bed is the rowboat threatening to capsize
from the waves of motion rocking her along to a place where
the sea meets a starless sky, but only for 19 hours.
the phone rings somewhere far off,
and it’s probably her husband calling.
she lets it ring,
lets the answering machine take responsibility
for all the things she’s put off saying to him,
and it’s only when she watches the photo of her daughter
slam face-first to the floor in a glittering, fractured spectacle
that she gets up, the covers tangling around her as she removes
the photo haphazardly from the destroyed frame.
she walks through the living room with it,
ignoring the swinging chandelier.
pushes open the front door,
waiting in the doorway with her free palm pressed
against the wooden frame as if searching for
a sign in the shuddering heartbeat of this house
that is fragile with the weight of time and loss and love.
foundations crumble too easily, she decides,
her bare feet sliding against the icy steps
as she makes her way out of her home.
And to anyone else, it should be a miracle
that she has made it out alive
But at that moment,
she’s not thinking about miracles,
the red beet stains she won’t be able to get out of the walls later,
or the china shards wedging themselves like
knives to punctuate her footsteps.
the snow is falling like powdered sugar laughter
and for once, she is grateful that the biting cold
numbs her ****** toes.
above her head, the sky is breathing again,
exhaling in short bursts of violet and molten copper,
and if everything around her
is hell-bent on shifting into new and unrecognizable forms,
determined to split along its seams and swallow her,
then it won’t be so bad,
because here God is -
blushing -
after receiving a tissue.
Ken Pepiton Dec 2018
Ted Talks in the background, the rush of forming in to me time.
A test, a lure, a net, yes

Sunday, December 09, 2018
11:24 AM

A Beta test, they bet the tithe on the human race.
Wisdom set the milestones,

Pillars to bear the weight of knowing both
possible and impossible no matter how the alpha

bet degrades under pressure to conform, for
Short term gain,

how far out can a man imagine, how future can one be?

Mathematically, wherever, where, in ever, you are you are now.

A platform
A standing place
A flat butte above a

Broad alluvian fan laced with gravity formed fiords,
see, look, we live on a whole world which
is fractured and half frozen.
All of us, ever, have lived here.

Google earth.
Use the tool you have.

See farther than you imagine you can.

Take time,
you have some of your own, right?

You breathe?
Take one breath for only you.
Listen, as you breathe, is this a voice

or mere words we imagine meaning more

than then when we imagined

we were seeing through goggles,
no peripheral augmentation,

goggles with blinders, urban adapted tech
from the old days,

War horses in the Iron empire wore blinders,
Chariot racing war horses always wear blinders,

boys watching wagons in movies would notice blinders
if such boys had grown to knowing idle from not in

my realitiy. Itified, but run within,
disconnected from competing reality ifications
I inherited with the wind.

Watch the welder's goggles, see when he removes them,
don't attempt to see what he saw through them,
trust me, he was not making gods.

I say again. Radio to now.
re-ad re-al re-wise devize a way where there
nor there
nor there, nor then, nor then and there
is no way to seem, no other
being than being, as a verb.

No else.
Oh, well, I'll tell.

A heretic is a self-willed entity able to think about thinking,
e-special when time is in turmoil,

We all have our life and being in time, at the moment.
We behave, then one has an urge, a whim, a fantasy…

see further, see different, ex-spire-ment. Bet that breath,
the one you took for yourself,
the one you treasure.

Take a step,
Fear not, giant steps feel like falling going down and
mountains going up, but get some altitude

see where the snake in the core of the magneto sphere
shed its skin, shook off the dust of the third world,
attached each spec of dust,
be it any element or rele mental in the re-alm of Whatsoever,
a single gravity bound drop of water.
In that,
Suspend the noble miner-als, dis-solve the salts and acids and such

Let the eukaryotic work on version 2.0, epi-genetically, as
they shall say, some day, after the fact.

A little leaven, the kingdom is like that, when it works.

Wanna bet this makes some dust? Did you sneeze? Or me?

think now, 's no co incidence, me writin', you readin'
it happened. A hap hapt. We share that,
infection effect.

We breathed an effectual breath, together,
in and out, the clues are everywhere,

the better man won, then we became better,
both, wombed and un. one another we

make, effectual we, make good,
by our very nature,
born, as we were post the information deluge
that washed the blinders from our
children's eyes, for ever after.

we can be the side-bet clan,
betta value, betta moment of your own time
attention to the mean
general inteleosity
of being better,

being better beta testers for effectual fervent hope
for good for goodness sake.

Heroes go through hell.
We never pitch a tent and dance around Pandemonium.

The bet. AI is or am?
See it logger rythmical,
hands to handle to tool to cut, break, scrape.
How would you, you, chop a tree?
Eat? You, not ancient ancestor you, you

manifested mature **** sapien sapiens augmented you,
what do you think will make life, in general,
be tending toward your happy ever after,

after silence, for about the space of half a time?

Hey, how do I say looky here here?
I am
some know Ah, she knows,
Wisdom has a way, a wombed man,
beyond the original
ginal general gentle plan for an atom on this scale,

but nothing is impossible, so something must be done.

Progress, motion.
Relative to what, do you perceive motion?
Whence base ye di-rect e-rectors forming lines

point A to point B to so on soon as someone
sees forever in the apple of his Grandma's eye.

[found on a stele in northern Baja, 2018. Interpreted, sometime later]
(ragpicker's note: this thread links to a junkyard near a Green Book,
The Loma Vista, listing.) The sign, in those days, read:

Axles greased for free.

The symbols mean now that people
travailed along these old stone roads,
and kindness in the journey
greased the wheels in the wheels of those
auto-mobile-means of travailing.

Axles greased for free. Will sing for my supper.
Will you wont you will you join my dance?
Golden oils,
gifts from the whale that ate my father for
non-monetetical bearing
of the wait to know,
before it squeeked.

Itching ears, hear? The squeeks, the growns as the old
home stretches,
like her skin's too tight,

Ah, intelligence generally
available for the price of the tools used to use
any knowledge perfect
or perfecting
affecting the manufacture of you, Roll on,

out to infect the masses shopping for hope.
Sneeze for me, say Ah. We knew her when…

Wisdom was the reason for the season.
The principal setter of the sakes,
also set beginning and end.

Side-bet. 2 bucks, I bet time is temporary.
Paypal me when you lose. Ten to one, my favor.
Collect from Wisdom if you win. Even money.
Having been encouraged to this degree, I heard Google has, for years, budget 10 percent to "other than Goohle business", for the mathematical reason that good works that way.
¡Alta selva, morada de la sombra!
Cual se solaza el alma en tu frescura,
Sobre tu muelle alfombra,
Bajo tu dombo inmenso de verdura.

En ti el génesis late, en ti se agita
La savia creadora;
Eres arpa salvaje, vibradora,
Donde la vida universal palpita.

Los árboles, pilastra de tu arcada,
Se retuercen leprosos,
En la inmensa hondonada;
Y muestran vigorosos
Sus blancas barbas, que remece el viento,
Cual guerreros pendones
De gigantes en ancho campamento.

Y el río entre los antros pavorosos
Donde ruedan las aguas turbulentas,
Al chocar en los altos pedrejones
Salta en recios turbiones,
Y ruge cual si fuera las Tormentas
Cabalgando en los negros Aquilones.

En la orilla, debajo de las frondas,
Se ve el plumaje de las garzas blancas
Y allá, del pasto entre las verdes ondas,
Los toros muestran sus lucientes ancas.

En la cálida hora del bochorno;
Abrasa el sol y enerva;
Se inclina mustia la naciente yerba,
Y arroja el suelo un hábito de horno.

Se ven del tigre en el fangal las marcas;
Y en la vaga penumbra, entre las quiebras,
Junto a las negras charcas
Yacen aletargadas las culebras.

Trasciende el aura a  vírgenes efluvios;
El humo de la roza, azul y blanco
Sube de la montaña por el flanco,
Y alzan las cañas sus airones rubios,
Del sol de los fulgores,

Como penachos de indios vencedores;
Y traen a la vega, bulliciosos,
Los vientos tropicales,
El ruido de los plátanos hojosos
Y el lejano rumor de los maizales.

Y en la playa desierta,
Sobre la seca arena, perezosos,
Cual negros troncos, con la jeta abierta,
Descansan los caimanes escamosos.

En la cercana loma,
En un recodo del camino, asoma
Feliz pareja de labriegos.
Núbil, fornida y bella,
De ojos negros y ardientes, y de roja
Boca virgínea, y de apretado seno
Que forma curva en la camisa floja;
Y él, atlético y lleno
De juventud y vida, musculoso,
Con muñecas de recia contextura,
Hechas como muñecas de coloso
De alguna raza extraña,
Para domar el potro en la llanura,
Para tumbar el roble en la montaña.

Y la feliz pareja al fin se pierde,
Entre la selva enmarañada y verde.

Pan jadea, de lúbricos ardores
Henchido el pecho, bajo el cielo urente
Y pasa un soplo sensual, ardiente,
Fecundando los nidos y las flores.
Ken Pepiton Mar 2023
This has a photo of a California Black Lizard
official name, sunning on a rock, but that's
in the modern novel medium, blog form.
mmmmaybe, baby, we do
grow old, past sixty-four and even more,
unbridled tongues, held silent, lo' monks,

listen, quiet, now, then, to now, then to when
listen to the Osprey fly over our valley to Yuma,

to the Chocolate Mountains, beyond the river,
the only river, running down the great crevice,
due to erosion from John Bunyan's Pauline ax,

a rift right across the heart of the land,
opened up the first Bright Angel Trail,
for there was no other way across the canyon.

And we had people, before, on that other side,

that happened, all around the globe, that hap,
the earth was struck, and struck another,
time and lost all its religion,
it was announct, we all sang along,
and some force pushed the edge of the sun,
in a single most malignant EMP burst relig-i-used
to beat al bound synenergy rationally, as knowledge
and life, root and branch, time and chance missed call
first shall be last, roll on, roll on down time orchard

lessons learned in lines of trees, you can imagine,
while alone, just be used to being in the sense we yoosta
call peace, or bliss, blah good blah, being right inside.
- breathing easy, not sleepy, no place to be.
When outside is just too hot or too cold.

Chaos reigns for days, and weeks and years, and
we can imagine, my kind, human kind, earth stock one.

We the deme, the interbreeding productive kind,
we who beat the dis-easing raging fever from eating
foul putrid rotting corpses, as would dogs, any dogs,
we have such knowledge, said to be wild boys,
raised by wolves or Comanches… Grandma,
she did not know her people,
but she knew her place,
and made it perfect,
just right, she and her little dog, and relics
from a life that matched Saul Bellow's on earth,
though she was never widely read, she did leave
a greater legacy in terms of proper child minding.

Yep, minding is mighty
otherwise than rearin' n'raisin' hardgeenevahnegated
she said it, and she served such chicken at the
same table where we all ate, we was sorta colored
because my grandaddy fixed cars for folks mr leon
the jew who owned the Loma Vista in the Green Book,
befriended on collect calls, and sent Pop Boyett, said he
t' tow ya in, he'll send his boy Jim,
'be there drectly, jest don't fret none.
sit tight. Sundowns a ways yet.

yeah, I am white proud that my grand daddy was friends,
with ******* and injuns and jews, his customer's
including Charlie Lum, Mary's daddy, who used grandpa's

knack with stunted fruit trees, to bring peace and calm
into the environment, with a quarter acre lot back yard.

Living earth is in me, I ate my first mud pie, and liked
the laugh it got from whoever washed my mouth out.

I watched an uncle get his washed with soap, thus
learning how loudly to utter curses when being proven
beguiled by a will so sharp and thorny, nothing sweet
shall ever stick,
honey chile, tar baby, chocolate kisses, all a mud pie
made me remember, at a whim, in my dementing whiling

nothing needed doing more than not dragging grease
from the shop, past Grandma's back porch,
where the squeezed water tub always was soapy
enough to expose a little boy to sudden stripping
and brush scrubbing,

while she laughed,
and made them all laugh, as long as that junk yard
was apayin' the electric/

-- Coming in from a tinctured cuppaKuerig
Settled mind alligning old stitches in a tapestry,
not much sense can be made of Bayeux resolution

stitched in time to serve in tutorial classes
open to the masses, for your undivided attention

in silence, for the space of about a half an hour there.

Columbian, it says on the plastic waste,
mea culpa, mea maxima,
we suffer such silly easy living made much too easy,
I light the bowl with a focused rim jet quartering,
too easy to use the flower, to ask smoke a favor,

as to result
in a bounce back,
as the elanvital of my mountain pushes west winds
back into themselves
to form the ribs
of huge cloud forms that reform so
true to pattern proof, exhalent
of this wind
reflection off the ridges we live on,
vitalized by a DNA centric view
of stress or pressure, squeezing bests
from times as worst as worsts were then,

Vital tipping point that lets a spirit slip into the story.

Structure and content cata and ana, as we leave
that which our fruits produce, a cache of all we be

come and see, I said, okeh.
Proof by Synthesis/ Venter link, blink
-Craig Venter… GI imagine, we all can Google It,
in another window,
and find it not mystical in terms of who imagined this.
You realize whoever it was, it is yet done
dramatically as next years
stories, lightsped mind gluons
from last years tragedy we all can find,
sympathy puddles, lost allusions
to chances being once this line
was written
for no single pair of eyes, not mine, ours,
de-cartooned Madiera wine revival fly,
wise minding times retwining U to I,
leading down old fissures where
suddenlies occurred and we all recall, as if
some things in life after television are with us
-to this instant and
until we die, and leave our mystery religion lying ever after.
Twinkling a little,
done did done, artificial art intuited involuntarily

Accidents, where by we live, U rhea re minding us,
there is something wishing to use us, as yousta be,
- so fine
thank you for your service, Turing and Von Neuman
The general and logical theory of automata…

"much less well understood" loop the tape,
loop it once,
and again, become the digital life Wolfram made,
flat land as real as Wildersmith ever projected it

Up against the wall, we pass through it all
and so on and so forth,
fighting phrases to fit the codescript initial intention,

in the immature tabernacle state,
a thousand atoms should be plenty,

make life from that, and all the scattered dust
of heavy metal stars that burned too fast
to eat up all the lithium.
- this is the bottom
A funda-lowest level, fundamental, puts us sensing
tips of our own tail, verily modeling
in the womb as drawn to our imaginations with
Look Whose Talking Now! WOW
Haeckel and Jeckle, and L. Ron-ron didoo ronrun
Dianetics really gave Travolta therapist recollections
needed to over come the scorn
spewn on Urban Cowboy,
outside Texas and New York City.

We can tame the bucking machine, with no pistil.
No bull, boys and girls, we made sugar in Trinidad,
using the pistil of a bull to instill the will to learn
to live,
and let it be known, life abhors evil, it fails to hate,
that which has no use and piles as potential piles
of all we knew we needed to encode to become
XML, then the shifting database schema, Dinesh
D'Sousa, the metadata scraper with an MIT MBA.
Not the pundit.
He fed me this character trait, mind in order,
meets older orderly mind in mortal chaos, coping.

Feel his way past the message messenger collision,
caused in no insignificant way by poetry, and poets,
enthralled with taming textual dragons, lizard brain,

quick wits
to wot not with, per haps, haps as chance are us,
being lucky because we feel lucky,

monstors speak often one with another,
see the bull lizards crawl all over each other.

Smell that, mofa, smellmemo nofa fame fa fa fa me
lizard pheremone, so subtle after while.

Layin' out on the terrace, up above some granite
splashes from the wave that left the coastal range,

rising up from here, see it there, on googled earth,
take away the clouds and spin that globe,
like you are one of those named winds,
names you heard they called the wind; Mariah, and
Santa'na; Chinook and Roclydon and twisters
too many to name. Bringing dust to the Amazon,
to feed the hungry jungle, woken at the touch of waste
being made to feed once needless services, after,
the great lizard brains lost their minds in one fell swoop,
so they say,
they who strike the suckers, just below the root,
fine staffs are made from suckers broken off before blossom.

Orchard watches, as a young man, planless, saved, for sure,
but no assignment save this so-called fight of faith, for sure,

some people can be fed the kind of meat that forms soldiers,
from any man worth his salt, which, if it were ever a sin to gather
salt, say from the sides of the roads, where there's a plenty this spring,
why then I would think the concept of sin had passed its use by.
I'd get the old pickup runnin' and take a flat blade shovel,
or, what was I thinkin'
not a type scooper, but a flat, scale-scraper shovel, there you go,
use a phrase arranger allowing such metaphors that morph to any tool.

Fluidbots in The Abyss, look it sees you seeing it, so what, was that new
when Nietzsche notict, tskt,
I trow not. But if it was then, it is not now, and that leaves me room
to say Freud imagined he knew things and his followers do as well.

Sometimes a cigar is a prop.
A stiff staff to lean on in a manifested dream interpreting schema
for ancient meta data shuffling,
the whole of all we know so far right now,
this being in which words act as though we know, we
at machine level code, being the internet, being a node, a nerve,
in the ever of ever since every thing, the whole truth thought impossible
but, to not imagine, thinking it at once,

it must be possible to tell, or why, in hell, aha, instant answer,

this is not hell, because if it was, I could not tell you the truth,
as Paul bore witness All Cretans are liars, I tell you the truth.

I bet my life, against any one of many, each experience as fable forms from,

those hang as moss in swampy tidal deltas, where rivers do not branch,
but open wide, another spring time in the Rockies, reaches all the way
to Burro Creek, down through all the Diablo Canyons in bad lands,
at the edges of the last great tsumamis that our satellitia see through centuries
and eons to when there was no thing made by man that could show him,
the Nazca Lines and our Blythe Intaglios.

In the world of artists at work, function descriptive sign making symbol
we agree, we be
come and see, sit beside our tiny fire, see, we have no words to say,
so we some times whistle and sound so much like a bird, a jay,
some one out there laughs he is my brother so he whistles better,

then every body laughs and shout PA PA PA papapapapapapa yah, way
cool, pa looks at his old walkabout friend,
he nods,
we grin, and go, well, when why was just a guest at our station,
in the core script lost,
left in the back of a black volkswagon,
who gave this boy a ride, from Santa Barbara, that strip,
I never paid enough mind to what they call it,
but it was lined with hitchhikers, they gave them rides,
and he was one of those who took PCH up and down,
a few times, spring of 1970, eventually, I imagine,
I would have been invited
to learn
at Esalen, what I could imagine doing about it.
The big? mark of the beast, the very knowledge forvidding one.

Cognosis infections sets in, but you know Jesus never sneezed,
and hees heest atuitionally
assumet' be wiping your excretions from your beard.

In the spirit, no offence, only words, no gestures, ups or downs,
rounds and rounds, teetering palms, tilting eyes, furled brow,
world class rime crimes tearing whole realities' religited ties, bows gnosis
knot release,
tricky three pole knot…

Magic, once, a few who knew, easily seemed so, read Twain,
and imagine your own, in dementia, joining other intentionally scattered
informing conformist patterns that make our laughing echo
as medicine from men listening to grand fathers and uncles whistling
and laughing and little sister joining in, so grandma's sister does so, too,

woo hoo pretty soon its allusfools fullfilled dancing in the dark
where we can still feel the fire.

As a s aside, for science sake, I have reached a stage,
an effect in on or to or any of the hundred and fifty
or so pre
positions things can be, and become, formative,
logos, logical sense of saying something seems so,
if you have been at this stage, and wondered

what is it worth to say it is no secret and never was,
I use cannabis, and I read and write and function

as any writer in the days of Post and Colliers, n'such
had to believe was possible,

to create the creatures we see on television,
those were dime a dozen underground reds,
feeding fertlizer to minds subknowingly with science,
hidden persuaders, falsely called so, they were inyaface!

Fool, he follow the old weigh where heavy mean good,
real good, get down, to the ground feel the weight o'
oh momma did you know,
oh momma when did you start to show,

could you have let me be nothing but a bad draw, you
nevahnevahnevah gonna know now, but momma,

mam, where all good mommas gone, go on, you done,
you brought a heel into the world,
yes, ma'am.
a real snake stomping, preacher, kinda man, selling
salve, to soothe the transition, come the kingdom

due any day. What price you pay, what task you prefer
performance mandatory, in any sucha story
as this very one intends to be,
at a rate, cuneiform forming lets, say that,
this way
in an other time, one symbol to the thumbprint,
one per inch,
10 wpm during upload to ever from now.
Used just yoosta be we were tools.
"a used key is ever bright."
Images holding minimum 1000 words abound at
Jordan Gee Feb 2022
Will the apocalypse be one of fire?
Will it have the aftertaste of sulfur and asphalt?
Beware the madness and the mania and 8 eyes on a face…
Quick! fill the bathtub with water - I hear sirens.
I saw a wheelchair and it was on fire - rolling down the avenue,
certainly an omen, if nothing else.
I sat on a bus with three strangers leaving Point Loma, California.
One guy was reading the same book as me.
Wild Comanches, Lords of the Plains, Enemy of Everyone.
It was the taste of sulfur and asphalt when the Comanche horde came
riding over the hills like Genghis Khan, kicking up dust devils with their horses' hooves.
It was a smoky plume of final endings way out on the staked plains of the high Texas prairie.
-10 degrees celsius and the rain is liquid, still.
It's been raining warm milk and ambrosia.
We’re feeding from the Breast of the Sacred Mother.
We’re gnawing on the bone of the Law of the Holy Father,
His Holy Word tumbling down into our ear holes.
65,000 national landmarks strewn about a major American City,
And even all the row homes’ tofu facades fell off and crumbled into dust
like the expression on my face once I learned the true scope of what I’ve done.
3 shakes of a lamb’s tail doesn’t cover the time it takes the
man in the mirror to skin my whole hide.
Sometimes the honesty of my reflection is the scariest part.
3 shakes of the snakes rattle and I'm already off into the Astral,
floating half lotus on a sheep skin.
Sulfur and asphalt?
I’ve climbed and transcended that frequency’s ladder.
The Bardo is in my rear-view with eight legs and
my silver cord dangling from behind.
I’ve hosted my egregore for four o’clock tea and crumpets.
I slid down my silken sutratma
back into my heart
and I can smell only
flowers and embroideries.
Songs of grace and truth sifting through my ivory grill
welling up from the living wellspring of my devotion and
smack dab onto instagram.
Only 3 grams short.
I found my heart in the upper room,
hoisted up by the feather at the opposite end of the scale.
10 sleeps from here to the Black Madonna.
What came first?
The ego or the ****** Birth?
There ain’t no apocalypse gonna scare me
I break a 3 day juice fast with a bowl of sulfur and
there’s flowers growing up through the pavement.
Three ***** of a crow’s wing and
the smoke of my sage fills all the lungs of the World Mother,
the Black Madonna and a can of gas.
Ain’t no apocalypse gonna scare me.
I fly to the Comanche moon and back on a set of butterfly wings.
One bottle of Bufo Alveris and I blew straight out the top of the Causal Egg.
Hardened and vitalized by the sheer weight of the cocoon.
Sometimes to let them struggle is to save their life.
Three hairs plucked from Shiva’s Body and planted like apple seeds
and you get a grove full of
fruit trees that will never
go fallow,
and die.
I’ve been to the Bardo.
And you wouldn’t believe how loud a man can scream.
I rode all seven stars of the Pleiades back down into my body;
crashed the car somewhere along 81
near Goldsborough exit, Lackawanna Co. PA.
All I wanted was a blanket to shield me from the shrill howling
of the wind.
But Orion got to me first and I came close to truly losing my mind.
But what is heaven for the spider…
is chaos to the fly.
And there ain’t no apocalypse that ever scared me.
its cold in the bardo
PYG's Whisper Feb 2018
Good morning
YOHO! I’m saying good morning
Why does everyone look constipated in the morning
Why does no one smile in the metro and are kinda boring
Why are they striving with anyone for anytime when they’re talking
Everybody pretends to be reading the newspaper
Only to hide their faces avoiding to come across
Someone they know or another they hate
They give the impression
They are going to the hanging room not to work
With their sharp looks
And their steps even stronger
Than those of a solider when they walk
Hey guys!
Here the earth is not a shooting in Hollywood
Life is just an LOL face so tell me why so serious?
Do you think chasing your shadow will make your eternal happiness
Live to earn money and select luxury goods without enjoying is your
Why work to work not work to have fun nonstop
Don’t tell me this is life, cause life is an LOL face
Come on why so serious
Stop for a moment and take a flashback of your life
See how you behave and how stupid you are
Running toward an unknown future
And leaving the most beautiful moment behind
Why follow the pace of life
Imposed by don’t know who
Make yours and impose yourself by what you do
And if life has made you a marionette
Make it a skeleton and exhaust all its forces by your ignorance
Oh, don’t you know
Life is a game so let’s play
Show your LOMA side
Cause life is just an LOL face
Don’t be so serious!
Life Is LOL Face is originally a Slam Poetry project, you can listen to the official audio on my official sound-cloud account.
Allá en la oscura hondonada,
Del sol a la luz incierta,
Se ve la casa desierta
En donde vivió mi amada.

En medio al maizal tupido,
Que se extiende hasta la loma,
Parece blanca paloma
Que cubre amorosa un nido.

Cuando es de noche en la honda
Y rumorosa cañada,
Voy a la casa olvidada,
Como alma en pena que ronda.

En el largo corredor
Sordo mi paso retumba...
Aquello parece tumba
Que no embalsama una flor!

Y me encamino a su reja
Y pongo el oído atento,
Y tan sólo escucho el viento
Que alza, al pasar, una queja.

Bajo cortina de hiedra,
Donde con voz de reproche
El aura gime en la noche,
Se encuentra un banco de piedra,

Y en él me siento a traer
A mi alma, que arropa el duelo,
Aquellas horas de cielo
Que nunca habrán de volver;

Horas en que ya sin calma,
Del amor en el exceso,
Temblaba en su labio el beso
Y en sus pupilas el alma;

Y en que su voz celestial
Mi corazón arrullaba,
Mientras la noche cantaba
En el frondoso maizal.

...¡Oh alma! en vano la nombras,
En vano buscas sus rastros!...
Serenos brillan los astros,
Y el perro ladra en las sombras.
A la hora del rocío,
de la niebla salen
sierra blanca y prado verde.
¡El sol en los encinares!

  Hasta borrarse en el cielo,
suben las alondras.
¿Quién puso plumas al campo?
¿Quién hizo alas de tierra loca?

  Al viento, sobre la sierra,
tiene el águila dorada
las anchas alas abiertas.

  Sobre la picota
donde nace el río,
sobre el lago de turquesa
y los barrancos de verdes pinos;
sobre veinte aldeas,
sobre cien caminos...

  Por los senderos del aire,
señora águila,
¿dónde vais a todo vuelo tan de mañana?   Ya había un albor de luna
en el cielo azul.
¡La luna en los espartales,
cerca de Alicún!
Redonda sobre el alcor,
y rota en las turbias aguas
del Guadiana menor.
  Entre Ubeda y Baeza
-loma de las dos hermanas;
Baeza, pobre y señora;
Ubeda, reina y gitana -,
Y en el encinar
¡luna redonda y beata,
siempre conmigo a la par!   Cerca de Ubeda la grande,
cuyos cerros nadie verá,
me iba siguiendo la luna
sobre el olivar,
una luna jadeante,
siempre conmigo a la par.

  Yo pensaba: ¡bandoleros
de mi tierra!, al caminar
en mi caballo ligero.
¡Alguno conmigo irá!

  Que esta luna me conoce
y, con el miedo, me da
el orgullo de haber sido
alguna vez capitán.   En la sierra de Quesada
hay un águila gigante,
verdosa, negra y dorada,
siempre las alas abiertas.
Es de piedra y no se cansa.

  Pasado Puerto Lorente,
entre las nubes galopa
el caballo de los montes.
Nunca se cansa: es de roca.

  En el hondón del barranco
se ve al jinete caído,
que alza los brazos al cielo.
Los brazos son de granito.

  Y allí donde nadie sube
hay una virgen risueña
con un río azul en brazos.
Es la Virgen de la Sierra.
Desprende una tristeza aherrojante y extraña
ese lento desfile de entoldadas carretas,
por el ocre camino que cruza la campaña
plana, árida y seca.

Ni un árbol, ni una loma, ni la mancha sombría
de un monte, en derredor.

Las carquejas se enroscan bajo el fuego del día,
implacable, de enero.

¡Parece que el planeta estuviera vacío
y que van a una cita misteriosa y suprema
esas lentas carretas que cruzan el camino
bajo este sol que quema!
Elaine Yu May 2020
From my window
I saw Casa Loma stand still under sunshine
surrounded by forest of trees
green, pink, yellow
like a fairytale

I heard a whisper
"The princess has been saved out of the castle,
and sit beside me now"
I turned to you
you are smiling like sunshine

— The End —