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Omnis Atrum Jan 2012
With our passion all spent they would have us repent our consent
with blind zealotry they refuse to relent opposing our mergence
so when curing prurience leave one percent of passion unspent.

As we share these moments and begin our physical ascent
be aware that they will not capitulate in calling for our penance
with our passion all spent they would have us repent our consent.

Remember this simple covenant in order to circumvent
the condemnation of our actions as unforgivable flagrance
so when curing prurience leave one percent of passion unspent.

In these sheets we have long forgotten the ******'s lament
because the silent weeping is drowned out by our cadence
with our passion all spent they would have us repent our consent.

By our mutual pleasure we have earned their unrelenting resent
and we are endlessly castigated for our lack of temperance
so when curing prurience leave one percent of passion unspent.

The cries of fanatics prove their opposition to be hellbent
they would prefer that we endure the torment of abstinence
with our passion all spent they would have us repent our consent
so when curing prurience leave one percent of passion unspent.
Shane Aug 2015
The tea sits
Death collecting different scenes
I’m stressed
Such a mess with the reaper next to me
Life vest on my chest
And I couldn’t really see
Long steps to unrest and I’m bent reality
The fragments breathe
Will deliver and I’m keen to the quiver
Arrows preen
The apple’s novelty
Surreal it seems
The venom makes sin of me
A little sliver the beast
Disturbing the honesty
The havoc see it in the light
And let it seek a little strife
Collapse in dreams it’s still alright
Just follow me and

Days go by
And the days go by
And the days

Fall next to me
They wither in seasons
Oppressive tendencies
Observe the winter casualties
With frozen blood and splinters
Unruly royalty for dinner
The bloodline isn’t coiled
So they haven’t found a winner
The peril focused
Elapsed so nobody would notice
It wasn’t hopeless
Ascension hadn’t found a locus
Scrambling the frequency
A remedy just like unbroken chains that lead to purity
As if the marks of shame were lotus
Drinking deep amidst tequila dreams
With that much alcohol I’m bound to see
The difference
What it takes from me in travels
Hollow ships that creak and battle with my frenemies
Just trying to find some ******* peace
A little crazed
A little battered
So many names
Poetic ******* is my favorite
And it’s said with sharp tongues and flagrance
Art forms and a cadence
Just trying to count the ways that

Days go by
And the days go by
And the days

Make clouds break
Unraveling the seasons
Couldn’t fathom all the reasons
Left to brandish all the pieces
Couldn’t handle all the artifacts
To me the voice of treason was a pretty ****** father that I couldn’t wait to see
He left scars
Gave me emptiness to seek the stars
I grew lost
With a tendency to keep to bars
Some new parts of me I never noticed
I wasn’t hopeless
I’m just barely even getting started
Some new paths
Chasing fantasies I seek to harvest
Undo traps that I set to self destruct the progress
Parallel to heavens gate
I’m aiming for the secret garden
So catch me gliding through the waves as

Days go by
And the days go by
And the days go
And the days go by
*And the days go by
Anne M Jan 2013
I was your antithesis
when your fragrant flagrance was
Mikko Mar 2021
He gathers tales, sings them for a pittance
Holds peasants spellbound on the brink of fright
With weird myths that bewilder, if one might
See their meaning past the poet's flagrance
But all are in awe of his strange presence
And lend their ears until it is midnight
And the stars start to shine cold, distant, bright
With an ancient sentience, in silence

Come dawn and he leaves, do not dare follow
For this man treads where no mortal can go
To the stars that sired him, he unveils
A vista of a repugnant hollow
Where above all, you hear their great bellow
It is here the Old Ones tell him their tales
The 27th sonnet I've written. Written back in 2015
ShFR Feb 2018
things change
I guess we're moving on
see no point in rehearsing old songs

Wrong as it is
I'll pursue your best friend
Beause I'm tired of being grown
I can't be the bigger man

In belittling circumstances
circumstantial phrases
I show my true thoughts
and my two faces

Face it,
We could've been patient
what's the fun in running laps
if we always got to pace it

However, still cute words in our conversations
exchange photos
she my motivation

the living virus I embody
has signaled

I'm in need of another host
I need
but I know I won't
you see there this truer quote

"you don't know what you have--"
but I know when I grab
I need you most
I'm floored when I see you pose

I'm so flawed
but, do me this favor
pose for my camera
pose for the man you want

I'll keep you as a memory
I think my picture's flawed
will forever be and cleverly
I use you, yours

Impatiently, I rush things
with no forever in sight
I cite love songs,
give me extra credit: I'm selfish

I'm incredibly guarded -- she asks why and as my valentine
she's rewarded

cause like any drug store
my seasons will change
Then it's back to reality

There's no bigger picture
take this card and my cargo
I don't need it
as I backpack my way toward my evils

He speaks to me
I'm home unprotected
with feelings used as currency

I withdraw --
I withdraw --
I withdraw --
I take you,
I take charge
I charge love on credit cards
she hates me,

I know it
but I'm over it
I tell myself this chant: this ritual
it's both sacred and needed

**** that,
I'm back in the mix
she's overdosed
comatose words as she pleads the fifth

mixed drinks
then it's hello Miss
I use ellipses
compliment her palette as I'm mentally abusive

Then sweep her off her feet again
the villain --  
I vilify
qualify her demons

insecurities, identified--
hidden with a flagrance
the aroma
roses scattered

my time has nearly elapsed
she only talks to tea cups --
who spilled that.
© 2018 by S Fraz All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of S Fraz
Keith Ren Dec 2013
What you doin' there, Left-eye?

seems you got me confused with somebody else.
standing there ****-lacked with surance
like a stand,
a bird-tooth,
a shelf.

your minory flagrance the runge-jakes,
your fiery holes for birth.

I'm happy enough in the meaningless,
a taxi, directless and first.

I doubt in the walls like a showdown.
I drink the saloon like it's fate.
I'll shave all the mis-hands from struggle,
and pretend I can wake before eight.

you wither the real when it's comfy.
you dote on the fair like a lake.

The wrestling season is over.

We won out,

                                      the Golden Mistake.
Ashish Gaur Aug 2018
Captivated by her beauty
with a never ending symmetry.
Passer by's couldn't resist
just to get her one glimpse.

Made out of vibrant colours
She's the epitome of beauty.
The definition of elegance
She filled the world with her radiance.

But only the curious one knew
hidden inside her was a truth.
Mesmerised by her beauty
they'd pluck her out of her roots.

They'd hold her tightly
caressing her petals softly.
Trying to make sense out of
her overwhelming beauty.

Until they could finally see
the truth that was hidden beneath.
Sensing her completely now
they'd leave her trembling on the ground.

She withered in cold.
She twitched in the mud.
Trampled by the passer by's
who even refused to look at her.

Fate played her again
Leading her to her flagrance.
Because only the few of us knew
She's Dahlia,
A beautiful flower; without a fragrance.
Jordan Nov 2013
I am only driven by the insatiable flagrance of things like flesh and smiles, holding hands and setting suns. Without these intrinsic, ritualistic motivations life remains cold and dark; like a land that has never felt the warm carress of a life giving breeze. It's the small things and the immeasurable that grasp me, things like space beyond sight and sight beyond rational.
Zero Nine Jul 2017
This tributary
Happy accident
Deeply inspected

This notorious
Dearth, designed my life
So why
Not write
Why not paint pictures?

The donor with the ink
The spread recipient
Left and stayed

The ink that he left fades
The fade that he left stains
She made the mistake of
Looking for love as an anchor

Two lovers' worth or lack alike
Fabricate their draft designs
I'm incomplete, a mess
Two lovers' worth or lack alike
Fabricate their draft designs
A complete mess

Best if I reverse design
and I publicize
notorious dearth as proper opulence
Palm Trees and Concrete Mix V3
Matthew Mayfield Apr 2013
I found the letters you left behind.
I found the letters you wrote to me.
But when I looked for love,
I couldn't find the word.

I remember the time we spent alone.
I remember the warmth of your touch.
The gentle brush of your lips.
The sweet flagrance of your hair.
But I don't remember hearing the word love.

Maybe I didn't read the word.
Maybe I didn't hear the word.
But I fell in love in your arms,
And I felt loved.
In the end, that was enough.
For me.
Eriko May 2015
sea bitter tinted cerulean
forth bristle lungful of breath
frothy waft earth's flagrance
the forest rests upon moon's pearly swoon
Dan Hess Jul 2019
Formless, hidden flagrance
Subconscious invasions

Murderous mindless mental gobbledygook
Aloof, to bide inside and take a look
Spurious flourish in acrid abhorrence

Tis the demon
Which lies within
That tells me lies
And promotes sin

Trials of toilsome interims
Stagnate and rot, in mine, chagrin

Ineffectual ****** aggravations
Sordid, torrid want, ablation
Putrescence of evanescence

Sorrowful warbles in gargling marbles
Choking on hope,
extinguishing flames of my name and making

Prodding the prongs of the timeless song
Rending and rendering nought to which I belong

Seeing sights, in blindness bind,
simulations of kindness, in emptiest minds

I've seen it screaming, deadened in the dark
It doth implore me, say'n only "Hark!"

Tell me truly, what unruly things of which you speak
Portent futures ever looming, bleak
Unspeakable things

I cannot be
I will not be but me
I am not apostate
To lunacy
Eriko Feb 2016
the crack of daylight a murmuring hue
speckled on my cheekbone, a startling clue
the word is waking, the sky is stretching
brilliant arrays of cerulean ensues
cut like spiderwebs from trees slipping through
this dawn was beautiful, sublime
I held my breath and hinted the flagrance
the scent of chilly creeks and morning dew
the peacefulness which encompasses my mind--
a moment's pause of breath, a sinking feeling
time has taken all of it away
the stars, the ones which shine so bright
I sleep with the curtain half opened
they help me dream a better reality
they keep my hands from quivering
Eriko Jan 2016
A gander into a field
Stained denim jeans
The flagrance of flowers
Mirela S May 2017
In every beat of silence  
There is a moment of space  
Where we are hiding, just in case  
We loose our balance...  

In every tear of dispair  
There is a joy of chance  
When we are looking for romance,  
For floating through the air...  

In every woman’s heart  
There is a song and a dance  
Both safely kept from flagrance  
But, sometimes, shared apart...  

Silence becomes a poem  
Through dreams escaped of bounce  
Filling ourselves and anounce  
Our soul's love, just been stolen...  

- listening Selena – I could fall in love  
Dan Hess Jul 2019
I am ire
In the land of wrath
And I smile emptiness
On your behalf

I linger, soulless
In the grass
and under pathed
In terror, peril
I reap the fortuned
And dole demise

I am nature
Cruel and empty
I once was full
But you reject me

I am every sin you've casted
To the wind, now everlasting
I am the dark you dread
I am flagrance, and the dead
Peter Jan 2021
clouded night #2

    i no longer
    feel the warmth
    you once kissed
    on my shoulder.

                                each morning
                                seems to be colder;
                                each eventide
                                i get weaker.

     you no longer
     excite these butterflies
     in my beings;
     they now found their demise.

                      you, who were once fond
                      of my paradise-like garden,
                      drowned me of your pouring rain
                      and left me in disdain.

      i, who think of ever been loved
      by your enticing eyes,
      was never been appreciated—
      for i was just this wildflower
      who cannot bloom flagrance.

— The End —