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Paris Apr 2018
I’ve never truly been diagnosed
But I have some troubles
Some ability to scare the living **** out of myself with my mind every single night

Can never fully sleep without something happening
Shall it be scratching, moaning, pounding on the walls
Shadows, demons, or just my own self getting me
Maybe voices or images, the thought of disasters
A nightmare, body pains, or just my own mind not wanting me to sleep

Pains in my chest that hurt worse with every beat
Or maybe the sense of a presence looking over me
I haven’t got a clue for the cause of these nighttime fiascos
but it’s something every night
The only source of release is when I turn on my phone to see a text from the person I love
And even so, though it feels like a boundaries around me, I know something is out there waiting for me to turn off the lit screen and be face to face with the  terrors that keep me awake at night
Real Truth is still being sought out,
in this ever growing Age of Information;
the rise of social media has added
to the noise against spiritual institutions.

Unfortunately, ungodly behaviors continue to play out
within our society, neighborhoods and church pulpits.
We Christians must wholeheartedly repent now,
before His divine Grace, we unwittingly forfeit.

Sacred texts attest to God’s existence by faith,
while Science can only prove Him via logical sight.
Genuine and unstoppable power comes from His Word
and never by the temporary strength of human might.

Personal accountability and responsibility
can be displayed via righteous servitude;
develop your unique identity in Christ
with the character of ethical fortitude.

Consumption of the Scriptures should not be ignored
in favor of viewing biblically, inspired frescos.
Be girded on the foundation of Jehovah’s principles
and put an end to the ongoing… moral fiascos.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Matt 6:10; Lam 3:22-23

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.
Freds not dead Mar 2011
With my hands on the back of your neck
I see the crackling raising erecting
Of your swan skin
My thoughts are gasping for breath
       Going upwards in the
            Filling shame
War and city battles, apartment bullets
Motel room fiascos, jigsaw pounding passion

With my body cutting you down the center like a diamond
I’m breaking you into formlessness
Jagged like clean glass
I’ll pray to your white scars
              I’ll reinvent myself
Come out of the still lake
             Cleanse myself in black oil
Lips like razor blades, teeth like wet wings
       Innards on the pillow case, on the
Boring walls, on the idols

With your hands around my neck, your fingers in my mouth
Cheating life out of life
Taking it out on one another
                    Bruised peaches bleeding on the ****** scene
Dead red balloons left over, molding cake
Boot marks on the white rug
I want you puritanical, *****
We’re finished
We’re glowing
Lifted up waiting
for the floor.
“If you or someone you know
Has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s . . . ”
You can tell a great deal about UNLV,
My Vegas morning, easy listening
Radio station of choice,
When I first sit down,
Sit down to work in the morning,
One can surmise from the
Target demographics of so dire,
Such sober pronunciamentos, by
DJ Mueller, 91.5 The Source»
Live from UNLV/KUNV
Las Vegas
The Jazz Lounge with
Frank Mueller, Thursday, 7:00 am-11:00 am.
So don’t say I never
****** your ****--metaphorically speaking—
Herr Mueller, my good friend.
And while we’re on
The subject: WORK.
They never tell you that
Writing is such ******* hard work,
Which explains my need to **** up &
Lubricate the mechanism,
Before I start.
But I digress.

Just in case you haven’t noticed,
In case you had not been taking heed, CNN:
There’s an exciting new, radical ******,
Left-wing personage & presence
Making a play for the main room,
Center stage, center ring
Global Palace & Amphitheater.
I refer, of course to
Pope Francis:
Media-savvy, media mensch,
Crafting his own image,
Playing to the masses,
Choosing the namesake--
Francesco—right outta the gate,
Zip outta some Franco Zeffirelli
“Brother Sun, Sister Moon,”
Saint Francis di Assisi,
Talent show.
Born Jorge Mario Bergoglio,
In Buenos Aires, Argentina,
He worked briefly as a
Chemical technician
(Read: “bomb maker”)
& Nightclub bouncer
(Read: “sadist”)
Before resuming
Seminary studies, 1969.
(Tribute PSA: October 29, 1969: Happy 40th Birthday to a Radical Idea! Bill Duvall, SRI computer room. Late 1960s, the evening of October 29, 1969 the first data travelled between two nodes of the ARPANET, a key ancestor of the Internet.)
Pope Francis is a master at technology,
As any aspiring Global Wizard must be.
He has a special web site:
“Papal Bulls & Other *******.” Palabras del Papa Francisco - Translate this page PAPA FRANCISCO. AUDIENCIA GENERAL Miércoles 13 de mayo de 2015. [Multimedia]. Queridos . . .

Francis: Pope in Rome,
Signing international treaties again.
The Holy See himself—that
Wacky Argentinian--
One of many Lefty Cardinals,
Pulls off upset ordination in
Vatican City, God’s little 110 acres,
Our world’s smallest city & sovereign state,
Patrolled by a wacky-striped
Swiss Wackenhut Swat Team,
The Vatican: former playground for Nero,
**** Command Central for Caligula,
Construct of Mussolini’s $92 million
(More than $1 billion in today’s
Ever more worthless,
Ever more inflation soaring money!)
Lateran hush money,
Vatican monopoly money,
Seed money for colonial expansion,
Il Duce signing on behalf of
King Victor Emmanuel III,
Remembered today
Mainly for his short stature, &
Exile to Alexandria, Egypt,
Where he died and was buried.
“Vic the Man,” as he was known
Here in the Principality of Monaco,
“Vic the Man in Monte Carlo.”
But I digress.

Just the other day, Pope Francis
Signed another international treaty,
Recognizing Palestinian statehood,
Generating praise from Palestinians, &
Criticism from Israelis, who said:
“The move does not advance peace efforts.”
“Even this Philo-Semitic pope,
This pope who cares about the Jews,
Even he doesn’t get it,” said
David Horovitz, Editor,
The Times of Israel,
Which is what one would expect from
The guy who wrote the book:
A Little Too Close to God,
Still Life with Bombers:
Israel in the Age of Terrorism
. . .

It is tempting to ignore the
Sheer ego, the colossal megalomania
That is Jorge Mario Bergoglio,
Truly a personage of great moral suasion,
Whether he’s cleaning the feet of the homeless,
Dialing up strangers for late-night chats or
Convincing the self-described atheist,
Raúl Castro to give Catholicism a second look . . .
This pope who took the name of a
Nature-loving pauper,
This Pope in Rome,
Francis:  Transformative,
Revolutionary gust.
Pontiff, from Latin: “a bridge,”
Spanning the God-Man divide.
We are talking about a brotherhood,
That survived both Borgia & Medici,
And other assorted kink-fests for centuries.
Just what bizarre peccadillo
Required the resignation of
Benedict XVI, in itself, a
2,000-year first?
Francis:  the first Jesuit Pope.
Francis: the first Pope from America.
Francis: “The circumstances surrounding
Benedict's decision to step down
Will titillate scholars and the journalists alike,
For many years to come,
Given his resignation came so soon
After the “VATI-LEAKS” revelations:
Vatican bank corruption,
Pederast-priest cover-ups, &
Other ignominious fiascos
Requiring significant damage control.

One would think that an institution
With their own royal observatory,
The Papal See’s inter-galactic,
Night-vision telescope, Mount Graham,
Southeast of Tucson, Arizona,
Could steer clear of faulty stars.
Nora Feb 2016
Children, gather round
Your second parent calls
A simple box
Wooden and metal
A face of glass
Adorned with two knobs
Take your seats
And take off your shoes--naughty!
Elbows off the table
Legs crossed, hands clasped
Black and white
Like your mary janes and stockings
Your president birthed
And mourned
Mother’s in the kitchen
The window outside your little world
Is black and red but not white
Malcolm X, and all the rest
Standing up for their territory
Little girl, the country’s changing
Pick your daisy
We’re not crazy
The bombs come closer every day
Haven’t you seen Castro
And our fiascos by the bay?
Great Society
Social Security
Aid for the old and poor
Dinner’s ready
Mother’s specialty
Credibility on a plate
Crudely disguised
Plastic, fantastic, and uniform
Yet your mind is so hungry
That you eat it all the same
And give it no thought
The window’s widening
Its light reflected
On that glowing omniscient face
Color! Color!
Bright and vivid
Dancing at your fingertips
Brother’s gone off to Nam
Off with your skirts, your stockings,
Your mary janes,
And that awful ribbon in your hair
Burning dope
The rainbow bathes you
In its splendid glory
The birds in the sky
Like rolling thunder
Hawks tearing at the doves
****** falling to the trees
Agent Orange
Fire, death, destruction
Where’s your meal now?
Johnson stumbled,
Faith has crumbled
And so have the foundations
Of your enclosed walls
Bobby’s groovy--
No--he’s gone
And King’s dream
Escaped with his last breath
White rabbit,
Gentle rabbit
Sing your peace
The country’s ablaze
At home and away
Stand your ground
Chicago, Ohio
Each one’s a battlefield
Time for dessert--
Licking lollipops
Clear your plates
For a second course
50s/60s zeitgeist.
Jimmy Desire Nov 2012
Introduction [The Ride]
-Jimmy Desire

The Ride
Its journey is amazing
The process is sensational
Man, where I'm from
Who knows the destination though?
Constant names being learned
Forgotten while I go
I yearn to keep a few of them in memory
But only time will tell who comes and goes
So I continue on forward
Trying to understand the confusion that the world insists is normal
Meanwhile battling the emotions that you insist does not exist
Well then, what is this?
Bliss from ignorance
Then anger from your partner's diss
Not sure who to call friend or foe
And yet you claim this **** doesn’t exist?
Must’ve been blinded, there has to be something I missed
Because "dog eat dog" ain't nothing new
And yet I continue to resist as if someone will assist
Instead I'm hit with this metaphorical fist and left behind in the mist
Wondering what the hell is this?
The Ride

Of all the women
The last two knew me best
Taught me more than I'd like to admit
Especially because I did my best to help them
Something I never omit
But somehow along the way things happened to go amiss
And even if our eyes don't ever meet as often
Or things never seem the same
I continue to pray for their success
Because regardless of how they see it
It’s my life they've blessed
And there are two more that will never leave my side
Even if I were to decide to take a leave of absence
Forever my balance
I swear their voices took over my conscience
As if to lend me guidance
So honestly it may just be science
That these two incredible females remain a constant
Arevalo and Martinez how I adore the two of you
And although at times I may seem distant
I miss the two of you
And the fiascos that would ensue
Like hopping the border for dunkin'
Or attempts at grand theft in JP
Just the memories of those moments reminds me
That our equation is incredible
And I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world

The Ride
Where do I go?
Who will I be?
My future still a mystery
But the days pass by so quickly
And I’ve been living so peacefully in the present
That I’ve paid no mind to what awaits me
Even now I seem to forget the importance of it all
Like how time and money rule everything around me
And that in time, I’ll have love ones who depends on me
And that in time, I can no longer live carefree
So in time, I wonder who I’ll be
Because too much was sacrificed to see me succeed
To my parents and those who helped raise me
I understand and I promise to make you all proud
And I know I was quite the handful in the years that have past
But now in the years to come,
I plan to show you the admiration you deserve for the lessons you’ve taught me
So that it’s known that you’re involvement made a difference
So in time, I promise it’ll all be clear
The vision is near,
Desire Enterprises CEO
It was all a dream…
The Ride

Life is bittersweet
For it blessed me with a brother
But stole him away before I had any chance to get to know him
So in time I was introduced to three kids,
Ralph, Myke and Medrano, they would end up becoming my brothers
And in time my mother decided it was time for her to have another
So at the age of seven I was introduced to a young child named Jason
A few months before him, Ralph, Myke, and Medrano welcomed a young tyke named Billy
Now there were six
And for years, we were each other’s friends, bullies, teachers and rivals
But I often wondered what came about the first
However I often ignored it
Because that period and time of my life was so vague
That I started to doubt it
And as the period of change seemed to settle,
I was informed of the return of the prince himself,
The young Max Saint-Eloi

The Ride
In time it will all subside
My ***** told me life is too short
So I guess it’s time to shape up
Stop slacking, wake up!
For so long I’ve clung onto this cliff
Too afraid to fail
I want it all
But I’m too afraid to fall
But decided to let go cause who knows I won’t land on my feet?
Fear is just an obstacle we must defeat
And I rather have a fighting chance
Than to turn tail and surrender
So Here I Stand World
Test me
My name is what I cherish most
Because my mother taught me
It’s the one thing I really own
And to make sure to never taint it
What may be a word to you, means much more to me
All my life I’ve been told that I have great potential
That I was something special
Never meant a thing to me then
But now I’m working hard to achieve what I used to think was impossible  
And these words mean nothing without the actions to reinforce them
So I pay no mind to those who may judge me,
Care for those who appreciate my presence
And lend an ear to those who feel they need some guidance
Because it happens, like the morning fog that shades what’s in the distance
Or how perfect things change in just an instance
Life leaves us troubled with uncertainty and mystery
So the purpose of these words is to remind me
That if I should ever find myself lost or confused
To look back and remember the people and events that enlightened me
And my love for poetry
The Ride

The sands of the hourglass continue to slip through our fingers
Yet I try to catch some and embed them in my memories
Poetry, my method of preserving those moments I deem important enough to save
My name is Jimmy Desire,
Welcome to my story.
anastasiad Dec 2016
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Glenn McCrary May 2012
Fringed by putrescent dusk
Fingernails dig beneath graveyard wounds
Fostered by lexical warfare
Within the harrowing fiascos of tomorrow
Nothing but bated memories
Braided by skin, coffee, and cigarettes
Branded by concrete whispers
A woman of many fine

Words, made two sandwiches

One for Nicholas, one for Freida

On this day

A woman of many fine

Fiascos, made her last

With the drop of a plate

The turn of a ****

The oven concluded

the world had been robbed
Playing pool at 5am,
see the sun rise and seep
between mouthfuls
of double choc-chip cookies,
Mountain Dew cooling our throats
like antifreeze into a car.
I gather up your laughter for rainy days,
everything dripping in colours
that haven’t been christened.
Your fingerprint wriggles
form an island chain on the piano,
wet symbols, bathroom carpet
where you got out the shower
in a sky-blue towel;
I hid under the bed.
I tell you you’re messing
with an amateur,
kisses are pleasant glitches
but I’d miss and trip
through the open window.
My hands become flappy utensils
when I explain years months days
of apple cores piled up
behind wardrobes,
my portfolio of fiascos.
Faults are found like Easter eggs -
squeezed from toothpaste tubes,
top shelf of the oven.
This is a dark one here,
a miniature pill.
You only bring mugs
of youthful exuberance to the table.
A click. A shlock.
I turn my head,
the game lost
within a blizzard of minutes.
It’s OK I say,
I wanted you to win.
Written: October 2014.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time that I feel does fall into my ongoing city series (at least in my head). This piece is inspired by a recent photograph I saw online, while the title stems from certain situations in games of snooker/pool/billiards, where after a tense battle, one player may only need to *** the 'black to win.' Very happy with this poem, which is unusual to say the least. Feedback welcome.
NOTE: This poem contains one of (if not my number one) favourite word - 'blizzard.'
Annees Jan 2023
my handwriting felt alien for years
like a second personality
handling the fingers
one that goes by the book
mentioned in nooks
not for their looks

this nook filled with dancers
look at their robotic moves
twitching arms in the air
displaying shiny greasy hair
ignoring good posture gives flair  

a sweaty notion notes down
behind armpits leaving stains
creating circular patterns
on vertical- lined tank tops
showing more top than tank

not to be one of them
my narrative of smelliness
gets compliments
its full of hormones
looking all harmonious
and binary friendly

walking to the bathroom
to dry them off
uncontrollably ejecting
was a lot
nobody should notice them
or talk to me

babbling over my tiresome ears
my piercings feel heavy
earlobes start protesting
over a nobody's qualities
their highly highlighted fidelity
to their equally phony others  

trying hard not to take it all in
I whisper in my head
-yes that is a thing-
you can kiss my fluffy ***

fluffy pillows spread in dorms
look too neat
after a party comes at rest
I will keep scanning it
I scatter myself finding you

lets get caught arguing
over abstract world events
war stories of 7 stitches on my eyebrow
invasions of  pink bike wheelies
and the pasta fiascos circa 2009

no dialogue could do
you had a stichomythie going
scattering my friends to have you alone  
was brilliant brains' move
but here comes the big curls  

girl with curls butting in
curls are all over your pictures now
your next trip is Sweden
and your new cuddles last all night
******* over thermal mattresses
looking outside your ranch
it's snowing and inside
she is glowing

If I were to do that with you
I wouldn't let you pay
cause we pay in turns
I wouldn't keep you up
to protect your swollen eyes
cause we exhaust each other

I would gift you more than words
I made sure you had your fill of them

not the big ones I never give away
let them nest in my old heart
cause to utter them would mean
bringing them upwards

to my tongue and mouth
close to my brain
made out of cynicism and bane
you and me can only cause pain

dreaming of our talking
hoping you love me still
you always said you will
lately your face can't mean it

sorry I can't really afford trips often
and it's okay you have forgotten
click klack click klack click klack click klack
klippity clop klippity clop klippity clop
slap slip slap slip slap slip.
hello and welcome to the machine age
where pink floyd your tour guide
where human beings the laughing stock
on the supposed creature comforts
but in truth dependent on those big and little gadgets
designed by the brainchildren of past and present.
civilization at the mercy of those trappings
envisioned by wunderkinds
that propelled the masses from labor
yet now shackled to technology
far removed from simple existence of yore
when people used horse power

as their chief form of locomotion in the bustling towns
that inexorably spawned metropolises
that birthed towering skyscrapers
leading to potential fiascos by making civilization incumbent on
factories generating gewgaws in tandem with industrial waste.
survival of numerous species
(including that of man/womankind) hangs in the balance
as population explodes beyond
the capacity of planet earth to support
such a burgeoning billions fold burst of **** sapiens
filling every nook and cranny on this third rock from the sun
foisting an inconvenient gory truth
that catastrophe looms ever closer
perching all living organisms ever closer to the brink
of disaster and eventual extinction
unless dramatic measures taken to manage reproduction.
Look around
Look how many folks entering the grounds
We got wars famine disease
Natural disasters starvation
Poison facility and mold recreations
Children are bribed to be adults and vice versa
Abnormal is considered normal
And what was normal is now adnormal
They tell us what to feel what to wear what to buy
What baked and what to fry
Blinded are they by the third eye
Their faith goes to mankind
Instead of using their own minds
Words are soft and too kind
Newspapers dumbing down linguistic
To that of a level a primate could innerstand
But too many stuck on chasing money bands
Building there conscious around fiascos and chaos
And not one thinks to toss
Out the sheer idea that
They could be controlled
By an immutable force that's inevitable
At all cost spiritual dead in a mental coffin too often
People drift day to day repeating what some reporters say
There so dim-witted that they honestly believe that they are
Using their own minds
When indeed there just interpreting what message they just conveyed your obeyed
A savage to the powers that
Willfully destroy homes and family
See they want us to rant and rave with each other over color
Sister mother or brother
And smother
Ourselves with guilt shame and suffering
And thanks to a country where we always want
Instead of need its been corrupted since the planted seed
Of fascism that is
A small lucrative family of about 12 to 300 people
Run this fashion show
A live rodeo
So go ahead and book for the the light show
Of the red white and blue
Dancing colors
Wake up folks it's all a game
Pushing for success for what?
You come into this world with nothing
And you leave with nothing
So what the point of having something
When you literally have nothing
Wanting a dream house? Car ? Yaht? Island? Acres?
What is it all for lives are at stake
Poor fight the poor
And the rich lubricate the rich
And they give us their people
So they give us an illusion
That we're included which we aren't
Red And blue
Aye evil and good
Which side do you choose ?
Or do you ignore and follow your own destiny will and conscious?
wichitarick Jan 2022
Memories Toy Chest

Something most hold in common is  the joy from a child's first toy

Marking time with bounces of a ball or combing a dolls hair, simple samples when life was still fair

Teddy bear on a tricycle towing a red wagon became a daily highlight for freckled faced boy

Sand box unifies the block, Tonka trucks take over, shovel & pail never fail, forming fundamental liaisons, fresh friends unknown to despair

Christmas tree bearing notions, free fodder for the toddler, tiny top fascinating for a tot older sibling needs a little more to not be a bore, each gift reveals internal joy

Crayons and coloring books fill a nook, many images and glimpses of our past, memories now memoirs, all of life's offerings nothing can compare

Focused on fledgling fiascos too more amorous teen things, flash before a crash, skateboard or Schwinn California cruiser either a bruiser when seeking search and destroy

Army men cheap to begin before g.i. Joe or barbies, cap gun for fun, noise for playing on the run, never standing still long enough to stare

Grandmas egg money the best for a stash of cash, bought candy or unknown present I would never resent, she was a kid at heart acting old merely her decoy

Glimpse through a child eyes, thought or flashback of childhood and early life, fishing pole or frisbee a cheap fee for a lifetime memory, simple sample of how  we care

Lifes diary often leaves out those trifles that came for free, when we never feared a future unknown, nothing lost when not seen, a minds toy chest held close to the vest the items enclosed permanent parts of our history R.C.
Thought was first on our or my first toy or a favorite toy and how much they can mean to us!
Suppose I said it in first person and third person?  I did ask a few people what their first or favorite was. Also humbling those 99 cent army men seemed more important that the junk I have now:) be well PEACE thanks.  
Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
Since I was a baby, I wore the crown of hades, no if ands or maybes,
Prior thoughts of killers lately, my enemies always set, a vision for me to see,
Sight em ahead, so many envious of bread, love of wars, got us by the heads,
Free money only for dummies, they being set up by the scummies,
Mastermind of commies, yo I watch every thing around me, like cream,
But it dont rule me, I just sit back like Poseidon guarding the seas,
My flows astronomical, disaster make tapes artificial, yall too superficial,
I spit the real Yo, no beats or an instrumental, some say I'm detrimental,
Cuz I speak truth, to the youths mental, verbal criminal, am I,
I graze the skies, too fast new flash, I got a ****, from a darkness clash,
Along with lightening, hands open like Raiden, another flawless victory,
And even if I die, yall will mourn me, in this youtube commentary,
A true visionary, twin Nastradmous, hypotnized by death and dramas,
Theatre of the war, see what we in for, see souls rotting to the very core,

They saying they ain't feeling me, but would feel me, if I was dead see,
Uh, that's how fake society, really is they got our kids, living in the grids,
Of they matrix, they staying playing tricks, inside ya mind, look behind,
So you can see what's ahead of you, only a few, understand what I do,
Some won't, cuz they caught up in the show, modern day fiascos,
I lasso my foes, everyday welcome to the ghetto rodeo, kick down the door,  
Of the industry, I shoot til they oozing, out the pores, as I polish the floor,
With my sins, I see the faded djinns, taking me in, and I ain't even cashin,
In yet, no matter the plot or a threat, I stand for wisdom, so I'll never regret,
Forget what, these other brothers sayin, I'm tryna level up my saiyan,
Understand what I'm saying, I'm Goku once I focus, on what I wanna go through,
No fear in my life, I'd ratha die a man, than a cowards, a million showered,
Tryna keep dirt off their name, it's a shame, never swelled on fortune, and fame
Saïda Boūzazy Aug 2019
How can we turn Our darkest moments into brightness !
How can we make  our saddest feelings vanish and become happiness !
How can we survive and create our victory!
From her weakness she creates happiness
From her  stringless she become stronger
From her failure she invents hope
She is the survival of her great war with many fiascos
Arlene Corwin Jun 2020
A Swedish Midsummer 2020

Geography the usual;
The place on planet just the same;
The night light full till after midnight,
Daylight’s dawn at one or two
With so few hours in between.

This year then,
A little different.
Last year when
A crowd would meet
To dance and sing and drink and eat
On park or lawn or balconies,
Families and friends to hoopla til a dark
Which almost never comes
Makes the ending for them.

This a deviating year;
Debating and departing from
The customary dancing, prancing,
History may chronicle as Distancing,
Fiascos, blunders, six-feet-unders.
Romance from six feet of space

This midsummer in the North
Coming forth with likenesses
Has, by the laws of nature
Put the  emphasis on differences
Which we, survivors aa a race
Will surely neutralise and chase away
One future day.

A Swedish Midsummer 2020 6.16.2020 Nature 0f & Nature In Reality; Our Times, Our Culture II; Circling Round Experience; Arlene Nover Corwin

— The End —