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Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2018
You give me butterflies
I saddens me to say
I think it would be easier
If you would go far away

I still love when you smile
Even happy the reason isn't me
It would be better if you would be
The person I believed you could be

If we were true friends we'd talk about
Exact emotions we feel
You wouldn't have to lie to my face
I know it isn't real

If you want, ignore me
Wouldn't mind at all
It's softer to my sensitive ears
Than mumbled words exhanged down the hall

Know where you're coming from
Been in the same place too
I understand, you don't see
I am really happy for you
True love is when you want them to be happy, even if it someone else making them  smile
R Jan 2013
It was incomprehensible, the way he looked at me
Like a stranger.
An exhanged glance with someone you've never known before.
But he knew me...
And I sure as hell knew him.
I knew the sparkle that appeared in his eyes when he talked about his passions,
And the smell of his breath, hot on my face.
The way the world looked so much more beautiful standing right next to him
His arm placed gently around my shoulders,
The simplest touch; yet it was enough to send an electric shock right through me.
I knew the softness in his voice when he was tired,
And the pain that was brought with our goodbyes.
Yes, I knew him.
But now, all I know is that cold, emotionless look on his face
The look of a person who has simply forgotten.
Forgotten me...
**Forgotten us.
Devin Ortiz Jul 2017
The shrill cackle of dusk set herself
Upon the waning summer heat.

Low lit purple haze on the horizon
Painted wild in the cresent Moon smile.

Bear out the harvest, sacrifice all fortune,
Be full and join the evening on the morrow.

As the Sun exhanged his twilight gaze
Darkness drew itself into the shadows

Slave away for offering, the Night is near
As Day fades, the dark blue sky is empty.

Screams, despair is upon the fools
Lambs to the slaughter until she rises.
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2018
What do we do with all the time wasted together?
Stares exhanged in ***** hours,
Silent seconds ticked as our spellbound eyes
Took beauty in, sight devoured.

I used a multitude of minutes attempting
To beat insecurity, show you your worth,
You'd listen, I could tell you didn't believe,
But each night I drifted to sleep thankful for your birth.

Feasting on the flow of flattery we voiced,
To fill empty parts with desire,
Through my lowest days you stayed by my side,
I did the same even dead-tired.

I've accepted I will not gain back the years,
I lived in a haze, wish they felt real,
You think I abandoned our love,
The longer we were together the worse you made me feel.
I didnt leave because I no longer loved you. I left because the longer I was with you the less I loved myself.
TheSaneSaloon Sep 2019
I wrestled with God
and I won,
Victory now marked by a limp.
I shuffle through life.
My infirmaries the people's jest.
Yet I know-
The roles She willfully exhanged.
She looks above from my footstool.
She does not grovel,
She is no sore loser.
She knew Her opponent.
She knew the game She designed-
The rules She made for man.
She stepped down to contend in my arena.
She shook my hand,
the Referee set aside,
She raised my arm.
At last, Atlas rises...
And Creator and Sabbath are one.
Originally, I had He instead of She.
Then I remembered how past/even current cultures portray the devine creator as female.
So as a male living in a household of 3 females- who I admire and respect more than any other-I thought " **** it, lets make it different, make it something Im not used to."

And yes, I know the title was left with "He"
I gotta bait my fundamental christians=P
Ottar Feb 2014
a moment of time,
a glance, just enough light,
a thought
a breath exhanged,
                              between two,
is there reason
is this right
a doubt
a day rearranged,
                            who knew?
so close to perfection
so choose a direction
so lose yourself
so much to lose,
                          all in the passion for poetry,
add words,
out loud sounds,
go for the prose,
rhymes, found reason up above,
add movement and it becomes sublime,

don't let it end
don't make it end,
hold on, go beyond the status quo,
let go of the present state of affairs,

in debt to life,
in debted to my wife,
in *******, not free,
what is it that cages me,

the walls, I built
the stalling, the years
it is appalling, all under fear

                                              of failure.
don't be shy
give life a try,
read out loud,
to yourself or the crowd,
climb the mountainous ampitheatre,
is that fear, the smell or some other fetor,
how does a relationship resemble barbed wire?

walk in the forest, among the tall trees, the moss is
soft as you fall to your knees, humbled by what?, Child,
they will find you, you are not lost,
they will find you at all costs, you may not know
where in life you are, where you fit, what is you purpose
this is it,
write, write, write
draw ink it is the blood that pours out
taking poison with it like rain down a downspout,
you are not in the gutter
that is for the utter guise, who mock while copying
your imperfections
that make you human,
some have given you up,
some have written you off,
some have written down,
                                         but they did not expect
                                           to find such marrow in
                                             those bones,
                                               such beautiful bones,
                                                 no one owns but you,
                                                     so write down to the bones
                                                         use that marrow for ink,
                                                            ­ stand in the shadows of
                                                              ­   the giants you fear,
                                                           ­          in a voice that trembles
                                                        ­               with emotions, sound the
                                                             ­              words that roll like thunder
use words like swords and weigh them
with your muscled tongue,
and those who listen, those who read
will get your meaning...and sorrow that
they did not write with
                              passion, fire, touch, taste,
there is no down, your words are kindling
to start the pyre,
that will cremate the self you left behind.
Phoenix Rise!
To Write.

not sure where this came of the doors frome the corner of my mind I am not allowed to talk about I guess.
To real to be surreal
Don't be fooled by Christmas
see if you break it down it means Christ -Mass
Massacre of Christ but you dead on your ***
Shoppin' through local stores spending your cash
Only to be used as a mass
Exchange present and don't even know why
Did you know back then your *** would die
See Christmas was so bad it was outlawed
Back in late 1800s
And also gift were exhanged for makes of foreplay
****** rituals for display no delay
Don't believe what I say
Reseach for your self befor you say nay
But y'all don't wanna hear to be busy flappin' your thoughts jaws
Cells gone No int3llectual left
It seems like all thoughts are put on a shelf
Don't you think it's funny they plan everything carefully
Christmas is the 359 day of the year
A week from that is a new 7
See the devil grammatical number is 359
and 7 days later is completed timeline
So you waste your time standing in line
Or wasting time online
Only to do the same thing when it comes tax time
They laughing at you while you being gullible
People missing is that not questionable?
People taking deals left and right
Fools still lookin for God buthe been on sight
Searching at the wrong places and wrong time
Not catching on to all of the sublimes
Time after time they say I'm outta line
That I'm grouch.but one day y'all will ******' vouch
Alice Lovey Apr 2018
Rigid and raised,
Mountains of haze
Hazy night in a daze.
No lust or hope for praise.
Essays and essays,
Musical phrase
About crossroads and freeways
Begging for that skin craze.
Seeking to feel pain
With the punishing blockades,
Lifelike screenplays,
And memorial Sundays.
Those thoughts will betray
We misinterpret and mislay,
With winter like swordplay
And summer like dark grays.

It weighs and weighs.

Let me rephrase...
This is cliche, but I'm amazed.
Nasira Jun 2018
Ceiling beams wooden floors
Fur blankets satin sheets
Lace curtains sliding doors
Velvet covered seats
Once in time there was yours and mine
And an exchange of yellow flowers
But hopes climb, promises Divine
And soon there's only "ours"
Don't need no shrine
No place to dine
Things that can be exhanged
For a dollar sign
Don't need no chrome no golden dome
Or sparkly gowns so fine
You are my heart my soul my own
My single measure of time
You are my platinum my silver my gold
Darling, you are my home
Kashif Lashari Jul 2019
Less distortions of reality,
already occurred, I've seen:
There was a partial loss, I forgot the other.
offered with an anxiety,
an irrational fear,
while lying next to corpses
observed,opprobrious and shameful.
a hangdoged collapse followed
androgynous shout " wouldn't work, it's fake".
a dead serious, ambivalent !
cold in reaction though
refused to recognize me
so did I,
another strange louse voice
shut up !.

— The End —