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Olivia Kent Jul 2015
Off into the van.
A jolly holiday.
The sun is shining pleasantly.
Hi **, hi **.
It's off to market we go.
Wearing yellow wellies on a summer day.
Must be ****** hot.
Feet are probably a little pongy.
Turn to my mates in the back of the van.
Grin at them,
Ha ha.
Look at that stupid man.
Wellies in midsummer.
The farmer opened the back of the truck.
They're all set free.
Jamie and Hubert.
And of course me.
Ushered into the hotel reception.
A terrible pong.
Overheard the farmer say we're going for a song.
Everywhere a riotous flipping racket.
Hit on the head.
A bolt right out of the blue.
The rest of this poem is up to you.
Phairy Aug 2014
"But he shall never know who I am!" Nicotine said in total desperation to her noxious best friend. "You don't understand, you never felt what I'm feeling!" Nicotine pulled away from her friend and ran downstairs
"You will get caught" Lela shouted trying to talk her sense out of it. "What if you got caught?"
"Then I shall be punished for this love but I refuse to regret trying to have it." She wore a jacket and a baseball cap and took off.

Nicotine wasn't a normal girl, she wasn't like Lela or girls in her age. In fact, she wasn't like anyone ever.
She was very brave and creative, dreamy but she makes it happen. She doesn't care what people might think and she doesn't like rules. She grow up with merother and both brothers, her dad died with surgery complex of  adjustable gastric band when she was 13; and he told her before he took the breath of his death "don't ever change, don't be like me. Change them without trying. Just be you, they'll follow! And never chase love, love will find you." And she never lived by any rules except for those.
She was the youngest among her brothers yet she was the strongest emotionally, physically and the brightest mentally. Nicotine never understood why the world decided to be a man's world when she is a woman and better than a lot of men!

Nicotine was a strange girl that wouldn't let anything stop her. And nothing stopped her indeed.
Until this one time...

She was 17 years old when she met a boy. Travis was his name, Travis has traveled from his school to hers and they met in English class. The only seat available was next to her so he sat there. For three seconds, there eyes met and Nicotine never been that much hooked. She was straight forward and hate the games. So by the end of the day she asked Travis out.
"Sorry, I don't tend to be rude but my sister died few months back and I don't feel like being around girls."
Nicotine flustered when this time, she didn't know how to get what she wants. She smiled and waved goodbye.
She wouldn't lose hope and she was determined to be Travis best friend! But Travis never showed on the second day of school or the third. Travis never showed up again as if he disappeared with fresh air up the mountains where people lose their way back in the forest.

Years went by but Nicotine never had forgot his details...

The way his long brown darkish hair flew unlike mainstream. Dark skin tone with black wide eyes. Even though Nicotine was 5,9 feet considered tall, Travis was almost 6,4 or something.
There have been nights when she dreamt of him hugging her tight telling her "wait, don't leave. I'm coming" or the times when she sees him everywhere and never been able to love anyone as half as the love she feels for Travis. Some nights she thought, maybe... Just maybe I love him too much because he is the one who left not the other way around! But most nights, she dreamt about way long French kiss.

One day she was walking down the streets on her way back from college. She is a senior now and a vergin.
Nicotine was in her usual bubble listening to her IPod music when she saw him again.
She wasn't sure at first. His hair was shorter and she didn't recognize the smile. But those eyes and the skin tone. **** it, she can't let him slip again.
"Yo, Trav" some whiteish guy across the road yelled to him.
Trav? Trav? He said Trav? What's the short name goes for????¿¿¿!!!¡
"For the million times dude, its Travis. Never call me Trav" Travis flicked the white guy forehead. "Whatever, u going to Delphic tonight?"
"Yep, best arcade ever!"
Nicotine stood still for awhile, losing her ability to control her lungs. Shortens in oxygen. Her mouth was all rusty and words too little. Suddenly she started running home as fast as she could. Called her best friend and told her about her plan.

That's when Lela started to be noxious.

"Okay okay, hold on" rising her hands up to shush me "you are going to the Delphic arcade across the city tonight to stalk a guy you have been in love with-one sided- for years faking that you are a guy?" She paused. "That's so normal, nothing weird about this." Laughed sarcastically
"You don't need to understand" said Nicotine.
It almost felt as it she's mourning "why are you doing this please I need to understand?"
Nicotine was racing the clock trying to get ready to be the coolest guy. Wig of short hair? Done. Thick eyebrows? Done. Guys shirt? Done. Jeans? Done. ******* corset? Done. She was very sure he is the one. "I don't know how to explain all the feelings I have for this guy. But one time I was a girl and he turned me down because his sister died months ago and then disappeared! Look at me, Lela! Do I look like a girl to say no to?"
"All this trouble for a revenge?"
"Of course not, its a give in to my heart"

Nicotine arrived at 9 pm sharp. She doesn't know is Travis here already or not but she doesn't waste time and she starts looking for him. By a pinball machine Travis stood next to his friends and the white guy she saw earlier. She knew no time should be anymore wasted.

"Excuse me?" Said nicotine in loud, stiff and sharp voice
All the guys turned around of the pinball looked at her. Except they weren't looking at a girl but a handsome guy.
"I've lost my phone and I think my friends left, can I use one of you cell phone?"
"Sure" Travis said first. Pulled his cell out of his ripped jeans pocket and handed to me.
"Thanks, won't take long"
Nicotine pulled herself aside and started pretending that she is talking on the phone by calling her cellphone voice mail. Next step, spend some quality time with Travis!!
"*******, *******!!!" Nicotine shouted through the phone and close the line dramatically groaning.
"U ok?" Travis grabbed nicotine by the shoulder.
"Yeah." Nicotine paused "I need a ride home"
"I can give you one if you like." Travis blushed. "Do you need to leave now?"
"No, I can stay for a while more.... I'm nicotine" we shook hands
"Travis... Don't ever call me Trav. Nicotine as THE NICOTINE?"
"my dad was big fan of the 70's rock bands, I happen to be a sin" Nicotine leaned closer while still grabbing his hand then she whispered "btw Trav, I never play by the rules"

Travis stood there, studying Nicotines face like a map dotting every detail as if he planning to get an A+ on geography. "You're... Different" Travis murmured.
Nicotine grinned.

They've spend days and days having fun going out for ice cream or movies. Concerts and jams. Late night phone calls and early breakfast making. They never talked a out girls which was odd to nicotine but she was relifed Travis didn't like any girls around.

They were on a hill laying down gazing at the stars in the middle of an afternoon sun. It was one the weird games they played that nobody understood.
"Listen" Travis said "I need to tell you something"
Nicotines heart pounded "listening but whisper"
Travis took a moment before he spoke again. "I'm gay." Travis sounded edgy. "I'm gay for you... Don't bail on me I love you,
nicotine. Kiss me"

In a matter of a second nicotine lost all hope for words all hope for love and all hope to forget this love that now has been so close to be reached. She got up and ran away. But this time not home. She ran to the cemetery where her dad laid...

She was caught up between telling him the truth or go get a transgender surgery. But she was afraid if she told the truth, he could never love her like he loved nicotine the guy. If she told the truth, he could not forgive her for the lie she told. She lived. Nicotine was torn in front of her dads grave and wanted for angel of death to come and take her soul. Just for a day or two. Just for a while, until Travis forgets. Until she forgets. Before this, ever have been done by her.

"Why are you crying?" A voice shifted nicotine's mind from lost to found. "What are you doing here? How did you find me" she said.
"You told me, that's where you go when things go wrong." Travis tenderly spoke, sat next to me. "Have they gone wrong?" He said.

Nicotine was trying to control her sobb "yes." Wiping her tears with her arm "I didn't mean to go so far"
Travis stared and stared and looked at nictone in a way she couldn't read his face. "There is something I should tell you" nicotine whispered frighteni for the first time in her life since her father died. "Speak" Travis whispered while his forehead clicked to mine.
Nicotine froze as soon as she felt his skin on hers. She closed her eyes not wanting to look at the disappointment in his eyes. The frown on his face. She couldn't focus when she had his breath on her face. She didn't know how to begin, she didn't know how to open her rusted mouth. "I..." Travis pulled nicotine closer placing both of his hands on the sides of her head and kissed her. Kissed her like he never seen lips before. "I know." Travis said.
"I'm 25 years old, don't you think I'd know a girl when I see one? Specially a girl I wanted to kiss the day I met and thought I've lost for good"
Nicotine crocked a smile and rushed to his rough lips. Biting the lower lip as if she never kissed a guy before. It wasn't just lust or the need for ****** *******. It was craving to touch a skin you adored. It was listening to your favorite song alone in the dark. It was comfort that made love.
Travis slowly pulled her away "why did you fake to be a guy?"
"I was afraid to lose you again if I was a girl if you had a lover." Embarrassed nicotine spoke her words. "I'm sorry, I love you. Don't leave."
"You're nicotine... And I'm heavy smoker seeks death if it means to die by your love"

And that's how Romeo and Juliet died of lung cancer. Just kidding. They died with poison
Terry Collett Jun 2015
They met in the Square. Weather warm and sun sticky. Hannah was in her short dress and sandals. Benedict in jeans and tee shirt and black plimsolls. It was Saturday and they'd decided to give the morning matinee a miss and go elsewhere. We can go and paddle on the side of the Thames, she said. Can we? He asked. Sure we can. He wasn't sure. Is it wise? He said, what with all the crap that's put in? She looked at him. We're not to drink the water, just paddle in it. It's water, not **** pool, she said. Won't we need towels? No, our feet'll dry in the sun. She eyed him. How old are you? Twelve, he said. Not a baby, then? She said. No, he replied. We're both twelve, she said, so let's go get our feet wet. What did your mum say when you told her where you were going? I didn't, Hannah said. Why not? He said. Because she'd have said:Ye cannae gang in th' Thames. So I didn't tell her. What did you say? He asked. Said I was going to see boats on the Thames. What did she say to that? Benedict asked. Dornt faa in th' water, she said. Benedict laughed at Hannah's mocking her mother's Scottish dialect. What did you say to her? Hannah pulled a straight face, stern features. I said, Ah willnae. He laughed again. Right let's be off, she said. They walked out of the Square and up Meadow Row. Did you tell your mum where you were going? Hannah asked. Just said I was going out with you, he said. What did your mum say? Hannah asked. She said ok and be careful, he replied. They walked to the bus stop and got a bus to South Bank. The bus was crowded. They sat at the back on side seats. A plump man next to Hannah wiggled up close to her; his thigh touched hers. She felt uncomfortable. He smelt of sweat and cigarette smoke. She was glad when they got off. She stared at him and mumbled, ye mingin prat. Benedict said, what? Not you, that prat on the bus, touching me, she said. Benedict watched the bus go. You should have said, he said, we could have got him thrown off the bus. Too much hassle, she said. They walked along by the Thames, looking down at the water. Looks too high, Benedict said. Maybe later, she said. So they lay side by side on the grass by the Thames and enjoyed the sun.  Her fingers touched his. They were warm and dampish. He sensed her fingers against his. They turned and faced each other, finger still touching. Do you like me? She asked. Of course I do, he replied. She eyed him. I think of you a lot, she said. Do you? He said. She nodded. Yes, quite a bit, she said. O, right, he said, looking at her, taking in her darkish eyes and her hair in a ponytail. Have you ever kissed a girl before? She asked. He looked past her at the passing people. A man with a dog stared at them. I kissed my aunt once, he said, looking at her again. No, I meant a girl, not a relative, Hannah said. He thought, searching through his memory files. Don't think so, he said. Couldn't have been very good if you can't remember, she said. He never made a habit of kissing girls: other boys frowned on such behaviour. He had kissed a girl with one leg once at a nursing home when he was eleven. A year ago, yes, he said, I kissed a girl with one leg a year or so ago. Where did you kiss her? Hannah asked, her leg? He smiled. No,on her cheek, he replied, remembering. Why did you kiss her? Hannah asked. She said I could. She was twelve and big and had just the one leg. Hannah looked at him. Took in his quiff of hair, the hazel eyes and the Elvis smile-she'd seen a photo in a magazine of Elvis Presley and loved the smile- and the set of his jawline. Do you kiss any girl with one leg? She asked.  No, he said, just that one time. She looked at him, her fingers beginning to squeeze his. Would you kiss me? She asked. He hadn't thought about it. Hadn't entered his mind. Did you want me to? He said. Do you want to, she replied. What would your mum say? She'd say: whit ur ye kissin' fur? . He laughed. It tickled him when she said spoke her mother's dialect. He looked at her face. Where? He said. Where what? She said. Kiss you? Where shall I kiss you? He said, feeling shy all of a sudden. Where did you want to kiss me? He looked away. Crowds were passing by on the South Bank. Don't know, he said, looking back at her. She sighed. Looked at him. Squeezed his fingers tighter. I'll kiss you, then, she said. She leaned close to him and kissed his cheek. It was a short kiss. He sensed it: warm and wet. Was that it? He mused. She lay there staring at him. Well? What do you think of that? She said. He wasn't sure. It felt all right. It was ok, he said. Just ok? She said, looking at him. He nodded. She drew him closer to her and kissed his lips and pressed long and hard. He panicked briefly as if he'd not breathe again, but he relaxed as her lips became glued to his, and he closed his eyes, and felt a mild opening in himself and he breathed through his nose. As she kissed him, her lips pressing on his, she felt a warm feeling rise through her body as she'd not felt before. It felt unreal. Felt as if she'd entered another body and was a spectator in a game. She pulled away from his lisp and stared at him. How was that? Sh asked. He lay there his eyes closed as if dazed. He opened his eyes. Gosh, he breathed rather than said. She blew out and lay back on the grass. He lay back, too. What would your mum say if she saw us kissing? She smiled and said, lae heem aloyn ye dornt ken whaur he's bin. Benedict laughed and closed his eyes trying to picture Mrs Scot saying it. What does it mean? He asked laughing. Leave him alone you don't know where he's been, she said smiling. She turned and looked at him again. He turned and gazed at her. The laughter died away. How do you feel? She asked. Feel about what? He said. No, how do you feel inside? She said. He didn't know. It was new to him this kissing. He sighed. Don't know. How about you? He said. Tingly, she said in reply. Inside me. My body tingled. Is that a good thing? He asked, uncertain of these matters. I don't know, she said, looking at him. Do you want to paddle in the Thames? He asked. No, not now, she said, I want to kiss again. They lay there gazing each other. Let's go elsewhere though, she suggested. Where? He asked. St James's Park, she suggested, we can get a bus there. Ok, he said. So they walked to the bus stop and got a bus to St. James's Park. It was crowded. People everywhere: walking, sitting, lying down, running. They both sat on then grass, then after a few minutes, they lay on the grass. Hannah stared at him. He looked at her eyes. She moved forward and kissed his lips. Pressed them, breathing through her nose, closed her eyes. He closed his eyes as she closed her eyes. His lips felt hers. Warming, pressing, wettish, her tongue touching his just on the tips. He felt as if suddenly as if he were falling and then he opened his eyes and she had moved away from him. Well? She said, how was that? He sensed his lips slightly bruised, but warm and he felt unusually alive. She gazed at him. She felt opened up as if someone had unzipped her and exposed her. It was good, he said, taking hold of her hand, holding it against his cheek. She sighed, it was  good, but it felt surreal, as if it had been a dream, not real, not her kissing. It was, she said, still kissing him inside of her twelve her old head.
She doesn't recite poems in the darkish sunset

like golden corns dying to be reaped
she needs a hand to cut her through
reach to where a fleshless lust is still not ember.

Seasons come and fly away.

Her own poems withering
she pines for one simple nest
to rest.
Nigel Obiya Feb 2013
I read an ad recently
‘Get your Valentine’s day hampers while they last, order in advance lest you be disappointed’
But what I really read was…
'Get your Valentine’s day humpers while they last, order in advance lest you be disappointed’
Because I’m a clown like that
I make light of this day ‘Valentine’s’
The fourteenth day of the second month of every year
That makes everyone realize how attached or alone they are… really, I find that the most stupid fear...
Is the fear of not being paired up… yet
I say ‘yet’ because it’s going to happen sooner or later, more than once
Like it has happened before
But oh, you want to sulk and sob in your depressingly darkish room… behind the self made prison that is your closed door
Because you just want to wallow in self pity… because you're so low
Forever alone
Call me a *****
And a realistic one at that I like to think
But I find this entire obligation to have someone on this day quite unnecessary… which makes me kind of curious
As to who is really authentically ‘in’ love
And who is apparently “in love” for convenience reasons
These self made prisons
I joke through this day… with female friends, my true Valentines
No charades, no pretentious antics
Just funny nonsense with the coolest, realest fun chicks
To all those that have their better halves… well "power to you"
Way to go, we’re happy for you
You probably enjoy the most out of this day ‘Valentine’
I didn't mean to sound conceited… for we are all allowed to court
To be arrested by passion, maybe I’ll get past these ‘flings’ and also have my day in court…
Yeah, maybe someday I will have mine
anastasiad Dec 2016
Darker rooms plus chemical substance establishing strategies might have turn into hobbies within the ages of digital photography plus picture croping and editing, however improvements within technologies necessarily mean far more space regarding advancement and also the power to adjust photos. A very common means of photograph editing includes what is known as strong imprinted. Making use of this method signifies extracting an object from its authentic background. Profound etching makes it simple compartmentalize photos along with isolate illustrations or photos. For example, you could have a straightforward photo of the foliage lying down on to the ground plus deep imprint the actual foliage through the history allowing you unengaged to encourage which impression on the distinctive photograph or even a diverse historical past. Heavy imprinted is a straightforward proven fact that is now straightforward to perform, owing to technologies. In the long run, a chance to serious etch physical objects signifies that the actual developer has got higher mobility and isn't restricted to the bounds of your original photos.

An additional benefit involving improvements within photo editing and enhancing is that technologies have manufactured these methods available in order to recreational photographers plus graphic designers by means of an easy task to learn applications similar to Photo shop. Learning how to deep imprinted can be as easy as doing a available article via almost any well-liked photograph editing and enhancing plan. Aspiring a digital musicians along with makers will also be very happy to learn that there is a blooming online community of different painters who're willing to present guidance along with training. You'll find about three unique advised tactics that will enable that you effectively deeply imprinted a perception. Each of them involves a clear awareness of aspect plus a enthusiasm to generally be thoughtful. The item isn so simple as directing and also clicking at this time, but a little tolerance should go quite some distance in this case. With regards to determing the best strategy to strong etch, every expert has their unique preferred. Happily, data as well as advice is easily available and all sorts of alternatives can be explored as well as experimented with, resulting in to consider that method is most effective based on your project and talents. Apparently outdoors change of info speaks not just in the passion of them painters, but additionally to your procedure by which new concepts and methods plus spread in addition to perpetuated.

Understanding the skill of serious etching may take a long time, although understanding the process along with finishing your very first profound imprint can be achieved in less than 1 hour. Which means an average that has a digicam along with a computer contains the probability to learn heavy scribing plus apply leading-edge on the internet picture croping and editing ways to their own personal do the job, whether loved ones images and also small company periodicals. Pictures and style stop being tied to precisely what the professional photographer can take by way of its contact lens in a specific second. Digital photography and also snapshot croping and editing has also eradicated many of tension with growing your photographs. You are able to instantaneously begin to see the results of your photo avoiding the expense of reshoots or perhaps thrown away flick. And so though there can be a couple of have outs, who take pleasure in the appreciate tonka trucks of your darkish area and also think associated with launching flick right photographic camera, the era connected with digital cameras will be here and it is offered to absolutely everyone. Password Manager Windows 7
Grinning wide by the riverside
two bubbly girls click shots
between them whisper confide
share the secret thoughts!

The giggly cutes they walk like dance
caught in a sunlit pause
not mind the boys stealing glance
seems not worth a cause!

Their cells follow where they go
the lens beamed right on face
one more please and then one more
frames add up happiness!

I was watching the sun go down
pretty much in a fix
light was getting dullish brown
would turn darkish by six!

The urge was great surged the will
it grabbed the whole of mind
to have a photo me standing still
with the river flowing behind!

The butterfly girls in the sun's last kiss
they readily said o yes
each of them took a shot apiece
my joy you can easily guess!
The Strand, Raipur, July 18 2018 5.45pm
Sammie S Apr 2014
Silky milkweed fluff
Dotted with sparse, darkish brown
Swept up from my hand
anastasiad Dec 2016
Every single kind possesses distinctive regulations along with difficulties. We have now puzzle, tension, excursion, plus romantic endeavors. Every plot must be very carefully considered before producing a post. A publishing practice between enchantment and also secret had been a large change personally, which has a contrasting mind set. With enchantment, you plan out the plot about the achieving of a husband and wife. As you compose, a person create some sort of panache regarding the characters, producing your reader feel enthusiastic that one working day they may click it off and fall madly in love. An individual, as being the viewer, understand the outcome.

However with a mystery, you is incorporated in the darkish. The author is required to make a storyline this not one person understands right up until right at the end of the history plus pray they getaway calculated out. Inside of a thriller, you might or won't enable your reader to find out that the not so good males tend to be, according to if this a thriller and also mystery suspense. In a very thriller, your reader doesn find out who the unhealthy people are 'till the end in the e book. Together with mystery suspense, you knows who they are but it makes for a more suspenseful end result.

For instance: Within a puzzle, this heroine hears somebody banging for the doorway. Whomever behind the door is a thriller to help their readers along with the heroine. Inside a anticipation, your reader knows who's regarding it and is shouting towards heroine, "No! Have on respond to them!"

I'm going to go over the particular tips for producing a mystery as well as mystery/suspense. 1st: ones hero and also heroine will have to stand above though others, but exactly how? Choose a identify, individuality, and produce, that may discern these individuals from other people. Produce their particular individualities. Put yourself in their footwear. During this trip, the main characters can change with the much better and there is usually a happy conclusion the spot that the target audience tosses his or her fingers via a flight plus kind regards for that excellent men. I've five rules for penning this genre.

One. You must have villains that produce us all shiver from other devious actions.

A pair of. Between the story plot, your idol is actually tossed straight into turmoil. Their life can be confronted. At first, your dog doesn know the reason why although finally realizes this. Whatever the main character and also heroine is doing, it's causing a challenge and fascinating things up.

Three. Unusual unexpected things happen. Your heroine or perhaps leading man gets a mystical correspondence in the mailbox, everyone is next these folks, and they are surprised coming from strange seems in the night, and so forth.

5. Techniques will be gradually becoming responded to as being the tale advances. Tiny bits of information and facts are located here and there. The heroine will be keeping some sort of magic formula from the hero that can assist in the event and the man gradually finds out regarding this. When they seek out advice, they start to understand uncover insights that will drive them better his or her unanswered problems.

Five. Emotional baggage usually are in the beginning. Which you find in you join situation and also take a seat on the extra edge regarding his or her seat. The secret's: "Show! Wear Say to!" Every time a individual is frightened, the girl's confront turns lighter, the woman's coronary heart is better than speedily, and she actually protein shake, and many others.

Half-dozen. This hero is definitely followed, captured, which is within terrible hazard. Now you must to determine just how she or he are certain to get apart. Windows Password Manager
anastasiad Oct 2016
Winter weather Snow while in the Do is the Sabian Symbolic representation to the Twenty sixth degree of Gemini. Here it is referred to using the 7 Text Program : a method of learning the intricacy regarding people interactions that may be applied to all aspects of self-awareness and romantic relationship, so you quickly improve your viewpoints and get to some deep sense of how you can increase items. Have you ever believed your star hint, even if it will give you a huge amount of more knowledge about a person, won't absolutely identify an individual extremely specifically?

Not necessarily in a astonishingly remarkable approach formulates the complete regarding daily life to ensure that it should appear so adjusted from that point on. Effectively, consider these kinds of Sabian Designs ?they can nicely cause you to be observe issues diversely! Your Sabian tactic is really very unique. Free Photo Recovery Software To would like to learn what will be these emblems? Sabian Symbols are generally Three hundred and sixty different photos ?just one for each and every amount of a zodiac ?that were with ease found by a girl, Elsie Wheeler, in addition to unravelled simply by a famous astrologer, Physician Marc Edmund Jones. Every one supplies a delicate clue with regards to the key a sense of which degree, which could reach the bottom part with many very helpful along with provoking awareness to suit your needs.

It works regardless of whether it never your specific stage ?but yet a lot better when it is. The idea far better allow all by yourself a chance to apply it slowly but surely, like a meditating. Enable all the limited lines drain within slowly and attempt to experience just what it suggests, and making use of the mindr merely sit down with all the illustrations or photos for quite a while and employ the strength of creativity to develop several lively reports about this. (You can find your individual Sabian Symbol by following the link listed below) Acquiring go to a new realizations around the quality with who you really are, there is an additional period it is possible to undertake ?to choose for being distinct. You can impact far more within your scenarios compared to you generally carry out when you have interaction fully while using inward part of your personality, by using to the traits indicated by your current Sabian mark. And if you might be more clear about what you are, then you certainly develop into a lot more a number of in regards to what you need out of living. You may fixed your objectives based on a standard eyesight with the problem, and therefore on its own leads to a much greater prospects for achievements. It may help having target so that you will maintain the focus resolved to the needed consequence. Reading your own Sabian

Mark is a bit like getting a brother to chat seriously of you. They are aware an individual very well,  How to Get iphone 5 out of recovery mode with your darkish pieces as well as your lighting, even though these people accept you, theyl tell you tough truth! It's not easy to hear, however useful for those people who are trying to become improved people. It could be required to reread it a few times plus consider sincerely by what is definitely being said. There is a whole lot we're able to do with us! Possibilities are limitless and also assorted, every single day getting small signs plus teases so that you can push people to more unfolding with possible. Saying No to that and Yes to that particular surely involves us to believe your sensations in addition to surrender towards the inevitable ?this, can come precisely what could, we all possibly be that we're also: anything, very little a lesser amount of. Magick is often a ordinary tyoe of lifestyle that will need particular area and time limits. Iced the minute has cosmic value and it is a required and enough condition from the fine art. Regular routines connected with homebuilding plus serving ourselves are suitable for secure upkeep of the status quo, whilst the finding of one total probable requires that people engage with the non-ordinary. Mother nature best electric power and sweetness displays people pertaining to such concrete realities considering that by way of example, by means of no more esoteric when compared with work day within temperature plus pressure to make **** frost, might travel including the most doubtful materialist within wonderment.

Freezing to help demise truley what is completely inadequate is definitely her method. Filter with these transformative instances enables outdated rounds to supply approach to the latest. The beauty can be secondary, the summary human being sentiment; nevertheless can there be some thing splendorous? Somehow the unconventional irreversibility regarding demise increases our a sense of beauty, in addition to increases the idea to be able to non secular amounts. We now have subsequently to view items together with innovative little brown eyes, eyes readied for new periods as well as the natural move with points of views. In this manner all of us generate your mobile phone industry's over and in obedience with the newly enhanced idea. To make all these marvelous minutes, we've nevertheless to position to one side all of our exclusive issues and turn into tuned in to the nice allows associated with everyday living transformative imperatives.
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In the great dephts of a collossal anthem
There were ray beams gathered, focused
Beautifully by a magic magnifying glass.

The true meaning of existence was living,
Breathing, focusing on step by steps little
Revelations; non-existing bouquets lit on
Misty meadows glowing in the morning
Dew drops budding on cherry blossoms.

He thought-nevertheless: he's falling into
The infinite abyss of his enticed farenheit
Hell, swirling his brilliant darkish mind to
The point of total absolute white, mingled
With blackness and sweet spectre of love
Profoundly smooched~wickedly nooked.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Lovebeam
Heyaless May 2021
It’s a lovely day!! there's no weaves of emotion, I don’t see any darkish clouds over my head. My head has end up so mild weighted. No track, no piece of poetry nor anybody’s emotional abuse no longer creates pain inside me. flowers growing all around my heart. I smile surprisingly, despite the fact that I try to experience anxiety, I don’t feel anything but tranquility. as if i was in a roller coaster on a carnival full of chaos and now the whole thing has stopped. Then i found myself in the middle of that carnival, without any chaos! an deserted region. no one lives here anymore. Oh yes! I don’t see dark clouds as it’s all darkish around! I smile but I don’t feel happiness and the flowers growing around my heart!! Foxgloves growing inside me. you realize the symptoms?
………….death !
suppose you're on a sea beach
where the waves are frozen dead
you don't hear the seagull's screech
not one is flying above head!

in the wind not rise the rolling roar
the sea is a darkish gel
no silver spray bounces on the shore
clouds not on her blue face sail!

the sea is flat dumb and still
staled painting on papyrus
that weary of man's mindless deal
is lying in dying hush!

think of it as our good fortune
the sea isn't so looking as yet
but she can't be from us immune
if we dump on her our waste!
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She appears nightly in the window, under a fading out blue gel spot light sporting cheap lingerie...

Her red slapped **** fit a bit too tight!
I was strung out on Cutty Sark, the whole darkish day!

Thunder clapped overhead; the rain threatened the would be turn-out of bums!

Prima Donna, was her ****** stage name: she hid the newborn kid under the bar...

He resembled Jimmie Durante,
The baby smoked a cigar!

Live *** *** Show: read the blinking orange neon sign...

She pretended she was a road house star!

Her stretch marks indicated she had been tossed around...

Town to town, bar to bar!

Now she travels in a carnival trailer...

She drinks herself to sleep when no one is around: can't be seen crocthless!

Wide spots in the road are the small time attractions...

Her fat *** boss sells China made fake Rolex time pieces...

Character is all you have when no one else watches...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
La Strata goes Vaudeville... poetry... drama!
Abraham Esang Nov 2017
I take into account those days,
when i used to be a young, innocent infant.
I in no way had understood what was occurring,
For the ones lengthy, darkish six years.

It first commenced with the radio,
My mother and father chatting nervously,
while rushed reports had been heard on
That old ‘speaking container.’

Then, the noises got here.
They might wake me inside the middle of the night.
The whooshing of airplanes flying overhead,
And mom remaining those ****** curtains.

those days father refused for mom and that i
to head outside onto the streets.
i used to be so happy because I wouldn’t go to high school,
but little did I know approximately the actual cause.

whilst dinner become scarce,
and that i ate each last crumb of bread.
once I looked out the window to see
bad human beings being beat to demise.

I recollect the ones days no longer as truly,
As I did again then.
and even after all those years,
I nevertheless wonder why someone might do this to another.

Why do we do this to one another,
Are we animals: predators and prey?
We need to discover a way to get together,
and spot where peace has gone.
Thomas Newlove Jul 2015
Because you said you're poetry inclined,
And because I have something on my mind,
(Along with the fact I have a long walk home),
I thought it fitting I would write this poem -

To express, permitting it doesn't sound too weird,
(Despite the fact I have a paedo beard),
My joy on bumping into you this night -
A darkish day upon which you made bright.

For, although you joke that bi-annual contact best
To being friends, I do have to suggest
That since I've been back home it's helped a deal
To talk to friends over drinks or a meal

About the seemingly insignificant things.
Nobody appreciates the joy this brings!
To a fool like me, who quite frankly is saved
By hearing how friends have acted or behaved,

Like success in college or thoughts that you are fat
(A ridiculous suggestion - I'll vanquish thoughts of that!)
Because collectively I don't exaggerate,
They have pulled me from Hell's (once soothing) gate...

So, I suppose, I'm trying to say thanks for being a friend
And because I don't see you enough
I feel like I can get away
With acting all gooey and stuff
And, quite frankly, a bit gay.
A poem I wrote for a friend of mine as a bit of a joke/challenge with a long walk home after a great catch-up
Mark Lecuona Nov 2016
I saw him the first time walking the other way
He was a lightly singed darkish-skinned man with a tight face
A rope of a body without hint of it being a weary day
And I wondered if what I saw was true
He looked so out of place
He wore an Indian headdress and not much else
It couldn’t have been any more perfect
Him walking East and me driving West
I knew it would be different later when the sun set
I want to ask him if I was describing someone he knew
But maybe I’m better off wondering

The rituals of the past must be adorned each day
He walks holy ground upon the concrete of our disgrace
There is no haste or urgency for him to change his way
And I wondered if what I saw was true
He looked so out of place
He wore the look of a riverbed starving for ice that melts
His face was matted by tears tired of regret
But his feet never knew the meaning of rest
No matter how high in the hot red sky the sun would get
I want to ask him if I was describing someone he knew
But maybe I’m better off wondering
This is about someone I see walking all over Austin. I don't think he's homeless though. More of a man from a bygone era. Maybe poor but dignified. He does his thing...
Mark Bell Apr 2017
Sixpence piece fell from her purse,
I picked it up this started the curse.
Electric eyes bewitching me,this I could not ignore
Barbed wire snaked tongue,lips so red I shall adore
Cursed for eternity to walk among her dead
This to was my curse for taking her to bed.
The joy was all hers, love for her were my pains
Locked by her darkish side by flesh eating chains.
My heart been ripped out,she has tasted my blood
That coin still in pocket all emotions were in a flood
How was I ever to be set free from her curse
Would it be to easy,by putting death into reverse
Don't be so silly I say it's all fantastically absurd
Shall I be with her for eternity I'll take a rain check
On being cured.
zebra Nov 2017
the flesh around her surveying eyes
crinkled like pitch black crape paper
and glaring alabaster pupils

her ****
knuckle white and drooping
over her falling bloated belly
with darkish brooding *******
obsidian as Turkish coffee
blood drizzled down her pale face
and countenanced her features
like a frame around a painting
of a grotesque from hell

she stood before me
her mouth an undulating invitation
imprinted in souls crux
my heart pounded
my **** swelled
i ached for her
black rose throne
weeping as if lost
and disembodied
haunting me

she spread her legs like great bat wings
her ****
a purple mouth howling
convulsing waves orgiastic
an unimaginable ecstasy
****** horror
Hakikur Rahman Apr 2021
At the dead of night
There are Bangma, Bangmi lying at home
Darkness surge around
Land not seen below.

Occasionally in the bamboo forest
The light of the firefly blazed
This is the night of the new moon
It is real darkish.

Wise owl in his house
Moved up
In that one corner of the forest
Cactus flowers are blooming.

This game of darkness
When will that end
In the morning sky
The sun of the day will rise, however.
Bangma, Bangmi are epic birds from ancient stories.
Leng Feb 2018
And so it begins,
Like a wispful waste in the wind.

It begins to tear and grind me down to nothing but a pulp of a mind,
Nothing connected or healed, only beated and untwined.

I begin to sense the depths of my perception become foolish,
With a darkish grin to rule with.

Shaking, trembling with every step I walk,
Yet I know not.

My mind tells me that it's THE END,
I can feel it's seductive claws pull me into the abyss. Believing its words.

Darker and darker I begin to reside, I begin to fall like a raindrop on a stormy night.

Only, the sun isn't going to come out nor will the night end, my wills bend.

I can feel a fade become bigger, and seepin in is shadows that surrounds.

Oh my, what a sickening insightful time.
IncholPoem Feb 2019
After death
  one thing  never  will  be missed.

All  the   people  of
  my  city
  will  see the  SPACE
  WORD   written  as
  'Love   Unlimited'

Another  word  after
  10 minutes
  'Stay 100  days  with me
  in  sky'.a

After   20  minutes
you   have  forgotten
  but   i  will  remember   night
  in  all  darkish  starfull  sky
  with  these  satellite  words.
Sienna Luna Feb 2019
Been a while
since I’ve written
a little itty bitty ditty
talking ‘bout life an
all it’s fears swirling down the drain.
Been a while
since the mermaid lady
dressed in darkish green
sat and saw me here again.
Spit! Spat!
Been a while
since I’ve typed
mini tiny teeny poems
on my phonie
like a stuffed beanie babie
bustin’ it’s seams
typing away
makin’ me stay
putin’ it’s pity till three.
Spit! Spat! Splat!
Been a while
since my gullet done drink
down it’s shakin’ hatch
a slimy chocolate pepperminty
flavor favor so minty
and fresh it could’a fooled me
in bein’ thrashed an trashed
but it’s not ‘cause p!nk is playin’
and I’m just nut **** sayin’
it’s been a while…
Sav Sep 2019
I have finally realized why I have never felt pretty.

It is because, because...

I have dated several people who have called me beautiful.

But I could never understand why they would say that.

I assumed it was a formality.

For years, and years, some people have been attracted to me.

And I didn't know why.

Now that I am finally living in my correct sexuality.

With a fiance soon to be wife.

I am starting to understand.

She calls me beautiful, and pretty.

And doesn't under stand why I don't agree.

And it's because I never see anyone who looks like me.

So mixed, mixed salad.

Darkish skin, asian eyes, trini lips trini hips, white something? I don't know.

I look like nothing anyone has ever known.

My hair is both Trini, white, asian, and whatever else is peppered into who I am.

I am an almost complete puzzle of races.

I think only I can fully grasp that.
Dr Peter Lim Jun 2019
Every weather
tells a story
a mood-changer
it compels me-

raindrops and snowdrops
the sunshine reflecting on the sea
how each wave of wind sobs
in its individual melancholy-

how the seasons arouse the memory
past scenes flash over the mind
of times merry or unhappy
never have been left behind-

a winter drizzle* marks this morning*
against a darkish brooding sky
why is my heart restlessly stirring?
what's that which is making me cry?
Wednesday, Melbourne time 10.20 a.m.,  I am looking through the garden from my study as I am writing. It's winter here
IncholPoem Jan 2019
Find out
                   Jesus   wooden  crush
                   under  the   cold   pond

  On  the  opposite  side
       of  that  crush

You  will  obviously
see  the
    DEATH     DATE  OF   MINE.

Find  out

              Jesus's   animated
   glittering  display  box
inside   an  
old  wooden  mixed  
steel  box.

Surely   you
will  get  an  broken
heart  glass  shape
on  which   3-D  printed
words   will   speaking

  Find  out
glass  covered crush
in  which  in a
portion   a  light
darkish  symbol  of
smaller   crush
will   welcoming   to
join   the  love  of
togetherness  and
grey Jan 2020
I looked out,
Into the abyss.
There were but a few trees.
Still remaining in the distance.
I reached out,
And looked again.
The night’s eyes stared right back at me.
There wasn’t much too see.
But a dim light in the distance.
As later had made itself present,
The dark had soon turned into day.
Cars on the highway made themselves
And the tree near myself, only blocked by a thin barrier of glass,
Swayed back and forth from the wind.
I looked out too see a small bridge,
Which protected your feet from only a small puddle.
Autumn had shown through the winter,
Even though we had known the truth of the cold day.
The bird feeder was apart from everything else.
It was different because of the cardinal sitting on it,
The main colours had been sugar maple, and orange.
But this was the colour of a darkish-red.
He flew away and off he went.
Still inside my little vision of glas
Onoma Jun 2024
a six story door,
made of compressed wood--
darkish brown.
upright & unhinged.
shantytown openness.
riddled with keyhole
no doorknob.
warped with catalogued
a dust pile of bricks
resounding its architecture
in a tumbleweed breeze.
a pod of suns swaying overhead,
like 70s billiard lamps after a

— The End —