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Mohd Arshad Feb 2023
What are thy lips

Jenny Gordon Apr 2017
Um, my apologies to Lindt, dunno where that flavour originated when I first tasted it.


Lindt was the standard for good choclate, hence
Gone to the dogs as Dillon's to avail
Tastes like the thing itself, whilst in betrayl
Swiss choclatiers own powdered milk for sense?!
And our Wisconsin pride on top fr'intents--
Or what? I nibble one and t'other, frail
As private testing is, and call both pale,
Milk choclate nothing to the real stuff, whence?
Charge me with aye, a fault and swear tis poor,
I'll put on Broforce' soundtrack, thinking too--
Ha, what?!  Being "friends" is--stop there as it were.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart--and do
Not figure.  I love Andrew.  Rain blots fer
Effect aught blue skies, and no choclate's you.

I swear my chocolate-stained face and fingers, look incredibly innocent, I do, I do.
Poetic T Apr 2014
To be a pirate the things I,d see,
the high waves as the ship goes
up and down, down and up on
the sea. Arrr I feel sick over the
side I will mostly be.

Swab the decks so they be as
clean asthey can be, **** this
boat of wood the splinters I be
getting, I  be needing tweezers
and me mummy.

I want treasure, I want to bury
it where no one can see, I,ve done
this many times but I keep forgetting
as I have a poor memory.

I want to be a pirate, the things
I would see, but I want to put my
flag on themast a smiling skull it
would be.

I,m not a normal pirate as they
seem to say, I be to nice, and
I,m not very good at sea As I,m
always over the side giving the
fish food that comes out of my tummy.

I,m a pirate all can see, I  dont
have a sword as I always  be cutting
my tummy, I dont think I,m cut out
for this life upon the high sea.

I think ill do kids parties with my
ballon sword, no more cuts for me just
out of breath, as it keeps popping in me.

My choclate coins I must remember
are not to buried or to eat, there for
the children arrr no choclate for pirate me.
hope to write a third one make them a book for the children
Natalka Aug 2013
A** pple pie, freshly baked from the oven. I don't wait for it to cool, I want it hot, with a big greedy scoop of vanilla ice creams melting next to it.

B oys. Cute, querky, gross, crazy, but amazing. You can't stand them, but for some reason you need them in your life.

C ookies. Warm, fresh-out-the-oven, gooey choclate chip cookies.

D  is for dancing. Dancing in the rain with my eyes shut, screaming at the top of my lungs and not caring what anyone thinks. Just dancing.

E lephants. Strong, old, smart and beautiful creatures. Harmless yet protective.

F stands for foxes. More specifically fennec foxes. Adorable, small, cunning, cute and most of all, want by me!

G iving. Not just material items, but hope. Giving hugs, and smiles to those who need one. Also, For-giving.... letting go of the past and moving forward

H eartbreak. The feeling of no being able to breathe, not being able to speak, or make sense of everything without your "other half." Moving forward slowly, cautiously, because there are more around the corner.

I Me. The broken, yet strong; beautiful, yet self concious; smart, yet lazy teenager.

J is for Jenna, my first best friend. We aren't best friends anymore, but we still talk, and enjoy catching  up in eachothers lives.

K issing. I love kissing. I mean come on.... everyone does ;)

L ove. A strong, complex emotion which many guys lie about, and which I do too. I think I've only ever once loved my partner... all the rest I enjoyed...

M om. My mother, the woman who decided "I'm going to take the qwerky, adorable girl home to America with me and make her part of my life."

N is the first letter in my name. Natalka Hannah Evangeline Kmiotek.

O veracheivers. The people who make fun of me, because they can do things better then me, and everyone else. ******* all.

P erfection. Skinny girls with perfect *******, and big *****. No scars, and white teeth. the opposite of me.

Q uiet, as in I have to stay quiet or they'll hear me. Who? My demons of course. If I'm too loud, they will come for me and drag me back to hell.

R stands for two things. The first is **** A horrible word describing a nightmare you wish you could forget. It's being robbed of your first touch by selfish men, and being back into a corner against your will, forced to stay silent.

S is for strength. The strength to overcome, the strength to live, the strength to move on.

T hank you. To everyone who has ever been there and listened to me...

U nderstand why I cut myself. Why I hurt myself. It's easier to deal with physical pain, then the emotional kind. The emotional pain rots and festers inside me, destroying everything. It shuts my lungs down, forcing me to gasp for air.

V acations. Small escapes from your daily life, into something glamourous and relaxing. The warm sand between your toes, as the hot sun beats down on you. The cool ocean kiss the tips of your toes, cooling your thirst.

W hen will pain end? When will people stop being mean to eachother? When can I expect my child to be able to go to school and not be afraid of the other students? When will I be able to walk outside, and finally be able to say "I am safe," not having to lie.

X plain to me why people put others down? Why are there perfect models and barbies, telling us how we must look, how it's acceptable in society.

Y es please. Thank you. Simple manner, dying out, almost extinct. What happen to being nice? Or do we now, just take what we want? Expect everything, like the world owes us.

Z ach. He was my first love and my first heart break. With him, when he left, the floor caved under me. We were one of those couples that would break up, and get back together then next week. I guess you sould say we were crazy for eachother, but when he left, I guess I was the only one crazy. I was crazy enough to think he was ever mine.
Poetic T Jun 2014
life is like
some times
sweet and
tasty, some
times just
plain nuts,
other times
its cheap and tastless, and then you feel like giving it up..
Poetic T Feb 2015
I was playing, jumping up and
Down, I was cartwheeling
Right side up
Upside down,
I heard a noise, I heard a grumble
Was it thunder
The sky Is blue??
Where did that noise come from
Was it you.
I walked along, and heard it again
I looked under my jumper
There it goes again.
Are you
To me, what do want, speak up
I don't speak belly?
I do feel hungry though,
Is it that what you want,
Is that which you need.
Home we go, moving fast,
Still talking each louder than the last.
"I need you MUMMY"
"I need you DADDY"
My belly has been talking
Its telling me its hungry,
Like thunder a rumbling rolls
Around my empty tum,
"Goodness me"
"Goodness you"
I'll make you both a sandwich
Make both you happy.
"Thanks mummy"
"Tummy said thanks too"
Grumble went my tum
As both of us were filled with
It was good tasting,
And filled my taste buds as
Well as a friend that
Of his need to be filled up too.
"Each chew"
"Each swallow"
"Quieter than the last"
I had eaten my sandwich
Crusts and all. My belly vibrated, I think
It was a sleep, I felt much better now I had something
To eat. Empty plate that's good to see,
How are you both?
"Mummy we are very happy"
With a grin I rubbed my tummy,
My belly just spoke
My belly has a need
"What is that little man"
Grinning ear to ear,
Is that you talking or tummy rumbling again,
My belly just likes to be full for me to eat.
Another of my kids stories series
Ellyl Oct 2014





Jenny Gordon May 2017
and you said:  "I hope you like chocolate."

(sonnet  #MMMMMMCCCLI)

I've not had choclate, nor a taste, in pale
Excuse, for that in days, perhaps cuz hence
You called yourself that, and my hunger thence
Was only for whom stole aught else, t'avail
Me of:  just you.  And oh! how that detail
In lieu of packaged squares, eats me and sense
Out of both home and hearth, ne crumb to fence
The **** is't? yet smudges in betrayl.
Oh, Adrian!  There I must leave off.  Were--
What?  Savour ah, minutest crumbs, roll too
Across your tongue that darkest morsel your
Soul yields itself up to, and ah, foil to
Glint, crinkle, tease, nor but in silver tour
Hold lo, exquisite heights:  what's I love you?

Last I checked, chocolate merely demands you eat it.  Oh wait, it doesn't even do that, kick me.
As I break of the chocolate, my mouth waters.
I slip the chunk between my lips and let it melt on my warm tounge.
The feeling is as though there is a prancing deer jumping around my mouth, the flavour outstanding.
The sweet sensation and sugary texture exploding inside my mouth.
I let the chocolate slide slowly down my throat, and I wake up from my glorious choclate filled dreams.
This poem is copyright. By Clara McAdam 2010
Jenny Gordon Nov 2018
Um, so...?


Say coffee, no, dark choclate whose pretense
Falls short of that, or lo, a cuppa they'll
Assure you is quite good for health, t'avail
Dad's late exper'ments--coc'nut oil dropped thence
In favour of now Hershey's cocoa--whence
I sip half wondring at the ***** scale
Of "coffee," swirling sludge 'til that detail
Unmasks this "Special Dark" hot choclate hence.
And all he'd brew me ere is not sae poor
Now I am forty, as put off in lieu
As twere of, well, concoctions in grand tour
Mayhap of more than just good coffee.  Who
Shall say but that is...better?!  O what were
You thinking, Girl, when you spelled out what'd do?

Ya, kick me to Timbuktu.
LovelyLittlePoet Nov 2016
Sometimes I just wish
That I can get away from the world
Go somewhere far, far, away
Where nobody can see me

I wish I can sit on the clouds
The fluffy clouds.
And read a book.
I can look down on the world

Sometimes I wish that I could fly
I could go away when times are hard
Build a home in the clouds
See the world
While drinking hot choclate
jennifer andrews Sep 2012
It is something amazing,
If its something you canreach
It is something you learn
But not something you teach
It's that feeling that is felt
With that special someone
Someone who makes you melt,
Hotter than the sun,
Like choclate in my pocket,
It brings warmth to my hear.
Your picture in my locket,
So we're never far apart.
This feeling  it's great
But so strong it may break,
The place I keep it,
It may rip it to shreds,
But I'll keep every bit
Till the same feeling mends them again
Its hard to do but Ill get over you
And this feeling will ring true.
Bows N' Arrows Nov 2015
Steep staircase to a long hallway
Pale curtains to open windows
Graze the air
All the way down to a narrow door
Waiting there
A door that lead to nowhere
Black void on the otherside
When you close your eyes before
All I see are twinkling orbs akin
To the night sky
Blinking in this shadow room
Drops of water dripping down
I call out "hello"!?
Drip drip drip's the only sound
In this place that has no beginning
Or end
Suspended in space I call out
"Hello" again
And suddenly before my sight
Images glow in those orbs of light
That time my parents were in a fight
Broken glass
My dad's arm was bleeding
That time I was trying to learn how
To ride a bike
I never got it down in spite
And the time I was bitten in the
Face by Warlock the choclate
Pitbull I'd almost erased from my
Those morbid night terrors I used to have-
I'm still afraid of the dark sometimes
There's the time shuffling down the sidewalk when I had decided I would runaway but my father found me later that day
That's me cutting my arm with a butcher knife when I decided in middle school I wanted to end my Life
I'm outside my body watching
Myself passed out at my own house
Party in high school
There's me knocking in the Neighbor's door barefoot
In the snow
Then the images melted and
I found myself
Wrought with secrets
Pieces of me untold to myself
Emotions resurfacing that I
Wasn't aware that I felt
Inside of me is this universe
As uncharted and vast as
The sea
These scribbles in notebooks are my
So remember me
Remember me when you lye
Awake in the middle of the night
And the world's quiet and you're
Pondering the question of what
Life means
Your not alone.
My psyche.
Jenny Gordon May 2018
...whomever wants it.  


How leaden racks hone caller airs' detail
As rain comes marching grandly through.  Leaves thence
All whisper soto voce as I hence
What? listen to an airplane's voice, the pale
Hours fraught beyond their import in betrayl,
Cuz love and romance weren't my cuppa sense
According to his measures, no.  Fr'intents
"Goodbye." now echoes hollowly sans bail.
Let's know that dreams were only what we stir
To frustrate colder truth's keen tooth.  I knew
That when I tweeted "dream come true" twas poor
Cuz he'll not be mair than a dream.  What do
We, eh?  Nor can aught choclate salve me fer
All that.  The Scriptures comfort.  Let that do.

Right now I'm too sunk to care.
kiara Feb 2015
Roses are red
violets are pretty so are you.
Choclate is sweet but not as sweet as you.
Dinosuars are big, how big there are is my love for you.
I would jump thousands of feet just for you.
That is also my love for you.

love kiara
Ms Levinson Apr 2015
Monster are bad
So terribly evil
They a cloud of darkness

Monsters are good
So sweet and nice
They bring choclate goods

No matter what they look like
No matter what they wear
They might look nice but mean
They might look evil but good
Brenda Mukisa Feb 2018
When I am richer, find me.
We shall see the Eiffel tower and Louvre.
We shall know for our selves how comfortable…
A Ritz bed is….
We shall dine fancy and dress up for it.
Or wear pajamas and order in and watch old series we love.
You will have that rolex and boots….
They say Christian Louboutin's are comfy
Lets try and confirm or deny that.
Breakfast in Paris and diner in Montreal.

Find me when I am richer.

There are different types of ice cream.
Lets try them all till we decide there’s better than choclate or vanilla….. or not.
Lets figure out our best wine….or cake type and flavour…
After having access ot a variety.
Prada or Micheal Kors…. Lets figure out which bag we love more.
Do you get sick on the plane?
Let us find out.
Will you love the snow or not?
You will obviously hate summer but love the less clothing.

Just find me when im richer.

Lets see China, Korea, German and New York.
And many other countries and cities.
Lets mingle hard and understand different cultures
Lets take selfies in all places or just pictures.
Lets be happy…..

I'll find you when I am richer.
Jenny Gordon Mar 2019
Ahem.  There truly is no excuse for me.


O for the silver foil winged cupids, frail
With arrows on the string, and shooting thence
At blood-red hearts!  Erst wont to trick out hence
My pages thus, I miss them now!  In pale
Excuse, where is the box of hearts t'avail
Our foolish dreams of romance? Ah, fr'intents
How I wish to lay candy hearts out, whence
I'll trade their speeches with you like's sweet bail.
These whitish racks which put the light as twere
Out til day is a fragile thing--I do
Not mind their surly cast.  No choclate to
Assuage fond, erm, desires, no.  I in poor
'Scuse yearn for childish candies wont to stir
My heart with dreams crashed every year now too.

Dunno why it struck me this Valentines Day that those New England Confectionary Company candied hearts were all I wanted, but there you have it.
RebelGirl Jan 2018
the world's people is like a box of choclates
if you take the right choclate it will be sweet and yummy
if you take the wrong one it leaves a bad taste in your mouth
just like people
some are really good to you
and some treat you like **** and you dont see it becaue it is your friend she would never do that to me but others sure see it
and some walk all over you and you just dont have the courage to get rid of them
and some of them are 2 faced lttle ******* who you honnestly cant stand but you ******* tollerate it for so long and sit back and think why did i let it get that far
Beauty n choclate
A cup of enthusiasm
Sizzling eyes
Wine mesmerising

Quantum of love mechanics...
Photons of magnetic resonance
And beautiful laugh
That's driving to this world different time and space reality
Probably in enthusiasm triggering
Calmness and beautifying tonic

— The End —