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Joshua Haines Nov 2015
White american men with
gold retriever dogs
smoke black hatred,
not recognizing a grey smog.
Scared of black, brown --
all atheists are ill --
but not afraid of greenbacks
or guys named Bill.


Here's your day job. Here's your pay, Bob.
America the great.
If terrorists equal Muslim
then Christians equal hate.

You say it's not victimization.
You say it's not a hunt.
You say it's not intimidation,
but sometimes I think you
see people as witches, ****.

Christ is the answer, indeed.
Without Him we're all lost
and our souls will never be freed.
Like tears frozen in the frost.
Bibles, crucifixes to fix the diseased mind.
How much does a prayer have to cost
to be genuinely kind?

Chemtrails stain pages
and bleed as curses.
Gay rights to be denied,
according to bible verses.

Nursery rhymes and cult games,
all in the good old King James.
Archaic and inane,
like an alter sheltered brain.

Here's your day job. Here's your pay, Bob.
Use the check to pay
angels and evangelists.
Protect yourself from ideas,
and buy a white picket fence.
As the rain washes Ashland
SassyJ Jan 2017
The sunset was tainted
In it's orange glowly faint
as skies billowy loaded
clouded with chemtrails
the balium and aluminium
fed as streaks of ******  
as strontium is ingested
Injected in our soils
as our oils turn sour
to drool our brains
of thought and ambition
Projected to our souls
as we ache and ail
in trials and fails
that drill our veins
with fraught and draught
as skies billowy loaded
In it's crescent lowly paint
The moon was sainted
Huge huge streaks of chemtrails everywhere today. It just blurred the beautiful sunset.
Anthony Esposito Aug 2021
Some kids followed rainbows
I followed the chemtrails
And at the end there was no gold
Just darkness and cold
And a headstone that read
Adolescence was dead.

And in the fall they shipped you out
to boarding school
Just so they could play rich
Every story that they told
Was a lie so you’d grow old
And not question anything.

And in your eyes
I see the chemtrails again
From that day
When you lost your innocence
Staring up into the sky
And you swore you felt alive

Still have the yearbook
where you wrote me that message
Haven’t opened it in years
We haven’t talked since that fight
About the plane ticket and flight
And how this was probably our last night

And in your teary eyes
I see the chemtrails again
From that day
When you lost your innocence
Staring up at the sun
I remember it was fun
Frederick Moe Dec 2015
Intersections in the sky:
Lines that loop and spread
white to grey from
horizon to horizon.
Then the rain.
Stars vanish,
moons rise & set,
& at the foot of
this mountain
we are no longer asleep.
Francie Lynch Aug 2017
Every misused glass of water,
Every slight at sons and daughters,
Every successful missile test,
Cars idling, cows lowing,
All the chemtrails we don't see blowing,
Every dent, every theft, every lie and mocking jest,
Can't be held tight to the chest.

Distended stomachs, cardboard boxes,
Soup kitchens and needy churches,
Gay slamming and alternate choices,
These and more need our voices.

Add the carbon in our air,
Two-headed frogs warning, Beware,
The paltry state of our bees,
The fires devouring our noble trees,
The motors on our inland lakes,
These and more will not wait.

All that crawls, swims or wings,
All of us and everything,
Is everything to all,
There's no time to hesitate,
For I am the aggregate.
We are the aggregate. Every sparrow that falls has its effect.
Carlo C Gomez Aug 2020
In theory, the sky is falling,

Showering particles of merry madness and homespun delirium,

As we sleep in the formerly sealed
containers that kept us fresh,

But now leave us active:


Actually though, this is more a soulless, weather modified masquerade,

Where we dance at funerals, drink to cloud seeding,

And play 'Guess Who?' retributions,

While locked in the closet with flight attendants left for kindling...
Brett Jones Oct 2011
To tell the story of the nice-guy
is to tell a tale of unlost innocence.  

There is no complexity that circumstance can’t remedy.  There is no effort
to niceness; only a ****** world that blossoms
on genetically mutated ideology, growing larger than generations past.

Tomorrow, in Houston,

a butcher will wake up to slaughter a cow he may have named.  

There will no be no tears when he grills steak for the wife he wooed
and the children he prescribed himself.  

Three daughters,
from fifteen to twenty-two.  

Tiramisu for dessert.  

Ten guns in the cabinet beneath the stairs
and innocence buried behind the woodshed.

Pretend now, that you are forgiven.  

Mistakes fade like snow angels, regrets
float like chemtrails.

You love you as much as the world always did.  

You have not seen friends struck down by powders or lunacy,
you have only lived in the glow of their light.  Hearts remain full.  

The word swagger hasn’t been hijacked by hip hop
and bluejeans still mask imperfections.  Sunsets are memorable,

and so are first dates and last kisses.  

Sun won't blister fragile shoulders.  

Fields blossom just in time to suit your irregular taste buds,
satisfying sweet corn cravings on Christmas.

Forget your father’s words
or a stranger's hand.  

Forget improbability, impossibility,
impotence, importance,
and improper goodbyes.  

Forget the tears cried alone
into ***** filled sheets at midnight.  

Forget the effect but remember the cause,
camouflaged like a landmine of good ideas.  

Forget the fights and slow-turn walk-aways
that turned words flaccid.  

Forget friends ******* ex-girl friends
and amphetamines crashing into hallucinations.  

Nice-guys vanish like good ideas,
lost in the shuffle,
looking for pen and paper,

just like house cats die
on the forth of July,

and all that’s left are ashes
on a mantel
alongside fraudulent grins.
Are you tired of living in the hood?
Looking around only to see this "flawless" generation getting up to no good?
Are you tired of losing?
Have you been betrayed?
Have you got bags under your eyes because you stay up too late?
Well I tell you this, I do,
I've got a lot on my plate,
Just like you,

Do not judge what your eyes perceive,
No one wants to be judged, certainly not me,
Cos when you look around what do you see?
Do you see love? Nature? Trees?
OPEN YOUR EYES and your ears,
You need to listen, you need to hear,
I am simply a messenger,
I am not GOD,
But this world's turning into an illusion that cannot be solved,

We no longer live in harmony,
That is not what I see when I look around me,

I do not want this earth to die,
She is my mother,
Yours too and yet you peoplr don't even try,

All of you "lost" children out there,
STOP SAYING "Live fast, Die young"
Thats a disguise,
Your trying to hide this horrible truth that has arised,
But if you don't face it!
No one will do it for you!

Our world is dying and while your having a good time dining,
I sit up at night crying,

Because I remember when people had hope,
They didn't give up and they'd simply devote,

The air is filled with car fuels and man-made chemicals,
The trees are chopped made into money,
But we lose because those trees are our filters,
As important as our lungs,
But all you people care about is yout money and your guns,

I want children and so will mine,
I wish they'll be able to breathe in a world that is FINE,

Nowadays children are robots to the system,
Controlled by the media and placed in their position,
Goggle eye'd to the television,
Stuck in a generation growing up too fast,
Only to notice that we're not gonna last,

We're breathing in dirt every day,
The moon is drifting further away,
As for the chemtrails they spray and spray,

And YOU governments sit and have the guts to say,
"Why are so many children today comitting suicide?"
Well MAYBE its because they believe,
Victory's on the other side.

By Larna Kourtis
Aged 14
Peace. ***
Mike Bergeron Oct 2012
I used to stand for something enlightening that I might feel,
now I stand in fields waiting for lightning to peel
back my skin and make me real, or at least semi-real
or semi-charmed, but not that kind of life
in the song, you better believe that we'll
laugh about the new ordeal
and blast away the golden seal
that keeps us locked behind its waxy confinement
as we're sold into white rooms by consignment-
minded chemtrails in human shells,
thrown into wells to circumvent
the audacity of our red blood cells
to deny us their consent
to believe the hell
inside our eyes
or let us vent
some anger
with acidic
Jay Bryant Feb 2014
Echoes of piano keys, and the heartbroken whales of a goddess
Fathom the sounds, be honest
The truth is desperate, because lies are an endemic
This world has grown fulsome in tears, as the years wither away
Names ring in the ears of victims’ families’ each day
Faded concepts cause lifelong dismay
Justify the concoction spilled on the ground each day
Gallons of salty tears, and warm blood
Mix together in cold streets no love
Blind eyes and Deaf ears completely disappear
When despair is near,
When revelations take place, no secrets just faith
No escape, because hope is from a land far away
This land is filled with despair, but we’re all scared to drift away
To let the tides pull and push our dismay away
We’d rather suffer each day, than plant roots in a new place
Modern day slaves stuck in the Puppet Master’s game
Mentally we haven’t evolved since the Stone Age
Instead of attempting to change tomorrow we reminisce on the old days
On the old ways of humanity the insanity filled with greed, lust, and vanity
You see this is centuries of planning at a slow place
Playing their hand smart until they pull that one Ace
So keep your Poker face strong and your house full
Open your mind, let it be your tool
These ratchets are the setback stealing minds of young fools
“Spare the rod, spoil the child.”
I say this not to be cruel, but to teach what was not taught in school
Life is lived at your minds pace, so any measure of time is a waste
These signs represent the end of times, but the media tales you everything is fine
The media has failed you with their lies, impaired your mind,
Hides the cries of innocent victims most of them not nine, this world is a sick one
The nervous system of this country is numb,
We can’t see the truth, because we’re blind, deaf, and dumb
Yet Helen Keller had the compassion we could never
It seems all ties to reality, that is life, have become severed
It rains everyday no need to check the weather
Do you really believe Chemtrails are making things better?
These snakes and wolves are starting to get clever
As these sheep sleep peacefully,
I keep both eyes open hoping they’ll never get a piece of me
We’re all slaves and our souls are weighed equally
So I sit and meditate looking for peace within me
Violence can spin me, until I get dizzy, and throw up until my stomach is empty
It’s not envy, simply, just justice bubbling, it’s my guts rumbling
On the path to enlightenment I find myself stumbling
It’s quite puzzling, how can I love the ones who only show hate towards me?
I find myself voicing my opinion but they only ignore me
jeffrey robin Apr 2013
I kid you not
Chemtrails , radiation cloud , or acid rain?

Or just a fleet of drone airplanes?_

Hey kid
What can I say?

Talk to your father he's supposed to know
Write to your congressman and complain

Or climb a mountain and find a saint
Am I in control??????
-----no I ain't!!!!----
(I kid you not)

It's not a question of whom to blame

(So I pause)

What really can I
Should I -------------

As a simple gentle  old man

(!not a kid no more, kid!)
(As a poet)

To you?
Like I've asked before


Something horrific is happening

Just a warning

DEATH has  been loosed

Just a reminder

There still is TRUTH

(It's all we got)


love's REAL, kid

I kid you not

I am just a man

But I'll follow the story as long as I can

And stand my ground til I fall down
WEB : Acting like the electrolyte in a car battery, barium chemtrails developed at Ohio's Wright Patterson Air Force Base are routinely sprayed into the atmosphere to "duct" or bend military radio and radar waves over-the-horizon, instead of continuing straight beyond the Earth's curvature into space. "Wright Pat" is also closely connected to H.A.A.R.P.
Gareth Apr 2017
Corporate ****** and Concubines
The devil wears a black suit
It's a Rich mans game of chess

There is fluoride in your water
Chemtrails in the air
Cancer in your body
And yet most dont care

A life of lies
Dead horse

Let's watch the news
Lap up what the television spews
And we all die
Ignorant fools
Mona Jul 2016
I felt it all the pain that comes with support
You told me you were broken and tired
I told you I know not of being  broken and tired
   The only absolute in my life is chemtrails
I live a life that is manufactured
I specialize in manufacturing conspiracies for a sinister purpose
I live on an island of ruins of my own make
  The demons that occupy me are devour and destruction.

                        Plastic Backbones
                             Plastic Backbones
                               They support nothing within
                                Me or you

So I won't tell you lies of
Good health ,good life, above everything I can't comfort you or love you.

I degenerate when left alone for while
My ways are selfish (it's all about ME)
I demand attention day and night

So do me a favor let me drive myself Into ruins
Let me free you of my own pain ,Because my pain doesn't like being attended to

Run save yourself, don't let my eyes destruct your vision
Run , let out sighs ,grow, let HIM carry your dry bones to a new destiny island.

All I wish for you is to meet a new you
Free yourselves from the former you which is ME[Plastic Backbones]
                Live your life
                   Live your life
                      **As the new YOU
Sam Temple May 2015
meandering stream of consciousness
flowing this way and that
without substance or context
just fleeting images of fantasy and memory
veritable hodgepodge of indiscriminate
out of the blur solid ideas begin to take shape
formless visions develop hard edges
as I slip deeper into the ether
aided by copious amounts of
ingestible cannabis  
and the belief that I am one
with the universe –
long dead relatives guide me
down pastel paths of cotton
as we float through and past
holographic pyramids
still stained from blood sacrifice
travelling faster and with purpose
tracers elongate
giving the illusion of streaming ribbons of neon
stretching in all directions
geometricizing the skyline
reminding me of the chemtrails
back in reality –
These things I've seen
A lover be unfaithful, allowing another man to boisterously indulge her...
The love of a 25 year life imprisonment sentence fall to pieces like the shackles at the end of slavery...
The characters of the bible being whitewashed and leaving the blacks in the dark, a black book with red sides and edging, resembling the sword that drips of blood --- Blood of the tribes fighting for their brown and green land but by way of religion fell into the enemy's hands...
Crimes of passion that claim to be unending and relentless symbolism of love and affection however psychotic...

These things I've seen

Drakes protecting the hidden treasures in the garden where the first temple was built --- I guess Adam had cousins but had no aunts or uncles...
Shapeshifting humans during intense low-level vibrational frequency ****** ******* - all ritualistic...
{In my dreams} Shapeshifting humans as they turn into star dust and crystal as they make love at high-level vibrational frequency - all electric...
Flying saucers that blip orange and red lights hovering about in circles...
Driving into the Neverland in the dark where the compass tilts clockwise then anti-clockwise...

These things I've seen

Tall Long haired pale ones looking down from a cliff in front of the greenest of trees through a mirror that connects the Universe...
A falling star descending as if it were directed or aimed with a cosmic bow and arrow...
Light elementals showing themselves through a register of time called the calendar...
Innocence fall as the heavens had color or people called the blacks such as the advanced humanoid-apes that fly spaceships...
Lion King being a true story of a faraway lost home called Avyon, where Cat People or the Felin live amongst the Bird People or the Carians...

These things I've seen

Starving children swell up and their heads being left huge on  slim a body signifying the aliens called the greys...
Aids killing brothers and sisters like they were not meant to have form, purpose and meaning...
Chemtrails arting toxic infections that cloud the nervous system with diseases...
Beggars begging for a penny and hobos pushing hope and home on a trolley...
Visions subliminal being told on tell-a-vision only to have the masses document orchestrated thought forms on social platforms...

These things I've seen, as I speak I hear them sing. As I listen I feel them breathe, as I gasp I smell their feet... and I am just below their toe nail. These things are real and the more I try to put on hope-headphones I realise there is a giant Zeitgeist being plotted against you and me, can't you see?
ej May 2016
The illness catches branches low,
heralds beaten unseen woe.

It grows inside me, spark by spark,
a fire in my favorite park.

Jewels forgotten, rivers clean,
mark it by the ashy sheen.

It's gone again; it's worth your while,
stab yourself and spit up bile.

Your days are done and I will rise,
I am back to claim my prize.


Bigfoot is real and the government is
Run by lizards dressed in human skin!

Wake up, sheeple! We're being invaded by
Beings from beyond the moon who want to
Steal our culture and **** our land!

Chemtrails are killing free-thinkers by the thousands
And we'll only be safe if we retreat to that commune
In the middle of Utah

Brothers and sisters, you wouldn't think a
Blanket encrusted in ***** could do so much
Damage but clearly we've underestimated the power of deceit

Brothers and sisters and everyone in between,
The land isn't ours and it isn't theirs, and it'd serve us
Well to remind ourselves that the land has always belonged to
Itself and that's never gonna change

It's been several generations now but the blood is still
Fresh and nobody can blame you for being
Sour, but for the love of the gods, it's high time
We transform that anger into motivation

We're more than hokey voodoo magic and
Prophecies about reclamation or apocalypse, or
Cheap drugs and casinos

We're back now, we were never gone,
Just buried
Cedric McClester Apr 2016
By: Cedric McClester

They promised us a lot of things
Forty acres and a mule
But didn’t deliver on none of that
They took us for a fool
We’re all created equal
Or so we’re taught in school
For us it’s always one thing
For them it’s another rule

There were eight presidents
Before George Washington
I think I heard Prince say
Unfortunately we can’t question him
He’s dead and gone away
But I still think we owe him
A measure of our thanks
Tell me the whole **** story
And I’ll fill in the blanks

And what about the chemtrails
He mentioned as well
Which affects us in so many ways
That we can’t even tell
What we think is incidental
May not be after all
When we examine it
Up against a purple wall

There were eight presidents
Before George Washington
I think I heard Prince say
Unfortunately we can’t question him
He’s dead and gone away
But I still think we owe him
A measure of our thanks
Tell me the whole **** story
And I’ll fill in the blanks

I must be a conspiracy theorist
You’re probably thinking now
Because I question many things
And want to know the how
How did we get so far gone
It didn’t happen just now
It took time and careful planning
To make us scrape and bow

There were eight presidents
Before George Washington
I think I heard Prince say
Unfortunately we can’t question him
He’s dead and gone away
But I still think we owe him
A measure of our thanks
Tell me the whole **** story
And I’ll fill in the blanks

He addressed his letter to
Dear Mr. Man
And spoke on our behalf
Saying things are out of hand
In general he was saying
Give us the respect we demand
In a way that was impossible
For them to misunderstand

There were eight presidents
Before George Washington
I think I heard Prince say
Unfortunately we can’t question him
He’s dead and gone away
But I still think we owe him
A measure of our thanks
Tell me the whole **** story
And I’ll fill in the blanks

Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016. All rights reserved.

Tom Blake May 2016
I used to go on
Nature trails.
Traveler Nov 2024
Globally speaking
Corporate conglomerates
Existential threat
Chemtrails of graphene
Radically altered atmospheric chemistry
Highly toxic particles
Falling from a fragile sky
I suspect we're all gonna die..
Plastics and toxins
We are ingesting the equivalence of a credit card a week, in the food, in the water, in the air we breathe.
Francie Lynch Nov 2017
Planes and stuff leave all the time.
Don't like all the chemtrails left behind,
But we muster on.
Believing, and we must,
We'll get through.
Most of us do.
This will improve.

Clothes and such are left lying around,
All over house and town;
We can pick them up,
By bending or fetching.
Some never make it back.
Lost, stolen or found.
Replacements are numerous,
Fixable and discardable.
No big loss. Not life changing.

Then I found a hole.
What left was immeasurable.
My heart and soul.
jeffrey robin Oct 2015
so very lovely




                Death has come here

                                                    (The whole world is suffering )

Little child

In your arms                                            


supreme act of Will

( to simply survive  at all )                          

                              In these



We pretend we are okay

We go off to work or school                                

We hope to meet someone we like


( but not today )                                          


Death is raining from the skies


and drone airplanes


And politicians and their lies



Here we are !

( you & I )                          


We are so lovely !


We must unite

If we truly would live

( if we would survive at all )


Death rains down from poisoned skies

Death rains down from poisoned minds
Star BG Dec 2017
Lets consciously overpower the old regime.
The ones who took our freedom away
with invisible warfare.

Chemtrails infused with toxins.
Vaccinations filled with metals.
orchestrated news.
with fires and violence being false flags.

Lets consciously take over those in power
who under disguise of good
control and brainwash,
kidnap our minds
use black magic and ritual
and encourage separation.

Lets us use the power of THOUGHT and ACTION
to change things and bring earth back
to its magnificence
and bring peace into the world.

Lets awaken to know we must
win the invisible war against the controlling families
and lies
to align with truth
for freedom now.

Lets welcome our alien neighbors
HERE and in our space to aid
with their wisdom.

Learn the truth from internet not the lies infused in news media and print. We have been played and manipulated with invisible toxins and other means of control. Freedom for the human race is now. We are meant to return to our natural state of love with joy peace and abundance. AS GOD INTENDED. We are meant to know that Mother Nature is alive and a gift filled with wisdom.
Marius Banik Jun 2018
I burn and burn
My fumes inhaled
I eat concerns
His mouth numb
But I feel alive
Twisting down his throat
Making paradiese
Why exhale
He feels empty anyways
Off the pills, leaving chemtrails
His lung is *****
So is my work
He is alone
Cuz he cant speak no sober words
I crawl through his lung
I ease his mind
The sensation, lived 1000 times
Easy to do, cuz the act is polite
As I float away
The street lights turn me yellow
I rise and I rose
The taste - good but shallow
He takes anothet hit
But im off into space
I'm taking my time
There ain't no race
Then I'll be one with the clouds
And he'll still be standing there
I'm taking his life
But he doesn't care
Now I don't need him anymore
And he becomes small

His problems be real
But for me they ain't
The city is beneth
All these humans
I am smoke, I dont care
Anton Angelino Jan 2022
7 colors ricochet off of me like a windshield
I'm opaque but I embody them all.
I have dreams
colorful dreams that seem too good to be true
but life without dreaming is not worth living for.
And of course, I have you, my love
You, who I return home for and who I think of when I'm away, cause thinking of anything other than true love is not worth thinking of.

And alas - there's the outside world
that stretches out from behind our dome we thrive under
Our home.
To sound more dramatic - our only home.

You see, you can't build a dominant civilization like Babylon on quicksand - the heavier your bricks are, the faster they'll sink in there.
What the world is lacking right now is a magical touch of a rainbow's end.
And as long as you let the chromatic river run majestically through your barren land
vibrant events are certain to happen - it makes absolute sense.

7 colors make my soul

Red like lipstick
like the sky is over lively beaches on balmy summer evenings where locals gather to watch the sunset.
Red like strawberries on gingham blankets.
And I cherish moments like these
nothing I have to do. Nowhere I have to be now.
No. Just the red sky to photograph and to post to Instagram.

Orange like caramel
like that one latte I used to buy on my way back from work.
It reminded me of someone I thought I loved.
And when I tasted it with delight I thought that was what your kiss must have tasted like
Sweet and expensive.
Turned out I was looking for love in the wrong coffee cups.
I watched skies roll forth and clouds hold hands
I've always been the sweet type
I found the correct cup
in the end.

Yellow like dandelions in spring, when me and my baby first met.
As a child I enjoyed blowing them, making my very own tiny blizzard of seeds on light wind.
And I miss my early days when all I had to do was run around and play and say good morning to neighbors in my beloved apartment complex.
Argue with friends over Halloween candy and video games or which type of prank phone call should we do next.
The world we knew was beautiful - but it was oblivion.
And a little oblivion never hurt no one.
To this day, just like yellow flowers I come to life in spring.

Green like nature
symbolizing the undying goodness in me.
As a Sagittarius - I possess a soft heart offering room for souls seeking solace in cold streets.
It's just written in my nature.
And your nature is something that you can't reshape.
I look for a place where all my traits are nothing like madness
nothing out of this world - nothing not humanlike.
I deserve love - like everyone else on Earth.
And freedom with equality - that's why I keep supporting BLM and LGBT - because my nature sprouts vivid and green and after all I believe in the goodness within a person.

Blue like the Pacific
like cloudless skies stained with chemtrails
Blue like the Baltic Sea humming the same old soothing melody as I arrive on the pier
I come here for no reason - I do it for free.
I don't imagine a life without traveling to the sea and then making my way down the wooden steps leading to the beach and feeling the grains of sand under my feet.
There's things in life that mean so much but cost nothing.

Indigo like evenings in fall
the mythical dream realm which I dive entirely into, hoping for a better tomorrow.
Indigo like the charming mist surrounding me in my decisive hour and leading me on to the right path.
You see, life is actually beyond the abstract grasp of horoscopes and the real magic occurs when you forge who you are in a made-up universe under homemade stars.
And when you remember that nothing happens for a reason.

Violet like amethyst
must be one of the most beautiful crystals to exist.
I collect gems and stones and other fascinating things that I stumbled upon over the years.
I collect memories and turn them into something sweet in case they're bitter
I feel like to be happy is to sweeten what lacks sweet.
Find not just postcards but people, not bystanders but lovers
Make a legacy that you should be proud to show the world.
And to bring what you loved most to eternity.

7 colors make me who I am

And who I am is a hellbent dreamer looking for wonderland, with my mind made up and convictions written with my fingers on moist sand,
that will shortly be erased by the waves
rolling back and forth.
But I still hold them tightly in my mind - and compared to the unfair nature of life and cruelty of individuals, mind is a powerful force.

That's the story
nothing to cross out or add.
7 colors make me
and I couldn't be more proud.
Poem #2 off “Rainbow Arches Supporting The Wonderland”, the title poem and the third promotional poem off the collection.
Whit Howland Apr 2024
Blue sky


the first butterfly
of the season

and a lawnmower

for that last
bit of gas


you ask

point is something
usually lead

and almost always
on the end of a pencil
An absurdist word painting
In the interval nature takes over,
as we go under for the last time.

No one walks along the chemtrails
no one sails through the sky
the yellow brick road ends at Dartmoor
and Dorothy is asking me why

I have no answers to give here,
no pearls of wisdom to share
I have only an old shabby greatcoat
and a pair of trench boots that I wear.
The chemtrails in the back of the sky
Are short, like slits, or more like cuts,
Like the little daft scars on my student's skin
Her mother must not know about.
I feel like I have to address it,
The panic for a child sitting fatherly and loud
I will not, because I cannot, it is not my scope.
Sighing, this is what I think about.
Commuting not computing,
Filing through the turnstiles, sticky,
I'm a slithering commuter,
Not a competent tutor,
Growing tired and not cuter,
I am commuting to you.
As long as Rotterdam is standing,
I’ll be the body on the train,
Sprinting on by grazing cows.
A little longer and I'll feel my heart break again,
When I tell you about her.
As long as Rotterdam still stands
And my student jokes about self-harm,
My commuting heartbeat pounds on,
In tune with trains stampeding through the farms,
Pounding permanently, panging on the parchment of time,
As the airports below sea level send their planes to start their climb.
Trigger Warning: Self-Harm.

— The End —