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Ian Cairns Jul 2013
This is for the outspoken racists
The short-sighted chauvinists
The one-sided misogynists
And every avid supporter of any form of intolerance

I think it's time I give you a piece of my mind
Allow me to crack through my cranium and you can
Extract whichever lobe of my brain you find suitable to fix your mental feebleness

Take my frontal lobe, I beg you because
Your so called conscientious thoughts
Permanently belong in the dumpster
Your brain flies confederate flags at half mast
As a constant reminder that even if
The South doesn't rise again you can still rest
Knowing you wave ignorance blissfully in the air

Or maybe you should have my parietal lobe
Since your manipulation of information is highly suspect
I suspect you've placed bigotry and hostility under solid ground
Equipped with enough racial slurs and misogynistic remarks
To blow up this whole town
Homegrown nouns and verbs conducting your own personal weapon of mass destruction
Corrupting the ears that welcome your mushroom clouds

Then again, your occipital lobe is out of whack too
Considering whether gray clouds paint the sky or
Royal waves reflect golden rays
All you ever see is black or white, gay or straight
Wrong or right, hate and hate
And I hate to break it to you
But you are blind to the beauty before us all
Your eyes fail to focus in on how we all
Lose scarlet plasma to paper cuts
Gain white hair and hardened scars
And share copper casket homes six feet deep

I almost forgot about your temporal lobe
That needs an entirely new design
Because it seems as though through all of this outrage
You can't process the filth in your mind
Like the smell of your own rotten attitude
Escapes your nostrils and pollutes the openness around you
Preventing any genuine intention the air it needs to breathe

Your entire brain is a train wreck
You need professional intellectual injections
Red pen corrections that can transform your neural network
Into a well-oiled machine fueled by tolerance
Overflowing with premium petroleum enhanced with high grade sensitivity to diversity

I want your synapses to fire positive discussions
Rather than recreate cerebric tyranny
I want your gray matter to mind its manners
To render exceptional positions
So your point of view refuses to point fingers
I want your prejudices pressure washed so far down
Your head's highway that they resort to becoming full-time pedestrians
I want your ability to communicate eliminated unless
You annihilate the venom from your vocabulary

But the choice is yours
You're voice is yours
And I won't take it from you
This is not a debate nor a dispute over your vernacular
Hate speech is undeniably your native language
And unfortunately you own the right to be as wrong as your words allow you to be
Instead this is merely a message that I hear your hostility
A not so subtle reminder that your narrow-mindedness is nauseating
And this society has enough deadly diseases to deal with
To drill your acceptance defect straight through your skull
But please feel free to take any part of my mind
And find the time to perform your own lobotomy
So maybe then you'll understand
That intolerance has no place in anyone's anatomy
Paul R Mott Apr 2012
When I look within my arms, there’s nobody there.
No head on this shoulder, it doesn’t seem fair
for the chauvinists and players to always have a girl.
While the nice guy sits alone, the only pearl
in an ocean of sharks and poison, waiting
for the unsuspecting to bite on this strange thing
called love, shared between those too drunk
to drive, but still steering their lives into the abyss
where there are no pearls and no lifelines to save them.
But still they plunge deeper, fated to do it again.

Only time will expose the light of day
and they will blink their eyes and say,
what was I thinking?  What was the point?
and finally they realize what they really want.
But all that’s left are the sharks with their egos to flaunt.
So they pick one and get used to the bitter ocean.
They keep up this lie in order to go on.
And then when the tide finally rolls in,
they can’t swallow their pride anymore
so they choke on reality and swim to shore.

But there is no pearl necklace to hide their past-
no amount of make-up to hide their last
affair.  Its mark will always mar that perfect face.
And when they’re finally ready to find a pearl in this dangerous place
he’s been snatched up, made his own mistakes,
gone places impure, and hard to erase.
So these crimes of adolescence can withstand the waves
and wear away at the innocence sending us closer to our graves
Stealing away the weak and repeating the cycle.
Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

I have been reading the old copy of Saturday Nation, a week end edition of the daily nation in Kenya. It was published some weeks ago. It has some enticing feature stories that have made me to reflect on a certain family value in Africa. The three feature stories I have been reading are ; Lupita Nyong’o stellar performance in the movie, 12 years a slave, in which she emerged a top American actor, attracting in the same course the most coveted Oscar prize, I have also read in the same paper the shooting literature star of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, an American based Nigerian writress, who had had her last book Americana win the American Booker Prize, and lastly , I have also ready  a very captivating account of Wanjiku wa Ngugi’s spellbinding debutante in her book, the fall of saints. Wanjiku account was written by Proffessor Evans Mwangi a Thiong’o literary scholar based in Newyork. Mwangi being a Ngugi wa Thiongi’o, scholar wrote this article because Wanjiku wa Ngugi is also a daughter to the world famous Kenyan novelist, Ngugi Njogu wa Thiongi’o.
In each of the three above cases, emanates a significant observation that the fathers to the respective ladies are great men in their respective capacity, and that the ladies mentioned are now obvious heirs to the family names, family intellectual domain and family selling point respectively.
Lupita is heir to proffessor Peter Anyang Nyong’o, Adichie is an heir to the African literary heritage of proffessor Chinua Achebe, and While Wanjiku is a promising successor to Proffessor Thiongi’o.
These are actually a crystallization of strange unfolding that time has now challenged old mindset among African societies. The mindset in which Africans have not been counting girls as children .This family value has been there up to today. If an African man tells you that I don’t have a family it means that he is expressing three connotations; he is not married, he is married but he does not have a children, or he is married but his wife have only been bearing him girls, because if anything; an African man is only responsible for siring sons, daughters are a mistake of the wife.
This typology of family civilization got to its peak in the mid of  last year, when the Luo council of elders, hailing from Siaya County of Kenya, where Baraka Obama is rooted, expressed their open puzzle over Baraka Obama as per why he can’t take his time to have sons. They are now organizing a delegation that will go to America to counsel President Obama over the matter that he needs to re-organize his posterity strategy other than thinking in terms of Sasha and Malia.
What I mean is that Africans don’t believe if at all family interests can be carried forward through a daughter. They don’t believe if a girl can be an intellectual or command any wisdom that can go places. But realities from a historical experience that great African men don’t sire great sons but instead they sire great daughters must make this society of male chauvinists to have a mental paradigm shift in relation to child valuation and recognition. To accept a social déjàvu that daughters have a big capacity to carry forward the family name than the previously mistaken notion that they are only sons who can do this.
Facts on the ground range from the case of Julius Nyerere,Kwameh Nkrumah, Malcolm X, Frantz Fanon, Richard Wright, Tom Mboya, Masinde Muliro, Nelson Mandela, Mutula Kilonzo, and Francis Imbuga just to mention a few African heroes. Justification of this list showing Africa’s reversal of Prospero complex abodes in the facts that; Susan Nyerere is currently the most outspoken in the Nyerere family. Similarly, Nkrumah’s daughter is currently a politician in Ghanaian parliament and very promising politically. Betty Shabazz X was recently reported to have put Louis Farrakhan on the spot over the ****** plot of her father the late Malcolm X.Mireille Fanon Mendes is the director of human rights activist organization known as Frantz Fanon foundation. This is the organization which recently recognized Mumia Abu-Jamal with a prestigious prize. Mumia Abu-Jamal is an African-American writer and journalist, author of six human rights focussed books and hundreds of similar spirited columns and articles. He has spent the last three decades on racially biased Pennsylvania’s death row. And now general population in America and in the world knows that Mumia Abu-Jamal was wrongfully convicted and sentenced for the ****** of Philadelphia Police man, Daniel Faulkner. His demand for a neutral trial and unconditional freedom is enmassely supported by heads of state, Nobel laureates, human rights organizations, scholars, religious leaders, artists and bioethical scientists. All this is nothing other than universal singing of the tune in the poetic writings of Frantz Omar Fanon entitled Facts of blackness, through his daughter Mireille.
And equally enough, those of you who have delved into posthumous family conditions of Richard Wright must have appreciated stellar performance of proffessor Julia Wright in respect to the genetic legacy of her father. Dr. Susan Mboya is currently living in South Africa and she is serving the society in the same tandem her late father Tom Mboya discharged anti-colonial service to the people of Kenya, Africa and world in general.Masinde Muliro has Mrs. Namwalie Muliro and Mutula Kilonzo has Kethi Kilonzo. The point is that, just like all of other heroes in Africa, these two great politicians have their daughters; Namwalie and Kethi as the heirs to their political legacy.
This phenomenon is not unique to Africa. But it is a universal genetic condition. The study of genetics has a concept that inferior genes of the mother are passed through an X chromosomes in XY to the sons, while superior genes of the father are passed through an X chromosome of the ** to the daughters.
Just but to wind up my story I want also to counsel The Luo council of elders that president Obama, their son who lives in America does not have misplaced values in projecting his posterity through Sasia and Malia. Personally I am aware that as per now there is no any African boy at age of Sasha Obama that has ever read Yann Martel’s Life of Mr. Pi. But in stark contrast the international media reported Sasha Obama to have vividly read this book until she commented to Baraka Obama that, ‘daddy, this is a very good book’.  And of course this is how an intellectual is made.
Big Virge Aug 2017
Ya know ...
I used to use ... " Dots " ...

or what's called ... " Ellipses " ...

to Connect ... My Scriptures ... !!!

but Now ... use ... " Squiggles " ...
to Connect ... The Lyrics ...
That I ... sit and ... " Scribble " ... !!!

So I DO ... Connect Dots ... !!!
with rhymes I ... " Jot " ...
About ... Terrorist Plots ... !!!
and ... " Corporate " ... Bods' ...

Whose jobs are ... " Those " ...
where agendas ... "Hold" ...
the keys to ... " Gold " ...

and Maybe ... " Oil " ... !?!
AND ... DRUG LORD ... Spoils ... !!?!!

Dots I ... Use ...
CONNECT ... Issues ...
That Some ... " Confuse " ... ???
as ... " Deluded " ... Views ... !?!

So WHO's ... " Deluding " ... WHO ... ?!?
with news they produce ... ???

Groups like ... W.H.O. ... ?

The types who ... FUEL ...
EBOLA News ... !!!!!

As if Africa ... IS ...
A place where the ... SICK ...
Get ... INFECTED ... !!!!! ...
By ... ALL KINDS OF ... " Things " ... !!!

That ...
Seem to ... STING ... !!!!!

EXCEPT ... " Projects " ...
Set by ...  " The West " ... ?????

That are ... " Scientist Led " ...
to FEED ... Black DEATH ... !!!!!

or WORSE ... Black PLAGUES ... !!!!!!

That They then say ...


BEFORE ... They Arrive ...
in ... Western States ... !!!!!!!!!

Something seems ... " Strange " ... ?
AFRICANS ... fade awayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ..............................

While Westerners ... SURVIVE ... !!!
When Ebola Strains ...
Reach ... Their Coastlines ... ?!?

Then OF COURSE ... They CLAIM ...

"Africa NEEDS AID !"

From The West ... who say ...

That ...

"Africa was, the first place
to have aids !"

A.I.D.S. .... !!!!!!!!

The type that left .........
A Trail of ... Death ... !!!

Just like ... " The Feds' " ...
when they SHOOT ... Bullets ... !!!!!

Could cash be spent ?
by the ... I.M.F.
to " Aid and " ... PROTECT ...
and STOP ... These Trends ... ?!?

Well ...
Aid They ... Give ...
These days I ... Think ...............

Seems to be the ... " Type " ...
That Has ... A PRICE ...
That's ... WAY TOO HIGH ... !!!!!

" These " .....

" Dots of Mine " ...
DO NOT ... Contrive ...
to ... Formulate ... LIES ...
That ... DAMAGE ... Lives ... !!!!!

THEY ...
OPEN ... Eyes ... !!!!!
and ... OPEN ... Minds ... !!!
to the things ... "disGuiSed" ...

As TRUTH ... Defined ...

I Think ... You'll Find ...
That ... Truth's ... DENIED ...

Pretty Much ... ALL THE TIME ... !!!

But NOT ... in rhymes ... I ...
Sit and .... Write .... !!!

From ... Relationships ...
that ... Bear ... WITNESS ...
to the ... " Types of Women " ...
Who Play ... " The Victim " ...
from The End ... Back to Beginning ... ?!?

What's with these chicks ... ?
Who Think ... They're ... " Slick " ...

They're SLICK ... Alright ... !!!
Like ... " Grease and Slime " ... !!!

UNTIL ... " Chauvinists " ...
Treat them like ... ***** ... !!!!!

and ....
Leave them ... " DITCHED " ...
Like .... My Lyrics ....

So THEY ... WON'T LIKE ...
These words I ... write ... !!!!!!!

The Dots they ... " Connect " ...
AREN'T GOOD ... for Men ... !!! ...
when they get ... UPSET ...
Over ... PURE NONSENSE ... !?!?!

Or Let ... Their NEED ...
for ATTENTION ... Be ...

The Thing that ... DESTROYS ...
Relationship ... " Poise " ...
because ... " Boys with " ... " Ploys " ...
Can ... OPEN THEM ... Up ...
Like ... ******* Toys ... !!!!
and ... OTHER ... Stuff ... !!!!!!!!!!

These Girls ... " Employ " ...

That ... SATISFY ...
MORE THAN ... These ... " Guys " ...
Who ... TRY and TRY ... !!!!! ...
to ... Make Them ... " Smile " ... !!!!!

By ...
Giving them ... " Child " ...
and ... Marriage Vibes ...
Where ... CONNECTION ... is the Key
to .... Relationship .... GLEE .... !!!!!

But .....
How Many do we see ... ?
who are Living ... " Happily " ... ?!?

CONNECT ... " Those Dots " ...
and you ... Might Get ... SHOCKED ... ?!?
by those now ... "LOCKED" ...

In Relationships ... " Docked " ...
with .... NO iPod ... !?!?! ...

" Hold on, that's wrong ! "

Like couples who ... " Plod " ...
For the ... " Children's Sake " ... !?!

Which i'm ...
Primed to say ...

is a ... BIG Mistake ... !!!!!

If you ... DON"T ... get along
It's time to .... Move on .....................................
WITHOUT ... " Using " ... Your Child ...
Like some ... " ******* " ... !!!!! ...

to be USED ...
while you ... ABUSE ...
Yourself and ... THEM ... !?!?!

Does that ... Make Sense ... ?!?

Children NEED ... " Dots " ...
That Connect ... WITHOUT The ... STRESS ...
of Parents ... FIGHTING Like ... Dogs ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who Got Married ... Just because ...

" The Premise " ... seemed ... INVITING ...
Before they got a .................. " Sighting .................................
of Who ... The Other ...... WAS ...... !!!!!!

The TRUTH is ... That ...
Our Lives ...
DON'T Always ... " Intertwine ' .............  

which is WHY ...
We SHOULD ... " Take Time " ...
to YES ... CONNECT The ... Dots ... !!!

with someone who IS ... Strong ... !!!
and DOESN'T Cause ... PROBLEMS ... !!!

That SEVER ...
MORE THAN ... " Bond " ... !!!!!!

My Style of ... Rhyme ...
IS ... Clever ... !!!

Because .....

Problems ... " I Solve " ...
Within The Verse ...
I put to ... WORK ...
Like THOSE ... Who have ... " The Job " ...
of being ..... NEW ..... " Sherlocks " ..... !!!!!!!

Violent ... " Yobs " ... !!!!!

and Those who ...
Choose to ... ROB ... !!!!!
Choose to ... **** ... !!!!!!

But Nowadays ...
Their Dots ... Display ...
A BLATANT ... DIS-Connect ... !!!

Between these heads in ... " Uniforms " ...
and " Basic " ... " Common Sense " ... ?!!!? ...

and Being ... MORE ...
Than KILLERS Who ...
Are Causing ... STORMS ... !!!

Because they're ... NO BETTER ...
Than ... " Hannibal Lector " ... !!!!!!!

MURDERERS Who ... " Stalk " ...
More Than They ... " Walk The Walk " ...

of .... " PROTECTING TO SERVE " ... !!!!!!

They Connect and ... HURT ... !!!
MORE THAN They ... " STOP " ...

The CRIMINALS ... Who ...
SIT IN ..... "Boardrooms" ...... ?!?

and DON'T GET ... " SHOT " ... !?!
for the CRIMES They ... "PLOT" ... ?!?

Something seems ... " WRONG " ... ?!?
when Blacks get ... SHOT ...
For Being .... BLACK .... !!!!!!!!

What's up with ... THAT ... ?!?

I Think it's TIME ...
To STOP ... These CRIMES ... !!!!!

As it seems to be ... RIGHT ...
To STOP ... These Rhymes ...

Before ... These Lines
are Deemed to ... " INCITE " ...

When ALL They ... " Reflect " ...
Are Some ... " Thoughts " ... Expressed ...
That ... talk about ... " Health " ...
and The ... HARD SELL ... !!!!!
of ... "Devious Plots" ...

That Seem .... ALL WRONG ... ? !!! ?

Until YOU ...
Take The Time ... to ...

" Connect The Dots " .................................................................­....................

Listen Here :
Seems like a few need connecting right about now .... !!!!!
embryos abandoned by narrow-minded chauvinists
became creations that  were left to the vagaries of women
hallowed feminists with their Ankara bags
perfumed head-ties with glittering beads
the sounds of their colliding bangles filled the space
they had no invitation to the platform
but their ways had won a people’s heart

protectors of knowledge
intellectual midwives
the people of the Village of Faces
salute you!
this is a praise poem; powerful women is different from women in power
I am a **** good woman.

I may not be perfect, but I am. Does that confuse you? I love the way my smile shines when I see my reflection, chip and all. I enjoy feeling my hair blow with wind, or wet upon my back. I can stand **** for hours, gazing at every curve, or lack there of, that has graced my silhouette with its presence over the past 19 years and 7 months. Content.

I am not curvaceous nor too thin. I stand before myself. Just a body that did not ask for it's formation when it was sent from heaven, still holding hips that will bear children, breast that will feed villages, hands to uplift the child.
I am a **** good woman.
I come from a womb of the strongest woman I know. I bleed blood from her veins, bared skin that she's given me. I am molded from great women. Their features arrange themselves on my face, their vocabulary runs rapid across my tongue, memories madly through my mind.
I am a **** good woman
I have loved fiercely with compassion. It is without vanity I have compromised myself to love.
I am a **** good woman.*
How dare you think I am not enough?
I came from your rib! I am a part of you.
I have walked miles for mankind, cried for those before us, hurt from wounds you thought were long healed.
Still, I rise.
Impatient to be loved by a man worthy of my greatness.
A man worthy of the long walks of lonesome, sight seeing of chauvinists and fools gold we mistook as lovers.
With or without man I am woman.
A **** good one at that.
Tanya Rosenblit is a young TV producer,
the daughter of Russian immigrants
but  now a lawfull citizen of Israeli,
in spite of race,gender and faith,
she  lives in the coastal town of Ashdod,
punitively remote areas of Israel
reserved for immigrants ,  sub-human Gentiles,
in the  fresh past within the scope of digital error
she harmlessly  caught a bus to Jerusalem,
the city were God is supposed to reign from,
  she  too had a medical appointment in it
She made an effort to dress modestly o! No; Godly,
as her doctor was in an ultra-Orthodox area of the city
the doctor fears outer anatomy of  human being,
women anatomy in the area of legs at most.

The ultra-Orthodox are Jewish chauvinists
who have a justified world of anti-humanity,
they believe in sub-humanity of women and foreigners,
these  they extremely hold with  religious  dint,
they  are  theologically rigid Jews, who yell terror
on their prey,they wear black like the Tarzans,
men have long side curls, giving them impish look,
as  every aspect of their lives  in Jerusalem and yonder,
is  apparatchik  of racial prejudice,
beautifully coded in the Old Testament.

Rosenblit was the first passenger to board
Just as Rosa Parks the black American,
She sat in the front of the bus , humbled as usual
so the driver could  guide her, given her sub humanity,
when she reached her stop, lest chimpanzee in her,
Lulls her into lawless extension beyond the quarantine.

Then they came
Ultra-Orthodox men
to  board the bus
after her
they were overtaken by discomfiture
when they saw her on the front chair,
Then  of them insisted the bus is messy
he would not travel , imagine his business,
unless Tanya moved to the back of the bus
where immigrants and sometimes women belong.

imaginary laws evolved there and then,
that  buses which go to ultra-Orthodox areas
must have men and women seated  separately,
to sing a lyric to  their believes about modesty
It's an unwritten rule, repugnant  and arsolian,
but the Ultra-Orthodox men  love it with passion,
  they enforcing it with paranoia.

They ordered her to vamoose
of course to the back seat
the back seat that is not there
she balked and refused
inviting them to chance of reason,
they went hysterical
shouting like maniacs , 'Jews, Jews, protest, protest!'
then Jewish  men assembled outside the bus,
panting like an antelope,
that has escaped wrath of the lion,
They were all wearing black, gnomish
Tanya  was just sitting there frozen,
in full spirit of Russia, the cradle of revolution,
not panicking , calm and herself.

Jewish  policeman arrived and spoke in Jewish dialect,
to the driver with air of self-marginalization,
then  to the Jewish  complainant and to Tanya Rosenblit,
He  also ordered her to move to the back seat
as  show of respect, to elders in black,
Once again, she refused, on basis of one reason;
respecting others is not humiliating myself.
Eleutherophobia Dec 2013
Looking into you're eyes
Is like squinting into the sun
As I rip out the pages
To my most truthful memoir
So I never really existed at all

And now I sit
Replacing the pages
With memories
Yet to come
And never to come
Until we are all left
Confused and belittled
Surrounded by the philistine artists
Who have become
Chauvinists to real talent

Tightening nooses
Around our feeble throats
So we don't leave as they planned

We still manage to see
More than the others do
Not as a result of our superior vision
As a result of their ignorance

This rogue world
Has commenced
It's crumbling
Like the memoir I fabricated
Instead now burning to become ashes
To be lost
To one day be found
But never recognized
For how could one ever
Recognize ashes
To be a commemoration
Of the forgotten truths

We think about using
The last bit of intelligence
They haven't taken from us
Along with our passionate indignation
At a futile attempt
To kick out the chairs
Still supporting us
From underneath

For then the war would be over
But not won
And we see
A cease fire is not in question

But the sky is still blue
So ask yourself this
What is it we are fighting for?
Because that is still
In our possession
But that is what they want us to believe

So look at that blue sky
As your eyes burn from the sun
And remember
How very complex
Your existence has become
I wonder
If we can ever call this
An existence anymore.
accidentally inspired by 1984 by George Orwell
Melissa Schirmer Nov 2018
chug coffee like a caffeinated punch to your nervous system,
music too loud to sleep.

smash the cement and level the buildings,
boots too heavy to hit the ground lightly.

silence chauvinists with your *******,
anger too tangible to be ignored.

drop out, drop bombs, wear red lipstick,
moments too few to waste.
He intrigues me enough that I answer steadily and instantly, even though he'll take another eternity to give me another sentence. Even though I know Blasian wouldn't approve, that he's done so much more in 2 months than he's done in years.

But his baby face always softens me. Knowing when I've reached my wits end, he brings in new tactics to bring me back in. Always results in me laughing hysterically like a silly freshman, but deep inside I want to be the strong woman I aspire to be.
He told his aunt I was real, that I always kept it 100.

Just when I thought I was going unnoticed, I was the girl he always bragged to his family about. Showing how beautiful Yanni's niece, Fe's baby, Mani's little sister has become. Connected. You'd think it would work out. Unfortunately, like most chauvinists, it is difficult to realize a good woman until someone else realizes it too.
Big Virge Jan 2020
Ya Know ...
The System REALLY Is A LOT of Things ... !!!

A ... " House of Cards " ...
That Are ... CLEARLY MARKED ... !!!

Because Systemic FARCE ...
Seems To Be UNIVERSAL In This World of Ours ... !!?!!

I've Now Seen HOW ...
Systemic MALFUNCTION Is Linked To CORRUPTION ... !!!
From Those Who Use ... TRUNCHEON ...
To Meat That's Called ... LUNCHEON ...

To Do More Than ... PUNCTURE ...
And RUPTURE Heart Function ... !!!!!

SYSTEMIC Instruction ...
Is USED Like ... BLOOD SUCTION ... !?!

VAMPIRIC Breeds Whose Systemic NEEDS ...
FFED OFF The People So Do EMBRACE EVIL ... !!!

LEECHES With Speeches ...
Whose Words Seem To Deal In ...

Their Philosophies ... HONESTLY ...
NEED A .... " COLOSTOMY " .... !!!!!!!!!!!

Because **** Retention Seems To Be The Direction ...
Systemic INFECTIONS ... Are CURRENTLY Heading ... !!!!!!!

Talk That Is FARCE That They CLAIM To Be SMART ...
KICKS **** Like An *** Who's NOT Had Some Grass ...
To CALM DOWN Their MOOD So DOESN'T Move Cool ... !!!

The System Is SCHOOLED ...
In Breeding NEW FOOLS ... !!!

Bernie Mac' Said it BEST ... !!!

But YET Somehow EXPECT To Get Some RESPECT ...
From A System HELL BENT On Leaving Them SPENT ...
With NO FORCE To Use When The System Makes Moves ...

To Give Them ... HARD LABOUR ...
WITHOUT A ....... " Light Sabre " ......... !!!?!!!

Entertainment TOO ...
Systemically ... " Prunes " ...
The Minds of Our YOUTH And Some Elders Too ... !!!

From Music To Film The System is CHILLED ...
When It Comes To ... EXPOSURE ...
of Art That Is POTENT Like Cancer To Smokers ... !!!

They Deal In ... " DISCLOSURE " ...
But Somehow These P.O.T.U.S. DON'T Seem To Serve NOTICE ...

They Just Deal In ... " QUOTAS " ...
Like ... " Roger Moore Lotus " ... !!!

SPIES Who DENY The Masses GOOD Lives ... !!!
Because THEY FLY HIGH While Poor Folks Survive ... !!!!

The System ... DOES LIE ...
I Think You Will ... FIND ... !!!
And Turns A ... "BLIND EYE" ...

To Those Who They Ply ...
With Trades FIT For SLAVES ... !!!
Who NOW ... DON'T Wear Chains ... !!!

So ... LOOK At Your Life ...
Does The System SUPPLY ...
YOU With The Freedoms ...
of Those With ... SILK Ties ... ?!!!?

Whose SLAVERY Lies ...
In MONEY Plantations ... !!!

Do You Get What I'm SAYING ... !?!

Now I'm NO Anarchist ... !!!
But The System NOW IS ...
BROKE With NO FIX ... ?!?

NEW AGE Genesis ...

Gay Couples Raise Kids As Transgenders WIN ...
Awards And APPLAUSE For Being ... REAL WOMEN ... ?!?

Errrrrr ... Something NEEDS FIXING ... !!!

So Now It Seems WOMEN ...
Face ... Systemic TRIMMING ... !?!

When Men Can Make CLAIMS ...
To Plaudits And Fame And EVEN ACCEPTANCE ...
Because They CHANGE Names And Dress Like A Dame ... !?!

I HOPE FEMINISTS  ARE Looking At ... THIS ... !!!

GOOD SENSE From ................... LOGIC ...
If It FILLS The Pockets of GREED Driven LIARS ...
Who Are NOT ... " Good Friars " ... !!!!!

They're MORE LIKE Deniers of TRUTH And RIGHTS ...
To Minds NOW Resigned To ... "FALLING IN LINE" ... !!!!!!!
Because They DON'T Want To Be .................. OSTRACIZED ... !!!

In Ways NOT CONFINED .............................................

Because of The FEAR of ... SYSTEMIC Ears ...
CLAIMING Their Statements To Be ... " ANTIQUATED " ... !!!!!!
These People Are FATED To FIND Themselves BATED ...
Like WORMS On A Line Because They're Inclined ...

... To BLEAT Just Like SHEEP ... !!!!

When SYSTEMIC Sheepdogs Do MORE Than Just Creep ... !!!
It Seems That These Peeps' Are ... Mentally WEAK ... !!!

Should ALWAYS Run FREE .........................................................

Cos' ... "System RESTRICTIONS" ...
May ONE DAY Well REACH ...
A Time Where Our LEADERS ...

CANNOT Be ... " IMPEACHED " ... !!!

From Racists To Sexists To MONEY Indexes ...
And NOW YES It Seems To ... ****** COMPLEXES ... !?!

It's CLEAR That ...  " The System " ...
Stems From FLAWED beginnings ... !!!!!

So THINK What You WILL ...
But THINK About ... THIS ... !!!

When You CHECK How We Live ...
What Do You Now Think ... ?

... " The System Really Is ?!? " ...
Listen Here :
M JAYAJIT Mar 2021
Women are like
Sea of Love,Care and kindness.
  doesn't matter she is mother,
sister,wife or friend you will find  her
     caring and loveable always//
They do care for you they do forgive you for all your mistakes and wrong.  
but still some vultures see them as inferior to men and think themselves.  
         as chauvinists //
Its been seen in History and stories
whenever women are dishonored
    civilisation comes to an end
still we are yet to learn any moral out
of those incidents //
Dont take their Kindness as their
dont think their care as weakness dont misunderstand their love as their support seeking,dont treat them as your inferior because in some way every woman is sea of love,care and
            prowess that
doesn't make them feeble rather superior to you and me anydays//
It is shame to us all that still some of us think they are not capable as men,
they are not equal
to our sons and boys //
Maybe the reality is far from our patriarchal thinking and mindset because
at every point of life they are much superior to us and any men as
along with the routine struggles in life like men, she faces many vultures and morons
each and every moment//
we don't tolerate the pain that as a girl or woman she tolerates every day
which really makes them
atleast your equal
if not superior
every woman deserves to be told
You are beautiful  //
Happy International Women's day
Mateuš Conrad Apr 2020
that the EU was over... i could have told you...
way back in 2004...
when the "project" expanded by a gravity
of 8...
             plain and simple...
                   thank you - dear west...
                      sprechen deutsch!
              sprrrrr-ECHEN deuTsch!
danke - liebe abend...
                                         liebe... abend...
the hounds and the workers from under
the curtain...
with iron teeth and bones and smiles...
  the hounds...
                   i composed a list...
                  almost all of them are the former
conscripts of the WarshauPakt...
                    the idea was... though...
to postpone their entry... to... strenghten
the common currency... the shared currency...
zu stärken die währung!
    too bad... well... the british would never
exchange fiat or gold... without Lizzy's face
donning the coinage or paperaeroplanes
of in-debted over spending...
           i do live on debit...
i'm trying to get a credit card...
since... i heard... all credit can be regained...
a credit is a safety-net -
   debit tenticles into your details and there's
very or little chance to argue against:
a zombie affair of debit -
an amazon 30-day free trial...
                it's not like they'd cut you off...
they'll keep on *******...
god forbid... vampirism... and the romance of...
a bit like a h.i.v. epidemic...
     illness of the blood...
   vampires are a romance...
      time to get on the bicycle and practice
a run through the village on a whim
of ****** hunger... about to be tested...
a single currency...
well... the germans always loved the idea
of a unified Europe...
              unlucky for them... they weren't
supposed to gain access to Charlemagne...
        but even Nietzsche cites this ambition...
too bad... there was no... scandinavian model
of teaching: an omni-present bilingualism...
or a switzerland model of at least three languages...
hardly... possible... when dealing on the outskirts
with: hissy-fit proponents of culture...
when the ottomans came, the mongols...
a list of the EU expansion:
the baltic states would cower and...
some if not all... do have the shared currency...
just out of the blue...
the tri-colour... why is the german football team
attired in teutonic knight colours?
oh i can just see it...
   a black shirt... red shorts... and yellow socks...
as emblematic as the fwench...
    unlike the Italians in blue...
oddly enough i don't associate rome with blue...
more... purple and red...
even the irish don't exactly show off their
terrible orange...
        schwarz und weiß:
                  arbeit macht frei... it's all a very german
"thing": this unification of europe...
why call it the EU at all...
   why not call it...       the vierte *****?!
         well... however long it lasted... it outlasted
the dream of Barbarossa invested in through
                          i won't deny that i live
in england... but... it's sometimes worrying
           never mind that... the currency...
well... i know of: the czechs with their koruna
the hungarians have their forint
  the polacks have their złoty
    and the invested amour of the germans...
for the swedes... the swedes still have
their krona... how many is, that? i count...
                   the new... "european" enclave
into russia... whatever the **** and unnatural
was... the vicinity around Kaliningrad...
the same ****: different cover with...
estonia, latvia... lithuania all in the euro single
currency... the good old days of the teutonic
knights waging their northern crusades...

the slovakians were duped too...
               the romanians still have their leu...
the bulgarians still have their lev...
            oh mein gott! what of the projected...
sleeping beuaty entry... of the former yugoslavia
territory? was that... planned for...
2004... 2007... what the hell happened in... 2010?!
what happened in 2010 that didn't connect
Greece to... Italy via a shortcut across the Adriatic?!

but they enlarged... the... cartoon post-"soviets"
came out flinging **** and rusty spare parts...
some would catch a nail some a *****...
to pick vegetables, do the roofing... the plumbing for...
very important and riddled western:
"chauvinists" and... "neanderthal" journos of the great

can it really be... deemed... "journalism" as
it mere partakes in... the chihuahua and lackeys
of the editorial? of the opinion pieces?
are they the ones to soften the blow of a harsh...
editorial... ahem... re-a(h)-lee-tea?

what was all this hype and envy for attention
when Brexit happened...
relentless... one trough of dog **** and canines
and minced maggot flesh for the lap dogs
to slurp... another baron of: for those idle hands...
work! the crown... or in terms of terms...
kabbalah: the keter... ehyeh asher ehyeh...

today i asked myself...
what does make h. p. lovecraft original...
in the ocotpus riddled godhead...
i asked myself that question when looking
at very finely sculpted from tree figures
of elephants... and...
an octopus godhead...
            well... and there's... Ganesha...
  which... is a bit like the russian name: Nikita...
you have one Nikita in that video of Elton
John... but then... you know it's not the Nikita
of teenage boy wetdreams...
but some Khrushchev...

      anything from the seas... perhaps...
except for seeing a whale... a fish that... needs
to snorkel... and it's BoB or bOb with gills
plucking out Os from bubbles...
                        in that: -xygen...
                             what can be so... possibly...
horrid and original within the confines
of h. p. lovecraft's imagination beside...
the descriptive allure...
                        as man i couldn't conjure up...
nothing as spectacular,
imaginative and yet... somehow... sensible...
as an elephant's head...
                     i bring the hindu head of an elephant
to compete with the anglo-saxon priest
of the depths of existential angst...
     i bring my elephants head before the octopus
attached to a body...
                 i can imagine much worse...
              but i'll use the fear of the octopus
and the leftover ink...
                             the EU was dead in 2004...
perhaps these isles wouldn't be throwing such
a hissy fit of self-congratulatory gluttony
of gloating over the defeated...
       it wouldn't have happened if there was:
currency of one's own...
               the rest will happen... naturally...
of the countries that still have their currency...
they still have their sovreignity...
i'm not into bull-crap stipends of talking
politico and sharpening pencils and folding
pieces of paper...
                       it was dead when...
                              the labour market opened...
and "our" best postcards... "our" best people decided
to leave the nest...
             2004 was a siesmic shift...
back in 1994 i was a token slav...
       hell... back in 2002 i was a token slav...
                 after 2004... i was no longer a token slav...
and because, after all... the british people
are omni-good... glutten-free eating
dickens reading cricket lovers...
        there is absolutely nothing criminal to be
associated with...
                     well... imagine a st. peter of mongolia!

what became apparent after 2004...
returning to those friendships prior... in school...
i somehow had a reputation of a patriarch...
the mood suddenly changed...
i was... the good exponent...
then the bad exponent... then all the bad exponents...
compared the beatles': i am the walrus
with... killing joke's: i am the virus...
as a side-note...

                  there wouldn't be a Brexit...
without the pound...
                       the pound predetermined the success
of the referendum...
it's almost as easy as frying pancakes...
not... if Britain was buying toothpaste
or shoelaces in euros...
for me it's still the most obvious... cheap victory...

the call for self-determination and
sovreignity... well that's all nice and Pickwican...
but the money already had the loudest
voice... and it was in the minoty of
a single pound...

it still feels like a cheap victory...
              a load of bureaucratic papers -
hardly a signature of **** on should they be worth
that of toilet paper and a wipe:
no nation's sovreignity is ever questioned:
when its currency is the ultimate authority -
and in europe? there are still a few left...
with the same integrity of currency...

      whatever happened to the spaniards'
colonial past? where did the money go to?
               doesn't matter...
the satellite hounds of the former soviet empire:
having to integrate into the german-lands...
was always going to be a bad idea...
a sore denial of leaving a dozen plums
"wandering" from chin to cheek and elsewhere...
it's hard to imagine...
that a people would somehow come from
under one handlers...
and readily agree to new handlers...
and a "capital"... in Brussels?!
of all places... Brussels?!

        geographically speaking... where
is the centre of Europe? at best Dresden...
Toruń... Prague... at worst... Brussels... Dublin...

or coming from a town that once could
boast about... a cohort 30,000 metallurgy workers
in its metallurgy plants...
diminished... to... 3,000...
what's 30,000 roughly multiplied by:
a wife and two children? 100,000 circa...
move to elsewhere in Poland...
or move elsewhere in general...
ah... the love of obstacles... a language to acquire...
well... here's the prior-mentioned

       looks like i haven't been such a bad
host... after all...
clearly it - the host and "parasite" can
relate to a song in quasi-finnish:
          of the people "supposed" to be...
none and all were not... supposed to be...
even with the dreams of german
19th century recluses akin to nietzsche...
who... if being put under the scrutiny of
Mr. Dickens...
would be found as being bound
to the style of stenography of a... mr. alfred jingle...

nothing more! nothing more of this
already questionable affair of sods
and sorts!
               didn't... just a little bit... couldn't
nietzsche be... put on trial for
writing in stenography? high-brow and
brows indeed raised: should any more
sycoiphancy relating to the style...
be found upon this "trial of errs and errors"...
the englishman... if not the most...
trialed by witness...
    the most... sympathy sodden sobrerity...
as with requiring him to be drunk...
he starts to play the rascal
with a ******* slingshot... and never:
the poached egg in a barrel of whiskey...
never that... pensive: brood quote...

i only wished that i had lived
about / among the pobl Gymraeg...
well... who can wish otherwise...
                   Cymry... when there's me
attempting to sharpen the chisel of my oyster's
worth of tongue in speech and none
of it reserved to the dog oyster's worth
of performing the suitable, otherwise...
personages of oral found in the gutter
or in the ***** of Venus... should her floral
womb open for: vaccanies:
only onomatopoeias and vowel catching
brothers H and H of the tetragrammaton
allowed in!

just because it's Cornwall...
doesn't imply i will not come with...
no point a base in Loon'don if York is left
intact and with only two left hands
to govern it...
     even now...
                lepiej dmuchać na zimne:
better safe than sorry...
eh... pity that proverb...
since there's no connotation
of the joke... it is better to blow on the cold...

      and what of my time among
the Picts... well... that truly is a sort of...
muslim man mentality toward a woman
wearing a niqab...
            it's one of those: for your eyes only...
shady strings... perhaps the lute is involved...
t-shirt madmen...
in the middle of February...
on... the north bridge... and just below:
waverley station...

                     only last night i had a dream
of inspecting sketches of me...
with a 6-pack... long hair...
and the hands that scratched my love-handles
when they had their torso pinned
to a trojan thumping in a *******...
she's still a ghost of mine...
every time i want to forget her...
she resurfaces...
  it's like... kissing a frog...
                       i am the ******* frog...
and she is... the sitting, poised...
always less alarmed than usual: Akhmatova...
one of those women that i could:
actually... i still do... **** of on a regular basis...
she was my Aria Giovanni...
she became my Eve Angel...
                in between she's a compliment
of cubism is (you read that right...
of cubism is and not of cubism in)...
   her bagel of a nose... and she is myopic and
she's a troll short...
                she'd find a kippah on her head
under my chin... then again...
when she had short hair she was the only
tom-boy in edinburgh to steal...
              looks like the hopes for a... an engagement
afresh... well... she morphed into
the grant Tsarina and i am...
the next *******-master of a Потёмкин...
                               i am also delusional about:
my currency of metaphors...
god... mother... nation...
                      what are these...
when you have made it... and are a citizen of...
Monte ******* Carlo?!
when i think of father... eh...
well there could be an outlet of metaphors...
but then... there's that quote that mentions
Elijah... and i'm all knees and pearly gates please...
primo et pronto!

point proven... i can't exactly love another
woman... i can **** anything that moves...
        but it's not exactly love to begin with...
it's that genius of reciprocated nihilim...
i began to live for the promise of:
and i will spend a tenner with charles III
***** on a banknote...
before the next pope does a kicker in one
of death's lamborghinis: feet first out
of the church congregation of:
              i didn't come here to praise caesar...

         but here a coffin... and an abudance
of toothpicks! sometimes... it would seem...
one doesn't have the necessary wealth...
as there simply can't be "too many" teeth
when the economy and ergonomics of toothpick
application is concerned...

oh that victorian laissez-faire of applied
language... it's not short... it's Pickwican...
it's... insinuating an extension of the bracket of
inclusion of informality...
a commonality of staging a cordiality
with a dwarf... strapped to... a song...
no less... rotes harr... i can see these devilish
imps chained to a carousel of this infernal
dance... and there is no greek-god
of the german-romance myth in sight...
for that... sort of sell-by-date nostalgia...
a rotten apple... a a Helga for a lover...
and a Helmut for a luvvy-dubby-shy-bud
of a limp whittle 'ichard!

- she's like a burning splinter in my mind...
of a body... that's all but cemented into
the hands of a sculptor that only works
with copper, brass, marble or... custard for brains...
and this burning...
again to Sophia with all the baggage of
a priori...
or Medussa with all that comes with shadows
of... frozen suitors to fashion
****** from...
her entourage of suitors... three coronations
of engagements down...
however many lovers...
me and my brothel sand-pitting to the best
kept secret of:
a leverage of two bodies embracing
for minor pundit approval...
the man of supposed lies...
the deceiving harrower...
god and this leeching telepathic embrace...
"god", this telepathic embrace...
and the subsequent telekinesis of me
writing these words...
last time i had this murmur...
i came to aid as she was cutting her hands
down the Nile...
and... not exactly at the crux of...
the Hoover Dam... shame... a great shame really...

so be it... as it has always been...
whispers and grains of sand
passed toward the post-office of the wind.
Big Virge Sep 2021
So What’s The TRICK...
To Good Relationships... ?!?

Because Women And Men...
Seem To Have Problems...
In Making Them Work...
Like Chicken And ****... !!!

They Seem To Use Tricks...
And A Lot of Things...
That Prove To STING... !!!

Like... Having Kids...
Or YES... Children...
As Well As Lying...
Or That’s Right Pretence... !!!

To Get Into Beds...
And Have Some ***...

And Then Pretend...
To Be... “ In Love “... !!!

Instead of Just Friends...
Who’ve Had Some FUN...

Now Discussions Have Run...
That Have Proven To Me...
That Tricks And Stunts...
Are What People Believe...

Cos’ They’re Fooled EASILY...
So Then Get Married...

Because of Tricks...
From ******* And *****...

And Of Course Other Things...
Like... Diamond Rings...
And BIG HOUSES... !!!

Because Material Living...
Is What Impresses Women...
Who Are Down With Gold Digging...
Instead of … Sound Thinking...

And Men Or Yes Boys...
Want Female Toys...
To Abuse And Employ...
For The *** They Enjoy...

So TRICK These Chicks...
Who Are Far Too Quick...
To Open Their Lips...
For A Piece of ****...
That’s Quick To Split...
When It Comes To Kids...
And Being HONEST... !!!

And Of Course Nowadays...
Men Are Constantly Shamed...
For Having Male Traits...
So Are Made To BEHAVE...
By The Women They Lay...

And Are Treated As If...
They’re Some Naughty Kid... !!!

“Don’t Say This !
And Don’t Say That !
If You Want To Have Me ?
You Will Follow My Lead !”

Things Are Kinda CRAZY... ?!?
When Today’s Feminists...
Are Worse Than Chauvinists... !!!

You See Many Are USED...
And Are FAR From... True...
When It Comes To *** Moves...

Like ******* *****...
Or Licking *****...
And **** Grooves...
And That’s The TRUTH... !!!

And Some People Will Pull...
ALL Kinds of Ruse...
To Keep Things Cool...
So That They Don’t Lose...
*** Partners Who...
They’re Really NOT Into... !?!

And Down Low Moves...
Are Now Being Proved...
To Be Used By Dudes...
And Women Too...

From Men Who Be Fronting...
About **** Loving...
To Girls Who Swerve...
Into Same *** Worlds...

It’s A World U n f u r l e d...
Where Many Are TRICKED...
By How Things REALLY Work...
In MOST Relationships...

And DON’T Get Me Started...
On Those Telling FIBS... !!!

About Just HOW GREAT...
Their Relationship Is... !!!

Because Many Will Stray...
From The Truth To Display...
That They’re IN LOVE...
And Put Up... FRONTS...

When They Do NOT Communicate... !?!
In Ways That Are STRAIGHT...
Because They Are Weaker...
Than... ******* Teachers... !!!

So I Guess That’s Why...
I Don’t Have A Wife...
Or Woman By My Side...

Because I’m The Type of Guy...
Who DOESN'T Tell LIES...

And Who Really Doesn’t  Like...
To... Compromise... !!!

To Have Relationships...
That Choose To Exist...

In A World of Falseness...
Liars And...

......... “ Tricks “........
They are indeed, tricky things to navigate....
Big Virge Jun 2021
Now I’m NOT A Bloke...
Who's One Whose... “ Woke “...

Because To Me It’s A JOKE...
To Be Making CLAIMS...
In The World TODAY... ?!?

As If... ONE WORD...
Or The Things That You Quote...
Means That You’re OKAY...
Because You’re Now AWAKE... ?!?

To See The Things In The World...
That Cause Humans PAIN... !!!

Like Rapes And Race Hate...
Sexism And Positions...
That Lead Us To Divisions...

Does It Make You CLEAN...
And Make You MORE Humane...
Than Those Who Keep...
Their Thinking... STRAIGHT... !?!

OOPS’... There I Go... !!!

If I Feel THAT WAY...
When New Genders Sway...

And Have Now Laid Waste...
To Alphabet Word Games...
Because They’ve Now Claimed...
Most Letters To Name...
Different Gender Traits... !?!

And I Also Have To Say...
That I Think That There Are Factors...
That Affect Whose Lives Matter...

Other Than Being Blacker...
Than... Racist Attackers... !!!

Which To Some Blacks Means...
That I Just... HATE My Sheen... !?!

Well That’s NOT WOKE To Me...
That’s Just... STUPIDITY... !!!!!!

And A Fear of The Word...
...... ACCOUNTABILITY...... !!!

Because There Are Some Blacks...
Who Veer Off Straight Tracks...
And Do Things That Are BAD... !!!
And That’s Just... FACT... !!!

So Are FAR From... WOKE... !!!

Just Like Racist Police...
And Blacks Who We See...
In Political Scenes...
Where These Racists Be...
Who STILL RUN Countries...
The Way That They Like...
With People of COLOUR...
... Right By Their Side... !!!!!

Who Seem To Slumber...
When They’re Paid BIG Numbers...
To Let Racists... LIE... !?!

And DENY That Racism...
Is Really Where Their Thinking...
... ACTUALLY Resides... !!!

And Of Course Feminism...
Needs To Be Enlisted...
By... Modern Guys...
To Get To Be Liked...
By New Feminine Tribes... !!!

Well Me I’m NOT WOKE... !!!
When It Comes To Those...

Who Seem To Think...
That Men Who Resist...
New Age Feminists...
Must Be A Chauvinist...
Or A... Misogynist...

Well My Thoughts Are THIS... !!!

To Become... WOKE Chicks... ?!?

Who Are Actually...
Feminist Chauvinists... !?!

So You See I’m NOT Woke... !!!
I’m Just An... Old School Bloke...

Who I Guess Is TOO OLD...
To Be Down With The Folks...
Who To Me Are A JOKE...
Because My Antiquated Quotes...
In This... WOKE KINGDOM... !!!

Where... ANYTHING Goes...
Until You Step On CERTAIN Toes... !!!

From Gender To Race...
… Everyone’s Now AWAKE... ?!?

… Well Okay That’s GREAT... !!!

But Folks I’m Afraid...
That It’s A Little Too Late...
To Be Making Claims...
That People Will Change...
Because of Cancel Brigades...

And Now Corona’s Come...
Along With Vaccinations...
And A World RESET...
That’s Embracing Tech Trends...
That Seem To Be... LIMITLESS... !!!

So My Final Quote...
Is That Things Are BROKE... !!!
In... SO MANY WAYS... !!!

That It Seems To Me...
That There Is A Disease...
That’s Now In Place...

That Is One BIG JOKE... !!!

And It’s In A Zone...
Where I REFUSE To Go... !!!

Where Comatose Clones...
Are Now Making Quotes...
That We ALL Should FOLLOW... ?!?


They’re The Type of Folks...
Who Are SUDDENLY......

....... “ WOKE “...... ?!?
I never did understand what it's supposed to say about those now claiming that they are ?
However, as I only sleep when I'm supposed to !

It really doesn't apply to me, because when i'm awake, my mind and thoughts are always keen to be aware of what goes on around me, in this crazy world !
Big Virge Jan 2020
She's ... One of THEM ... !!!
Who DISMISSES Men ... !!!!!!!    
Because She Says She's INDEPENDENT ... !!!!!    
And In This Case THIS ONE Is French ...      
She's ... One of Them Who Avoids Questions ... ?!?    
DOESN'T Answer HER PHONE ... ?!?    
Or Respond To ... Texts ...  ???    
But CLAIMS That She IS NOT ... " Shallow " ... !?!    
Well This Is How The Story Goes ... !!!      
She DOESN'T TAKE ... " E's " ... !!!    
So She ..... " Says " .....      
But It's My Guess She'll Do Some Coc' ... !?!    
She's ... One of THEM Who Plays With Men ... !!!    
So Watch Yourself Fellas ... !!!    
DON'T Get TOO CLOSE .... !!!!!    
INDEPENDENT ... " Yes " ...      
Or ... So She Says ... ?!?    
An INTELLECTUAL Who CLAIMS She Thinks ... !!!    
But Is From The School Where Men Buy Her Drinks ... ?!?    
You Know The TYPE About Whom I Write ... !!!      
They ... Appear To Be Nice ....      
But TRUST ME Guys ... !!!    
You'll Pay THE PRICE If You DON'T HOLD ...      
Your Wallet ... TIGHT ... !!!!    
Girls Like This And YES ... " Women " ... !!!    
Tend To Be ..... " BIG FEMINISTS " ..... !!!    
Who End Up With Male Chauvinists ... !?!    
Because These Men ...      
Don't Give TWO ***** ...      
What These Girls ... " Think " ... !!!    
They Just Unzip And Spread Their Lips ...    
******* Like THIS Just Make Me ... SICK ... !!!!!    
Some Resort To Lesbians ... ?!?    
While Some Just CLEARLY Make BAD PICKS ... !!!!      
**** Buddies Who Are ... NASTY ... !!!!!    
**** Dastardlys' ....      
With ... " Slick Lyrics " ... !!!    
To Get Their ***** UP IN ******* ... !!!!    
So Let Me Ask You ... THIS ... ?    
Does It Make You ... TWITCH ... !!!    
When I Use The Word ... ***** ... ?!!!?    
Well Nowadays Most Girls Behave ...    
Like Being A ***** Runs Through THEIR VEINS ... !!!!!    
Because Their Brains Have Been ... Swept Away ..............    
By Things These Female Pop Stars Say ...      
How Many of THEM Have Spread Their Lips ....    
For Businessmen With .... "Tiny *****" .... !!!!!    
Who BUY THEM ... " Fame " ...      
" TOO MANY TO NAME !!!!! "    
******* Who CLAIM ... !!!    
" They DON'T Play Games " ... !!!    
"Did he have to use THAT WORD AGAIN !"    
"I'm afraid so *****, you know your name !"    
It's Such A PAIN ... !!!    
The COOLEST Girls Are RARELY Those ...      
Who ROCK Mens' Worlds ... !?!    
It Seems We Have OURSELVES To Blame ... ?!?      
Most Men Want A ***** Whose Attractive ... !!!    
Who ... Cooks And Cleans And Has A Brain ...      
Then Gets In Bed And Acts ... " INSANE "... !!?!!    
CRAZY *** And NOTHING Less ... ?!?    
But That's A DREAM We NEED TO FORGET ...    
Because NOBODY Is .... " PERFECT " .... !!!!!!    
And YES Those Words Apply To Men .... !!!!!!    
But Ladies If You're ... One of THEM ... !?!    
Who Likes To Play Around With Men ...      
REMEMBER ... !!!    
You Can Be ... PLAYED TOO ... !!!!!!!    
And Men Who Play Tend To ABUSE .... !!!!!    
And Make You CRY Into .... " Tissues " .... !!!!      
DON'T Be A FOOL ... !!!    
What You PUT OUT Comes Back To YOU ... !!!!!      
So If A Guy Is NOT Your Type ...    
Do What's RIGHT Just Say ... " GOODBYE " ... !!!    
But ... If You Like Him DON'T Deny ... ?!!!?      
Just Be STRAIGHT UP And SPREAD Those Thighs ... !!!!!    
Instead of Having ... " Lonely Nights " ...      
Because You Want To ...    
Make Him .......................... Wait ....................    
These Needless Games You Choose To Play ...      
May Make Him Think ...      
"This triflin' ***** is playing, tricks !    
It's time for me, to make my play,    
with women who, don't act this way !"    
And Then Of Course She'll Want To CHASE ... !!!    
Like HUNGRY Hoards Chase Dinner Plates ... !!!!!      
What Is It That Makes Girls Do This ... ?!?    
Act Like DIZZY DUMB Blonde Chicks ... !?!    
It's Like A DRUG They Can't Refuse To HIT ... !!!!!!    
It's CLEAR This Is The Way of Things ... ?!?    
Don't You Think It's Time To Enlist ...      
A More UPLIFTING ... Type of Fix ... !?!      
Before We LOSE This Wondrous Gift ...    
of Finding Love And ....... " HAPPINESS " ....... !!!!!    
Man And Woman ... Woman And Man ...      
Isn't That ... A BETTER PLAN ...    
Than *****'s Or ... Using Your Hand ... !?!    
These Days It's Hard To Understand ...    
Womens' Ways If You're A MAN ...      
Who WILL NOT TAKE Their STUPID Games ... !!!    
Girls Like THESE Who Like To ... " PLAY " ...    
Are Normally ... One Long HEADACHE ... !!!!!!!!!!    
Be CAREFUL Boys ... With Who You Chase ... !!!    
DON'T Let THEM THINK They RULE YOUR **** ... !!!      
USE Your Brain DON'T Play Their Game ...      
PULL Their Cards And EXPOSE Their Tricks ... !!!!!    
Before You End Up With A ***** ... !!!!!    
IF She Says She's ... INDEPENDENT ... !!!    
And CLAIMS .... "She doesn't need a man !" ...    
It's Likely That She's ...........................    
......... " One of THEM " .............
Inspired by a French womans' movements and attitude, who I met at a poetry event in Camden Town, London !
She yelled”Crush me, will gush out with vengeance more strongly as a stream
My desire to live and conquer will wipe out darkness like Sun beam
******* to smithereens ,but ,me bullied into silence? No ......never
No one ever pities me ,no one has the right to define me ........ever.”

He cried “ Take away my childhood but dare not ****** dreams from my eyes
Today I am victim of circumstances, tomorrow may hold a surprise
Discourage me every step of the way ,but,me stopped ?No ....never
No one ever suppresses my voice ,or strangles  my spirit ........ever.”

Born out of wedlock she is unduly the victim of tarnished identity.
Respect him for- what he is than who he is - don’t deny him dignity.
Let their innocence,youthfulness,exuberance be the essence of beauty.
Usher in a new dawn,sans bleeding hearts,throttled laughters and fractured society !

Girls are born victims of gender biased, so called progressive era
They are trapped in bottomless dark pits,yet,may be called Akira
They are victims of greed,need and misdeed of male chauvinists
Kids,marred,scarred,tarred,dumped for life, them who will uplift?

In our zeal to conquer we have all but landed on Mars and Moon
Progressiveness of civilised world,who decides it is a bane or boon?
A crying shame ,children are deprived of their innocent childhood Women,the torch bearers of society,who cares for the tears THEY shed ?
Copyright(C)Bhargavi Ravindra.........29/5/2020
Akira....A Japanese word means light, bright ,clear..

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