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Nina McNally Jan 2011
Calling all lovers,
Attendtion; Please read this. Time is
Really lost. The room is spinning,
Don't forget there are other fish in the sea, just jump
In and dive for them. They should be there with
Open arms, waiting.
Love can be a magically thing--
On with the show already. Ladies & Gentlemen I welcome you,
Good Charlotte, playing their new album, "Cardiology." Forever
Y**oung in our hearts. Keep on believing.
copyright; 2010
McNally, Inc.
-inspired by GC's newest album and just remember you'll find that special someone. Just keep fishing.
John F McCullagh Dec 2011
When it comes to matters of the heart
it pays to be both wise and smart.
Be proactive and take care
of vulnerable hearts who take Love’s dare.
Perhaps a stress test would be smart
before old Cupid slings his dart.
Be sure your pulse is strong and steady
Not weak and racing and unready
Take Flax seed oil as a precaution,
before you dip into that Ocean
besides the undertow of emotion.
The mermaids that beset your dinghy
may tend to be a little clingy
The sea of love is cold, I’ve found
Tho oft I’ve floundered, I’ve never drowned
A Piffle about love ( A Piffle is a poetic triffle)
blue mercury Dec 2016
you were the worst mistake
i ever made
and i realize it was a waste
of heart
to want something so fake
that i knew would harm my well being but

all i ever wanted
was everything you promised
why was it so hard to give?
you said you wouldn't stop, love,
but look where that got us
i'm broken and you don't even speak to me anymore

you were outer space
and galaxies.
you were the smile on my face,
and in all my dreams.
but hope has started
to stop coming and it's fleeing but

all i ever wanted
was everything you promised
why was it so hard to give?
you said you wouldn't stop, love,
but look where that got us
i'm broken and you don't even speak to me anymore

memories burn down the walls of my mind
everything's slowing frozen in time
i never asked for much
i expected more than this
i guess
i guess
it was too much

all i ever wanted
was everything you promised
why was it so hard to give?
you said you wouldn't stop, love,
but look where that got us
i'm broken and you don't even speak to me anymore

all i ever wanted
was everything you promised
why was it so hard to give?
you said you wouldn't stop, love,
but look where that got us
i'm broken and you don't even speak to me anymore
you don't even speak to me anymore
a song from a full length album i'm working on?
Megan Grace Nov 2013
I've forgotten how to write
a poem that isn't about the
way your hands feel on my
waist, or the shiver I get
just thinking about you
breathing and whispering into
my ear until your words
turned into my dreams, or
the way I think I hear "forever"
beneath all your sentences.
My god, you have torn out
everything I used to have
inside me and kissed it until
all the missing pieces started
to grow back, sewed the gashes
that spelled "UNWORTHY"
on my heart. You are the most
beautiful thing I have ever had
the opportunity to call mine.
Lost for words Jul 2010
If the heart is just an *****,
Pumping blood for life
Why when I miss you
Does it cut me like a knife?

How can something functional
Become so emotional?
Turning from the physical
Into the devotional?

How can those ventricals
Seduced by psychology,
Override evolution
Defying biology?

The pain in my chest
Brings tears to my eyes
It appears cardiology
Is dependent on guys.
JDK Oct 2015
Don't pretend like it's all gonna end,
when it's right about to start.

And don't give in
to the "less than them,"
when they don't know the first thing about a heart.
Something is strictly better than Nothing.
HeyThereLefty Sep 2015
All Again For You- We The Kings
You were everything that's bad for me*

Pheromone Cvlt - Letlive.
All the boys will grow up to be those broken men

Follow You- Bring Me the Horizon
So you can drag me through Hell if it meant I could hold your hand

Boston- Moose Blood
Bored with nothing to do, but lay around listening to Deja Entendu thinking about you..

Come Home - Tonight Alive
Laying under the light of the full moon and I would give anything to be there with you.

Drown - Bring Me the Horizon
What doesn't destroy you, leaves you broken instead

All Along The Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
But you and I we've been through that and this is not our fate

Dreamers Disease- Letlive.
While I’m out here making history, you’re making love

True Friends - Bring Me the Horizon
Karma has no deadline

Better Off This Way - A Day to Remember
When will you act your age

The Divine Zero - Pierce The Veil
Maybe I can swim into your thoughts like your drugs do

The Other Side - Tonight Alive
I meant it every time I said I love you; And there are so many things I wanted to say, but I was a mess.

Lane Boy - TwentyOnePilots
I know a thing or two about pain and darkness; Who would you live and die for on that list

The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot-Brand New
You say you wanted a solution; you just wanted to be missed

Your Guardian Angel- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
How this world turns cold and breaks through my soul

Cardiology- Good Charlotte
No book that I can find has the answer, a medicine can't cure the fact that I'm still yours

All My Heart- Sleeping With Sirens
I could have been better and stronger for you and me

Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
*Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone; Oh if my voice could reach back through the past
All credit goes to the artists and their wonderful lyrics.  I appreciate them letting me borrow their words to help express my emotions. Wish you could understand this, Wellie.
Nina McNally Jan 2011
In this Nightmare where Today Feels Like Lies, I see Joe Jonas and he tells me, it's Time to Dance.
And Oh look, there's Peter! Pete tells me, that Music is Life! But I already knew this.
And there's Jimmy Sullivan--The Rev tells me, Don't Jump. I won't. I don't want to be Buried Alive. ----
"I just wanna live while I'm alive 'Cause it's my life."
Avenged Sevenfold is the Cardiology that keeps my heart beating.
Now What If... this was real and not a Dream?
Let's just Dance for **Tonight.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
I took the titles of the poems that I wrote so far and made 5 poems.
Jeffrey Pua Jan 2017
I want to be what I should be
In the context of consistency,
Your early morning ritual, the coffee
And the egg that you would like me to be,
     A habit you can never get rid of,
A certain pose for the cameras,
A certain post on Instagram, the way,
Exquisite, unique, and endearing
That your mouth motions, your lips lead,
Your cheeks cast the skip-a-beat
     Magic of your smile to my heart.

Dearest PVC, I want to learn cardiology.
I want to be the Michael Faudet
For your Lang Leav soul.
I want to move a japanese mountain,
Then be a sushi or a truffle, yes,
     I even want to be a truffle.

     And I just want to court you... always...
          ...and after always.*

© 2017 J.S.P.
Hands are where the hearts are
     Zelensky’s is in his gauche
        Macron’s is in his droit
    Trump’s is in both, because
  He’s holding The Royal Flush
Quinn Oct 2015
I should've known you were a bad idea when I asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up and you replied with "surgeon." You failed to inform me that
your interest was in cardiology. You said that you'd like to travel someday. Though your idea of exploration wasn't a foreign continent but a trip through my four chambers. And when you hit the edge of my pulmonary canyons, you wouldn't spare me the anesthetics. I asked you what your favorite color was and you told me it was red. Little did I know, thats because it reminds you of open chests. I should've known you were a bad idea when you took me on a date and only kissed my neck. Said you liked to feel my pulse on your lips. Said it made you feel alive, knowing I'm not dead. I thought that your obsession over my veins was cute. I never thought that your tracing and analysis of my wrist was in any way abnormal. Or that when you squeezed them too tight, it wasn't just cause you like the color purple. I don't really remember our second date, maybe because I was high off of your intoxicating breath. But I do recall your finger tips dancing across my sternum. They must've missed a step because It didn't feel too graceful. Your nails acted as scalpels, each misplacing a rib like an unsolved jigsaw puzzle. tearing apart every piece of certainty, you've always liked surprises. Thats something we have in common. But when you began splitting each artery from the center of my beating image, I couldn't help the shock. The art sketched into my cardiac muscle didn't appeal to you. A corner was missing and the edges were faded and you weren't interested in piecing me together. I think you were hoping for a better picture.
wordvango Jun 2014
A prosthesis
         words can be
for a lost heart
         or an eye to see

Like a Prosthetist
         make me be
the creator
         of your replacement

muscular *****
          72 beats
per minute
          tissue specific.

Cardiology can
          replace the beat
but words repair
           the heart.
Lauren Sep 2019
By. Lauren

Growing up my mother told me to follow my dreams.
Step by step I grew.
From teaching to cardiology, all the dreams I wanted to pursue.
It's just then the day came.
When my clock was coming to a slow.
The ticking about to stop.
And my future here for me to pursue.
My mother told me not to let the world hold me down with their dreams for me.
But when my clock was out and it was time to leave my mother laid some rules.
It was no longer about my happiness.
It was not my future I had to pursue.
It was all her dreams for me.
She told me I must grow old and have a family.
A dream I never had for myself at all.
She told me these words "Lauren you are a career-oriented person, but that is not what you must pursue."
All she wanted for me was a future.
A real one.
But it was not the happy world I had wanted to pursue.
So I had to let her down.
And live the life I had always envisioned.
The one I wanted to pursue.
So I don't exactly remember how to do this whole poetry thing. I hope this is okay.
Arek Jul 2021
It's the little things that matter
the big things can all rest
I prefer a mild heart flutter
not a full cardiac arrest

and driving like my grandpa does
not fast like some young bloke
so my brain only gets a buzz
not a massive stroke

because life doesn't need a shove
but a touch that's so much finer
so that your heart feels all the love
not pain from an Angina
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2018
                                  the bonus points
concerning keeping

you can best pet them...
but / by ignoring them...

i like thinking of...
keeping crazies on the lose end
of the, "spectrum"...

nouns, oh so, misnomer prone...
and we keep the freaks
on leashes,
  mad bank barking saliva riddled
fiddles of
        that, obnoxious rabies scandal...

life, love, and the closed closet...
skeletons do the dance?
sure as hell whittle Woger...

crazies on the loose /
freaks on leashes...
which barks first,
   and... which bites first?

i said:
which barks first,
     and which... bites first?!

last time i "heard", or rather, saw...
the little pooch does all the barking...
but the big dog?
the big dog does all the biting...

little dog barks,
big dog bites...

       and why would my neighbor
knock on my door, asking...
'i'm going round the corner
for some fish... would you like
some extra chips?'

a kind reply of: no...

      i'm still apprehensive about
the normy routine surrounding
the misunderstood status of
a revised cartesian duality,
moprhed into a dichotomy...

sure, once upon a time,
you cloud cure both the mind utilizing
the body, and both the body
utilizing the mind...
but... those days are over...

you can't translate the mind to a body,
while pivoting on a mind-body duality...
you can translate the mind to a body,
while pivoting on,
                    a mind-body dichotomy...
which gives you the focus on
the physicality of the mind,
i.e. brain...

                and what the 20th century
scientists call:
the chemo-soup...
    or... what's that? chemical "imbalance"?
i've heard that... i've heard that
my brain is a chemo-soup...
    no... because if you can take cheap-stabs
at some of the mental illnesses...
i can do the same... right?
                   cancer?          ah ha ha!
this really ****** me off...

         if you've never been to Disney La-La-Land...
how do you know what is,
and what isn't, what ought to be,
or rather not ought to be?!

current medicine borrowed from
philosophy the unhinged performance act
of treating the mind as not unison
with the body... into...

the mind is of its own accord...
the body is of its own "self"...
   the brain is the current dualism of
convening to marry the two
with a relation of, shared, "interests"...

but cognition is unrelated to the body,
or aa part of the body, namely
the congregational ***** of the brain...
thinking is not related to
the unconscious automation
of the heart's heartbeat...
i don't exactly think by automation...
i can't automate thinking,
i can subvert it and create a subconscious
   the... lost voice of consciousness...
the, unapparent narrator...

but mind cannot replicate an
unconscious-consciousness of function,
comparable to the unconscious
function of the automated heartbeat
of a heart...
given the "fact" that the brain...
as a "source" of cognition,
    is given into the same alive-dead matter
status of every other *****...
the brain might have an inbuilt
concept of orientating consciousness...

   last time i checked...
does consciousness precursor the need
for the existence of, thought?!
i'm not here to prove anything,
in terms of the utility of using
language, proofs are like...
do i believe in Darwinism?
is... is that really an argument
to finalize itself with a, belief?
i don't require a belief in Darwinism,
what i require a denial of Darwinism,
to juggle the other-timelines
and keep myself orientated within
the macrocosm mesh of
seen bodies...

             a belief in Darwinism is on
par... with the negation of God...
both observations seem to borrow something
from your, atypical take on
the infancy of atheism...
just about hitting the hip-majority
expression status...

i know what the problem is...
the proximity of words...
built upon a close relativism of synonyms /
   and the whole... prefix jargon...
even i'm fooled...

                but the brain must be conscious
of itself on some level...
the heart is...
             if the heart was not conscious of
itself, it would have the free-will
to suddenly stop working as a blood-pump...

of i'm pretty sure the brain is
conscious of itself,
  i'm starting to see this whole
existential conundrum as...
consistent of being combined of
unitates per se:
         units in themselves...

i can classify a consciousness as the, unison,
but... i can't classify a unison of
consciousness, given my split orientation
regarding the, unison of the unitary per se,
somehow segregated, yet placed

               the brain has a per se membrane...
the heart has a per se membrane,
hence anatomy,
cardiology, neurology, psychiatry...
the mind has a membrane...       thought...
the cancerous growth of ego,

                and as the microscope proved to
the telescope...
  both extension of interest seemed to
be looking at some variant of an adhesive /
glue... sniffing it to boot?
                                unless i'm mistaken...
gravity is pretty much non-existent on
the microscope level of...

matter... anti-matter...
there's a second type of gravity...
i'm sure of it...
         gravity might be a grand force on
the macro-sized events of observation...
but... what force is keeping the atoms
in line?
        just... magnetism,
the proton +, the neutron 0, the electron -?
i'm starting to find
the neutron suspicious...
really suspicious...

                      if i had the money,
i'd study the neutron...
so "simple" magnetism explains the counter
force of macro-objects that's gravity,
within the confines of atoms?!

sure... gravity explains the interaction
of macro-objects...
but sure as **** gravity doesn't
explain the interaction of micro-"objects"

i'm not buying it...
atoms do not know what becomes
the Copernican post-script
of n.e.w.s. (north, east, west, south)...
finding those coordinates
in the universe? good luck.

  i'm still thinking that the neutron
is suspicious...
i'd bank on finding something
suspicious about it,
a sort of +/-              -/+
                       enzyme mechanism of
quantum *******...
between the proton and the electron...
something that encompasses
a variant of the sort of gravity
observed in readily observable objects...

the neutron...
   when observing a neutrino star...
there must be something quantum about
the atomic neutron...
that converts with contradictory
the           proton / electron base for
existence being observed,
and not being observed / automated -

         there must be something
akin to this...
     how... the proton contradicts the + charge
and is negatively charged when

                   and the whole disappearing
act of electrons?
how they behave like magicians...
whatever the hell that was,
clouds rather than orbitals?
if that's the case?
isn't that due to them exchanging
handshakes with + / - charges?

let's just say...
theoretical science, while drinking?
no chance in hell in me reading
science fiction.
Buven ThePoet Dec 2019
These are not tattos..
Take a closer look.
My tears dried out!
I thought it was okay to cry
When something hurts..
Until I wiped off my own tears
Make a promise
Keep it not
And see if I would be disappointed.
My heart got broken..
A thousand times.
I am studying the last page of this
Book of Cardiology..
Independence flows within
My vessels.
I don't want to go around and
Give people motivations that
They didn't ask for..
Let me just go straight to the
Department Of Education
And register my Course.
I am not perfect
But my words are different..

Buven ThePoet

— The End —