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AKIKO Oct 2017
It's completely finished

  But I started

Over again

From the top to bottom

But still,it seems


Like you do to our

Is totally you don't appriciate

So I leaving you a space

Every words that I called sentences

Like us that never


This is seems to be long

But you know you're always

This is just my concise poem

That want to remind you

Remindful to you
That once in your
There's one me
Once was used to love you

Even you don't
Love me back as I do
S Feb 2013
An ******* is someone that is hated by everyone
An ******* is someone that is loved by everyone
An ******* is someone that has everything
An ******* is someone that wants more
And more and more and more and more
An ******* is someone that gets more
An ******* is someone that can get anyone
An ******* is someone that makes you tear down        
   your fortress of protection
An ******* is someone that makes you build
    bigger walls in the end
An ******* is someone you would do anything for
An ******* is someone that doesn't appriciate it
Point is, you're an *******
And you disgust me
S Mar 2013
Look at what you've done to me
I spend all my time thinking about you   Daydreaming about the possibility of us
I'm failing half my classes
Because I can't focus on anything but you
I can't sleep anymore
Not without pills
Because you've stolen my peace at mind
When I do manage a moment of rest
It's because I've cried myself to sleep
Because of how hurt I am
Thanks for this
Now when I look in the mirror
I stand there and wonder,
" What the hell happened to you? "
Raj Bhandari Mar 2019
The railway quarter was small and 
the Streets were not clean,
but I must appriciate the number of trees,neighbourhood green !!
Jason Apr 2015
I feel like I've been chasing you forever
Like you are so far away I'll never reach you
But I know I can't give up
Because I know I will reach you some day
Someday day I will finally make it
I WILL catch up to you
And you will be able to see how much effort I put into chasing you
And how much you mean to me
So when this day comes I hope you appriciate it as much as I will
FallenInTorment Dec 2012
The thing about being invisible is the fact that no one can see you and if they can they pretend otherwise. its a peaceful kind of lonely that i indeed appriciate but the pain sinks in and with nothing surrounding you but white walls it becomes a depression more or less a serenity and gives you more time to think about the people you loved the people you lost the people who never gave a **** and then the ones who tried. The **** you've done or someone else had done but it affects you in some way or another and how much of it was accidental, irrational, reckless, fun, with good intentions, or completely and utterly stupid and how much of it was your fault. Life gives you a gun and its up to you wether or not you're going to use the bullets. No one can fix or break you more than yourself. You have to take the chances you're given and grab what it throws at you to learn from your mistakes and to teach whatever beauty and catastrophy comes your way.
Jason Feb 2015
Everybody has that one person they cant live without
For me it is my best friend
I dont know what I would do without him
He is always there for me
When I need someone to make me smile
Or when I have nobody to talk to
Tomorrow is his birthday
So I can tell him how much I appriciate having him in my life
My feet, some say too small, I say just right. They wear down my shoes to dust.
My calves, toned due to the many steps I take per day. Muscle and bone, something I love.
My knees, popping and cracking. Probably not healthy.
My thighs, small, but not too small, just right. Marked and stretched a tad, but two things I'm wanting to begin to love.
My hips, tiny enough to fit into a woman's size 0, but I'd rather not be in women's, rather men's.
My waist, hour glass shaped. Something that seems to be the equivalent to handle bars for my parents.
My chest, I wish you were flatter. I wish you didn't exist. I want to learn magic so I can make you disappear.
My collarbone, it pleases me. Never seems to disappoint.
My hands, they are one of my best doers. I can't write with them, I can speak with them, I can do so much with them.
My arms, they carry and hold the things I care for. Like my pets, my work, and my partners.
My shoulders, something I don't like to show off, but the Texas heat forces me to.
My neck, something sensitive, something people seem to appriciate, something your hands thought they had a right to surround.
My head, filled with voices, delusions, and a cocktail of problems. My head is probably pretty but a bad trait of my own. My eyes, ears, nose, and tongue all have false senses. My brain also causes my nerves to feel imaginary things.
My body, my body is built on good and bad parts, some things can be cured by pills, some by a different view of my image. But, on well, from my toes to my scalp, I have to deal with it, don't I?
Ana S Apr 2017
My body is numb.
I sit in this empty classroom.
I sit here feeling bad for myself.
What's the point of making friends if your just going to die someday.
Leave them all behind to sit in your absents.
Leave them behind to question why the sky wizard chose you.
Leave them behind to feel sorry for themselves.
Sorry they didn't do more.
The only question is why didn't they care when I was here.
Why didn't they care when I was alive?
Why is it when a person dies all the sudden they are noticed.
People appriciate you after your dead.
Like a ghost I plan on being a faint memory after I'm gone.
Nothing but a rainstorm.
There and then gone.
Passing to revel the sun.
I'm tired.
So tired.
Everything hurts and my body doesn't like it.
I'm miserable and I'm like a plague.
I infect the people around me and cast a dark shadow over then as well.
Everyone I meet feels "bad" for me.
They don't really though.
Nobody cares until your gone.
That's the harsh reality.
Once your gone everyone cares.
Nobody cares until you've stopped breathing and your body is 6 ft under.
SJ Stine Sep 2010
It pulls me in,
always towards you.
Maybe it's the thought
of what we could be,
should be.

Maybe it's because I don't want to let my family down.
"Why dont you have a boyfriend to show us yet?"
They all ask or think.
"I don't know."
It's all I can muster.

I know this isn't true.
I like you because you are genuine,
you aren't like the others.
You have culture,
you appriciate the value of simple words.
Maybe it's fate pulling me towards you.
All I know is,
I don't mind.
Luyanda Mntonga Aug 2014
We don't talk.
We expect God to lead us to green pastures as he did with David
We wait on him silently with our hearts and minds filled with words
Screams of thought shouting sweet words denying our roles which we played in perpetrating the demise of our love story

'Love one another' that is what Jesus says in his word
However i find it testing to even imagine my own brother my own sister uttering those words
You blame me when i lose my way
Yet you were never there to ask me what i hope to be and what it is I for pray
Never have you questioned my reasoning and showed me the way
Never asked what i dream about at night or what it is i daydream about

Dont get me wrong i appriciate your monitory assistance
However in my life i still need your existance
I need to be able to cry on your shoulder and tell you my darkest thoughts and expect no awkward feelings
I need to be able to call you and not expect the words "ufuna malini"(How much money do you need)

Yes i need to have you know me deep that before i lie to you and say im fine, you already know something is up
I want to feel that you love me before i convince myself that you wouldnt do all you do for me unless you did
I need you to be my brother
I need you to be my sister
Expect me to say hi and not have anything to say cause i miss you that much

'I love you' such words i hear from strangers but from you not that much
I do apologize if i offend anyone
But do also hope my words mean something to someone
We dont talk and that is killing us
Deny it all you want but you played a part too
Celebrate my achievements and cry with me in sorrows too
Dont hide your tears from me i need to know you are human too
I say again we dont talk and this is killing us
I apologize if these words offend you
I say what i say cause "I LOVE YOU"!
For my family.
Bluebird Nov 2016
A sad little lady once said to me
that what ever i may do
to take in a count everyones feelings
carefully trough and trough

A dog left alone on the street barked
that kindness will pay off
it is only free thing in life
and you can never give enough

A child climbing on the tree told me
courage is what you need
for it is the only thing that makes you
help those who are in need

the young gentlemen cried
and said you must appriciate what you have
i had a lady fair and true
that i wish i have treated well

i am kind, i won't hurt anyones feelings ,
i help, and i'm not afraid,
but i still spend all nights thinking,
why my love is never repayed.
Inspiration May 2016
So I never thought I would be writing this...I have recently had some amazing conversations with some inspirational people; who have all helped me to see where I have gone wrong recently:and trust me I have gone wrong a lot.....

Depression......what a word...I dont want that word near me;but its what I have been. Its an illness in the most complex ***** of the body that affects every aspect of you....sleep, food, ability to communicate effectively, or not communicate at all feeling fear of some thing and not quite sure what it is you may be fearing...There are feelings of anger, It's so strange, confusing, lonely, enlightening, interesting, challenging, reminiscent, sad, ashaming, happy although most of all thoughtful and thankful.

Its an illness that one in three of us suffer from. I actually believe that every one does, although people have different coping mechanisms. This is what I am learning about myself and others at the moment. Anyway...back to that word DEPRESSION....I have just written that in capitals for some reason, its like the ******* word - lol....For me it should be called depression has been about change and managing this effectively and some times not so effectively....I have experienced change in who I am...peoples perception of me, and in every realtionship in my life there has been some been an interesting journey.

My friends and family....they are like diamonds in the sky...They have been there through this hard journey and I know it has not been easy for any of us....thank you for still loving me and continuing to understand me when I know at times you have wondered where the strong, open, bubbly fun JC has gone. And I know I have propably cause you a lot of frustration on the way, I know I have as I have caused myself

I understand that and appriciate each and every one of you...thank you for your advice, smiles, for making me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry...I never knew humans could cry so many tears. You have picked me up when I was struggling and each in your individual ways and have carried me forwards...some times I have not recognise the impact of your words or actions for months...but suddenly some thing clicks...

I have been to some dark places recently and you have supported me and loved for that my diamonds I will be eternally grateful.....

Some diamonds have been light and powerful and some have been heavy and wonderful.
I wrote this when I was in the middle of climbing the beautiful hill, that is life. I know its not a poem...but its writing

PS...when writing like this, I have a habit of writing "lol" when I mean  some thing else...but thought I would leave it in.
DC raw love Feb 2015
these things i hold so dear
are the things i will make clear

life's decisions are very real
the choices you make will generate

time is short so no mistakes
love your life and appriciate

hold on to the little things
the life you have is what you take

hold your hearts and cradle them
their your life they'll do the same

take nothing for granted
keep it sane

times passes by
what will you do

time passes by
do whats right

time passes by
do you have a clue
Ayeglasses Apr 2019
You're in your driveway and the heat is still on. Rain hits your windshield and the streetlights bend their light to your eyes. Shadows make intricate patterns on your skin and you watch them dance as you move slowly in the dim lights. The world outside is silent and the world inside is yours.

You're on some sort of camping trip. Surrounded by trees and the sounds of the insects that inhabit them, you take a moment to listen. It isn't cold outside, but it isn't warm either. You are alone. A moment of your time is spent gazing upon the stars. This is not to worry about the size, or wonder about them. For now they are just art. Distant sounds of other people beckon you to move and leave your place.

Sweat drips off of you as you step away from it all. The song playing now is slower and dimmed by the walls. This room is empty and you can almost feel the romance in the other. This doesn't bother you, as you just need to catch your breath. The building you inhabit is well made. You take a moment to appriciate it. Perhaps you should go home. The party has gone on too long.
Sundani Apr 2019
I wonder why you dont appriciate my love any more but i still love you i knw all the pain ive caused you im sorry about that i was clearly loose my mind and forget how u you used to say
"My love is unditionally
My love is amazing
My love is unbilievable
Miss those moments my sweet rose i have nothing to give instead of my heart

Im mising my bae
Wonder if she still love me
Raj Bhandari Nov 2018
Raj Bhandari Jul 2019
My simple honest work,you all
My fellows here,you are really
Lela Jan 2020
Flowers will grow faster than ever
I will finally appriciate the weather
The wind won't call  your name

I will be happy and I will smile
I'll catch up with my friends because I haven't seen them in a while
The series we used to watch together will make me bored, so I'll turn it off and listen to the playlist I didn't get to send you

Everything will be alright
I will want to live my life
Everything won't be so gray
I will even forget your name

I WILL be happy and I WILL smile

I just need to stop loving you. I need to forget your eyes.
Raj Bhandari Jun 2018
Raj Bhandari Jul 2020

— The End —