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Josh Jul 2017
I consider myself fortunate, that I discovered absurdism at eighteen. It seems to me, one of those things, discovered in old age when you wish then, you could go back and do all differently. I don't have that, I am free to live the absurd life, maybe I will feel I should have lived otherwise, when I am old. But absurdism makes sense, for right now. I've tried religion, I was scapegoating, putting my problems onto a deity rather than taking responsibility. I suppose, I must live. And we will see.
machina miller Mar 2016
autonomous memetic devices

mewling absurdism after absurdism

incognito the non-sequiturs substantiate

administrative staff of the regaling suppositories

for all the good they will do you

you might as well shove them up your ****
this is about memes
Isms are every where
hailey Oct 2014
we become accustomed to the brainwashed idea of what living is,
working more hours than time we spend with those we love,
to come home empty-handed with a sour face.
happiness is thought to be a piece of paper
that gets you places and things.
but is that illusion of materialism true to rid of desolation?
solace lies within
and contentment takes time.
let not our distraction of mortality wave us from seeing the good,
but our dualism let us see the meaningless of every day.
our moments are fleeting,
and will one day be forgotten.
what we smiled for, cried for, and died for,
will one day lose its meaning.
is this pessimism?
or is it truth?
is it objective thinking,
refusing to believe that
we are anything substantial?
one day they will laugh at our irrelevancy.
for people come and go,
and what is today,
will one day be in ruins.
blosssomingvanie Jul 2013
We met, we smiled
Danced to the rythm of the beat,
enjoyed each others company,
What seemed to be a night that stretched into eternity came to its end.
We moved on to friendship,
Shared sentiments, dreams and ambitions
Our past lives were shared memories,
we  imagined what our future would be like,
neither one of us thought we would fall in love!
we knew the joys of sharing this magnificent feeling,
it was magical,exclusive and heart warming
this same feeling that brought us together separated us ..
I sit here and think to myself...
What is it about love that we all don't get!???
GirlOfTheSky Feb 2014
Civilizations come and go,
and what is an empire
will one day be ruins.
Our moments are fleeting,
and will one day be forgotten.
What we fought for,
bled for, died for,
will one day lose all meaning

Future societies and new civilizations
will one day laugh at our absurd efforts.
They will ask,
where it all led?
From dust,
back to dust.
Is this pessimism?
Or is it truth?

Is it objective thinking,
refusing to believe that
we are anything substantial?
America, England, China,
one day will fall and be counted among the ranks of
Babylon, Petra, Atlantis.
So far lost, mating with myth,
losing all truth.

One day they will laugh at our irrelevancy.
For civilizations come and go,
and what is an empire
will one day be ruins.
This was inspired by a lecture in Absurdism the other day.
Absurdism- (noun) the belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe
Ember Bryce Oct 2014
How Beautiful it is, this Gift of Life!
           The Gift To Be!
The Irony is.. it is what you Perceive.
       How Vast your Ontology.
Idiosyncrasy shows you,
    what you know either Flows you,
              or Stills your Will to Grow.
To be Happy is a choice!
To be ignorant in an Age of Information,                  or to have a Voice?
The Absurdity is--
Our Transcendent Consciousness is within an Immense Majority of Reality.
            We are but a small Human Form; a speck in Space and Time.
                  Each Chain of Action holds many Justifications, and We are the Authority.
If there is no Reason to Believe that Anything Matters.
        Then the Opposite must be true.
     There is Reason to Believe that Everything Matters.
That is the Irony:
          We, as Conscious Beings Knowing!!
                    - Yet only Knowing that which we want to fit into our Epistemology and Ontology.
Perception: We See and Do only what our Self Allows us.
               The Collision of Reality and Perception within us, is like Chains Binding us.
Yet, we hold the Key to our Freedom..

                                                         "All of a Sudden I said, 'Could you Believe!?'"
-Inspired by the philosophy of Absurdism.
softcomponent Feb 2014
kiss my sorry *** and imagine
a differential. divide it by two,
see? this will give you the
circumference of existential
convulsion; you will see past
the freaky book you can't read
for lack of knowing and how
absurdism scares you if you
believe it. that's why you dropped
The Myth of Sisyphus part-way
through cuz what came to mind
with all the drippy Dali-mentalscape
spa of shread-dread WHATSyness!
was Camus coming to so many a pessimists
ending he had to turn it last second to say
'but in the end, we must assume that
Sisyphus is happy' and all you see in your
minds-eye is pursuit of this absurdist
paradise for nervous thought-drawn chain
-smokers is a gun to your head with one
last glance at the ocean.
Nonsense Poet Nov 2017
Into all this absurdism
I find myself wondering
Why I´m trying to understand
The non-existence of everything?

Watching some clouds
Empty spaces
By the light of the moon
Writing nonsense words

Mindfuck mind
Wake up and make a peep
Drop words between the lines
Why am I still here?

Strange ideas in my head
Writing my blues
Nice ride above us
Still showing more clues

Taking a walk on my deep side
Enjoying this ride
Psychedelic intercessions
Still open my mind wide

Nothing is enough
I can´t decide
Feelings and lines rough
What I wanna write

Looking for the meaning of nothing
Tasting more wine
Am I losing my senses?
It is Braking my mind

Seeking for a spiritual meaning
Waiting for sign of divine
Seeing my mind shining
Lost and blind

Falling in the middle of words
Deeply vibrant sense
Meaning of nothing
Suspension without suspense

Height intense
Verses are meaningless
Looking for the meaning of nothing
Again it makes a little zero sense
JJ Inda Nov 2018
This mind,
this ability to create,
and study and learn
and teach,
this is the tool which harms us.
This mumbling about meaning,
this world devoid of purpose,
the world from which it sprung.
-the struggle at it's root
and so the Absurd is born.
a very loose interpretation of the philosophy of the absurd.
Sean Pugerude Mar 2011
We consider impossible possibilities
and read from a dictionary of abstract words
and try to grasp intangible ideas.
its a perplexing and troublesome thing

Altruism, Absurdism, Animism
A constant clamor of chaos
Word words words
Only in context can you understand

But how could I ever be sure?
You hear it, but could you ever know?
Does Idividualism, instrumentalism, Intellectualism
Mean anything to you?

Even if it does
there’s a gap in perceptions
the space between your eyes and mine
is a world apart, never to meet

Expression is futile
we can never make any connections
You reverberate in my ear
and echo out of me
I reverberate in your ear
and echo out of you
Pushing and pulling like the tide
constantly eroding the meaning

But once in a while
when I look at you
and say “I love you.”
You say “I love you too.”

By the twist of your mouth
and the gleam in your eye
I know our definitions
are one, and the same

Though our emotions are lost in translation
and its challenging to put it into words
Your reply causes such sensations
I have no doubt.  You meant it.
Beau Scorgie Jan 2017
Who needs contentment.
Let's burn this fxckxng house down
so our skin swelts from the heat
and our egos can cry for our lost possessions.
Who am I without my Things?
Who is Sisyphus without his boulder?
A man now content with only himself?
Gxddxmn Absurdism.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2018
on another thought:
   maybe women shouldn't walk
alone in the night,
   in the labyrinth of
    outer-urban streets
              where foxes roam...
esp. if she has the audacity
or rather, the impoliteness
of sharing a footpath
with a man drinking a beer
and not making eye contact,
while she says: under her breath -
me, beer, forward
    is the only logic...
       i felt so ******* heavy,
but i just had to laugh out-loud...
      a few steps later
and there she was, once more,
a little dot on a canvas of
cold murk...
             sure, she was smaller
than me,
         but she must have
imitated a sprinting geisha...
      legs almost tied together,
or perhaps: imitation of a centipede...
whatever it was after her:
    cobra wings in self defence...
the logic still stands:
me, beer, ******* FORWARD...
i'm guessing the beard
and some bad experienced:
i showered,
   oiled the ****** hair,
had an amnesia-reversal moment
walking with one beer:
****... forgot to buy ice...
      no point going back
to the shop for merely ice,
so i took another beer...
            but here's this little penny
hushing offence under her breath,
later hearing the reply of: ha ha ha...
scuttling away, a sprinting geisha
in the outer-urban labyrinth...
i wasn't even going to note this,
      but it's worthwhile to mention
who these women are,
             walking alone in the night,
treating the night as if it's
a ******* niqab...
        certain western women think
think they're entitled to treat
the night as the islamic attire...
       but at some point comes the saying:
the road is for cars,
  pavement is for walking,
        i'm having a beer,
what's the problem?
               if we can't walk past
each other...
                   the ******* doing out
so late?
     me? getting whiskey and ice...
how i have become accustomed
     experiencing these lilliputians...
i don't even know how you're going
to cram reverse-psychology dynamics
into them: whatever the hell that means...
but women walking alone
            in these labyrinths?
                      coin flip:
                     witches or prostitutes?
and as some might think:
    i'm more in love with the sound
of my footsteps,
        than my voice...
                  the croaking crow beat
me to that sort of love affair.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2017
well... there's pindar...
    a great biographic entry,
when alexander the great sacked
thebes, pindar's was the only
home standing...
          that's great... but where's
the evidence that he, actually wrote
      that's a bit like stating that
descartes: really wanted to prove
he existed...
              no he didn't...
                  he didn't care to allow
thought to precipitate into being...
he already started working
on it being elevated to a god...
   but come on... running a poetry
website and withholding
   pindar's poems?
               i have a grand "metaphor"
to counter with that...
         it really was a day of constipation,
   i had to drink about half a litre of *****,
and a warm bottle of beer (ugh...
   that's doubly worse than the way
they drink ***** in england... warm... shots...
i find that warm beer is doubly carbonated)
and then finish the day off with some bourbon...
i did say i was constipated, didn't i?
    there are usually three tiers to the affair...
first one, fair enough, it's a whale or a squid
   about to plop into the pipeline...
the third phase is a bit like: not yet! not yet!
    tier two and three are shy *******...
   you have to wriggle a little bit to get them talking...
it almost seems like some army interrogation tactic,
but i'm not dealing with some taliban fighter...
i'm dealing with my own ***...
                      it's only past midnight that i get
the whole bulge out...
        like i'm some baker that a maine **** cat
makes fetish of, joining me in the toilet
and lying on the windowsill...
       cat ****? that's three times as rank,
human **** seems chocolate to animals...
                        but i am trying to take poetry
               i just sat through half-an-hour of
grueling efforts to extract that remnant of last night's
egg-fried rice (yes, with scallion)...
                  but as it feels... i could have
just dashed a tablespoon of chilli powder into my ****...
     i'd rather chop a hundred onions and regard that
as tears forced by sitting with a girl watching
a rom-com than feel this dash of chilli powder up
my a-hole; because that's what it exactly feels like...
   it almost feels like the harambe injustice...
   last time i checked gorillas were vegans...
         unless it wasn't going to be a tarzan story...
no? it wasn't? oh well... there goes the dream!
yet they still have pindar listed on the
website... and there are no poems enclosed!
            it could be great to have read
a snippet of his curriculum vitae...
           the curriculum mortis belongs to too many people,
and the essence gets lost in the tornado of history...
               then again... i know the difference between
    a .jpeg        and a .pdf
        but what's the real difference between
                        a .net     a      .org          and a .com?
           tiers? just tiers? like the national agenda of a .pl
and a
                                 well, there is the sunday times
newspaper... 15 year olds on sugar daddy websites...
           and how sergeant blackman was
  convicted of warcrimes... when he was a trained
killer... some said that people akin to moses couldn't
fit into our modern society...
                           neither could albert camus...
               it might still be considered an existentialist
movement... but it's definetly moved beyond absurdism.
I'm little people and work in a kitchen as a sous chef.
    Long hours and chop chop chop all ******* shift 'til it
    finally ends and we escape to our addictions of pleasure.
    We wake in different beds tangled with strangers we know.
    I'm a ******. I've slept with every brainiac you can imagine.
    They come in minutes and spend hours trying to convince me
    their *ism is the one true god. I listen, i'm paid and I leave.
    There's no difference. We need love of any kind and any cost.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
it's just a selfie... don't forget my face is mandible and is  non-representative of whatever idealism you have of dundee / glasgow.  you ever noticed it's only paris that's mentioned in 20th century  classic literature? oi! ****! why not oslo schweggenladder stockholm or  edinbrugh? so 20th century of you to mention any place south of london.*

when i hear modern poets wheeze and ooh and ah
and climb the everest... i think of the bee gees
or michael jackson, not one wrote the illiad... but it’s
still memorised - what’s the point...
poetry begins with the thought:
i can rhyme bling with bee sting... ****... i’m in!
heave of relief interlude with abba’s super trouper
in the background to breivik’s slaughter...
now that’s taking satire to the extreme of absurdism:
you know that french thinking movement
that changed hammering a nail in with the elbow
rather than the hammer.
‘ yes maestro?!’
‘play me the divination of vivaldi in #strauss for winter!’
‘yes maestro!’
‘ah the autumnal leaf waltz via psychadelia
of femininity given to the beast of feminism
of lost ego, what splendour... and the reindeer,
ah... it’s only missing the alcohbolic reindeer of the
puffed-up cheeks and red noses of burst veins to hue
the canvas of red with streaks of blue.’
as benny hill said... it’s not called black english humour
for reasons that might suggest it was the oxford rowing
team losing against h.m.s. belfast that made the cambridge rowing
team sing the chritmas carols in halloween costumes:
the wise pumpkin, skeleton and hybrid tarantula sang
in soprano: the shepherds put on castrato opera for a reason
that became apparent with roman authorities despising
celibacy but turning quiet fond of castration for the pope's opera:
plus the **** orgams sounded more feminine with
guilottined *******.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
Moncef mzoughi Nov 2015
I'm not hellish i'm driven by a Mephistophelean relish
To reach an introspection to understand the inception
The ontological Manichaeism turned to be an existential absurdism .
And i'm drown in my own nihilism
Oh...what an owlish reality !!! i'm squeamish about this absurdity
I rely on self-revulsion to resist this daily delusion
What an exasperation !!! we live in the premeditation
This nature carries a lot of humiliation !!!
I'm sick of this fornication
Could the end of the road at least fetch a salvation ?
What a downhearted metamorphosis
I'm lost and i feel astonished
With conviction that this existence is only a deception
Oh...Oh...Oh....what a corruption !!!
This reality is based on a false deduction
That leads to a fatal destruction
Just where is the dysfunction ???
Is it in my creation ...
‪#‎Mzoughi_Moncef‬ Le 06/09/2013
I'm little people and work in a kitchen as a sous chef.
    Long hours and chop chop chop all ******* shift 'til it
    finally ends and we escape to our addictions of pleasure.
    We wake in different beds tangled with strangers we know.
    I'm a ******. I've slept with every braniac you can imagine.
    They come in minutes and spend hours trying to convince me
    their *ism is the one true god. I listen, I'm paid and I leave.
    There's no difference. We need love of any kind and any cost.
Lawrence Hall Oct 2017
Sorting Out Russian Poetry

Avant-garde post-modernism ego
Futurism symbolism acme
Ism constructivism cosmopol
Itanism formalism neo

Formalism futurism imag
Inism proletarian real
Ism absurdism maximalism

Socialist realism, nothingism -
Poetic beauty, in spite of the Isms
This is perhaps an appropriate occasion for asking why a little poem entitled "The Dreaded M-------- 10 Security Alert Popup of Doom That Won’t Go Away" has been consistently rejected as a purported error.

But you can find it at:
daniela Feb 2018
i have a very vivid memory of arguing
with my mother in the first grade on the eve of picture day.
i don’t remember what we were arguing about,
probably something about what i was supposed to wear,
but i remember telling her that sometimes i wished
i could just lay down in a coffin instead of doing this.
i know; brutal for a seven year old.
children are both somehow incredibly kind and incredibly callous.
i think i made my mother i cry, i don’t know i try not to remember.
if you want to get analytic, this could mean a lot of things.
i read a think piece recently about how millennials,
as a whole, have gallows humor.
most of us regularly joke about the impending collapse of society,
how to plan for retirement when your retirement
will most likely be the apocalypse,
how global warming can’t **** us if nuclear warfare does first.
we are nihilism and absurdism’s ugly red-headed step-children.
gallows humor is most common among soldiers.
the article wondered about what it says about the world we live in
that entire generation is under a comparable amount of stress.
and even though i’m an atheist, it’s difficult for me to think
of death as sharp as it is. as finite.
i don’t believe in an afterlife, of heaven and hell,
but maybe i don’t really believe in endings, either.
i still think about death like it’s sleep, hitting snooze,
pressing pause.
when i was 16, i hated holden caulfield
because he reminded me too much of myself.
we did this in class activity where we had to diagnose him
with depression and i wanted to claw my heart out
of my throat the whole time.
my sophomore year of highschool it seemed like half of my class
gave themselves stick and pokes, homemade DIY tattoos
out of india ink and mom’s sewing needles
etched dot by dot into their skin. can you blame us?
we all wanted to be something permanent.
my sophomore year of highschool, someone tried to commit suicide
in the bathroom during class and we didn’t talk about it.
we never talked about it. whenever people die,
i don’t know how to talk about it.
my hands are too cold to touch god
and so i keep writing, trying to generate heat.
i had a professor who told me that no matter what we write about
we come back to the same things —
we write about our obsessions. we write about ourselves.
we write about what feels closest to our hearts
or, maybe, what feels farthest away.
see, there are times when my life feels like it’s
happening to someone else.
if it wasn’t for poetry i think i’d be dead.
i don’t tell my mom that, please don’t tell my mom that.
it makes it sound like i have a problem,
i don’t wanna have any problems. she’s got enough problems.
sometimes i don't wanna be here, sometimes i don’t wanna be here.
i don’t know where here is.
sometimes i’m worried that here is everywhere,
that here keeps changing and following me and wearing down
new places to their bones.
but maybe this is human nature.
we feel like we’re not supposed to be here so we try to delete
ourselves from here or we try to delete here,
keep digging into there’s nothing left.
Lawrence Hall Feb 2018
Avant-garde post-modernism ego
Futurism symbolism acme
Ism constructivism cosmopol
Itanism formalism neo

Formalism futurism imag
Inism proletarian real
Ism absurdism maximalism

Socialist realism, nothingism -
Poetic beauty, in spite of the Isms
Looming spectre,
Illuminated by the cast
lights of fanaticism

Looming absurdism,
distorted by the stained glass
of your personal apocalypse.

*******, ravage-ly appearing spectre.
From the mouth of serpents.
From the blood of a bat.

The world cries 'alas' in a throaty bellow,
The spectre dancing in rhythm to the melody of the chaos.
The melody of plague building the roads of conquest.

The many faced spectre drifts across the blue,
eyeing the masses.

This abstract ominous consumption of hope.
Swallower of light.

The spectre walks on water.

We are in the caste net.
Psyche soaking wet with devout atheism,
this lifetime skeptic now tenuously
linkedin with Unitarianism
attests, said upbringing proffered,
mine credo, gestalt,

leitmotif, sans abstractionism
eludes elucidation, delineation, clarification...
some readers might
dismiss as absurdism
defying established dogma fixed absolutism

millenniums, would be hashtagged heretical,
and such cavalier blithe
apostasy, declared alarmism,
now - twenty first century
extant accursed as alcoholism

within various non
Western statecraft enclaves,
barely tolerating agnosticism
no fool to *******
proclamations antithetical opinionism

where condemnation to death
(I obediently, humbly, and gladly accept)
inadequate punishment,
cited on par relegated to alienism,
amoralism, antiestablishmentarianism...

never does this anachronism
loosely cabled with pioneerism,
(when ****** forests bedecked America),
a veritable wilderness, necessitated
quintessential self survivalism

knowhow long since forgot,
which dependence on consumerism
finds yours truly afflicted against capitalism
commercialism, conformism, cultism et cetera
more aligned with reliance on individualism

nearly an extinct species,
where anti materialism
betrays, cavils, and discourages ecocentrism,
versus profit motive maximization,
though of late environmental dynamism

aggressive representative thank you
Greta Ernman Thunberg regarding criticism,
nee opprobrious global ecological terrorism
mandating staunch defeatism
as stave bulwark

against criminal determinism
to wreak irrevocable traitorous dogmatism
predicated on tenets of egocentrism
brewed, steeped, and
galvanized in exceptionalism

of **** sapiens and expansionism
exclusive to said primate
that requires serious assessment,
asper bracketing craven
doctrinairism edified fundamentalism
granting humans unfettered expansionism!
Allan Pangilinan Jun 2020
I think we underestimate how overwhelming it is,
Unknowingly hiding under absurdism and comedy,
Climbing clockwork cliffs for some inner peace,
Trying to find clarity in the muddled nows of tragedy.

Deep breaths for another duplicate of tonight,
Making sense of waking moments as we see some light.
Asking oneself, "Are these feelings right?,"
Given varied consciousness of the same plight?

Slowly we try to make space for some needed nothing,
Catch some air, look at some greens, and just surrender.
The fleck that challenged the universe started learning,
Be reminded that no one narrative is greater nor lesser.

Tonight is a happening of an ever-changing now,
Live it, ride it, rule it in ways you know how.
Give in to reasoned and reckoned submission,
Walk towards the collision of the warranted delusion.
Originally written on 29 May 2020 00:40
Veritasism coming from latin Veritas meaning truth and

-ism meaning a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement.

Veritasism is an ideology or a philosophy that says what we believe in is the truth.

-Core Belief: Each person's perception of reality is inherently their own truth. This means that what one person believes or experiences is as valid as what someone else believes or experiences, even if these truths seem contradictory.

-Living in Your Own World: Since everyone's beliefs and perceptions shape their reality, Veritasism proposes that each individual lives in their own world. The world that a person experiences is shaped by their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs. This could mean that two people might experience the same situation differently, and both experiences are equally real to them.

Key Tenets of Veritasism:

1. Personal Truth is Inherent: Every individual's beliefs, perceptions, and experiences create their personal truth, and that truth is valid for them.

2. No Universal Truth: Truth is subjective, and there is no single, universal truth that applies to all people.

3. Respect for Other Truths: Since others live in their own worlds of truth, Veritasism promotes respect for different perspectives, fostering understanding and empathy.

4. Open Dialogue: Communication is vital to understanding the truths of others, helping to resolve conflict and build mutual respect.

Practical Application of Veritasism:

Self-Reflection: Encouraging individuals to reflect on their beliefs and how these shape their experiences. Dialogue: Promoting discussions between people with differing beliefs to explore and understand each other's worlds of truth. Respect for Diversity: Encouraging tolerance and acceptance of varying perspectives, recognizing that each person's truth is a valid representation of their own ex

(It might seem stupid but the world is full of stupidity so it doesn't matter.)

Just as philosophies like absurdism and externalism have a different ideology yet different people believe in it and it's their own truth in life. Some believe life has no meaning some believe that we can make a meaning, but what humans need to realize is that everyone lives in their own life, having their own god(except money), their own world and truth. It's foolish to argue over religion and some other personal beliefs. Everyone has their own world that they are in control of. Some believe in god some believe they are god, so? It's none of your business. Everyone has their own truth and meaning in life just as everyone lives a different life. They have the full right to believe in their "truth"


How do we define real? What is real? I'm not sure and I don't care.

I don't care about anything at all, but at the same time I care deeply.



What is religion?

-Religion is a particular system of faith and worship.

-Another definition could be the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

In my belief, religions were either coming from evil people that wanted to control the world, some philosophy, or just something that was before science trying to find why are we here.

People worship gods that they don't know but get an answer based on their beliefs, some manifest or pray stuff into reality by just blindly believing. Some got answers from Allah, some from Jesus, some from Hindu gods, etc...

Yet they don't believe in the same god but get their answers. It's because they believe in it with their whole heart, creating something similar to what is called Placebo Effect.

The oldest religion in the world Hinduism comes from India. According to many scholars Hinduism is around 3500 years old. As I mentioned before, religion is an odd concept and we don't really know why does it exist.

Religions play a crucial role in the documented history. It played and plays a huge influence on people, good and bad.

What does religion have to do with Veritasism?


Well it has nothing to do with it historically but it can change perspective for some people that have strong religious beliefs (for example a strong religious people could **** someone for not believing in their god).

Also Veritasism can change the whole concept of religion and „truth" in general.

What i mean by truth is a personal belief of truth, not something like mathematics.

Religious Relativism:

-Veritasism rejects the idea of a singular, objective religious truth that applies to all people. Instead, it posits that each individual has their own truth about religion, meaning that different people can believe different things, and those beliefs are equally true to them. This can challenge traditional religious views that often claim to have access to the "one true" faith.

-Faith in Veritasism becomes a deeply personal journey. One's belief in a higher power or spiritual path may change over time, and that evolution is valid as long as it reflects the individual's own truth. For instance, someone may shift from believing in a traditional religious narrative to embracing a more non-theistic or agnostic perspective, and that transition would still be viewed as a valid part of their spiritual journey.

-A core element of Veritasism is respecting other people's truths.

This means that when it comes to religion, Veritasism would encourage tolerance, understanding, and compassion for those with different religious beliefs or practices. Rather than seeing a person's religion as "right" or "wrong," Veritasism calls for seeing it as valid within their own experience.




What is death?

-the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue.

The concept of death in Veritasism—given that each person lives in their own truth and world—can be a deeply personal and transformative experience. Since Veritasism asserts that each individual's beliefs, perceptions, and experiences shape their reality, this would naturally extend to how death is understood, approached, and experienced.

While each person's experience of death is subjective, there may still be certain shared truths or experiences that connect people when it comes to death. For example, the grief of losing a loved one may be universally recognized, even though how individuals understand that grief may differ.

Death is a really big concept. It isn't connected that much to Veritasism, but it can help an individual on how he perceives it or even calm an individual.

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies inside us while we live."

-Norman Cousins



Thoughts and Thinking

For truth seekers like me it is possible you may suffer from extreme anxiety because you want to know the truth.

In Veritasism it can change your perspective on how you view truth and it can calm you.

I was thinking for a long time about Veritasism so I decided to finally write about it.

I feel like I have failed. But that still doesn't stop me. I made a phrase

"If you don't try then how will you shine?"

-So here I am trying.

"Take a chance, and you may lose. Take not a chance, and you have already lost"

People don't realize how much power we have. Our thinking shapes our reality, so be careful what you think about.

"Conquer your thoughts and you shall conquer the world."

Your perspective is important in life. How life is depends on your perspective.

Veritasism has 2 big teachings.

"Love is the frequency of existence itself. It means that you are always unconditionally supported, no matter what you choose."

"All causes of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger, but calculating risk and actin decisively. Make mistakes by ambition and not by mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things not the strength to suffer."

-I hope the teaching is clear.

Everything is a vibration. We have an entire universe within us. That is my belief and my truth. Everything depends on you.

Everything is frequency. Everything vibrates, your thoughts, everything. Moving your mind into a higher vibration, state or frequency (however you want to call it), you can attract anything you want.

Master all laws of universe and you shall attract what you want.

(my truth, my belief. It may not resonate with you at all.)

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing and that is that I know nothing."


"The mind is a place that can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven"

-John Milton

You are so powerful. Your mind is so powerful. Be careful how you think.

For me religions are very hard to comprehend so I decided to calm myself by Veritasistic thinking.

My beliefs change rapidly just as my personality does. I'm not sure why it happens. Sometimes I'm spiritual sometimes that, sometimes that... So if anything confuses you based on my thinking, know I'm confused too.

It's a short book about my philosophy, in the near future I will make an extension of it and make it more organized. I like to share my thoughts with the world, hoping I can make a difference. I am currently spiritual instead of considering myself religious.
avalible on wattpad Ksenija Ostojic Veritasism
Jimmy silker Nov 2024
My grandad on my mothers side
Was an idiosyncratic cat
Obsessed with engineering
Draughtsmanship and that

Recorded and catalogued
Big bands on a reel to reel
Oft silent in a low mood
You never knew the way he'd feel

But at Chrimbo came his home brew wine
and after a glass or two
He'd start to act all silly
Mug for the camera
Then the night was through

He had a turn of phrase
Long outmoded in the seventies
To the point of incomprehension
To the children of his latter days

If you asked what he was doing
He'd say I'm just scratching out my Ditty box
An invite to absurdism?
Or another life he'd half forgot?

I think he missed the war
And the certainty
It brought
As he poured over his old blueprints
The battles still unfought
Onoma Dec 2024
an almost normative nonchalance to his
absurdism--as if it's just fine because he's
doing it.
there he was, making good on what was
not--rather than what was there.
wala's quick brush of a gestured once-over, where gravity sank.
left pinky claw in his mouth, with the false modesty of a centerfold.
the frills of nausea knotted by abject terror & stage fright paralysis, was the confection of his presence.
buddy boy Beelzebub standing in the living room like: 'what do you think?'
a red-light district glow about him, Tartarean yarn's hypertrichosis, curly Tim Burtonesque horns.
unhealthy *****-colored eyes, with
see-no-evil reptilian slits & fangs that ate
their punchline.
he just stood there--coring out a cave of
grandiosity, then leapt to the refrigerator.
turned it on its head by tapping his claws on the freezer door, a little hunger strike.
grabbed the magnet of a Monarch Butterfly, forced a few flits & dropped it
on the floor as with the lot of them.
tip-hooved back into the living room & said: 'the lamp's bulb in your study needs changing--it's been driving me bat-**** crazy, I need you to see clearly so I can manipulate your knowledge.'
'Pretty soon you'll have two pulses & two heartbeats.'

— The End —