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 Jan 2022 gracie
Dennis Willis
 Jan 2022 gracie
Dennis Willis
I keep curving
against the side
that is turning
maybe I'm spinning
like a turtle
upside down girl
"you spin me round"
or some such words
catching up with blood
going somewhere
with purpose
unknown to vehicle
 Jan 2018 gracie
Carl Sandburg
THE Government--I heard about the Government and
I went out to find it. I said I would look closely at
it when I saw it.
Then I saw a policeman dragging a drunken man to
the callaboose. It was the Government in action.
I saw a ward alderman slip into an office one morning
and talk with a judge. Later in the day the judge
dismissed a case against a pickpocket who was a
live ward worker for the alderman. Again I saw
this was the Government, doing things.
I saw militiamen level their rifles at a crowd of work-
ingmen who were trying to get other workingmen
to stay away from a shop where there was a strike
on. Government in action.

Everywhere I saw that Government is a thing made of
men, that Government has blood and bones, it is
many mouths whispering into many ears, sending
telegrams, aiming rifles, writing orders, saying
"yes" and "no."

Government dies as the men who form it die and are laid
away in their graves and the new Government that
comes after is human, made of heartbeats of blood,
ambitions, lusts, and money running through it all,
money paid and money taken, and money covered
up and spoken of with hushed voices.
A Government is just as secret and mysterious and sensi-
tive as any human sinner carrying a load of germs,
traditions and corpuscles handed down from
fathers and mothers away back.
 Dec 2017 gracie
Fox Friend
The way I yearn for you
is comparable to the way
that the sun refuses to be
even after it sinks
behind the mountains.
The glaring red hues
stain the sky
if just for a moment
after the sun has finished
providing light,
just as pictures of you
continue to invade my
The glowing strands of color
and wave
and grasp out
until they tire and slip
quietly, sadly
beyond view.
I too will tire, but until then -
let my lovely sunset unravel
for you,
my darling.
 Nov 2017 gracie
The Writer
looking into her brown eyes, i am reminded

of the hot chocolate i drink during those

chilly days, as winds whip around me in a

maelstrom of biting cold; her warmth flows

through my body, dethawing the frozen

heart i've kept covered in ice for so long
 Nov 2017 gracie
donia kashkooli
to all the girls who starve themselves because they have a naturally round face despite the fact that they're 99 pounds, your face will resemble the moon no matter how many slices of pizza you deny. it's not worth risking death. you're beautiful.

to all the girls who hang out with the boys because girls are just too serious and so fake, please, please make time for yourself here and there. retain your femininity. hell, a face mask and a bubble bath to take the edge off are all you need sometimes.

to all the girls who lose lighters like they lose hair ties, always carry a book of matches.

to all the girls who will always feel a burning, aching desire to get out no matter how content they may be, you will find your place.

to all the girls who know what they want but don't know how to get it, don't give up now. life's lesson's will show you the way.

to all the manic pixie dream girls who were the 1970s groupie definition of "cool" and wasted their days looking for happiness but never found it, i know. it happened to me too.

 Nov 2017 gracie
i. Here, there is sand in your mouths when you kiss. Sweat and long hair. A shared water bottle glinting in her hands. She finds a succulent plant and slices it open, drawing her finger through the clear gelatinous discharge it bleeds. She touches that finger to her cheek and glistens heavenly. You are dry heat desire and she is your oasis. You drink her with stinging eyes.

ii. In this place of neat grass and gridlocked streets, there is not much to do except make chains of wildflowers for her neck and yours. There’s no one around to hear you tell each other how you feel. You feel like a sparkler, so you say so. Like a lit match. Condensed brilliance. She holds your hand in the middle of paved suburban wasteland, squeezes it three times. You know what she’s saying. You say it back.

iii. She draws your initials in condensation clinging to subway glass, while you thunder beneath the metropolis in claustrophobic darkness. You can’t see all of her in the changing light, just fragments. Her lower lip. Her nose. Her jaw, holy. The city makes your want electric. Her mouth on the edge of a cheap coffee cup and crowds jostling the two of you together. Curry and gasoline and the sapphire smell of her hair. Adoration in alleyways and open streets. Here, you can be two girls in love and the world will not punish you for it. Here, you blow her a kiss and a bearded old man says che dio ti benedicta. Bless you.

iv. To love her in the mountains is dizzying. High altitudes and mist. Leaves caught in her hair. When you stand at a precipice and look out, she photographs you without you noticing, dilating the lens to catch the rosy burn of your cheeks above your wool scarf. She finds you painfully becoming like this. You against the violent, beautiful sky. You in love and unhidden. Her heart is thumping as fast as yours when you turn and move into her, wrapping her up as if she were some ephemeral thing, a moonbeam from a passing orbit. Together, you breathe the thin blue air.
 Nov 2017 gracie

If for whatever reason it is not evident from the poem, I firmly believe and stand for the Black Lives Matter Movement.

— The End —