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A long day of shadows--
Never glisten the meadows---
We have chosen the wrong--
Day by day,
We have almost forgotten
that divine song,
Losing the spiritual light of the god---
Moving ourselves in a darkness broad----

I see the sky has grown red crucified--
The spiritual light is being satisfied---
The Satan is being terrified--  
Mother Mary becomes merriment---
That her holy son again removes the darken---
We are wondering again to be unified-
The earth is growing with magnified---

Flowers aroma blowing amour of love
The children singing the reception's song,
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!

Angels play divine melody--
Truths coming too merrily--
We are waiting for the light of the prophet (Jesus)
in the darkness of the horizon---
Merry Christmas
I have left my known path
that is only for mine
where there is my love
there are too many dreams
but I have to go
and I am going,
going towards the new destiny

I am handed over
all my dreams to you,
my love
my undone jobs to you
cause you have dreamed me again
when I have almost forgotten my dreams

Even when I am going,
where there I am bound to go,
going to far away from my dreams
far away from you,
my love

I know it will not create a wall
between my will and my dreams
between you and me
I am tired too tired to think
about those dialectics thoughts

I know you love me more
than as much as I love you
I have left my love for you
and I think you will keep it
as it's yours only for yours

I am going,
where there I am bound to go
going to far away from my dreams
far away from you,
my love

But one day I will return
return as air and will be blown
through your long hair
blown as the murmur of wind
through the fairy Autumn

I will return as the morning robin
and will be playing with you,
beside your window
you will be awaken
with my song of spring
and I will see your eyes,
your lips, your smiles
those will be remain same
as I ever wish to claim
and I will wish to return
my love again from you,
my love--
handed over love forever- I will return
 Dec 2014 Winter Summers
Zac Mac
What the hell have you done to me
You're all that I can

What the hell have you done to me
You've warped my
and reality

What the hell have you done to me
You've changed me
so that my mind
will never
be at
Any song can sound sweet,
if you tune your tone appropriately,
and add a lyric,
with a melody
and I have seen where there is a life,
there is a song
but some songs are not only a love song
that notion was a loop, intense, black and blue passionate song
was not romantic

She was a sad song
and I thought I would know how to make it better
like if I could be the only to love her again,
I believed that everything would fall into a melodious love song
but  I lost a few lines of lyrics
and there was bit melody missing that I couldn't find
and I saw too many scratches on the disc
I couldn't let myself be made no longer
trying to fix her entirety.
@Musfiq us shaleheen
scratches on the disc
Light spreads darkly downwards from the high
Clusters of lights over empty chairs
That face each other, coloured differently.
Through open doors, the dining-room declares
A larger loneliness of knives and glass
And silence laid like carpet. A porter reads
An unsold evening paper. Hours pass,
And all the salesmen have gone back to Leeds,
Leaving full ashtrays in the Conference Room.

In shoeless corridors, the lights burn. How
Isolated, like a fort, it is -
The headed paper, made for writing home
(If home existed) letters of exile: Now
Night comes on. Waves fold behind villages.
I look at you and I see half-finished poems and words that don’t exist, your eyes are like indigo oceans I keep drowning in but somehow I don’t mind not being able to breathe.  I wish I knew more about why you are the way you are, what terrifies you the most about yourself, and why I find it difficult to catch my breath when you look at me as if I am a stolen daydream. You make up for a lot of things, really, like going through fourth period half asleep because last night it took me three hours to stop thinking about you. You make up for that, and everything else. You are made of electricity and good intentions stitched together with a voice that could shatter a million hearts, and I am just a lost soul wondering why I trust you with mine. And I do, I do, I trust you with my stupid old heart, and I want to memorize every single corner of yours like the back of my hand. I want to know how a heart like yours could love such a wounded one like mine, but maybe that’s what love is, sacrificing perfection for something tragically real. I look at you and I see fluctuating potential, like the morning sun peeking out behind tired gray clouds, and how sometimes that has to be enough. Ever since I met you, my heart has remembered how to beat, my hands have remembered how to hold, and you love me enough to make me forget how much I don’t love myself. Maybe you are temporary and maybe you’re an illusion, but I still cling to the hope that maybe, this is why I held on until now.
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