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Yet again I stand by you;
Though you are cold and silent,
tears fills my eyes and my countenance are overshadowed with Pain
The pain of losing you.

I could never believe this day will come to pass
When I shall speak and you listen in silent

Ah! Or
I made your speechless
You were my Nana and friend.

You are my star
Now I must learn to live in this Dark world without you,

I must learn to get used to not seeing you around

I bleed within my heart at your departure

Having you was the best thing that happened to me
Losing you is my nightmare

And I shall live with it hunting me till I die
I Love You
This Is dedicated to my Best Friend, My Crush , My Sister and Laugh
For her lose
I  would be sad if you leave me

I will cry everyday like a little girl when you are away from me
If I don’t read letters with your name on it I will weep
and when my eyes swell up I will look n to the mirror
and cry harder

Though they may say true love waits
but I am not patient with you

You light my heart with a spark that puts me in a heist

I love you like am mad
My loving you is my weakness

I will live shorter on earth without you
I will run mad if I think of you with another person
My life is a thread and you love is its bond
I feel your pain

And it hurts my brain

I love to gain


I hate the pain

Oh what a shame
How I've turned  lame
Inspired by Rebecca H
When you came in to my life I started experiencing Love with no weakness
Even when I walk in deep darkness,
You were my brightness

where it feels almost impossible to breath
I can't see a thing

My loneliness has grown into the dept of my soul such that I  float in the ocean of my idle thought

I want to believe I still can feel love again but I am too scared to accept the truth
The feeling in my heart is like making a bed on roses
soft petals but hard thorns
thorns that go through my fragile heart

I want to love you
I want to give love a chance
I stay single
because I am scared
What you are is breath taking
slowly I lose my grounds
when you are with me time stop
Thing go smooth like ice melting in the sun
I want to talk with you
I want to say something
but i don't know the right words
I don't want to make a fool of myself

I don't want to lost my breath

you make me go

Looking out
I hate sick men

Cause sick men are cry babies

Cry Babies are women

Women are pearls

Pearls are treasures

And i can't treasure a sick man


I can treasure men

— The End —