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Vikram sikki Dec 2016
Should you know everything from start to end
Would you change a thing?

I would rather not.
Not even Choose to know
That where to reach
So there to go
Whom to meet
Whether say yes or no

I just don't even wish to know
That where to search
And what to find
That what will hurt
And who ll be kind

Isn't that what we do
build that wall Of certainity
Wall of our dreams
Of that promised secured  future
Organising everything random
Offered by the universe
So that
Not even for a moment we go off track
Into the unknown
So that none ventures in and surprise you

Changing things so that
We don't have to change it later

And then what
Lay staring
Nothing but those walls
Your walls
Made of those work-hours
Decisions, regrets , memories
Walls so high and strong
Now you can't see beyond em
Let alone walk past it

I won't mind losing
For my mistakes
The pain, the chill, the burn
Heartbreaks under scorching sun
Let me be swept by cold winds of doubts
Drenched in the rain from clouds of fear
Not under the safe concrete of wealth
Unseasoned and a mortal mere

I would rather choose
To be lost
As I am
As are most
And won't even try to find my way
No quest to solve
Nothing to resolve

Just you and me
Walking all the roads
Stopping where we feel
And staring at the sky
Counting stars as if we can
Everyday afresh and start anew
You with me and I with you
You love me and I love you
I may know no path
but will go somewhere
Be with me darling
Just be with me there
Vikram sikki Nov 2016
I read it on a wall
"Live more"

I exhaled and walked past

Same old ****, right?
What does that even mean

We just live
Breathe and eat and walk and talk
And do it again
And again

For what ?
Working our way towards
The ultimate end

Where all our numbers-
Money, age, calories, friends
Zero, seven, million, on and on
Will remain same but not.

So just before the last breath
I draw
I don't wanna say
I lived,
Just lived.

But rather
I won't wait to die
And live on till that last goodbye

I ll be shaking hands
And hugging friends
Eating muffins
Listening bands
And fall flat there if I have to go
But no , not on the bed
Waiting like a convict on row

Keep doing things
You would have wanted
To be done
Before you are done
Say things aloud
And write your mind
Sing her that song
Play odds and blind

Who cares
if right or wrong

Come out of you
The you of now, Open your door
Do life a favour
And live it more.

Live it more!!
Vikram sikki Oct 2016
Today when wandering at around daybreak
I was Wondering

Those little birds
So little
Spheral glistening eyes
Majestic feather patterns
Chirruping, twittering,fluttering
Dots the vast nothing of sky
Flocking in sync

Pulls of a fleeting but perfect
And push off
From somewhere to somewhere

I hope they know
where they are going
What are they doing

I hope they know
That it's gonna rain
That what would be tasty and
what's gonna pain

I hope they can tell
From a toxic and a good fern
That morning sun soothe and
Noon one gonna burn

What is love, life, sorrow
Can they tell today from tomorrow
Bliss, health, Joy and
to be watchful of an arrow;

And which is autumnal air
And then, that  it's gonna snow
I just hope for em all
Do they know?

Of course, they know!!


I wish I could fly,
Or at least just sit by
Sometimes and could tell em
That we all down here
Are cool
And hope you fly for joy
not of fear
For it lifts our soul in whole
Of your sight mere;

And yeah
come over anytime
we'll share a bite
And tales
Of our low slung world
And of your endless realms.

Is there a way to thank them
Or any gesture of reassurance
Any signal I can wave to them
That they can understand
Is there any?

I know
That there's no.
To let them know

Those little ones
Up there.
For them up there who won't know and for you around here that knew but never saw.
Vikram sikki Oct 2016
I don't see you anymore
I can see those books
You were reading
Few still trapped in cellophane
Waiting for you to liberate
And walk with them

Your pyjamas and yeah,that grey tee
You loved it so much
That we bought six of em
All are there
Looking at me blankly now
Asking what now...

Your watch still on the table
Ticking but not
I see your ideas all over
That old blue rug
Those silly comics poster
The sickly coloured socks

O for god sake
That wand of yours.
Come back if it works
You idiot

I see you
Stumbling over nothing
Jumping around

I see all of you
So many of you

But only one of me
Looking for you
amongst all the memories
Wanting that one of you
Come out and
Just look at me
And break a smile
In me;

I see self in the mirror
My life shrinked to my eyes
Dead eyes
Your imprints all over ;
All over the house, the garden, the kitchen
The floor, the plates, glasses, remote, this world of ours,
The air I ll ve to breathe
On me which I ve to live with.

On me.
Just after you, what's left is you more than anything.
Vikram sikki Oct 2016
We are unstoppable when we are in control

Others may or may not know
What we have done
But only we know
What that meant

You have slept through nights
But it took few sleepless ones to do so
For comfort follows struggle

We have all won the fights,
we never fought

He did what he had to
He chose the way he lived
He chose the way he didn't have to live

Then a man
Now a lamp


It's Gandhi Jayanti
Let's be better
Mahatma Gandhi
Vikram sikki Aug 2016
What do you think
When I say
And when I don't
What you like
And things you don't

Say things you think
So that I can link
And try afresh, try anew
A joke on me or two on you

But say it please
Clear and loud
My junk-head is all
Smog and cloud
With silly adventures of my own
with words and friends
In times bygone

I know me self
I miss the point
To make a point
You get it?

No ; I knew it
Missed it too!!

So bear with me
for I need you
To bear the self
When not with you.
Vikram sikki Jul 2016
You are the best flower of my harvest
Never took myself a farmer
Saw you budding from depth against
my apathy, My reluctance

My then perfect shell
I was like a frog in the well

I waver a lot
For I never saw , never had
A sapling growing for me
Growing on me

So please overlook
If I at times miss on
Providing you

Sun of my care
Shade of my embrace
And water of my love

But my little flower
I am always there
All seasons
For no reasons
No conditions

With you Alongside
To support you
Your vines
Clambering on me
All over
To reach my heart
My soul
Intertwined, growing together
On each other
For each other

Through all seasons
My flower
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