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I'm a mix of sunshine and rain
and a storm that rolls in once in awhile,
A hurricane that never comes,
But threatens the night,
I drink from the sky
and the tears of heaven
fall in my eyes,
But mostly I shine like the sun
and the shadows
I cast are beautiful
little flints of light.
 Jun 2018 Valeria Ariza
I had an English professor tell me that love was hard to write.
At first, I scoffed at her. I'd written about love almost all my life.
But then I realized that I'd only been writing about what I thought love was.
I wrote about men who put their hands around my neck all the while thinking of how easy it'd be to snap it.
I wrote about people I'd considered my friends who held their hands out to me for help only to turn their backs when I asked the same of them.
I wrote about people who came into my life with promises of warmth and understanding, but took my clothes off and never helped me put them back on.
I thought love was supposed to hurt because it was all I'd ever done. In all honesty, I don't know what love is.
 Jun 2018 Valeria Ariza
of one thing
i am sure
and that is
that i am
unsure of
and it’s funny
how i can’t
sleep but my
chest closes its
eyes and hums
with a heartbeat
that is unsure of
itself, too.
i try to morph
into a body
i don’t feel
belongs to me
just so i can
fit somewhere
fit in somewhere
and i tell so
many stories
about the
universe, it
forever feels
like i am trying
to remain lost.
i am unsure
of myself;
connecting the
moles on my
skin as if they
will spell out
something bigger
so i can feel
like i matter,
at least for
a little while.
i sleep beside
myself, stare at
a reflection
so unfamiliar
i couldn’t even
identify it in
a crowd of
strangers, but
i am trying.
and one day
i’m sure i’ll
be sure
of myself but
until then,
i’ll morph into
someone i can
be proud of
and hope that
the universe
sends me back
to myself.
...if it works,
then I am a Genius?
If it doesn't...
then what good is,
a -Dead Genius?

<a beautiful crow>

<beautiful crow>

A loaded mind is way more dangerous than a loaded weapon. ✨
 May 2017 Valeria Ariza
Suicide is the worlds horror.
We cut open our wrists more and more.
The bullet lodged in his head.
Left him twitching but not dead.
Will he try again?
Or will he be saved by a friend?
That's kinda of hard when you have none.
As another bullet is placed into the gun.
Depressed and paralyzed from the waist down.
His eyes are closed not even looking around.
Swallow his pride like if had any at all.
Soon emotions will be painted on the wall.
suicide is the worlds horror.
We delay our lies more and more.
Pills, guns, love, depression it's all here.
No longer is suicide something we fear.
Because when pain gets so great.
We will do anything for the great escape.
Suicide is the worlds horror.
Would you like a little more?
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