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Ignite the fire
To dispel darkness
The warmth
The glow
The light
Every corner lit up
Things in perspective
New ideas
New path
Cut across hurdles
Ignominy burns
Visit new territories
Take along
The unfortunate
Hold their hand
Light up their life
Ignite the dreams
In every dark corner
Ignite the fire
Each one was elaborating
all about life at length;
in many words, all one heard
was just about themselves

innocuous, looking,ancient brown
papyrus scroll contains, on every inch of it
wisdom invaluable, rare to find
(we guess)

we are relieved of a misery as none has
been ever successful in reading the script
not a bit , even once, hence staling won't help anyone.


there is no security risk in keeping it open
in full view of  all, in case someone ingeniously cracks it
we too can rejoice for this miracle, otherwise let us
sit like this, hoping for this winter gloom to somehow end.

we look for is for some  cheer, even someone
with ulterior intentions is fine  , let any one show up
for once, breaking it open letting know what is in there
so precious, is it all we need to rejoice, theory of everything

any one?
On the marble steps they sat, much trodden  and hence discolored,
what an improbable place for lovers to contemplate about their lives!
in groups visitors walked up, some lonely ones in silence went down
alone mulling,over the waning of clear evening light, that dominated
the sky was overcast,as if the winter blanket was not to be easily lifted,

She was from a land distant, light carried from too far, to his dark
silent night, that went on and on and on, for a life time it seemed!

Many many evenings, the museum gardens found them close together,
tiger orchid blooms he gifted adored  her hair,he simply loved her eyes,
once a little girl came running ,pleading for those flowers from her
"No darling it's gifted by my lover", he expected would be the reply,
but she gave it,with a smile, apologizing to him for being indiscreet.

That broke an unspoken code, end of a fine spring was indicated,
without any ceremony, it should one day stop, she knew .Then
he too started to await, the bell; in library when they were alone
she broke the news,in silence,her eyes reverted on to his,he knew it.

They sat on that white marble steps , two orphans, had no options left,
still he had  to choose between the dark night ready to gobble and her.
A look deep in to her eyes and it subtly pushes in to a trance,
her lips in a smile curl,from where a primordial memory dances,
much deeper than visceral, in effect it's clearly transcendental
she becomes a pointer, to the quest entrenched within soul

I want to ask her this, how does she transfer her subtle essence
to me with such effortless ease, as if we were bound together,
with few words, looks and touches,like the dance of a painter's brush,
a way to connect so quick, or is it an existing channel that has opened?

An experience without parallel in life, so exhilarating to me
to discern, internalize and imbibe, a zen beyond human logic,
wasn't she a presence, in the deepest layers of my psyche?
an apparition that came to light, when the time was just ripe!
 Dec 2014 vaishnavi
I am a child
and always keeps a smile.
                            I like to play and dance
                           and never want to loose any chance.
Falling is passion
and toys are my fashion.
                          Playing is my deed
                          and chocolates are my needs.
Mom scold by telling bad
which makes me sad.
                        I always break glasses
                       and neighbor takes my classes.
For mother am always kid
who doesn't know how to open lid.
                          But one day I will become lad
                          as smart as my Dad.
I love my childhood
as I can do according to my mood.....
When you are in the chasm
And the words are hollow
Only, wrapped in rhetoric
Even the echoes become inaudible
How do you express?
The irrepressible agony
Shattering the soul
From the stones hurled at you
On the verge of crumbling
And shattering into many pieces
Holding onto the jagged edges
And hiding in some crevices
Finally, into the oblivion
Swept away by the wind of apathy
Deep into the chasm
Engulfed by the darkness
When humanity loses their beacon
Future plummets to deepest chasms
No light to welcome the future
No hands to hold, in our weaknesses
Only shenanigans
Will finally obliterate us
Leaving this celestial space lonelier
 Dec 2014 vaishnavi
Fire the flame of death
loss of faith,
loss of dream
and only of scream.

Thousand cried
million cried.
Many became homeless
and many became hopeless.

Now, our heart is full of sorrow
and happiness couldn't be borrowed.
Time will be taken to fill it
but sorrow will still bit.

Destruction is caused due to careless
then why we are still shameless.
So, be careful
to make your life beautiful.
 Dec 2014 vaishnavi
Daisy May
To taste the sugar on your lips,
to float on the mist that is in your breath,
to be the sparkle in your eye,
to cherish me always until I die.
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