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Drab Sep 3
It's a chip (of gelatin)
It's a block (of sugar)
It's a piece (of paper).

Where's Waldo?
NOTES - 09/03/24
45 · Sep 5
The Wind Cried Help
Drab Sep 5
READING poetry is a breeze.
You get to skip the bad parts.
NOTIFY - The nearest bird's nest.
Drab 6d
They will get theirs.
And I will get mine.
Words to die by.
I forgot.
Drab Sep 9
Wait a minute SIR.
Have you gone to the theater recently?
I’m down with that…

It starts to get bad at this point…..
I walked in the door and found them…
Need I say more?
NOTE – I couldn’t go on with this poem. TG

This is just the beginning of my tributes to that great human being and songwriter................MEEE!!!
44 · Sep 9
I am responsible
Drab Sep 9
I watch bad lip reading videos of movies I don’t want to see when I’m high in my 2nd bunk.
I then watch the movies straight from the chair.
And see if they're as funny.

This is not something I do lightly.
I take this seriously and do not judge.
Therefore, I tend to scuffle around and do nothing.

But at least I’m happy.
24@september 9 - Another long night...
Drab 6d
She couldn’t shut up.
The salad was sour.
The mood was low.
And the ***** flowed.
NOTES – Wrote this listenin to Garth. Fixing to listen to further excalmations….(pun or whatever it was)
Sept, 21st century
43 · 1d
The Final Plea
Drab 1d
You know, people continue to ignore my poetry.
I’m getting depressed (looks at the clock).
The more I think about it, the more I get sore.
Around the groin.

It happens every time I write a poem.
Oh well, I’m sure they will come to their senses soon.
I see a boat, with a broken back……
NOTE – Water
43 · Aug 30
It's Dead
Drab Aug 30
My highly advanced intellect is dead weight.
I solved the world's problems of relationships by getting and staying single.
I solved the world’s problems by just letting it pass me by?
No I think too much me thinks......
Therefore, I am.....such as it is.
08/30/2024 - on a steam roll, running out of water
Drab Sep 6
Somebody call the "thought" police.
The "feeler" police are too busy.
Cutbacks are for the weak.
So the strong can take care of them.

Not sure how this will end.

How about now.....

never mind.....
NOTES - MISS Litella is in the house!
43 · 2d
World Traveler
Drab 2d
An aroma soared.
A French Man’s foot.
The evil eye.
Remove thyne boot….

From peoples’ eyes,
It’s in their face.
My only disguise,
Is a fall from your grace.
A notable – I have no idea what it is…..
43 · Aug 26
The Bulb
Drab Aug 26
Oh how I hate thee
This darkness inside
My dwelling so small
My eyes are so wide.

A light bulb is only a shilling or two
Not much to him or to her or to you
But in mine humble checking account bankee
I have but a shilling, a little less it might be
A lightbulb for my kingdom is all I ask of thee.
Sunday, February 24, 2008 - A time in my life when **** was happening. Whatever...............8o(
42 · 4d
Mary had a lamb
Drab 4d
Last dance.
I grew up tall and she grew up RIGHT.
A wonderful lyric, I took the bait.
NOTES - Indiana boys on them Indian nights...
42 · 5d
Drab 5d
Life is like a single edged sword.
Sharp on one side.

It's hell on the backswing too.
Drab 3d
You know.
The left.

                                  The right.

Or, the other way around.

Look at it in a mirror.
42 · Sep 3
Be Prepared
Drab Sep 3
When someone looks my way.
I immediately think "NO!".
That way I'm safe.......
#Notes - #Note to self ;- #Notation ; #Notify this ;#notes - 9+2+24. OOPS, this should have gone  in the TAGS fielde.
42 · Sep 2
The truth...
Drab Sep 2
She kissed me first,
Her kissed me next,
The order doesn’t matter,
Just the lips of my ex.
There were two of them btw.
09/02/24 – I’m sure one of them should have been a he. I don’t know….these days. I just wanted to write a poem based on my personal experience and feelings. I did try to rhyme next with ex???? Whaddaya say sports fans? :-)
42 · 1d
Me worry?
Drab 1d
Why worry about being miserable now?
When I’m supposed to be miserable forever after now.
Seems counter-productive.
N = 0
42 · Sep 7
Too much, or not Enuf
Drab Sep 7
I’m in the moment too much.
I think I need a distraction.
But every time I try to escape.
Another door opens.
NOTE – Go figure 9.7.24
42 · Aug 24
A favor for a friend
Drab Aug 24
A friend once wrote me and asked me a favor.
I hadn’t talked to him for awhile.
But since he’s my friend I wanted to savor.
His approval and ever missed rarified smile.

So I set out to create a poem that was good.
That could be used for something other than thought.
I wasn’t sure if I could or I should
But my friend has this caring heart that I never forgot

You see I am lonely and ask for acceptance
You see people like me, much of the time
It’s not really healthy to be like this ever
Especially when sometimes you can only make rhymes.

So if there’s a message or action to take.
That’s positively true and can never be faked.
I suggest you should go to the nearest bright star.
And tell your God “I’m grateful” for whatever you are.

You see I’m not perfect, just trying my best.
I’m sure you have sensed that at my friend’s kind request.
I will do the thing which was wanted of me.
I love all of you, but you don’t have to love me.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
42 · 3d
Title too much
Drab 3d
If I'm not following you,
It's because you are a better poet than me.

If I'm following you,
It's because you are a leader.
41 · Sep 5
Fly Over?
Drab Sep 5
Living in a cornfield.
YOU gain perspective.
There are ryes and ears all around.
So breath deep and walk silently.

Old people like me, we just fade away.
Into your nightmares........
NOTES - 9.5.24 - POV =  It's good to be real. In my mind anyways.
41 · Sep 4
A Civil War
Drab Sep 4
Blue vs. Grey(a),
Who wins now?
And who is who?
I’m lost and gone forever………..

POV –Oh my darling, what shall I do?
NOTES = Don’t jump to conclusions or confusions.
Drab 3d
This is a joke of course.

I mean a poem, really

But my apocalypse survival kit must include.

One revolver, small but powerful
Five rounds.
One shot.

NOTES – Guess Who?

Luv you Burt…
NOTE - It was my earthquake survival kit in the 70' - 90's on the left coast.
That would be baja.......
Drab 1d
He was just an angry, depressed, elderly human being.
The foreship’s snip away at its soft underbelly.
But it hung in there.

Respect is hardly earned.
It’s just a word……..

NOTE – this
More Notes - Nobel here I come!
41 · Aug 20
Drab Aug 20
Her amber hair
My bulbous nose
Her silken blouse
My thrown on clothes
She still remembers the good times had
I still remember my thoughts said bad
A better person she is than me
I open my eyes but never see
Each day I will regret the past
The time goes by without a gasp
I talk to her just now and then
She talks to me of love lost when
I am the smaller of the two
In the heart my pains are not too few
I could have had it all when all is said
On my epitaph so short, and I will be so dead.
Too late to change what might have been.
The sorry always are late and grim
But the time I had with one so good
Regrets can be what could have should.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Drab Sep 2
I used to flip stuff.
If only in my mind.
I believe Walter called it chiral.
I just call it the mirror with a twist.
Notes - E Flat
40 · 3d
Drab 3d
Swatting a gnat,
When it flies in front of my white screen.

Is like the Battle of Britain, the OLYmpics and the reader.

All in one…..

You have to lead him/her/it with it.
It’***** and miss mostly.
40 · Sep 9
Spaced Out of time
Drab Sep 9
I’m lost in the world.
Of missing time.
To do the good things.
And make them all rhyme.

It’s not that I care.
Or give anything else.
But if I don’t care,
Who will?

NOTEE – 9@9@24
Drab Sep 7
They byte.

RIP - N Nichols
ma. Chase

They were Graceful.
n - The blonde yeoman or the Uhura. Or both.
Drab 6d
Quit holding on to everything so tight.
Let it go.
Surrender to win.

Easy to say…..
But I do like the effect.

Drab 6d
I want to be the wind.
Whipping silently to thee.
Never mentioning my name.
I want to set you free.

I lull you into lullabies.
Illusions that twist my mind.
You think you saw a real nice guy.
But don’t look twice, you’re blind.
NOTE - Thanks to the bros....
40 · 4d
Alanissism sayce
Drab 4d
He saw it was chaotic.
He saw it didn’t make sense.
But he made it anyway.

Isn’t it ironik?
NOTES – ***
39 · 7d
A serious man…
Drab 7d
If I’m going to destroy my life…….
If I was to (w)right a poem.
What would I do?
I would think of things.
Anything, but you.

I can't really stand a bore.
He keeps repeating my mistakes.
I can’t stand myself.
It’s the mistakes that I mistake.
OTES – left turn at the light

I  hope they put in an ignore button. For me n the circle...
39 · Sep 1
Bad movie, good song.
Drab Sep 1
"Peach on Earth, was all it said"
Duh, da duh da duh....
39 · Sep 2
Fool's tool....
Drab Sep 2
My brother and I were walking along.
Talking with laughs and lines.
It was a clear day as I remember it.
Everything was fine.
It's cool he said as we wandered along.
I said I was a fool..
For not bringing a coat with me that clear April day.
He put his knuckle in the top of my head and said,
"Don't EVER call ANYone a fool!"
09/01/24 - My head still hurts. Nobody's perfect...
39 · 7d
Drab 7d
Confucius didn’t say.

Sounds good to me.

But then I’m hard of hearing.
NOTE – just found out about this today. I couldn’t resist.
39 · 7d
The Hope?
Drab 7d
We all have pain.
It just comes out in different flavors.
Bitter mostly, but sweet in the end.
I hope.
Whatever that may be.
NOTES – 91224
Drab Sep 9
It all lines up,
except for the unexpected.
That’s when things get clear.
But it’s fleeting.
I never get it right anyway…
NEWT(s) – "I don’t get it.",

STAN and Oliver - "you choose."

"Mama told me not to come...."

RIP C. Wells, Danny (Hanna called, she's still waiting), Chuckie (sorry chuck, you just got sober), I guess.... and any of the other guys who aren't doing well these days. Old age I guess.

0908, 1924 (y2k stuff)…leftover.

Shout out to Randy N.......
39 · Sep 7
Jerk's both
Drab Sep 7
Johnny was innocent.

"A copy cannot be used in court"

NOTES - 090724 - He's a dream.........
I luved Flash Dance
39 · 5d
Drab 5d
They all seem so drab and dull.
The memories I mean.
They came and went.
To all who've seen.

A better day,
Than he could have.
A better choice
A better ..
38 · Sep 8
A Life too fast....
Drab Sep 8
My mind is racing…
Around right now.
I’m easing off the gas.

If I don’t slow down, I won’t remember it.
It’s sad I know, I’m way ahead of you…..
Maybe I’ll stop and listen.

NOTE TO DALE 9-8-24  RIP - for a friend I never wanted to meet, but did. Sorta....
Drab Sep 8
Every year, I write my log.
It’s getting strong…..
I must admit...
For it is long.

But in a poem.
I see my fate
It’s not my choice
To wake this late…..
NOTES – Aiming for a century…

I don't give one anymore, I just sit there...
Drab 3d
The only way to flip.
Is to flip both ways.
Then you can decide.
38 · Sep 4
inFamous Quotes
Drab Sep 4
A reporter asks Bryce a question.
He responds, "is that a clown question dude"?
Who says Mormons don't have a sense of humour.

38 · 2d
How old?
Drab 2d
I am so old,
I have to take the blue pill,
just to think about ***.

That's as far as I get........
brain freeze (among my other stuff)?
38 · Sep 4
Drab Sep 4
They are watching me.
I know they are.
I don’t have to wish,
Upon a star.

Those evil things.
That roam the earth
It's INSIDEOUS !!!!!!…….
09.04.24 – Bernie is a genius!. Kramer too. i.e - He was a hideous person..;-). Shoulda put "water" in there. But then it got complicated.
37 · Aug 31
Associate of Artists
Drab Aug 31
I stood upon a dying stage,
The last one, the oldest age.
Two people were there, cheering me.
Two of the best, my brother and she…….
August 30, 2024 – Got a two-year college degree in my 40’s a while ago. Graduation was one of my life highlights. Took me 16 years but who’s counting? Funny the things that are important in life once you get near the big leap into the abyss. Still alive and making fun of the absurdity of the world is now my calling. Oh, and the absurdity of me….:-)
Drab Sep 2
Integrity, Honesty, especially Empathy, neuropathy,  uniqueness.....

Two out of five is a good batting average in MLB.....

Fun stuff.

OK I stopped the madness.

That train sailed long ago.

Stopping that is.......

RIP : J. Hinkley - He had the wrong idea. Shoulda aimed at the mass in particular Unfortunately, he's still with himself.\ and us.
09/02/24 and counting the seconds. Tik Talk tik talk Clareeeece.....

Why doesn't Jodie love me?

She shoulda, but couldn't.

This poem was paid for by the fine people from P.C. Inc.. It's in the bag but at least it's in one place.
37 · 6d
What I am.
Drab 6d
The letters are there,
I’ve seen them.
They lurk around every corner.

Oh those eyes as they follow me.
The eight especially.
It looks at me sideways.

Take a moment.
Save Ferris.

and the letters....
Note this
37 · 23h
The Ride
Drab 23h
Life is like a roller coaster.
It’s like a wave to me.
Eventually, everything looks the same no matter where I am.
Do I get off the ride,
Or get a freebie?
NOTE - 91824
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