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 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
Zoe Grace
I have somebody
He is perfect to me
Completely amazing
But he doesn't see what I see
I love him so much I don't deserve him ohmygod
 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
Lay me down,
leave me until I rot.
Go check the stained bed
and remove the corpse.

In a hole of fire throw it in,
let flames purify what once was me.
 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
Dark coffee, late morning.
Hot cup, cold heart.
Slowly sinking into the ocean.
Slowly losing the mind.
A fixed gaze on the wall,
fingers getting burned,
lifelessly inhaling,
feelings begin to rot.
 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
Her desire was love
but she found a land of ice.
In her duty to melt it
she ended up frozen alive.
 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
And over time,
My pen stopped bleeding
But my heart didn't
 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
Keep a secret
Tell no one
Keep a secret
The weight of a ton
Keep a secret
It's okay
Keep a secret
For one more day
Keep a secret
Don't tell
Keep a secret
Oh well
Keep a secret
Break their heart
Keep a secret
Fall apart
Keep a secret
Hurt lives
Keep a secret
Stab like knives
Keep a secret
Tell no one
Keep a secret
The weight of a ton
Keep a secret
Hurt no one

Be a secret.
Its not the pain that bothers me the most. Its, its my inability to comprehend the fact that i let you,
The one that i loved with the whole of my heart to slip out and fade away....
Love i dont even have enough words to comprehend how much i love you but youre not gonna be here anyway and i am not gonnna make peace with it. Either way  i am ******* so cheers to the epitome of sadness and regret till the day i die
 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
 Apr 2020 Ayodeji Oje
It’s a lock down a shut down
An epidemic pandemic
It’s more serious than Ebola
They call it Corona
Once it was isis
now it’s a virus
causing a crisis.
God bless the medics
Doctors and nurses
Let’s get back to Business
Is it a conspiracy,
A fever, or simple allergy
We don’t want your gold
We need more...flour.
You're a shooting star against the darkened sky,
You're a red rose in a sea of white lillies,
You're a breath of fresh air in this stale world,
You're a gold nugget in a dark coal quarry.
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