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Oct 2020 · 285
Absurdly yours
We are buffeted by the brutality of constant demands
That erode the inner steel we put up
To block out the absurdity of life.
Always looking forward, to what?
To time ticking down
As we move inexorably to unity in our everlasting darkness of nothing
The stupidity will hit us one day
A tsunami of regret
Why did I keep the madness at bay
instead of embracing it and taking it out to dance.
Jul 2020 · 206
Not again
We wake to our monochrome future
A way of life dictated top down
From a power that thinks it knows best
To tell us want to think, what to do.
Be comformist, compliant, collective.
Or else.

So History’s mistake repeats itself
When will the lesson be learned?
True power lies in being powerless
It pinpricks the tarpaulin that suffocates opinion.
An irrepressible vibrant culture of individualism
seeps colour up through the drains to the city’s beige surface.
It is irresistible for it is who we are.
We swim in the ocean of thought it releases
Our souls lie between the ocean and the darkness of the night sky
There, we are untouchable
There, victory lies.
Jun 2020 · 163
We constantly fear
our being here
means nothing.
That life,
our constant strife
brings no objective.
That our heart
at birth just starts
because of evolution.
We dread the thought
that we are nought
but atomised vacuity.
Yet in this deep doubt
is an instinct so stout
it tells us we exist
for a purpose.
And that instinct
we cannot ignore.
This city is lost in the wilderness
Our Trappist souls to discover
Our billowing needs stripped down to less
A chance inwardly to recover.

Let us not lay waste this time to reflect
Let the sigh of the wind lift our thoughts
Let snippets of kindness expand and collect
Let us love, for our time here is short.
May 2020 · 134
You tap your watch in those holes of time
The glint in your eye taunting,
‘Oh Life, so brutally rationed.
Such a shame. Tick tock!’
Sands pour down an unforgiving hush.
You beast.
How I yearn to escape you.
How your coiled fingers tighten their grasp
As you throw back your head
And cackle at the futility
Of my struggle.
For I am you
And we are one
Forever my worst enemy.
Apr 2020 · 135
Built for sorrow
We wake.
We worry
what the day will bring
If a second coffee is too much a thing
If the milk is off, if the washing is done
Can we do the ironing before the clock strikes one?

Will the dust that lurks in those little nooks
Under lampshades lips and on top shelve books
Accumulate to cause our death rattle cough
So we’re undiscovered ‘til the stench turns rough?

Has the dog been walked, has the cat been fed?
Has he tidied his room and made his bed?
Can I afford this and that? Have I remembered to shave?
Will I retire with no savings to misbehave?

Was the work I did yesterday correct?
Will it cause huge problems to resurrect?
And lead many fingers to point at me
Will I be sacked for everyone to see?

Is my income sufficient, have I over spent?
Will I have enough to pay my rent?
Do I rail at colleagues and think they conspire
To burn my career on a funeral pyre

At night when my mind should be shut down
These thoughts of woe go round and round
Petty nonsense obsessions are my default
I wish I could stop them, tell them to halt

But the human condition is like this
A constant search for tranquil bliss
Beyond our reach, an impossible mission
For stress and sorrow are the human condition.
Mar 2020 · 144
War forged your reputation
Inspiring language convinced your nation:
Never, never, never
To give blood toil tears and sweat,
Our duty this day  to be done for
No victory was more important than this.

Civilisation’s saviour are you
Heralding the truth when none believed
Until it was too late, most thought.
Redoubt sprang forth from your words
Courageous transcending oratory
Hope sublime in hopeless times
Inciting minds beyond logic
Lives were lost in sacrifice for
Lives saved in ensuing generations.

We shall never forget
Dive high! Dive low!
Throwing off powdered eggshell fragments as you go
flying through the air, your smile
so broad, that cackling chuckle, your smoothing style.
You sparkle above the brilliant blue
then dip once more to start your darting turn anew.
So cute!
So smart!
Playfulness fills the heart
Brim full with a cheerful lightness
You arc like a swallow and swoon into the brightness
of your glittering foil ocean
pure happiness your motion
Nature’s gift
You uplift
A cure
So pure
Youth and age as one unite
Watching you all day and night
As you bring a joy so right
so natural, so pink and so true…….
Goodbye, my friends, we’ll miss
Feb 2020 · 120
Ode to the coronavirus
Corona Corona Coronavirus
Why is it that you despise us?
So much so that you do cause
All of us to stay indoors

Romance is hard enough a task
To do without wearing face masks
You’ve taken from us that sheer bliss
Of leaning in and stealing a kiss.

You were pretty dire as a beer
Weak as water, insincere
One sip left you wishing, “please no more!”
And what the hell was that lemon for?

This “work from home thing” is not all that
Have you seen the size of Hong Kong flats!
Sure they may be expensive as hell,
But they’re not much bigger than prison cells.

Now supermarkets are anarchy and fear
As people fight the shelves to clear
No toilet paper or liquid soap
Sanitizer (and condoms?), don’t even hope.

You’ve destroyed so many jobs of ours
The economy will bear your scars
For this year and many far beyond
Your after effects felt very long

So time out now, we’ve had enough
It’s time for us to call your bluff
We are sick of fearing when we cough
Please pack your bags and just f—- off!
Feb 2020 · 122
Frowning Clowns
the town,
wearing crowns,
and frowns,
as sounds
drown and
up and down
the brown
Oh the renown
the nouns
of those clowns.
Feb 2020 · 112
Sometimes I drown in the horror of darkness.
My fragile ego skewered by slight.
Engulfed by the froth of raging bitterness.
Fantasized revenge my dreadful delight.

The rage floods down pulsating my whole,
Etna’s hot larva surging from deep.
A reaping torment rips through my soul,
destructive vengeance my mind entreats.

The waves of storm buffet and clatter
tugging my roots in crumbling earth.
A thousand voices scream and chatter
terrifying thoughts, my fevered curse.

Rampant, uncontrolled it works its way through me.
Until an aperture chinks some light.
Come back reason! Come rationality!
Shame me, forgive me, put me right!
We all have moments where we just need to close the door and let the darkness work its way through and out the other side.
Jan 2020 · 249
The baggage of life that leaves us racked
is wisdom by another name.
Its dragging weight that holds us back?
More keeps us grounded and sustained.

We are the sum of our experience
Bad or good it matters not.
Foundation stone for our resilience
Our soul it forms, our wounds it clots.

So let no pity or regret
sap our spirit or our minds.
In failure lies our own reset
towards the dreams we aim to find.
Jan 2020 · 178
We Trees
Like a tree’s tangled branches is the tale of one’s life
All gnarled, bent and twisted
weather-worn by spent strife.
Blustered by storms which test our deep roots
And pull hard at our souls in bitterest dispute.
Yet when moments of sunlight shimmer on our leaves
We stretch for the heavens and thank God for reprieve
Jan 2020 · 240
Dream Job Advert
We’re not looking for someone unique.
We want someone who does not limelight seek.
Who stands safely hidden inside the crowd.
Who is not too keen, diligent or proud
to think inside the box.
Push the envelope? Certainly not!
A person comfortable in their comfort zone
who doesn’t waste time trying new skills to hone.
We want no go-getters!
Be gone, you self-starters!
You must  at all times self-prohibit
from going beyond your own limits.
Your boundaries you must never stretch.
Only do your best to rest and not stress.
Thrive on the predictability of monotony.
Resile from the challenge of opportunity.
A no-can-do attitude is a must
if you are to be someone we can trust.
As a team player you will go far
only if you’re first one at the bar.
Your one ambition must be to strive
to work only from nine until five.
And of course we’ll pay you like a CEO,
with a gold parachute when it’s time for you to go.
Now wouldn’t the world be perfectly sound
if only there were job adverts like this around!
Jan 2020 · 170
This Vacant Morn
I rose this morning, yet failed to wake.
I wandered directionless, feeling fake.
Mind pregnant with thoughts, yet past thinking.
Soul vacant and turgid, long past caring.
Too much to address, yet no inclination
I yearn for your support, strength and motivation.
Slow, the cloud lifts, as if drawn by the heavens
Lo, I am made ready to take up my burden
Jan 2020 · 193
16th January
Another birthday.
In this terrifying moment of self reflection
let me lose myself in gratitude
for the love of those present and past
who radiate kindness towards me.
As the ribbon of tarmac stretches out
into the distance
of my rear view mirror,
let me not brood
but embrace hope
for the hairpin corners yet to come
as I climb the mountain
of my own experiences
to a collective unknown peak.
As I age let me discover
that playful creativity of mind,
find wonder in this world
and the great gift of maturing love.
Jan 2020 · 357
This morning’s hailstorm of queries
clatters my tin roof skull.
Its brain-penetrating din,
like a cold-ache jack-hammer,
rings its throbbing presence.

Come afternoon,
the wind blusters total chaos,  
billowing my patience so taut,
the pegs strain the guy ropes,
tugging at the grip
of the quaking ground beneath.

By day’s end all energy is spent.
I stare broken. A daze. Nothing.
Except you at my side.
And I am pieced back together
for tomorrow.
Jan 2020 · 179
Beyond the gift of sight
Two eyes and yet unable to see.
Two ears and  yet unable to listen.
Admitting mistakes is never easy.
Contrition is not the human condition.
To see the world as it is takes great thought,
determination,  patience and passion.
Learning through defeat in our battles fought,
etches deep knowledge in our life’s mission.
Jan 2020 · 141
Nighttime Declaration
This grey despairing cloud of trouble
Is a day from being reduced to rubble
In the storm of tomorrow’s energetic bubble
Jan 2020 · 197
Disruptive Silence
A boss forwards an e-mail
a one word question:
Oh sweet genius minimalist leadership!
Can it ever substance yield?

Vacuous answers fill the net.
Nothing of real thought in this haul.
Just regurgitated ideas in different clothes
But no one chooses to notice.
They believe they have touched
the face of innovative greatness,
the holy grail that is ‘disruption’.

Self-congratulation, back-slaps
high-fives all round.
Yet if all yearn to be disruptive,
no one really is
except the person standing still
saying nothing, not disturbing,
just observing.
Listening and thinking.
In silence.

Businesses inwardly focussed
drown in self-inflicted noise.
In meetings talk is everything.
The person who just listens?
A penalised non-contributor.

Noise is self-aggrandising.
The Big Me.
The talker spouts hyperbole
"There's no I in TEAM!"
Re-arranging the letters,
the listener smiles.
"Look AT ME",
the talker's real words.

The listener,
the true disrupter at work.
Ears open, mind observing, mouth shut.
Ignoring the smorgasbord
of finger-pointing and lime-light hunting
going on around her.
Intently focussed
on what needs to be done.
Doing it.

Noise shouts self-importance.
Silence finds wonder in insignificance.
Noise stays shallow on the shoreline.
Silence dives deep into the unbounded ocean of thought
and finds a beautiful stream of creativity,
the path to profound understanding.

No limits exist in silence's depths
just an awesome mind-expanding flow
where thoughts are wondrous fluidity.
Synapses spark and draw connections.
New ideas explode with energy.
A crystal level of consciousness
blocks out all in diamond clarity.

When that level is reached,
you are at ease in your world.
your breathing smooths.
Life is pure synchronicity
and the limits of humanity expand.
All it takes
is a moment’s silence.
Jan 2020 · 288
First Month
The first month is melancholic reluctance
uncertain expectancy, all hope foreboding.
A blanket grey cumulus waiting to reveal
Heaven’s offerings in this new year.

We mourn the passing of family and feasting
and torture ourselves in covenanted new rituals,
sacrificing happiness for a different pathway
in search of fresh purity, we flee past sins.

Why always self-loathing when January dawns?
Why this violent self-revolution?
Why the craving for renewal in the wizardry
of quick-fix cures for our diseased past?

What of gratitude, kindness and continuity?
What of love and wisdom inherited from our histories
that ripple forward in that comforting echo
of friends and family who remain within us?

The constancy of garnet is January’s true transition.
The stubborn goat sure-footed on the mountain-side,
unmoving unbending despite storms that unsettle
as another year deepens the roots of our knowledge.

In God Janus’s beginning, we celebrate things past
that we clasp and hold aloft in triumph.
Our stalwart anchor grips strong, made ready
by challenges vanquished in bygone years.

To be buffeted but stalwart is the true new hope.
Another circle on the trunk ringing our heart of oak,
wisdom sprouts green sprigs in winter’s depths
to breathe new life into a maturing love.

— The End —