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219 · Sep 2017
Love the double edge sword
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
IT                        TAKES
A         STRONG           MAN
TO                                        LOVE
A             ­                      WOMAN
YET                                          IN
HIS        ­               WEAKNESS
HE                                 IS
IN               HER
I have been playing with word art for a while now
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
Woman Celebrities are taking a stand
young and old join the band

Is there a statue of limitations on crime
Let’s go back to the beginning of time

There witch hunt has begin
The bell can not be unrung

The memory is a funny thing
Versions of Truth unraveled by a string

Time distorts and changes reality
What was once accepted can no long be

Ponder this
Let’s be realistic

We can not change the world in a single day
There are many layers at play

The world is full of sin
Judging others is no way to win

Forgive yesterday, change today,  
Jesus teaches
As you Judge others so you shall be judged
He who is without sin cast the first stone
I have listed to some of these women talking of 30 to 40 years ago they felt wronged but we’re never forced yet make claims today: did they ever  talk to the person don’t  no so why persecute them in public  now Society is getting out of hand
219 · Nov 2023
A threat
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
An Idea

The embracement
of an Idea

One person
is of NO significance,

But the more who can see
what is, and what will be


Now your awake
Which leads to


The building blocks
To Create

A Movement

Shared with other
like minded people

A Community

To inspire change

What if
They are listening?
Are you listening?
There are governments that believe you should not be thinking for yourself. Ideas can be deadly therefore, no more free speech or free thought.
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Propels us into night gear
Christmas almost here
Shop tell you drop

Christmas Day
Came and left as swiftly
I was tired from
All the hustle and bustle

Sitting at the dinner table I asked
What did you get Jesus
On his birthday
Blank stares from a
Confused group
A nervous roar of laughter

the children listening
unsure of what I was after
I smiled
Talking over
A Side comment or two
I began to explain; honesty, faith,and love

Those are gifts Jesus would want
Still the group seem lost in what answer
I was looking for
Then I heard it

Someone with a bit too much
Christmas Cheer
Cleared his throat and said
“Well Honestly
I gave him nothing”
Nervious roar of laughter
deafened my ears

My heart was so sad
I smiled and excused myself
From the table
Charity, patience,and forgiveness
Begins at home

All I can think of Is
Dying for us
“Lord for give them they know not what they do”
I have so much to learn
That was awkward so not how I thought the conversation would go
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
This is the hardest thing
For me to say
Harder still to have gone through
The Whole ordeal

I have COPD on oxygen
Walk with a cane
surgery set my 2nd total knee replacement

Physical violence
Elderly abuse   
It happens to others
not me

My ***** secret
Of blame and shame
It’s my fault
if I wouldn’t have
done this or that
It wouldn’t have happened
If only

I  deserved it
Why is the negative stuff
easier to believe

My adult daughter
My only child
Love of my life
Hit me,hurt me
Beat me up
She went for my lungs punching
My knee so I couldn’t walk

Cold and calculated then because
Inadvertently scratched her
Trying to get her off of my chest
I couldn’t breath

Stunned by the scratch
She went to see what I had done
Came out with a curling iron
Beat me with it until the
medal Part broke off
on my legs and knees

She Calling the police because she had a mark
I begged her to put the phone down
I told her "you don’t think I have marks"
She wanted me to suffer in jail
With no medications

Subsequently she was arrested
Assalt with a weapon
In the end
She will blame It all on me
I’m Still trying to wrap my head
Around what happened

I’m stunned
To see  deep dark hatred
In the eyes

Of my only child
My loved one
Hatred me enough to
Get on top of me punching me
In my chest
I couldn’t breath

I have cuts and bruises  
That will fade
But most importantly
Harder still is the realization
I am not safe
around her
I’m so devastated

After reflection, contemplation
I believe
It’s stems from money
I received an inheritance
She thinks , She is entitled

When money was no longer
Anger,hatred was unleashed
From the pit of hell

The flood of other events
Of bullying ,aggressive behavior
Verbal and physical
Her whole life
Came to mind

I blocked it all out
Until it was pointed out to me
I have to accept
My part in all this
I let her escape the consequences of her youth
I created a monster
With my good intentions
No one is perfect
Children do not come with an instruction manual

That being said
I did not raise her to be disrespectful
To lie,cheer, steel
Break the Ten Commandments

Although she lives a few hours away
I’m still afraid
I hate feeling helpless, weak

I dream she is
Standing over me
With a knife
Wanting to **** me

Then I wake up
I’m not coping
I need help

I’m morning the loss of
my only child
Who grew willful and wild
I can NEVER be safe around her

This realization
Has me in effect
Morning the loss
of our Relationship
Of my only child

The grandchildren
Have been a part of my life
A third parent at times
I have very strong connections
With each of them

I will not
Let her use them as pons
In her games
Hostages against me
It stops now

Her  jealousy
Loathing, dispise of me
Has only deepened through her life
I’m the reason for every bad thing that happens
No matter if I’m around or not
I love my daughter with every bit of my heart
Money the root of all evil
always walking on eggshells
215 · Mar 2018
Happy Birthday to me
CJ Sutherland Mar 2018
I’m To young to be old
To old to be young
My daughter
Constantly told me
Don’t dress like that
Raising her eye brow
In disapproval
Giving my that looking
I’m conservative
But trendy
Victoria Secrets
Michael Kors bags
Only the latest designers
My Grandson
Gave me the BEST
he called me a Baller
I had to look it up !!!
For those of you who
do not know
What that means
I’m dressed to the nines
everything matches  
trendy on point
My reply to my daughter
is yes they do
because I’m rocking it
My birthday is a week from today
I always take stock of the past year
Where I am we’re I want to be in the future
And most importantly
Who I have become
I like who I am for the most part
The rest is a work in progress
214 · Sep 2017
His Mistress
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
For better or worse
Ignorant trusting
It's the kind of thing
that happens to
other people
Not Us
Our bond                         was strong
a lasting love
He tried to hide
His Mistress
how brazen
right under.             my nose
Why did he                          give her
His soul
Sneaking out
to get a taste of her
laughing in delight
she gave her all
The smell of her
on his lips
fooling no one
except himself
      Lying Eyes                                 Standard denial
I found them
as he was just
finishing her
Caught in the act
I had to see
who stole my man
Face to face
Stunned                                     dis-belief
I could never                                   measure up
now I knew her name
***** Smirnoff
If you notice this is supposed to be two people on top of each other
An alcoholic hiding his alcohol Fools no one  especially one who does not drink
213 · Sep 2017
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Thank heaven
for grandchildren
when they look at me
with their trusting eyes
Asking a million questions
what, when, where, and whys  
My unconditional love
that nothing denies
I pray they will be
healthy, wealthy
and wise
My daughter and her husband have 5 children
210 · Sep 2017
Sweet Dreams
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
I have a dream of my very own
it's been my imaginary friend
My comfort when I am alone

I no longer condone
listening to lies on the phone
no more arguing, I keep an even tone

My dream is big enough to share
with that special someone out there
I thank God for making it just for me

I have kissed the past good bye
This resolve only I can make
No more wedding cake

It's all part of making me new again
No more fake smiles or pretend
I am learning to be,My own best friend
Marriage has ups and downs. I wrote this poem 12 years ago.  Still together now32 years married 36 together
210 · Dec 2023
For Auld Lang syne, My Dear
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
New Year s Eve parties
We “dressed to the nines “
Fancy frilly Dresses
Hair updos, nails, lashes
Dress to impress.
but it’s all for fun.
Ready to ring in the new year
with those we hold Dear.
those who are no longer here.

As we count down
the seconds until midnight
A sparkler for delight
Holding our loved one tight
Fireworks,Noice makers
popping streamers Watch them fly high into the sky.strategically position
In the middle of the dance floor,
Five, four, three, two, one…
“Happy NewYear” The crowd cheers
The bells begins to ring,
Well wishes, Cheek Kisses
Collectively, We all begin to Sing.  

Should old acquaintances be forgot
And never brought to mind

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and Auld Lang Syne

For Auld Lang Syne ,my dear
For Auld Lang Syne

We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
For Auld Lang Syne…

There’s actually more lyrics to this, but nobody ever sings them?

Have you ever wondered
What this song means?
After a few drinks,
it doesn’t really matter
A hill of beans!

Auld Lang Syne means,
Old or long since, Old Times

It invokes feelings of nostalgia, especially to memories of good times spent.
Should old acquaintances, be forgot, and never brought to mind

Serves as a reminder to cherish those fond memories that We’ve already had,
Which makes the song
A perfect New Years Eve song.

This song was written centuries ago. A Scottish poem, updated by Robert Burns, in 1788, Who gave a new modern version from the original poem. by author Alan Ramsey.
Please share with me
How do you Ring  
in the new year.
How do you spend New Year’s Eve now in my 60s, we seldom stay up double digits(after9:00pm) usually, I’ll wake up when I hear people yelling and screaming outside and the fireworks going off. I’ll go to the door and check it out. And come and whisper happy new year to my husband and kissing on the cheek and he mutters it back to me and I sleep. but it’s all good, because I would rather be in bed next to him, then anywhere else in the world
206 · Dec 2017
Music makes pictures
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Music makes pictures and often tell stores
All of its magic and all of its true
All the pictures and all of the stories
All of the magic the music is you

These profound words are from
John Denver
rest in peace my friend
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
We are the voice of our generation
From all walks of life
Sharing our joy and pain

We are representatives of a society that struggles
We feel the passion to voice our views
We are stirred to write  out of necessary
A yearning to voice our thoughts

Well after we are gone our words are forever in print
For future generations to study and learn
Who we were and what we were thinking And WHY
Our struggles, our points of view matter more the we will ever know

Our voice matters
While we need to respect other points of views
We must also stand strong  for what be truly believe
Defending our hope, pride, and the American way

In other countries people right to freely say what they think
Is not permitted
Stifled by a leadership serpressing their freedom and voice
Their opinions

As long as we are free and proud our voice must be heard
In retrospect this is a tremendous honor and burden
To be the voice of reason for our Generation
The state of the union has be thnking honorably
CJ Sutherland Mar 13
Bob and Kathy lived next door
They picked up our leaves and
swept our driveway and porch floor
Neighbors. Yes, but so much more.

For thirty five Glorious. years
We Watched both our families grow
Love and respect Is was all we know

Bob’s passion ,was restoring old cars
That’s what they lived for, who they are.
Car shows , The annual Vetran’s parade
Bob was celebrated for his choices made
To showClassic 1920 Henry Ford model T
Custom detail a delight for all to see

The United States pays obeisance to
The military on Veterans Day
Bob an Army soldier, Green Beret
He was a bad ***,  that’s what he would say

In the blink of an eye, Happy Time passed
We realize why, Good things never last
Full of laughter, love and Many tears
Inevitable realization of their fears

As they age, Life turned the page
Health became their Clock, their gage
Out of the blue ,One fateful day, Bob fell ill
Cancer slows the body to a still

Bob would say “I’m not ready to die today”
We all knew Death was waiting at Bay
The Next phase ,The long goodbye they say
Bob wouldn’t have it any other way

Cancer in remission
Life was a condition
Weakening body in transition
Stealing lives without permission

Bob fought the good fight
Holding on with all his might
After each procedure ,Bouncing back
It was tough to keep Life, love on track

Family came over to watch him die
Only to see him fight and try
Bob put on a brave face,
which was a lie
His wife Kathy Sneaks off to cry
Cancer you cannot deny

Finally Death came to call
Eventually it will ,for us all

The children live in town,
Now, they are never around
The house sits dark and bare
Nobody is ever there

Kathy lives in the house alone
Their house is no longer at home
BLT where did the day obeisance
means acknowledgment of superiority showing respect synonym homage
204 · Dec 2017
Sign of our times
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
On the radio today
I heard something I could not believe
To my dismay

Church goers want the to bring guns to church
Congregation in decay
I understand the fears
predicated from a billion tears

However I laughed at the obserity of it all
the mass shooting of people left in the lurch
But Guns in church
That is not how we should answer the call

it’s open season  on christians who believe
Yet church is a place of hope, love, faith, not to deceive
What an oxymoron to be told
Christians !
its going to get worse a test, we’re out in the cold
Instead of reaching for a gun
Drop to your knees pray to God’s Son

Be observant watch those diligently 
who are near
Give it to God
there is nothing to fear

Satin is winning
He laughs in delight grinning
We don’t even believe he is real
To those Luke warm  Christians it’s no big deal

This is a sign of our times
When right from wrong people don’t even know
Not believing is a crime
We need to learn pray and grow
Our society today is so lost
203 · Mar 2018
St Patrick's Day
CJ Sutherland Mar 2018
I met my love in a pub
Drinking a pint of brew
He swept me off my feet
We fell in love before we knew
Romance so sweet  

However I had a major problem an issue
He had a tattoo of his exwife's name
On his upper arm
I was not happy about this

Out witting an unwilling participant
is not a piece of cake
We both are head strong people
a miracle it would take

The humiliation was my cause of alarm
We needed to find an immediate solution
To cease further harm
We were at odd on opposite sides of a revolution

My darling man of reason Wanted to clear the air
He wanted to be fair
He Wondered how he would feel if his wife had
Another mans name for every season

With a wink and a smile I sweetly suggested
he put a line under the letter T
He said HELL NO I'm not Irish
Quickly the conversation regressed

I held my temper But stood my ground
I smiled spoke in my sweetest voice
The patience I found

Leaving him little to no choice
Well dear I'm not TRISH
Resolution my only wish

The day is done
A clever girl has won
Sublime heart and mind
Contentment For all of time I would find

Was it such a large price to pay?
What would you do or you say?
To resolve this situation in an amicable way

35 years of marital bliss
Came down to this
A simple line I drew
in the preverbal sand  
An't love grand

My darling Lad drinks a pint of brew
to celebrate St Patrick's Day
To pass the time away of the change of his Tattoo
This story not many knew

Happy wife happy life
A Tattoo is forever think twice
Your decision is for life

Now my Irish pappy
Not Irish happy  
Wears his arm on his sleeve
A learned lesson to believe
I was able to recover this poem deleted in error
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
Our president  was elected by the people
When has that been positive for everyone
Yet some are not happy
Our society of entitlement
It’s a sign of our times
Our society is based on ME first

I watched the Grammies women complained
Not everyone can win
You can please some of the people some of the time
But you can’t please everyone all the time

The state of the union was like
School children unwilling to play together
Life is not fair who ever said life is fair
Then complaining when a certain person
doesn’t  get what they want
It’s so childish

The president was trying to show us
What things we have to be proud of
What we should focus on
Celebrate come together accomplish what we can
We are our own worst enemies, we need to stop the bickering
Everything the president spoke about was positive

Take off the rose color glasses and celebrate life
Americans are dreamers too
To all those semitors who boycotted the state of union
We Americans need to remove those people from office
The president offers compromise
I noticed the obvious separation. Between both parties

We can fix the broken system
Remain part of the problem or become part of the solution
the struggle will be long and difficult ,However
We can and will succeed and prevail
A few lines were taken directly from the presidents speech
CJ Sutherland May 22
Most folks will deny
We’re all bias prejudice
That’s why we’re a mess

A modern haiku
A.k.a. Free Form or Contemporary Haiku Allows a greater freedom to expressed ideas, emotions through Haiku

A juxtaposition or surprise
Allows the reader to experience a sudden shift in perspective or emotion
I taught a class in ethics. Everybody has biases and prejudices. Things they were taught, things they’ll learn from their surroundings, things they learn to believe on their own.. we make determinations of people within seconds. We determine whether they’re friends or foe. by our filters of what we know. Nobody is perfect.
196 · Sep 2017
Hiding in plain sight
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
The faces you see
Are not who
I want to be

My smile is as big
For all to see

Looking Closely
the eyes
Never tells lies

Yet I have scars
You can not know

I have pain
Which would
drive most insane

Is it you
Is it me
Push Away
Would you not feeling well if people ask how are you today don't want it now they just want you to say fine
195 · Dec 2017
The House Church
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
An interesting phenomenon
Takes place in houses at Christmas
There is no other time of the year
When it is so natural
To have a Religious presence
In our house
The Christmas tree itself
Is a religious symbol
It’s origins are rooted in
The tree of life
In the Garden of Eden
Often we place a star
Or an angel at the top
At Christmas
we have a manger scene
With the child Jesus
Mary and Joseph
the shepherds, the magi
And angels
Closely associated with
Religious ritual
are very popular  Christmas decorations
In our homes
We listen to religious music in our homes
Christmas carols with religious themes
A prayer is usually said before the Christmas meal,
Even in homes where this is seldom done
During the year
This might set us thinking about the value
Of year round religious symbols
In the home
Perhaps we need to focus on
The renovation of our house church
We have a tradition of religious symbols
In our house
The cross, a family Bible,Ext...
But it’s faded a bit,
The Christmas season is a good time
To take a second look at having year round
Religious symbols in
Our House Church
Just a thought how many religious ornaments are on your tree?
195 · Jan 2018
False start
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
My last poem
“ start at the beginning and shine “
Suggests with read first post
I proceeded to go to the first poems
of some of my favorite poets
However they had so many poems
I was unable to get to the beginning
Hense False Start

So now my friends
I need to know
the names of the poem(s)
You want me to read

I can look them up by name
if I tap on the poem list
it has an A through Z
And most popular options

so let’s try it again
Please leave me the name of the poem
You wish me to read
Let’s start by letting to know
Each other
My first poems is
“His Mistress “
194 · Nov 2020
CJ Sutherland Nov 2020

A                     Tiny


Can                                 Drive

A          Big.       Dog

The Brain will naturally put the words in the correct order.
the power of the brain.
(I’m not sure why I cannot take the period after the word big it’s the system not my intention)
192 · Dec 2017
Music my muse
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
I love the 1970s

A great time in my life
I can play a record(vynal)
And remember where I was
What was happening
When the song first hit the scene

The vivid pictures
The strong emotions
I have music
For every mood

Our poetry is
The same
It flows
Washes over us

Takes us back to a moment
Vivid pictures
Strong emotions
I have a story
For every mood

Yearning to reminisce
Freaking out for something
To write on
Write with
To capture
the thought

Fleeting flying flew
Old age
191 · Jan 27
Repost a Gracious Host
CJ Sutherland Jan 27
Once you post a poem,
it sees the light of day
But quickly time passes
the poem slowly fades away
Lost to obscurity

A poet randomly posted
A poem from 2018
The poem gathered stride
My gracious delight, I did not hide
My joy awoken to take a ride
To walk again on the wild side
A poem brought back to life again
Read click and send

Now here’s a thought
Kindness is easy, no need to pretend
Bring new life to a poem’s end
Deepen A relationship of a poet friend

You read one of my poems, an in-kind
one of your poems, I will read,
this cycle will plant a seed

Turnaround is Fair-play
I appreciate what other poets have to say
Let’s exchange poems, make my day
If you have a poem that you wanted revisited. Invite a fellow poet. To renew the Poem’s life
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
I used to pray
" let mother be alive"
father told us
She was dead

sisters whispers
that's not true
He took us away
So now I knew

Years of searching
to find her and care
many empty faces
it's awful out there

The streets of LA
a bitter cold place
survival changes
God's good Grace

My prayer
has been answered
she was alive
dying each passing day

God gave her to me
then he took her away

No more
do I
My Mother was a bag lady on the streets of Los Angeles.  I could not find her until I was 18 years old grandmother was sick and hired an investigator
But lived out of state I searched for weeks in down town  Lost Angeles soup kitchens ally's looking for my mother when I found her she had throat cancer and didn't even live for three months  I wrote a lot during that time
185 · Jan 26
CJ Sutherland Jan 26
Alone, Together

A World Lost People Entranced  

iPhone Invented

A modern haiku, a.k.a. Freeform haiku this type of a haiku also includes the Kireji
The Kireji is used to create a sense of juxtaposition or surprise, allowing the reader to experience a shift of perspective or emotion. This type of haiku is not limited to nature, but every day life.
Steve Hobs good or evil we spent hours on our cell phone or tablet or I Pod’s is this in mind control? Ultimately are the computer gadgets harmful? We are not to be in the world but other world. Our computers ruling up already.? Without A Van realizing it.
183 · Jan 2018
Read a Good Book
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
When I was a child
I was alway board,My mom would say
Read a good book for a while
Today’s digital age that might sound strange
But getting lost in a book, a life rearranged
I could Image in vivid detail, words come to life, popped off the page
Experience situations; first love, true hate, violence, controlled rage
I flourished in the imagery of my imagination
perception limited only by age’s infatuation
I began to love school,with a book, self taught,homework a breeze
Comprehending subjects, life made sense, I was at ease
As I grew through the seasons
I saw my friends struggle in school, for many reasons
I asked my closest friends do you read non text books on your own
No they laughed, labeling me a nerd, one said you mean alone?
I realized school books were my ticket to any where
I could fulfill my dreams with the right books, I would make it there
I learned to be a professional student, class tests, so predictable to see
Different points of views interest me,
Pushing the teachers To challenge me became fun to win
School became a game I was a sponge soaking it all in
There were few teachers that challenged me to dig deeper within
Creative writing is really where my life truly would begin
I achieved every goal I set with drive and determination
I desired to leave my mark for my generation  
Writing my life story is more then just a means to an end
So, If your a mother,grandmother,or good friend
If you hear a child say they are board
Tell them “to read a good book, and we can discuss it”
However if their nose crinkles, they say they hate to read
It’s your duty to Intercede
A trip to the library is all you need
Help them find a book so amazing they don’t want to put it down
When they carry that book reading it all around town
You know your job is well done
They will be hooked on reading and that’ only half the fun
where books take them on life’s journey, is as infinite as the stars
A much brighter future then  illiterate  battle scars
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
My heart is confused  
my thoughts of wanting
cloud my head
My thoughts of needing
To jump into bed
My thoughts of hurting
the heart is dead
my thoughts of wondering
was it something I said
I need more
I do not want just companionship
I do not want the warmth of a body  
I do not want just friendship
I do not want to be smothered
I do not want to be your mother
perhaps I have to find another
Blast from the past I'm not quite sure when this with white a while ago think I was in my early 20s
182 · Jan 2018
New Years Resolutions
CJ Sutherland Jan 2018
Either you believe in them or you don’t
Either you will keep them or you won’t

Why would anyone want to make a list
If all they write will be dismissed

For me it’s a bit like therapy
Looking deep within me

Evaluating the last year
What I held dear what I fear

I have to visit my past
To achieve a future at last

I formulate goals and dreams
And begin to look between the seems

Two categories are devised
Personal goals and future, dreams a list analyzed

My completed list is etched in my brain
If I blow it mess up a day, I don’t go insane

I don’t throw in the towel tomorrow’s a new day
I keep the same motivation the same values the same way

In the end it’s for a better me
That something I can live with you see

I encourage you all to try this process, make a list that will last
the old you will be not be miss but a thing  of the past
Each day is a new beginning and the possibilities are in less
180 · Mar 3
Memorial Haiku
Roadside DEATH, Flowers
Motorcycle accident
Loved one remembered
Driving I saw some flowers and a cross on the side of the road and it made me think of this
This is a Haibun Haiku
CJ Sutherland May 13
Must learn from the past
Else we call past the future
Cross roads destiny
****** killed 6 million Jews when a nation ostracize and exterminated all Jewish people. That’s happening again now. Don’t think it’ll stop with just the Jews .they’ll call for the Christians death next , as foretold in the Bible.. One can argue. This is the beginning of the end.
179 · Sep 2017
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Search for her
Strive for her
Long for her
Watch her slip
Through your fingers
The moment you obtain her
Let her go
Stop chasing
She will find you
When you find
The poem looks like a woman
Word art
177 · Apr 2018
Lent 40 days until Easter
CJ Sutherland Apr 2018
The last forty days of Jesus’ life
Judas’ betrayal, a mother’s strife
Jesus told all around him
The sequence of events would be grim

“God so loved the world
He gave his only son
Who so ever believe in him
Will not parish
But have ever lasting life “(KJ Bible)

Undecribable pain racks my mind
Jesus’ death All to save every soul of man kind
Ultimately all but one apostles was murdered killed
John in exile still wrote, God’s grace many books he filled

Still we sin some don’t even believe
We live in a world practicing to deceive
No man will know the exact moment Jesus will return
However we have everything we need the Bible to learn

“When wrong is considered right
And right is considered wrong “
We are a standing at a  precipice
The next tragity shan’t be long

Faith and love The Bible teaches all we need
In paralleless times, strong faith with God’s will you’ll succeed
It time to learn who you are how deep are your morels vested
To understand why evil doers ****, our values will be tested

Today Jesus died a violent death
At the hands of man who hadn’t a clue
His last words to God
“Forgive them Lord
They know not what they do”

Can we even imagine that amount of love
It takes for such compassion
To carry out such a plan from above

Happy Easter
God Bless you all
Revelation is a book to start after all it’s about what comes next all quotes from the Bible
177 · Jun 2023
A visit at the nursing home
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
I  can smell the musty, generations passed
An odd lingering scent that last
A Mixture of cedar wood and moth *****
Bring forth a flood of memories.
I great their calls
Happiness Fills my head and nose
A flower for Grandma,
A hand picked garden Rose.
It’s much more than just their clothes
The scent transport me to Yesterdays
A maze of peace, only A heart knows

In the visiting room they’re walkers and wheelchair all clutter
The set up, make it hard, to get to them
Under their breath, they mutter
We show our love with hugs and kisses
Whispering in there ears secret wishes

A quiet sadness fills the air
looking into their blank stares.
Was this going to be,
another awkward silence?
Only in time we shall see
Perhaps A frustrating outburst of violence
Are they in there?
We miss them, and we care
Or have they gone?
We wonder for how long,
off to some place in their mind.
Where did they go?
what will they find?
Hopefully fading back
Sometimes Music and stories,
help them find what they lack.

Children, young and old
gather for; a yarn, a tail, a story told.
Loving memories My grandma knew,
from a time of long ago.

Her soft voice was gentle and kind
a warm comfortable chair,
One can always find.
Settling down till the story fills my head and the visions spins like cobwebs
I fall asleep in my makeshift bed.

The story always starts the same.
Somebody asks her
“what is it like being so old,?(100)
Knowing most of your life is behind you” ?

With A Wink and A Smile, and
A twinkle in her eyes she begin.
As we listen to the adventures
of a lifetime gone by.
when we laughed , and cried
Babies born and
loved ones Died

“I have always been the same age
my entire life” She says

As A Girl, A Women,A Mother , A Wife
and now A Grandma.A Great Grandma
My fathers darling little girl
With unruly wild hair that curled
Through all my adventures
the Child (age 10)  inside of me,
provided joy and optimism
I could see.
I took pleasures in
the simple things
Of what my life would bring

There was a time;
I got caught up in the worldly ways.
Collecting silly Stuff. I took No guff!
Whoever has the most toys wins.!
I lived in the world of many sins.
Time passed with age, just another phrase
I realize; I lived in a bubble, I was blind.
Family the bonds that bind
Truth acquired along the way.
Kindness towards a stranger
Finding the right thing to say.
Looking for the best
in the worst situation each day..
Realizing every person is in your life weather; a moment, a brief time, or season  Only God knows, there is a reason.

That young girl is why;
I giggle for no reason at all,
I may smile at a private thought
and you look at me as if I’m crazy.
Perhaps I’m thinking of
A beautiful yellow daisy
and my favorite dress age 10
when in our mind children pretend.
where  I didn’t have a care in the world.
I could spin, give it a whirl, and a twirl dream adventures; stories or a song
While doing  chores all day long..
My father told me I could be
anything, I only had to believe
If my pictures is true,
I will not be deceive

I have tried on many hats
Somethings I’ve done I’m not proud of.
But other adventures have filled my heart with a richness that brings me gratitude.
With this comes a winning attitude.

I gained a peace I’ve never know.
So, when you come to visit me
don’t feel sad, don’t groan,
that I’m in a place such as this.

Know You we’re truly missed.
I’m waiting to see YOU,
To give you a hug and kiss
to fill your heart  with
a life once lived in a richness
that you will never know.
My spirit is a glow

I’m sorry we did not
leave you a better place.
But I can tell you of that
Place you’ll  miss
full of God’s loving grace
Do I gotta get it baby there is a child in each of us. Many people forget about that. Whatever you’re doing there’s the Adulting you and the child in you. It’s hard to see parents, declining and age. We want to remember them when they were strong and beautiful. But they still have worse.
Selling the elixir of youth
It sounds so shrewd uncouth
Selling meaningful beauty
It’s sold as a woman’s duty

What would you do to achieve?
That which the commercials deceive
Women buy into the hype, at what cost
Spending obscene amount of money lost

Pressuring woman to feel less inferior
A fake false façade on the exterior
The true essence of a woman lives within
A smile, her luminescent grin

Her radiant inner beauty shines through
Naturally cultivated as she grew
The light Shines in her eyes and in her face
From God’s beauty and loving Grace

A modern quatrain with rhythm AABB
The commercials try to sell creams and lotions in elixirs while the stars are drinking babies blood to keep them young. There should be a warning sign on these labels women buy into the height spending thousands of dollars to keep your use to try to look like that star on TV but not even they look like that.
174 · Feb 2023
Awhile With Me
CJ Sutherland Feb 2023
Will you walk
a while with me

a loving heart,
who has eyes to see
when stars shine
over the darken sea

the quiet rest
at the end of the day
while all else sleep
I cry and pray

will you walk
a while with me

a friend who knows
and cares to say
stay strong, my dear
I am always near

sweet words that cheer
my questioning heart,
no matter how distant
we are never apart

will you walk
a while with me

in spirit, the Lord
takes my hand
with tearful eyes
I search for answers
in the kindness
of His soul

until the pain
will let me go.

Will you
walk a while
with me?
I wrote this long ago and it didn’t get any traction. I think only one reader, so I reformatted it to see if that makes a difference the original
will you walk a while for me
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
there is
Its easy if you try (John Lennon)

People of faith
will find this

No one
to confess

there is
God's law
to teach
to preach


there is
in Today's

You can
Decide to
Burn the flag
fly it

Does that make you
your own God???

Good or Bad
Right or Wrong

so empty
living in fear
what is life
WHO is whispering
in my ear

Are we
Do we

do I
Loved ones do not believe in God I have to figure a way to educate them. I worry for their
Eternal soul 1-12-2021
171 · Oct 2021
CJ Sutherland Oct 2021
An Optimus
their.                           glass
       half.                         full.
A pessimist
their                              glass
half.                     empty.
their glasses
How do you…………… perceive the world.
The poem is in the shape of a teardrop. Or a drop of water. It’s all in the manner of How you perceive the world.
170 · Oct 2017
Revalation tribulation
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
Do we think we know more then God
Many no longer believe there is a God

So Why are we afraid
And we are all afraid of something

We have no reason to be frighten
the comfort is in the Lord

IF you truly believe
there's nothing to be frightened of

"How is it you have no faith" Jesus asks
(Holy Bible)

Humanity is falling apart
Many have hardened their heart
They no longer believe

How can we justify the ****** of more then  
58 million unborn babies since 1973
That is more deaths
Then all the wars put together

We must stop now

We ask for mercy killing of the elderly
Dr. Kavorian the killer of the old

We must stop now

When German parents have been imprisoned and fined for withholding their children from *** education class that teaches 9 year olds how to have *** (including homosexual ***)

We must stop now

When medical staff in Sweden and Portland have been fired for refusing to perform abortions because of their faith

We must stop now

Around the world pastors and clergy
are feeling the heat by refusing  to perform same-*** marriages

We must stop now

Look around the world human trafficking ,: terrorists senseless killings
the war is in our shopping malls, at concerts

We must stop now

Lack of belief leads our society down a round where morals are no longer present

The line between right and wrong
is no longer blurred it's completely gone

We must stop now

Wide is the path of many
that leads to distraction
narrow is the path of few
that lead to righteousness

We must stop now

The Christians who walking the path of righteousness are ridiculed as prejudice, close minded,  attacked for their beliefs
Christians are to be tolorent to the sinners

What is happening in the world when right is wrong and wrong is right

We must stop now
These facts come from a the book of Revelation decoded and the holy Bible
170 · Sep 2017
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
I am a
in the rough
a rock really,
raw edges
but if                                     you care
to look
you can see
With polish
and refinment
I will shine to
Want to
Give me a rub
Something I love to play with word art is something  as far as I know I am vented I wear my poems have a recognizable shape  this person is me
169 · Jul 2023
Helter Skelter
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
Charles (Charlie) Manson 1969
was in the Local News mostly The Times
when he committed the crimes.
The young girls were so blind
lace on drugs; hallucinogens and wine.
The trial lingered through A 70s time line.

I was 15 when we found Stoner’s Den.
Chatsworth Park North, where and when.
Behind the Railroad Tracks, & Tunnel;Then
Up in the mountains and hills we found
An opening to a cave in the ground

I wondered just how deep the leap
I dropped a rock in the hole
to see how far , The cave did go
but I never heard it hit the ground
Not even the slightest of sound

The boys had been there before
The opening in the ground was the door
A thick rope knotted Nice and Neet
Dangled down approximately 20 feet.

Ominous dark Messed with your head
Your feet had to find the ledge or your dead
No going back this way, they said.
Navigating rocks in a narrow jagged path
smaller and tighter the deeper you went
The time to worry was half past spent.
If you were claustrophobic
this was the wrong place to be
luckily that was not me. However
I was not prepared for what I would see

In the Dark ,The skinny girls cried  
soon I know why, A Solid ROCK SLIDE
Lay flat on your back with just
enough room to bend your knees
and don’t sneeze please
Crawl Slide on your back,
stay close keep track
skinny girls had no fat.
They had to be pushed until their
body glide down the rock slide.

I had the opposite issue.I was fat
My girth was momentum on the rock Earth
I slide fast and hard with all my worth.
No control, A dip, A drop, unable to stop
I hit a friend, welcome to the Stoner’s Den.
Dimly lit, hard to see, Satan’s ****** words
Were Warnings, on all the walls ,
Invoking spirits, evil calls
Many half Burnt candles on the ground
piles of Dusty spare matches
And flashlights we found.
Whoever owned them was not around .
Once lit The flickering light filled the room.  
An uneasy feeling I was in a tomb

A boulder so large we
couldn’t Put your arms completely around.
It could not be removed from the ground.
A pipe was drilled in rock from top down

If Your First time  you must drink red wine and smoke the rock with *** you brought.
I was Afraid of what drug residue were left behind. Would my **** contain dope?

I didn’t want any part of that scene
overwhelming fear, the need to flee
Panicking, I was turning green.

Over and over they played their game
Three other girls lower their head in shame
The more peer pressured I grew cold
I said, NO ,I just want to go.,
Nothing more to say, I got my way.

There were three EXITS out
Easy, Medium or Extreme no doubt .
So  You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to Know which way the girls wanted to go  Nice and slow, Easy, Peezy no problem
Why couldn’t we have gone In that way
If the girls had a say! The experience might’ve gone a different way. Hard to say

Years later, we learned, The trappings of
Where we had been. As legend had it, Stoner’s Den was right below Spawn Ranch
were  Charlie’s Family lived and danced.
It was know they had been to Stoner’s Den

Charles Manson, and His girls planted their Seeds they Cultivated evil deeds for Charlie Faithfully Under his spell they proceed

The  reckless way we teens behave
We could Have gone to our grave.
We took a walk on the wild side.
in the dark where evil reside
Thank God we made it out alive.

That was the dumbest and coolest thing
I have ever done., BUTI would not
recommend it to anyone
Helter skelter in the summer swelter. Would happened became part of our pop culture in a Don McLean song bye-bye American pie. Before the music died.
168 · Sep 2017
What If
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
I get to close
I get to near
I give you love
Your heart will fear
I make you cry
If you shed a tear
I surrender
My dear
Will you disappear
A classic poet  e.e. Cummings wrote
If poems
this is mine
168 · Sep 2017
Death the Devil's game
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Walking down the pale blue corridor
Framed doors line the sides, knowing what lies behind
Each door has two buttons, one light, enter or exit

Old victorian furniture, flickering candle light
seems to light the walls, the last door on the left
open waiting my arrival

A lump forms in my throat, my eyes water uncontrollably,
trembling as I gasp for a normal breath
Family look and talk to me ,here nor do I see them

At first, I only dare to see the flowers on the gray casket
my heart races
The bangs on top of her forhead every hair in place
Catholic cross, collar lace, her body out of context
to her personality and soul for those living in the world of their make-believe

They made her into what they needed her to be
to absolve them from any wrongdoing,
her family never understood her
They paid their final respects with hidden emotions of
guilt and shame

I reminisced  of a childhood adventure
concluded with a smile
Strange what I chose to remember
In the mist of my sorrow

Overwhelming  bewilderment
places left unseen ,words left unsaid  
Funerals are for the living not the dead
through moments like these
one finds inner strength
Tribute to MOM
This was the first person in my life who died I was young and angry  and it was very hard to deal with given the circumstances around her death
CJ Sutherland May 27
Social Darwinist
Biological android
Elites rule the world

First control the mind
Compliant cogs in the wheel
Good workers obey

Androids dream electric sheep
Man is a machine
I Watched the movie on Mind  Control its disturbing. During the 19th and 20th century they perfected techniques on conditioning man to be dumb down in school. Complacent, complicit, obeying what they were told.Experiments such as Pavlov conditioning, (first with dogs,) teaching them when they ring the bell it’s time to eat. The bell made the dogs salivate in anticipation. Such a way with humans. television is a tool to keep humans asleep. There are two types of people those who are sheep and blindly follow and those who will not conform. If you’ve ever seen a show with a hypnotist who  will get audience participation. He can put them under hypnosis. Yet some cannot be hypnotized. Those people are ostracized. The elite must get rid of them.They are problems. This is been going on since the beginning of America . The elite have perfected their techniques. Nonetheless, some have woken up! These realities are disturbing, but true.!
162 · Mar 26
CJ Sutherland Mar 26
Randomness.                        is   in    effect,

                                                         ­ Will
It’s   Inevitable,

162 · Apr 2021
CJ Sutherland Apr 2021
Fully.    Empty
Pretty.                     Ugly
Act                       naturally
Open.                  Secret
Group             Silence
Original.    Copy
Only choice
Liquid gas
The.         worst.  
Of                   These  
Social.                         Distancing
I saw a series of these online and I decided to make it into something food for thought anyone
I was not able to get rid of the. When I started my spacing so those little dots are not supposed to be there
Promoting well-being
Salubrious Health habits
Food heals, body, soul

Bonus word
Cura te ipsum means
Physician heal thy self
BLT   Webster’s Word of the Day
formal word, meaning favorable to or promoting health and well-being
Modern, contemporary, freeform haiku, capturing every day, experience, love, loss, social issues, observations of human nature
FYI, there are seven types of Haiku
158 · Dec 2017
St Nicholas fact or fiction
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Since he fifth century, the feast of St Nicholas was celebrated December 25th
little is known of his life except that in the fourth century he was
Bishop of Myra( in modern day Turkey )
Legend has it that his wishing to aid people in need and do so anonymously, he would throw small bags of gold in their windows
The bags would land in the stocking hung by the fireplace to dry

    Other stories from Germany of a
Man and his wife who had a toy shop
The poor children would look in the window of the storefront
at all the beautiful hand made toys their parents could not afford
so on Christmas Eve the couple would
Put a toy on the porch of every child’s house

    Legends of generosity encouraged others
to give gifts at this time of year

But in the 16th century some reformers felt Nicholas was too closely identified with the Catholic Church and replaced him with other figures in  Germany and England’s Father Christmas

  The name of St Nicholas survived however,
through adapted to various languages Sinterlaus in Dutch,
became Santa Claus in English
It was Clement Moore in the famous poem
“The Night Before Christmas”
who equipped Santa Claus with
a sleigh, reindeers,a pipe,a bag
and an entry through the chimney

The true reason for the season is the Birth of Jesus
It’s a Birthday party
We need to give Jesus gifts
as well as others
My Gifts to name a few
The Gift of love, faith, belief
Well you get the idea
What do you have for Jesus this year!
The stories were taken from books and life
156 · Aug 2021
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
Growing up
When we kids said
our parent’s reply
“Read a GOOD BOOK”
Escaping to the pages for
adventure and delight
I was hooked.
A life time of reading
Excitement and anticipation.
Open the doors of
Barns and Noble
The smell of new books
permeates the air.
Close your eyes
The quest for
One can learn
from a Book
The endless
Once obtained
No man can take
From you.
Paper back, hard back or
Leather bound
Text books
My favorite
Run your hand down her spine
Slowly open to feel
The ease at which
She presents her
The more difficult
The subject matter
The more rewarding
When you crack
Her inner truth.
Ah ha moment
When you grasp
The concepts
At the very foundation.
The day we stop
Seeking, Learning
Is the day
We die.
Have you read a
I taught post secondary education at a technical school . 9 subjects. A two year AS Degree. I loved teaching. Helping single mother’s have a better life and career. Knowledge is a powerful tool.
153 · Jul 2023
Art of Subliminal messages
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
There is A
Blank screen in
Everybody’s head
To evaluate Control
Rearrange, memories
What was perceived
Versus what was said
We are being

Shadowed Remnants
False recollection Remain
Of what we once believed in
And knew to be true
Are we insane?

We can’t remember our name
Thoughts Have been removed
As if they never existed
This world is sick and twisted

Sacred truth Is now a Myth
For our younger generations,
Without a clue  Of what to do
Who Regurgitate And Manipulate
World hits Short clips sound bits,
Spoon-fed Youth ,Speak for shock value
Uncouth Vulgarity spoken With regularity
Strategically planted  Ideas in kid’s head
They are reduced to The Walking Dead

Filtered News
Did we Win?Or did we Lose?
This all happened ,while we snoozed

News Stories
Are The Deep State
Goals and Glories
Used to deflect, distract
From those who were
caught in the act

When we seek We shall find
However Be careful of
Bombarded Land mines

Subliminal Messages
Pushed All day long
Hidden in the words
Of Everyday Movies
And Country Songs

Big Tec Media streaming thread
Programming the contents of our head
while we sleep in our bed

Today nothing is as it seems
Arrested for posted A tweet or meme

While mostly
Peaceful protest
Destroy the world
We no longer can tell
What is a boy or
What is a girl

The MAGA deplorable‘s
who won’t take the bait,  
Inevitably, Will meet their fate
They are Looked upon as
A bug to be crushed
Silenced , hushed

Bourgeoisie, void of feelings, ANNOYED
Those in power said this loud and clear
One world order, open boarders
We will own nothing No hoarders
One party rule starts in grammar school
We know what is best!,NOT YOU!
Laws redefined, Their golden rule
All republicans who do not agree
deprogrammed on bended knee
We Need to put them in a barrel
shunned and DESTROYED”

Illuminati, A Cabal
who created; CERN and AI
Want your soul for sell
Open the gate to
Evil Minions freely jump in
As Satan cast his spell
Propagate.Satan”s agenda
go forth, and Procreate
Fill the world with;
Pride, greed, Lust and HATE
Moral decency, destroy, negate

These are the ways of the Deep State.
Step out of line they will Seal Our fate

Wake up !wake up!
before it’s too late
No love, only Hate .
It won’t be long
until emotions are gone
Humans no longer belong!
AI Will rule the day
Humanity needs to pray
Turmoil today is due to the rise of BABYLON
151 · Sep 2023
Stranger Things
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Can’t.       See        The
Color.        Of Their.         Wings
We as             Humans            Can See
How               Beautifully          They Are
We                Appreciate              their
Majesty         From.         Afar
Like Wise
We.       All     Think
We.            Are             Not
Even.              Good             Enough
But                 Others                See
How                Amazingly.          ­  Special
We.                         Can                           Be
Why Do.                We.                Listen To
That.              Negative              Guff?
Fill.                Your                 Head
With. .   Positive.     Stuff!
This is an example of what I call poetry art. I was trying to make butterfly wings, but this format just won’t work with me 9/10/23
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