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153 · Jul 2023
Art of Subliminal messages
CJ Sutherland Jul 2023
There is A
Blank screen in
Everybody’s head
To evaluate Control
Rearrange, memories
What was perceived
Versus what was said
We are being

Shadowed Remnants
False recollection Remain
Of what we once believed in
And knew to be true
Are we insane?

We can’t remember our name
Thoughts Have been removed
As if they never existed
This world is sick and twisted

Sacred truth Is now a Myth
For our younger generations,
Without a clue  Of what to do
Who Regurgitate And Manipulate
World hits Short clips sound bits,
Spoon-fed Youth ,Speak for shock value
Uncouth Vulgarity spoken With regularity
Strategically planted  Ideas in kid’s head
They are reduced to The Walking Dead

Filtered News
Did we Win?Or did we Lose?
This all happened ,while we snoozed

News Stories
Are The Deep State
Goals and Glories
Used to deflect, distract
From those who were
caught in the act

When we seek We shall find
However Be careful of
Bombarded Land mines

Subliminal Messages
Pushed All day long
Hidden in the words
Of Everyday Movies
And Country Songs

Big Tec Media streaming thread
Programming the contents of our head
while we sleep in our bed

Today nothing is as it seems
Arrested for posted A tweet or meme

While mostly
Peaceful protest
Destroy the world
We no longer can tell
What is a boy or
What is a girl

The MAGA deplorable‘s
who won’t take the bait,  
Inevitably, Will meet their fate
They are Looked upon as
A bug to be crushed
Silenced , hushed

Bourgeoisie, void of feelings, ANNOYED
Those in power said this loud and clear
One world order, open boarders
We will own nothing No hoarders
One party rule starts in grammar school
We know what is best!,NOT YOU!
Laws redefined, Their golden rule
All republicans who do not agree
deprogrammed on bended knee
We Need to put them in a barrel
shunned and DESTROYED”

Illuminati, A Cabal
who created; CERN and AI
Want your soul for sell
Open the gate to
Evil Minions freely jump in
As Satan cast his spell
Propagate.Satan”s agenda
go forth, and Procreate
Fill the world with;
Pride, greed, Lust and HATE
Moral decency, destroy, negate

These are the ways of the Deep State.
Step out of line they will Seal Our fate

Wake up !wake up!
before it’s too late
No love, only Hate .
It won’t be long
until emotions are gone
Humans no longer belong!
AI Will rule the day
Humanity needs to pray
Turmoil today is due to the rise of BABYLON
151 · Sep 2023
Stranger Things
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Can’t.       See        The
Color.        Of Their.         Wings
We as             Humans            Can See
How               Beautifully          They Are
We                Appreciate              their
Majesty         From.         Afar
Like Wise
We.       All     Think
We.            Are             Not
Even.              Good             Enough
But                 Others                See
How                Amazingly.          ­  Special
We.                         Can                           Be
Why Do.                We.                Listen To
That.              Negative              Guff?
Fill.                Your                 Head
With. .   Positive.     Stuff!
This is an example of what I call poetry art. I was trying to make butterfly wings, but this format just won’t work with me 9/10/23
150 · Oct 2023
College Kool-Aid
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
Higher education a privilege not a right
Financially universities are out of sight
Choose A college, not cloaked in hypocrisy.
The one you can afford is mediocrity
Most try hard to resist Temptation’s sin
However eventually they just want to fit in
A feeble experiment, try something new
College students surrender without a clue
Not quite full grown , a woman or man
They do what they want because they can
Transitioning into, anything, something
They are on a quest to stand out, to shine
Their Grand Adventure to seek, to find
Escaping the rat race, a struggle , The grind
Considering all possibilities what is best
Experiencing the excitement of life’s zest
Contemplating who and what to become
A leader or A follower, success for some

They are Young , gullible, ignorant trusting
Naïve, Unsophisticated , easily deceived
It doesn’t matter if what they are told
Ridiculously implausible Is NOT true.
It’s something For them to believe in
It’s something they need to hang onto,
They drank the College Kool-Aid
Step One

Newbies, full of dreams, leave for college,
Young adults ,barely retaining knowledge
When They come home for thanksgiving.
In a crazed haze, moral confusion, Ensue
Erasing their history, they once  knew.
volatile temper, They jump to conclusion.
Their past reduced to just an allusion,
Monumentally,This is the very first time
They are allowed to have , Boisterous  
opinions of Worth and make it plausible.
Their thoughts, glimpses of intelligence.
A New Affirmation of personal dominion
Acknowledge Pronouns, how they Identify
Parents must; be content, conform, comply
Specifically, Never question, or ask why
College Kool-Aid
Step Two

Ready to argue , On every point
they sneak off to smoke a joint
College Kool-Aid
Step Three

Repeatedly They are taught ,Every parent
has filled their head with a million lies,
and their generation is much more wise
College Kool-Aid
Step Four

Indoctrination overtime Many discussions
Unfold Laced with Drugs, beer and wine.
They were taught to believe what they knew, as they grew,  twice told tales lies,
Which made disillusioned Parents sigh.
Absent minded they started to drink.
Consciously they never stop to think
College Kool-Aid
Step Five

Their tribe no longer Included; family,
Sister and brother, father and mother
Yes even Nana and Papa were deluded
Generations, traditions all up rooted
Drink longer and Stronger
College kool-Aid
Step Six

Taught to Destroy the entire world
Once held high ,our flag unfurled
The American flag now burning
Patriotism, A relic from the past, turning
Historical statues dismantled, pulled down
Americans look around, our foundation
The Rubble, pieces, broken on the ground
What made America special , not found
A College Marxist generation now enlisted.
The young and old, morality, sold twisted
Uncontrolled they no longer can be told.
The fruits of College Kool-Aid
Step Seven

Deception , humanization , foundation laid
Bourgeoisie hidden lurking in the shade
Powers that be ,One World Order parade
College staff, every teachers too, mixed
their evil brew, served, what they made
College Kool-Aid
Step Eight

mind bending manipulators Deployed
All means possible ,Our country destroyed
the Long term effects, fruits of Kool-Aid
America reimagined, A coo  from within
Attack on every front, Revolution begins
They don’t care what, they don’t care why
Contrived motives by the great divides
Parent and child on opposite sides
Our children are now walking away
from their family they once knew.
Those That nurtured and gave love too.
Master control takes hold, kitchen Bare
Congratulations!, Graduated, unaware
Receiving their diploma with a blank stare.
College kool-Aid
Step Nine

Brimming with anger, hatred, deep inside
Gross distain ,They don’t try to hide.
USE their Parents for a Financial ride
for their College Education with pride
Bewildered Parents don’t want to believe
Their youth would practice to deceive
Deception, achieved, Illusion never fade
College Kool-Aid
Step Ten

No more nonsense and No more pretend
Our Traditional education Now at an end
leads to communist Marxist, emancipation,
Marching, Molotov cocktails in the street
Mostly peaceful protest, burning the elite
Generations, bewitched , never knowing
Depravity showing , Take over growing
Illegal immigrants, parents cannot defeat
Inevitably America flounders, at the Brink
Eventually everyone will drink, once made
College Kool-Aid

Morally gone, zombies, walking dead
Education formed what is in their head
Decision time, Take the Red pill or the Blue
Really that’s all they’re taught to do

Easier to Control when empathy is gone. Honestly, How do We Combat this war?
How do We reason with our children
with 1 foot out the door. The erosion of
Families , Morality ***, Marriage, racism,
Transgender ,M/F , giving/killing Birth
Everything is controversy on this Earth.

Relax borders open we’re going for a ride
United States Civil War, treason, spies
Hear the battle cry, How many will die?
Defending America’s right to be free
We are At the precipice, On bended knee
By design ,by those who hide in the shade

well played
After all,
they MADE
the Kool-Aid
This is an example of an epic poem .
As a  college Educator and a college student I see things from both perspectives.! Watching the young adults I know navigate I experienced this firsthand. To hell in a handbasket
American, Or land .10/23
CJ Sutherland Mar 28
I’d like to get to know, A fellow poet’s writing style
Especially After reading their poetry
for a while.
I am sure it would be interesting to know
How a fellow poet establishes
their; meter, form, and flow.

I realize all poems are unique
and use a different method, formula, tact
Finding that sweet spot is writing
for full impact
Since poetry can send us on a wild ride
It can be interesting to see the process from inside
At least it’s an interesting concept to ponder
As we let our minds wander

There are some poems this happens organically
While others are built mechanically.
I start my poem in draft mode
I capture the original essence and let
The poem gradually unfold

I leave it sit for a day
Then revisit the word play
Checking for spelling errors and flaws
Looking for that hook, vivid imagery,
Our personal flair that create affects in the land of Oz

When I think I’m almost there
I check the title to make sure it matches the Content with flare
The title is what brings the readers in
too want more?
Effectively it opens the door.
I look to see, I’f it’s aesthetically pleasing
Perhaps word art?, Tempting, teasing
I look at alignment: left  center, or right
Then I’m ready to put the poem to bed for the night.

When I feel It’s completed and ready to
I’m amazed ,I pulled it out of thin air.
A smile explodes with a resounding Holy Cow
Then I’m left with a yearning.
What do I do now?
I click on Draft Poems, and I begin
A silent smile and a big grin

All the steps of MĔGILLĀH are often preceded by the objective whole
While some might find this rigor can take its toll
It’s the steps that keep words under control

Currently I have over 30 poems in draft mode. It stays there until I feel they’re ready to move and grow into what they’re meant to be. I’m great at concepts, but building a poem takes longer,
It can only go as fast as inspiration.
I’d rather have quality than quantity.
I have to write down my poem ideas
for future development.
Have you ever thought oh, that would be a great poem… but you don’t write it down, and the thoughts gone forever
Lost in obscurity
That’s my process for developing creativity
What is your writing process??
BET word of ;the day challenge 3-24-24
Websters word
Means basically, the whole ball of wax
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
At first the wide eye newness of a stranger is exciting,
common attraction, flattering
the first kiss-  a moment that should not be missed
Intimacy filled with emotion
catch 22
Sometimes it's a let down a bad kiss a wrong move
the uncomfortable feeling a dread fills your head
Did I make a mistake? Even  with the best chemistry
there is nothing that can help that awkward moment

Now ***
It just happens in the heat of passion two bodies
intertwining after it is done leaving wet between the legs  a disillusioned one

Separated two
what then? lay quietly, how long do you hold him?
or move away, let go, who's to say ,who's to know
head screaming a million questions, what do you say?
fumbling for clothes, dress quickly, find the bathroom
ready to leave, wondering all the while , But never asking

Did I do it right? what just happened? is it worse if
you faked it ? then he thinks you loved it,great! now,
he wants to do it again.  please what did I miss all these years?
it's scary, I have some fears
Not like the 80s the ****** freedom, I am older now

I have  standards, a man asks me out on a date ,I settle for coffee and a walk in the park after 20 minutes no spark but hey it's a start. I will need one heck of a man to get me hot ready for action again and again and again until then I have ******
Blast from the past not sure when I wrote this but I know it had to be at least 20 to 25 years ago   Yes I took part in the ****** revolution and live through it
148 · May 2023
Dog versus Children
CJ Sutherland May 2023
People say Dogs  are our Children
Let’s explore that notion

We live in the TIME
of the rainbow
Where if you feel IT,
Or think IT
Makes IT SO!
Let’s see what we know!

Both Children and Dogs need you
when they are very small
Dogs don’t wear diapers
Children are not taught how to crawl
By the time children learn to dress
Both Children and Dogs need you less

Children talk incessantly
but don’t always listen
Dogs listen as long as you need
Go for a walk,
the Dog chooses the speed

A Dog will lick your tears
A Dog can sense your fears
Dogs don’t say a word
But their feelings are still heard

When Dogs growl and bark
Their emotions quickly turn dark
Dogs tell you where they stand
Don’t listen, they can bite your hand
Children don’t bite you
Their words do
Both cut just as deep
Into your memory,
these events seep

People aren’t allergic
to their children

If Dogs were our Children ,
When meeting other People
they sniff each other’s butts
Friend or foe
That’s all they need to know

People use toilets
Dogs use the floor
There’s an exception
to every rule;
Yes, dogs too
can go to school

Children won’t eat
things they don’t like
Dogs eat everything,
Than throws it up
late at night

Children come
when asked
Dogs run wild
in soft green grass

Dogs have Fur
From head to tail
Children’s unruly hair
can seem like hell

Children don’t get fleas
They get Head lice
from daycare schools
That do as they please
From clueless busy parents,  
Who don’t think twice
Bringing their infected
children to school
Against the Golden rule
Every household,
With a head full of lice
Will tell you
the nightmare
is not nice.

Dogs get stickers
in their feet
Children get
ouches and boo-boos
A cartoon Band-Aid treat

Children kiss you
with love  and grace
Dogs will lick your face

While both Dogs and Children
cuddle all night long
They both fall asleep
with a nursery song

Both Dogs and Children
hog the covers and the bed
No matter how much
Pushing, pulling,
or pleading is said
It’s no longer your bed

In the morning, you wake
Move slowly for heaven’s sake
When children fall into a deep sleep
Waking them  is like
Raising the dead
A dog’s foot and paw
pushing against your head.
Smile with loving contentment
as you slowly slip out of bed.
Children and Dogs need to be fed

Children have their own rooms
Dogs sleep everywhere
there is nothing worse than
Bad Dog Breath and slobber
A dog will alert you
when there’s a robber

Children leave home
when they’re grown  
Dogs are loyal until
the day they die
Dogs do not cry
or tell Lies

Both Children and Dogs
will show emotion
in their eyes
Dogs don’t hold grudges
Or refuse to forgive
Dogs live and let live

Children can’t easily discern
between good and bad.
Children are trusting pray
Now that is SAD
Dogs know instantly
predator or prey

While Dogs and Children
have their merits
Not all People are Children People
Only some People are Dog People
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
We celebrate commercialized Holidays days
but I’m not sure why
Mother’s Day ,Father’s ,Day Valentines Day
to say I  understand would be a lie
These and other Holidays
have become so bastardized
Stores have capitalized on these days
Do people really realize!
I heard a man announce
Super Bowl Sunday is a Holiday
I laughed, until I understood, he was serious
then, I had nothing to say
Still I was curious to know
how he /we embarked along this path
Why does Society go along?,
other then a PARTY DAY, lets  do the math
Companies making money at our expense
are we board? hence
The vicious circle,
round and round,
the reasoning makes no since
Yet it seems silly
the days to observe continue to grow
And we the people are the last to know
Can we get off of this financial treadmill
before our money is gone
The growth rate of Holidays are increasing,
it all seems wrong
Yet if we don’t buy in participate
we will be considered cheep
Ridiculed, a person who doesn’t care,
branded a creep
There has to be a way
to beat the system
So what do you say?
now they are taking away all the holidays that truly matter
silence is  not golden
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
This song, the man influenced my writing throughout my entire life
I think of it/him
as inspiration.;
Here’s a tale of a simple fool,
glance at a page or two
laugh ha ha
but you blush a bit
For  you realize
while you’re reading it
it’s also
reading you….

I write  myself a note each day
I place it in my hat,
a wind comes by
the hat blows high
that’s not the end of that.
For all around the world it goes
it lands here right beside myself
I pick it up and
I read the note
which is simply
to remind myself
I’m CJ Sutherland
that Who !
I’ve kept a journal since the age of 12
I have 40 of them Today. Writing is
who I am
it’s not WHAT  I do.
I would like to know
from everybody
who reads this
What motivates you?
Getting to know fellow poets
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
We all have secrets we carefully hide
Things that happen
That should never be silent inside
Elderly abuse
It’s silly
I don’t think of me as old
But over the age of 55 I’m told
When your child
Hits you with hatred
Yelling  obsenities
The  derogatory comments
***** looks
These things
Don’t just happen to children
It’s happened for many years
Worsening through the the fears
Angered by my tears
I’m trying to understand why
This happened to me
I am a strong woman
With love in my heart
My grand children
Are caught in the middle
consequence is little
you can't unring the BELL
after the shame
who would I tell
144 · Dec 2017
The shelf life of a book
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
I love the smell of a new book
leather bound, gold leaf, off the shelf, I took
To see the print in my minds eye
Happy laughter, scary or a good cry

To settle down for a good read
Turning the pages at record speed
A books can teach you anything
Knowledge you gain only a book can bring

If the story is true
The feelings grow within you
as writers we are hard to impress
We notice plots twist we can quickly guess

The scariest day I remember well, in my head
Year 2000 a paperless system, BOOKS are dead
I never believed it, not for a second you see
Because books are a part of story telling for you and me

Although  ebooks are gaining popularity today
Paper books will never truly go away
I have been a book worm as long as I can remember
The excitement of college reading in September

So the next time your children or grandchildren say
“I’m board” ask them if they want an adventurous  day
Take them to the library and let them pick a stack
They will be hooked for life no turning back
I read a Poem on books and it gave me an idea books are wonderful
143 · Sep 2017
Natures Depression
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Natures depression
Anger no place to go
Disaster relief
This was my first
3 lines
5  syllables first line
7 middle line
5 last line
Think tsunami
143 · Jun 2023
A wise man’s tale
CJ Sutherland Jun 2023
This is a coming of age

The wise old medicine man
teaches life lessons to the youth clan.
He shares  cautionary tales to the village,
Before they learn to **** and pillage

“There are two WOLVES,
in every Person’s heart.”

The first WOLF
Is Unadulterated  Evil;
Destructive upheaval
Pride, Rage, Jealousy,
and Greed,
Satan’s Sin’s Seed

This WOLF will lie,
Trick and Deceive you  
into thinking, you are
your own god.

“Come into my parlor”,
said the spider to the fly
“Sure, I’m poisonous,
but you shall not die.
It’s only
a little white lie”

The second WOLF
Shows you right from wrong
God printed on your heart all day long
Examples of; pure love, and to be good,
Caring with forgiveness as you should.

In life you must battle for your soul
Heaven or Hell, Eternity your ultimate goal
Many times each day, You must Choose
To Win or lose, Your life is in transition
you have to make a decision,

Are you predator or prey?
As each WOLF speaks,
Can you here what they say?
“Wide is the path of many,
that leads to destruction,
narrow is the path, of few,
that leads to righteousness(KJV)

The children ask
Which WOLF will win?

The wise, old medicine, man
looks into their trusting eyes,
He ponders a moment  
then gives a quiet reply;

Each of you will decide before
You take a walk on the wild side.
What is it you want or need.
A Path to Salvation or
Your desire to feast on greed
It’s all predicated by

This was something I’ve heard many different ways, and I kind of just made a version of it with the original premise. The author is unknown.
141 · Jun 9
Government Corruption
Shred constitution
corrupt justices run rapid
Judge breaking the law

We are witnesses
Court actions, of what we saw
Feelings both sides, raw

Incognito news
Statements matter of fact truth
Don’t ruffle feathers
BLT webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Incognito 6-8-24
Your true identity is kept a secret, using another name to hide who you really are

Three consecutive haiku
Each answering the previous questions or thoughts
141 · Dec 2023
At What Point
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
Do we Ask The Silence Questions?

What is an acceptable quality of life?
Birth Defects;
Conjoined twins
Cerebral palsy
Down syndrome
Blind, Deft
Cleft palate
Childhood Cancer

At what point do we ask?
Are we Humans playing god?
Test tube baby acceptable
Just because we can
does it mean we should?

We are looking for the answers!

We need to see our way clear
Corrective lenses, Glasses
Cataract surgery
Retinal detachment,

Listening for hard truth, what will we find?

Hearing aids
Ringing in your ears

People speaking without hearing a sound

At what point do we ask?
What constitutes Contributing to life?

When is a person a Burden to society?

When limited Movement is painful;We Stop
Tingling, Numbness
Degenerative disc disease
Fused vertebrae surgery
Paralyzed from the neck down

We Elect Surgery to regain mobility

Our desire for a better quality of life

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Total Knee Replacements
Hip Replacements
Physical Therapy
Walkers, wheelchairs, braces,

Losing Control, Fighting for your life!

At what point do we ask?

Who determines when a person is
Unable to comprehend life?

CANCER The “C Word “

At what point do we ask?
When the pain is unbearable?
Hang on, orLet Go!
Chemo therapy
Body rejecting medication
Breast Cancer, cervical cancer
Reconstructive augmentation

Allergies, coughing, asthma, COPD
Oxygen therapy  
Ventilator assisted breathing

At what point do we ask?
When Health Situations Demands Actions !

Taking stock Emotionally
Get your Affairs in order

Heart Attack
Pace maker, regulator, stent
Kidney failure
Kidney transplant
***** transplant
Metal plate in your head
Artificial limbs

At what point do we ask?
When do you pull the plug?
Brain dead
life support
DNR do not resuscitate

At what point Do we ask
Are we creating A new species?

Where in your body does your Soul reside?

At what point do we ask?
When is this action acceptable?
Assisted suicide, Dr. Kevorkian
Hospice care is not life Care
Giving Up, Choosing to Die

At what point do we ask?
Is this acceptable?
  Even if we were healthy our entire life, the world is stacked against us!
Breathing, eating ingesting poison!

GMO, Genetically modified food
What are they doing to our body?
Chlorine 200+ chemicals in our water
Poisonous gases chemicals (chem) trails
at what point do we ask?
Dr’s treat the symptoms But
Rarely look for The medical condition
Etiology unknown
Pill's that ****, ineffective treatment
The side affects are worse than the cure
Untested not approved Shots
Fake plan-demic Human  ginny pigs

At what point do we ask?
Will we ever know the long term effects.
The damage done To our bodies
Human experiments Without our Consent full understanding ,knowledge
Are Eugenic at play.?

We engage in conversations considering
the best possible solutions
There are Definitely more
Questions then answers!

At What Point Do we ask?
Where do we go from here?
140 · May 7
Fable On Memory Lane
There is a  place
On memory lane
The blind can see
Jesus healed the lame

The tree of life
In the center of it all
Grows 12 different fruit
Summer winter, spring, and fall

Purity rules, each and every day
Peace of mind in every way
Evils of earth are all forgotten
Depravity, every thought rotten

Only love prevails
Memory lane exist
In folklore, fables ,fairytales

Here on earth, we learn our worth
Can be found in Jesus Christ first
John 3:16
A fable uses, puns, and metaphors, describing a subject meant to be guessed by the listener to teach a moral
Fables use puns, metaphors, they introduced us to rhyming mnemonics, allegorical use of language.
I’m exploring and different types of poetry
140 · Apr 2023
Reciprocate in-kind
CJ Sutherland Apr 2023
I make a commitment
to each person
who will read my work.
I will reciprocate
A poem for a poem.

If you are interested in critiques,
To help you learn and grow,
I can send those privately.

I ask, only this;
Please fill out your bio.
They really do help
the reader understand
you’re point of view.
I would not critique
a 15 year old
In the same way
I would a 75 year old.

To fully grasp a poem
Is different from
a 20 year old than
a 50-year-old.

Every 10 years
your life
changes 100%.

The day you
were born to
age 10 is
easy to see.

Age 10 to
age 20 again
100% change
you get the picture!

So I  say,
I am in
The Second year
of my sixth life

Your bio matters,
so please, fill it out
We’re All Ignorant
Until the Day We are not
Then We learn a lot
Haibun Haiku
A personal reflection 3/7/24
139 · Dec 2017
My Christmas wish
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
What is it about the holidays that makes people nice
Even those who don’t believe
It surprises me sometimes, i’ll look at a person twice
For most it’s an act of practice to deceive

Capitalizing on the Christmas season
Those are the people who are lost
they’re making mounds of money, that’s thier reason
Serving deception at all cost

However the rest of the year
they will shove you down
won’t think twice,  even give a cheer
Another feather, coin is thier crown

So why be so kind
I know I sound jaded
Cold people are easy to find
While humanity, compassion have faded

In the end it doesn’t matter, I prefer to think most care
Thier motives very For the rest
millions of people give and share
This is a Christian’s test

I wish my fellow man compassion that would last forever
I wish Everyone follows God’s law, I know they can
I wish there would be no hatred, violence, not never
I wish peace on Earth and goodwill towards man
I see extreme kindness and so much deception with the way the Christmas message is presented  in stores  people have to wake up and realize the reason for the season Christmas trees cannot even be called Christmas trees anymore now it’s a holiday tree well hello what is the holiday for
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Ode to dating
  It's said
gives off a distinct SCENT
We are animals,
Is that what they meant ?

When two people meet
they respond subconsciously  
In those few precious seconds  
We Judge instantly
with our heart, body, and soul

it is the SCENT
that determines if we stay
or if we go
There are those who we meet
that we like or love instantly
and those who we just can't stand
is it written in the stars above ?

NO, it is the SCENT
Exspectations and a smile
Only buys you a little while
our body language
Will give us away
I tell you
it's your SCENT
that is at play

So, the next time you are asked
what was it about me
you did not like
reply with honesty
it's your smell !
Pheromones (  I taught  anatomy)  that should confused them
Caution; don't really do this you might get hurt
CJ Sutherland Feb 15
Word of  the day Raconteur

Mirror mirror on the wall
who’s the fairest of them all
I know the answer
and it’s not me
I’m a realist I can see

When I look in the mirror, today
I quickly turned away
my reflection is not my perception
I see myself younger, prettier too

What’s a 62 year old lady to do?
I concede, it is what it is
And I’m OK with that
because that’s where I’m at

When did this come to pass?
It’s been so long ago
I was a sweet young lass
I used to have so much naturally curly hair
I turned heads, men would stare

That was the 1980s  Disco Darling
I entered a legs contest on a dare
And Won, $100 I was up for anything!
Bodacious, audacious, braze, fearless
A dish, A movable Feast, A Fashion plate

I used to get dressed up, for a date
Applying make up, fixing my hair
Always The perfect designer outfit,
Head to toe ,dressed to the 9s
Designer perfume everywhere

Now an old lady stares back at me
It’s hard to contemplate, it’s hard to see
I am not vain, I think I’m rather plain
My inner beauty shines through
That’s what made me attractive, I knew

I’ve been married over 40 years
Lifelines, laugh lines, and many tears
My ****** lines are a badge of honor, courage, my testament of time
Fulfilling the grace in what is mine

To a Life lived full of love and sentiment
Children, grandchildren took their due
You could say my looks are shot
But this is what I’m working with
This is what I’ve got

Haggard through the ages of time
Outer beauty is no longer mine
I’ve developed inner beauty, peace of mind
In old age, that’s what I strive for, find

No need for make up it’s just a façade
I shrug my shoulders, a gentle nod
With menopause, make up mixed with sweat burns my eyes
I have become more wise

What’s a 62 year old lady to do?
This is as good as it gets
I don’t worry or fret
This is me
As a poet and an author
I am a bona fide raconteur

(Webster’s Word of the Day Challenge raconteur) A person who tells antidotes
This is the first time I’ve ever taken stock and who I am I read a couple poems and I thought I’d give it a try. I’m not sure if I’ve captured what I want to say, but it works right now.
Webster’s Word of the Day raconteur
CJ Sutherland Oct 2017
I am a lady
Filled with
****** Sensation
Flows freely
Sensuality grows
Sexuality shows
As rapid as a hummingbird's wings
As silent asthe flowers of spring
I Blossom like a fragrant garden
For the right man
To plant
The seed
Of anticipation
4-11-2005  The start of spring brings many emotions
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
Bless us Oh Lord,
for these thy gifts
Which we are about to receive
from thy bounty through
Christ, our Lord Amen

Thou whose hand
hath brought us
onto this joyful day,
Accept our glad
and listen to us pray

Thank you Lord,
for all that grows
Thank you Lord
For the rainbows
Thank you Lord
For the sky and
stars that shine
Thank you Lord for
the moon and the sun.
Thank you Lord for
all you have done.

I will never forget the Thanksgiving prayer. My father offered when I was a child. He took the letters of “Thanksgiving”
And he gave them value

T is for thankfulness
H is for everyone Here
A is for amen
N is for Never giving up on God
K is for kindness we show each other
S is for the Sunshine and Stars

G is for God our Lord Jesus Christ
I is for the Individuals at our table
V is for Variety of bounty the Lord gave
I is for Initiating forgiveness and love
N is for Noticing the gifts God gave us
G is for Grace and Gratitudes

It wasn’t until years later, we found out that father had cut that prayer out of the paper and he put it in the palm of his hand, and he read the poem so seamlessly we all thought he was making it up off the top of his head.

Feel free to make your personalized version
For your Thanksgiving Blessings prayer
and fill it with everything that would
be of your family’s gifts and blessings

Happy Thanksgiving
May God bless you and your family

I encourage you to write your Thanksgiving prayer
traditions in the comments
May your house be full of love and the word of God as you gather together for everything you were thankful for God bless us all
130 · Aug 2021
Life in an instant
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
We want it all
we want it now
we don’t care what
We don’t care how

How do you like it
More, more, more
Who has the most toys
we’re always keeping score

Life in a instance

Drive through food
Meals on wheels
Home delivered *****
The alarm clock on snooze

no need to leave the house
Dating!, looking for
a lazy fat louse spouse 

Flaunting  our wealth
for all to see
Are we
ugly Americans
you and me?

Ken and Barbie
has it all
is that our role model
an empty doll

When the only thing that matters
is the color of your skin
it’s all politics
no one can win

I don’t recognize America today
The things people do and say
Predator or prey
Chaos NOW reigns supreme
The evilness in a human being

When wrong is right and right is wrong
No longer a dance, no longer a song
People want to destroy it all
Libberty or Tierney
it’s your call
Every day it’s something else it’s crazy smokin line through in a day ***** and Gomorrah. I don’t know too many people who don’t believe we are in the end of days. May God have mercy on our souls
130 · Mar 7
Stand – Renku Haiku
Two Haiku
First, the statement
Second, the reply

Don't capitulate
Stand now before it’s too late
Believe life is great

Arbitrate We win
Standing strong Both sides give in
Now life can begin
Two poets two Haiku
One makes a statement or reflection
The second answers. Or reply
For this exercise, I am both poets.
it’s cheating a little I know
I wanted to try this form
Works for Sport Fishing
Inept for Border Control
Save the U.S. NOW

Mr. President
Drugs, Trafficking,People DIE
We want to know WHY

There are seven types of Haiku,
1) Traditional- nature,
2)Modern, which includes;
contemporary and Freeform.
Capturing every day experiences, love, loss, social issues, observations of human nature
3) Senrya. human nature, humorous, funny
4) Tanka, five lines 31 syllables
5) Haibun, personal reflection
6) Renku requires two poets each, adding a stanza to a poem , One stanza, and then the second poet adds the reply total to stanzas
You can look up each of these for more detail I’ve also came across another list. It’s slightly different, but basically. This is the list.
Watching today’s news 3-3-24
This marks my 200th poem published on HP
127 · Sep 2023
Poetry Art
CJ Sutherland Sep 2023
Single.    .  Word
By                    it’  self
has          ­                       Little
To no.                               significance.
However.                                    Planned
strategically.                                pla­ced
into                                           Complex
Structured.                       sentences
can.                     create
so sublime.
It will
the test
of time
That’s why
Write poetry
This is a flower, a rose In the negative space you can see the bulb head about to open.. It’s going to blossom, it’s going to be more..9/11/23
It’s the change in process.
124 · Dec 2023
The Christmas List
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
The day Before Thanksgiving, the Special Edition Newspapers Came.
We mulled over Every Sale Item;
placing tabs, creating a master list on a yellow notepad. Meticulously planing in what order do we swoop in and grab
The coveted Black Friday door buster item,
They were the best deals of the year..

We feverishly found a place in line at 2 AM while many slept in tents up to 2 days prior braving what weather coming

One year I was trampled to the ground by the inertia of the mob, pushing their way inside. Fortunately my many layers of sweaters and coats protective me not only from the cold, but also from the peoples feet. Still, I’ll never forget that feeling.
For that reason, alone, children should not go to these Sales. It’s just not safe.

We all play the commercial Game.
Our group split up to achieve maximum success.Constantly confirming with one
Anther So no two people were getting the same item.
A cart was a hindrance to moving quickly around the store. Since our group had four people we shared one cart.  Many sell items were “ limit one”
At first glance, it might appear we are breaking The one item limit
Feverish People tried to grab items out of other peoples carts.
Insisting it was their right.
physical violence, Over a Toy

While waiting in long lines to purchase the fantastic deals we were calculating in our mind and Final Gift decisions were made.

All while the children slept in their bed visions of new toys danced in their head.

Children grow ,traditions, change
Children’s children
A new generation rearrange
Grandchildren created the “Toy parade”.

When They were little as can Be
They needed grandma to see
The Toys on “The Christmas List”
Criteria NONE If they could have anything,
While dreaming in“ The Christmas Mist.”

The Day finally came,
The Trip to Toys R Us
That car ride was never a fuss.
A Child’s imagination in full display
They still remember vividly to this Day!.

An entire store of TOYS!
For good little Girls and Boys
It’s more like a Christmas wish.
Happiness, love, fulfilled
The ultimate Bliss

They would pick up a toy,
This is what I  really, really want!!!,
smiles of ” Christmas Joy”
Then Picked up the next toy
This is what I really really want!!!
Smile of “Christmas Joy!!!”
And then  process continue
Throughout the entire store
Imagination galore.

I would take a picture Write down the price
This is the time for them to think twice

Bedtime became A time to
“Toy Prioritize”
Or grandma’s phrase
“Growing wise”
Question to ask,
Knowledge to seek
What do you really like about that toy?
Ascertaining IS the value worth the joy?

We researched what the Toy Really did.
Many commercial claims were a fib
Learning Various things the Toy didn’t do  
Now educated Kids were getting a clue.

By Age 10 the I see, I want “ phase ,
Kids took pictures of the entire row.
Their excitement and enthusiasm in tow

Honey, Now you need to prioritize
That’s when they realized(Adulthood)
The Christmas list must be more realistic
They now need to learn to be simplistic.

The value of a dollar,
The phrase of the day
Has a different meaning
with inflation, and
Bidenomics taxation at play

Interesting how each child’s Mind rationalize in a different way
Although they’re now adults, they still dream under the Christmas tree
of how it used to Be

Forevermore the
Days of Grandeur  
still begin with  the
“Christmas list”
Believing  in “ What IF”
Now only resides in,
“The Christmas mist”
The last grandchild is 16 years old. All the others have made the bridge to adulthood and learning that toilet paper and lightbulbs cost money takes away some of the magic of Christmas. Bills have to be paid
CJ Sutherland Jan 2021
In the dark
Quiet sparks
Wee hours,
Of the night
lack of sleep
I fight

While millions sleep
My mind
Words seep

You simply can't shut,
Your brain down
Quieting the mind,
Only comes from  
Writing time

Only when,
All that must come out
Has come through,
Satisfying without a doubt
greatest peace I ever knew
there are times I can write fast enough while other times I cannot write a word nor do I want too.
123 · Apr 17
Term Ordinary People
CJ Sutherland Apr 17
I heard this term recently, and
it knocked me off kilter
I look at life through a different filter
So I have to say it blew me away

What are Ordinary People ?
Every person I know
I only see Extraordinarily

Webster’s Dictionary defines
Ordinary People as
not special in any way. Normal

What is a Normal Person ?
Webster’s  Dictionary defines
Normal as
Having no serious, physical or mental
health problems

By these definitions being
Normal and Ordinary is an anomaly
I don’t know anyone over the age of 55 that does not have some issue. Autonomy

Everyone over 55 that I know has had Illustrious careers; Astronauts , Doctors,
Soldiers , and even Mothers and Fathers

Those who refer to Ordinary People
As middle class in a cast system,
Of the bourgeoisie society are The problem

It’s note worthy to mention Webster’s has
Changed the definitions of their words to
Appease a nonsensical group of people
As life goes on we try to make sense of it all
122 · May 2023
CJ Sutherland May 2023
Think again
We live in a
world of pretend
Feelings over fact
Pay another tax
Because I feel this way
There’s nothing left to say

                The real world.                   
  Just, let that go
Life under the rainbow.

Told what to know
Told what to think
Have a drink

Chose the;
Red pill or the Blue
Illuminati is in charge
without a moral clue
Appropriate pronouns
We Mimic like clowns,
free speech is dead
In our very head
AI Recording
Everything said

The Puppet Master
Pulls the strings
Controlling from
Behind the scenes

Big tech, Media,
the encyclopedia
The dark swamp
Talking prompts
Watching every
Blink of the eye
False distraction,
To catch a lie

Daily news suppressed
Social outbreaks, re-dressed
Mostly peaceful protest
Perhaps The masses will see
what government deems
Social norms should be
The end of future dreams
Wake up America before it’s to late
Judgement upon us, except your fate
122 · Mar 2023
Something to Ponder
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
If                  You
    ­                        ALONE
122 · Apr 8
Broom in the Corner
Many cultures use the broom
in a uniquely different way, a useful tool when you have something to say.
The broom, always Present in the corner

Some used it as a ceremony for marriage
Each New Year, out the door they sweep the dust and dirt, of the old year
Then they sweep in a fresh new year Cheer

Others used it as a tool to disparage
Their loved one in a marriage
While most just, swept the floor
This is about our broom, history and more
The broom always Present in the corner

Our grandparents used the
broom to settle a dispute.
This process was resolute
The broom always present in the corner

husband demanding, and did not listen
Broom bristles turn skin red until it glisten 
Eventually, the husband would learn
Until his next turn
With every poke, the wife spoke her mind
Peace and harmony both would find
The Broom always present in the corner

Old fools
Don’t give the Younghans enough credit
Some are grounded, Worth their salt
Some have manners, tantrums they halt
The broom always present in the corner

Young fools
Today’s generation, no respect for elders
Not only do they think they’re right, but they demand everyone see things their way
And there’s absolutely nothing you can say
It’s just a broom in the corner

The younger generation societal shift
Throwing tantrums ,Pitching a fit 
Screaming protests, facts unfounded
we are at war , fighting ,Gaslighting lit
Elders surrounded, warning bells sounded
both sides refusing to recognize the day 
Shut down ,Neither side has a word to say

The broom stuffed in the closet, put away
Covered in cobwebs, collecting dust  
discussion Falls upon deaf ears Decay
Facing fears No muss no fuss

Emily post ,Decorum  demeanor, respect
Values no longer taught in schools
“The golden rule” a lost term ,neglect
Emotional education taught in retrospect
Whoever holds the broom makes the rules
That is what is taught in school
Teaching Children to be cruel
A broom is no longer a useful tool

Broom bond fire light the night
evil rules the day
Another tradition of past has gone astray

The older generation are reduced
to the term of useless eaters
By Younger generations of Calus cheaters
Otherwise known as tweaking tweeters

How did the separation become so vase
Younger generation can be so crass,
Perhaps Smoking too much grass
The broom A relic of the past

Out with the old
In with the new
Neither generation has
A clue of what to do

The younger generation
The master of the faux pas
pushing limits, doing things
that should NEVER be done,
What? pray tell,
Having ***
In their parents bed
Is a perfect example of one!

Where do you draw the line?
Polar opposites will never be fine
How can we meet in the middle?
How can we each learn to give just a Little

Mind you this is conjecture on my part
Yet the poem came from my heart
If we want humanity to survive
We need to work together to stay alive
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
To form an opinion, or an idea without proof
119 · Dec 2023
A Christmas Prayer
CJ Sutherland Dec 2023
For all
Dear Lord
Our  hearts  are
full of wonder
As We
the Miracle
Of Jesus’ Birth.
We lift our Voices
In Song and Praises
And Prayers of Gratitude.
Every Heart Glows with the Joy
that comes from knowing   YOU.
We thank you Father for Loving Us
With a LOVE    so GREAT    you sent
Your Only SON
In Whose
We Pray

John 3:16
so Loved 
the world
He   gave   His
Only begotten Son
That who                 so ever
Believeth                     in Him
Shall not.               Perish
But       have

In the.            World
Shows.        God’s
for.             US
More than the Gift
Of His Precious SON
May.    our     Hearts
Be        filled.       with
JOY and Gratitude
As                 We
This would be a great prayer for Christmas Day when everyone is consumed with STUFF
let’s remember
119 · Sep 2017
Sunday's child
CJ Sutherland Sep 2017
Sundays child
full of grace
always a smile
on his face
Longing for a lady
Who wears black lace
Town between
Good and evil
Wanting to be
Within Gods place
Sundays child
Full of grace
Dedicated to a friend of mine who had been married and divorced four times and his children with all of them at least the fifth one he was engaged to. he asked me what was wrong with him I Have known him for 19 years
116 · Mar 2023
A kindly caution
CJ Sutherland Mar 2023
Most may have noticed by now
there are times
When you have to wait
to get on this site
Or  you don’t get on at all.
Only to try back later.
Too many users,
Is it the Data issue!
Who knows
If you have poems on here
you don’t want to lose
Your poetry
you may want to
have a back up
Or take a copy
The site crashes
. I’m not trying to
Facebook TRIED
to issue me a new page
indicating I was a poet and
linking me to this site
is that what’s happening?
Of course
I declined
I don’t want
my poetry on Facebook
so they can sanction it.
Partly misinformation
( excuse my language)
No thank you !!!

If the server says
502 , 503, 504 bad gateway
You can Google any 502  bad gateway
and it will give you
the reason why

there’s issues.
Have never happened
in the 25 years
I’ve been writing poetry.
On line.
Since this is not a real poem
Just acknowledge your name thumbs up if it’s happening to you, I’m curious to see how many it’s affected
On the Center Island embankment
Mother Mallard sits on her eggs 24-29 days
One hour twice a day in the sunshine,rays
She must leaves her eggs unprotected
Starvation never realizes the unexpected

Mrs. Fiddle and Mr. Faddle
Had eight eggs under their care
Predation, Herons claimed seven there
A perfect duckling name Little Paddle
The only Duckling to survive

Fluffy, healthy, strong Full of energy alive
Fiddle and Faddle guarded Little Paddle
From dillydallying around
For a wild Little Paddle
Mischief can easily be found

All mallard ducks pair off The same way
Pecking order, preservation at play
Mother Mallards sit distant from the flock
Mrs.Fiddle Mr. Faddle and Little Paddle
Animal instincts stay distant from the dock

One fine day A mishap dismay
Wiggle and waddle they progressed
Refreshed, Digressed and obsessed
They search for their missing Little Paddle

Under a Elderly Mother Mallard’s wing
A small Beak seen it’s the cutest little thing
Out pops Little Paddle
squeaking and squawking “ here I am”

Fiddle and Faddle tired of worry walking
Mrs. Fiddle pitched a fit, spit and Spatial
A plangent tangent, of loss, of pain
But for a Little Paddle it was just a game

Harmoniously Honking all is right as rain
Mrs. Fiddle and Mr. Faddle
Have a heck of a time gripping the rattle
The parenting reins in the saddle

Growing quickly with giggles and gaggles
The adventures of Little Paddle
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day
Such a sound that describes a loud, deep expressive of sadness or suffering
114 · Oct 2023
Half truth
CJ Sutherland Oct 2023
When you.                  cut off
a family.                       member
for.                                life
they will.                     never
tell.                              people
the full.                       story
Their side.                   Full glory
they will.                     only
tell                                Everyone
the part.                       that you did
that makes.                  you look bad,
Bitter.                            Mad
The great                      Divide
Separation.                   Festers the rot
All involved.                Distraught
Every member.            Must choose
In the end.                    They all lose.
Every day I hear people say that family member is toxic. I’m getting rid of him I’m not talking That person anymore I don’t need that drama in my alarm. God gave us every family member. Pacifically for a reason. I wonder who those people think they know more than God that’s the diversity that’s the thing family needs to overcome they throw people away like trash. I’m sure you know what you’re doing and10/23
114 · Feb 25
Angry Weather
CJ Sutherland Feb 25
The rain is pounding
Trees sounding, moaning, creeping
Quiet as a mouse, The house still sleeping
It’s dark outside, we’re in for a wild ride

Seven more days of straight rain
Super dog might go insane
Huddled under the covers
Snuggling together like lovers

A space heater is what we can afford
We buy wood by the cord
The fireplace consume bundles of wood
Much faster than it should
Dry wood will have that effect
Curing wood process, by neglect
I try to make it last when I could
Purchasing wood you never know
what you’re going to get,

The days of central heat are gone
There’s no valuables left to pawn
No need to heat the entire house
An elderly couple, spouse
Empty rooms frosty cold looms

Super dog jumped up to go outside.
I opened the door. The gushing water
invaded the floor

He’s not quite up to taking a trip
A  uncontrolled slip
Flash flood, water and mud
raining, rushing, rising
Weatherman advising

Listening for leaks In the roof ,
Will it hold, truth be told
This house may be old
But she’s got a long life left.

Light a fire to keep warm
We can weather this storm.
They say we might lose power
Touch and go by the hour
Lights softly flicker.

Check the circuit breaker
You’ll need a yellow slicker.
Keep a towel by the door
Another tree fell, who’s keeping score?

Several storms yet to appear
This is normal for this time of year
I am prepared ,safe and warm
From the storm, we are still here

A bird glides into the attic
The sound dramatic
Wrestling around amplified static
Through a broken vent, of wood
That noise, can’t be good
I need to close the vent, if I could
Pecking pecking on the floor ( ceiling),

The bird tries to hide inside
It’s sanctuary is denied
With a long broom handle
like a Roman candle
I pound on the Ceiling
I’m don’t have a comfortable feeling

Pecking, pecking louder on the floor
Super dog stands at attention on the bed
We look at each other, Not a word said
We both look up at the ceiling
He is beside himself, barely dealing

Super dog is shaking like a leaf
The bird is an emotional thief
Husband snoring ,super dog, not ignoring
the pecking, pecking on the ceiling

Agitated, distress, exploring
He sits between my legs, his eyes beg
For peace ,An emotional release
Pecking pecking once more
Super dog ,shaken to the core

I pound the ceiling with a roar
To scare the bird out the door
I desperately need the bird to leave
The bird stands still to deceive
This ritual continues until
The sound relieved

No more pecking on the ceiling
What a relief , a positive feeling
My brain still wheeling
I wonder what type of bird
I know that sounds absurd
It seemed rather large,
But I remained in charge
I do care, why did it go there?
A bird has no business
In my attic, house anywhere

Super dog sleeps quietly in peace
No more shaking, emotional release
All is right as rain
Order of tranquility sustained
It seems more frequently there is a bird in the attic I’m not sure if it’s the same bird or different birds. I keep a broom staff by my bed. Strangely my husband never wakes up lol
112 · Nov 2023
Waiting Still Waiting
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023

Tools of the trade;

meter, flow
Not as easy
To get the
poem to Glow

Every word
Can be
A Segway
With a hook
A mystery
Love story
Or an
Open book

Dangling                   participles
A poem’s journey
Can be
A long way
To go
And flow

A single word
Writer style

Haiku, limerick
Free verse, Ballard
Word Salad


Light.       The

The mechanic
       ­         FREE

Writers block I actually fell asleep waiting lol
109 · Dec 2017
Thanks Giving
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
‘‘Twas the morning of thanksgiving
And all through the house
We’re the clanking of pots and pans
Heard even by the spouse

The dogs lay nestled  in their beds with care
Hoping the feast soon be there
the scent of,yams ,cranberries and casseroles filled the air
preperation covered the countertops everywhere

all of  sudden I heard a crash
I jumped from my Chair,
ran quick as a flash
potatoes boiled over, ready to mash

All the food hot and read
Any request my hands were steady
They all line up with cheer
Time to Eat was finally here

The serving spoons neatly in a row
Four hours of prep time
for a five minute eating crime
Sale ads in hand, it’s time to go

Standing in lines for the best Black Friday deals
Planning my attack of what l need to buy
In the blink of an eye,  I had all the enticing frills
If  I hurry another shopping line I can try

Exhausted from a long hard day cooking and shopping  
my legs burning, I feel like dropping
As I fell asleep my thought out of sight
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night
I wrote this on scraps of paper Thanksgiving day while I was cooking and while in line but I hadn’t got a chance to post it until now
107 · Jun 19
Stealing Ideas Haiku
CJ Sutherland Jun 19
Plagiarism is
A mediocre copy
Brainiac’s Genius
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
Brainiac 6-17-23
A very intelligent person
105 · Feb 18
For The Last Time
CJ Sutherland Feb 18
Through the years,
Smiles and tears
I have raised children
With this phrase

“For the last time,”
The Lord hates lying lips
One of eight
Brothers and Sisters
A family of Ten
The parameter to keep
Us all in line
Moments measured by
“For the last time”

With parental responses such as
“Do you want some cheese
With that wine”
For the last time   enough!

For the Last time, Do your chores
For the Last time Don’t slam doors
For the Last time Eat all your dinner
For the Last time Be a Gracias winner

“This is the last time
I’ll reread the same story”
Sharing life lessons
“ Is it right the bad guy
Gets all the glory?”
Mixed messages
What is the meaning
Of the story?

I never gave it much thought
But what IF, This IS?
For the last time ?

If Today is all we have
Would we change the things
We say and do,?
If we only knew.!
For the last time

Life can change instantly
In The moment that
Has just gone by

I have looked into
Children’s trusting eyes
When they ask “WHY
Is Honestly the best policy!”

Live by example
When asked
“Is a white lie
Still a lie”?

Learning life lessons can be fun
You might only have
One chance to get it done

To curb the use of profanity
(I now a grandmother) said,
“I want you to call grandma out
If I use inappropriate language”
The kids loved the idea of
Calling grandma to the mat.

The Rules of the Game
I must apologize, and
Choose a better word!

They listen more discreetly
Catching grandma so sweetly.
I was cut off on the freeway
I had to swerved
So,I gave that driver
Choice words he deserved

“Oh grandma
You said a naughty word”  
The children sounded in rhythm
Hot under the collar
They caught me in the act this time
I realize what I had done.
Correction was not going to be fun

First I needed to calm down
I exited the freeway,  
A safe place , I found,
Then I apologized,
Word, of the wise
This is not an easy task
When you’re angry.
Without the luxury
Of letting time pass
Then I had to
Choose a better word
Some may think this
Game Absurd

The oldest grandchild said
“If mom and dad Played this game
They would never speak”

NEVER disrespect the parents
In front of their child
Let meek and mild
Own the day
You get more with honey
Instead of vinegar
They say

“Hold on young man
We are working on
Grandma right now”.
They caught grandma three
Times in ten years

The Fruits of the game
Remarkably, remain
The children’s transformation
Was definitely not
lost in translation

I walked past a teenage grandson’s
Bedroom with A group of friends over.  
One young man used the F word
Every other word.
Much to my delight
My grandson said
“Dude you cuss allot!,
Choose a better word, I’ll wait”.
The room grew quiet
The bewildered friend
Apologized and
Chose a better word
Without becoming perturbed.
The teens laughed, levity lifted.

Even to this day their use
Of inappropriate language
Is a thing of the past.
Life Lessons, If done right, will last.

The grandkids believe they cured
Grandma’s use of
Inappropriate  language!
Grandma, thanks them graciously.
A secret smile in her eyes
Live, learn, love more wise
A Contentment within her heart.

You never know how something is
Going to turn out at the start

The fruits of the game
We’re ample  
Choose a better word,
A great sample
For the last time
Live by example

Will you remember
When it is?
For The last time?
Will you Savoy 
The moment
Or will it pass in
A fleeting moment of time

The last time you taste See’s Candy
The last time you have every tool handy
The last time the sun sets on your wrath
The last time forgiveness graces your path

For the last time
Will come for each of us  
Will we remember or make a fuss
Or will The last time pass us by
In the blink of an eye
Without us knowing why
The choosing a better word lead to what my father (their Great Grandfather )called 5 cent words. He was a college graduate. Education encouraged . The word game, we played all our lives, trying to stump Dad!
Instead of idiot use ignoramus
Which is the same thing but people take notice
5 cent words were encourage. The new word carried through out the day. Rather the same as
105 · Aug 2021
Simple truth
CJ Sutherland Aug 2021
I’d rather
at the children’s
In honest sincerity
listen to
The boastful
Of grown-ups
One of my favorite things at family gatherings just to check in with the kids. I sit Indian style on the floor and talk to them all they have so much to say
With age comes wisdom
Supersedes racial hatred
Love peace forgiveness
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
To take the place of someone or some thing that is considered old inferior or no longer useful. Synonymously with replaced or displaced.
103 · Apr 2023
A Road Map To Salvation
CJ Sutherland Apr 2023
As I’m quickly scrolling by
Out of the corner of my eye
I see a Bible, saying or verse
The origins of everything, the universe

Quick stop! all noice, Internet chatter
Dig deeper, what’s the subject matter?
A burning desire to know more
Research books scattered on the floor.

Daily God will give me a sign
I only have to seek and I shall find
Words from the Holy Spirit filled my mind
To study, learn, and grow
Most  importantly, the thirst, to know

The Bible is the roadmap to salvation
Stories, parables, and Revelation
The last generation is upon us
People, don’t have a clue, or make a fuss

Life will pass them by
In the blink of an eye,
they won’t know, why?
In desperation, the people will cry

If , my last breath
is a martyr’s death
I will know, I’m Blissed
My soul, God will possess
The week before Easter is known as holy week not just for Catholics, but for all Christians. Each of those days were very significant in the things Jesus did yet most people don’t have a clue they’re busy with Easter egg, hunts, and filling baskets.
101 · Nov 2023
Lower Case (i)
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
A generation of
Lower case. (i)
They don’t

There is

Taught them
To believe

Is  NOT bliss

I have asked
Lower case

The response
As stated

It grieves me
To see
Of our youth

We as fellow poets
People with a voice
Show this generation
At first I thought it was an error but surprisingly it’s lack of self worth.
101 · Nov 2023
CJ Sutherland Nov 2023
Then versus Now
Society ,Nation, State, and Government

is an ***** of the state.

The STATE agency
which makes laws, and enforces them, and punishes those who violate those laws.

is a culture and a psychological unity,
and as seen as eternal one.

you must have noticed is a
political structure organization

Our Country
Born free,
as far as the eye can see
Men fought and died
for our right to be

Proud to be an American
Red White and Blue,,
Patriot true
God Bless America,

One nation under God,  
In God we trust.
These were the foundations
of our great nation.

America is no longer
under God’s protection.
No longer God’s perfection
Judgment is at hand

A corrupt world is imploding from within
Full of; Pride,Hatred Evil, and Sin
Every important topic at one point or another has been hidden from the public. We are left in the dark were told only certain things our government is not truthful corrupt when you start looking into our history there’s so many things that we have not been told. What happened to JFK, 911 and if you ask these questions I can go on and on you’re considered a conspiracy theorist. Whatever happened to the truth. Then versus now. an eye-opener11-4-23
99 · Dec 2017
CJ Sutherland Dec 2017
Time has a way of slipping by
I have heard people say
in the blink of an eye
People are drained at the end of each day

So what is it that has us so busy?
chasing money ,homelife in a tizzy
100% all day The riggers of stress,strain ,strife
But we’re too busy for living life ?

Work Day ended nothing more to give
that’s no way to live
Your wife ,children,dog, missed you all day
They have so much to say, they want to interact, play

So how do you balance your life
You know the saying happy life happy wife
Children refuse to be ignored
They want to your attention, to be adored

my advice to you
to help you get though ,
  take a minute or two
Do whatever you need to do
relax unwind be kind
Today is the present
it’s a gift
tomorrow is promised to nobody
Round and round ,The carousel turns
Faster and faster with moxie we learn
Life shows us ups and downs
Cherished love Sweet laughter sounds

Younger hunger, more invincible you are
Chances to prove your a bright shining star
Rushing through life not a moment to spare
Soaring high in the crisp clean air

Around and around the carousel turns
Resilience in the face of adversity we ride
The oceans we cross, Turbulent tides
The chances we take Mountains we climb
Lessons, sublime In the passage of time

Around and around,The carousel turns
problems in life, that each day would bring
Changes pass by to catch the brass ring.

Around and around, the carousel turn
Disparity and pain my ride will slow down
God’s gentle hand will push me around,

He picked me up, carried me, when I fell
He stands beside me on my carousel,
BLT, Webster’s Word of the Day
Moxie 6-6-24
Refers to courage and determination, energy, or know how
CJ Sutherland Feb 22
Disrespect will close
Doors that apologies can’t
Re-open. Be kind

If a haiku is
an insight into a manner of experience
A Haibun
is that story or a narrative of
how one came to have that experience.
Something to ponder
Food for thought
This is a type of a haiku
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