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 Dec 2014 Taylor W
Andrew Durst
The less
     the more
      I fell

And that's
been the
-Andrew Durst.
 Dec 2014 Taylor W
It was those blue eyes, sparkling with words
I dreamt about reading but believed it impossible
Too beautiful to be seen with nuclear nerds
In my breakable beaker, you'd never be soluble.

A mismatched juxtaposition, atom for atom.
Even if I permutate, molecule by molecule.
We could never have struck stable equilibrium,
I could never escape the premise of ridicule.

Spent too much time postulating the unknown
Spent far too long balancing tricky equations
Head dug too deep to realise a factor that had grown
An external variable that had encroached with similar intentions.

My hand slipped from the scale when your finger touched my own
I forgot the words "controlled reaction", momentarily
Seeing goosebumps on your skin, and other bumps now shown
I gently pushed your wayward hair behind your ear, daringly

A moment frozen in the range of sub-zeroes
Dare I forgo the mandatory steps and arrive at a conclusion?
If I do I'd garner the title, "the nerdiest of all heroes!"
My "spidey-sense" failed me this time, and awarded me with a "fist-meet-face" reaction!

Happened in a blur, nanoseconds that sang in mock.
What was it that left me in a twirl?
Propped myself up to see the wrath of a crimson-faced ****.
All fists, no brains who yelled, "Hands off my girl!"

All this hilarious yet passionately painful hullabaloo
Let me drop the beaker of sodium in the zinc basin
Forgetting not to get it wet, the moment, clearly now unglued
When suddenly, "BOOM" it sounded like a pending cremation

Jocks, and nerds, and screaming cheerleaders
Hit the ground like a lunchtime scene from downtown Baghdad
And Blondie whispers in my ear, like a gypsy mind reader
"Maybe we should cool it, for I am in love with another lad"

Her words hit home and burned like The Lindenburg on fire
Amidst the fracas, cracked voice stammered to mask my bruised latent ego
"Nothing improper... Just an attempt to save your locks from the Bunsen burner
Science is my only love, just so you know"

Thanked God for my eyes and the need for correction lenses
Those thick convexes made it easy to not reveal
Steadied my frames and packed in hasty pretences
Accusing eyes followed as I exited the room with tears concealed...

Pieter Meyer
You may have read this before as it is a repost of my collaboration with the witty and incredible Pieter Meyer. He seemed to have gone missing, along with the poem. So here it is... Hope you enjoy it
 Dec 2014 Taylor W
My heart is a sinkhole
You should've never been near
 Dec 2014 Taylor W
Andrew Quilles
My poems never trend.
I usually never get likes.
Repost is not in my vocabulary.
Having my poems added to collections is a very rare thing.

I don't mind.
My thoughts weren't meant to be read anyways.
I'm not so special.
I only have two followers who I want reading my poetry anyways.

If your poem won't trend.
If no one likes it.
If its not reposted.
If it never graces a collections touch.
Don't feel sad or unwanted.
It just means your thoughts are too perfect for words.
 Dec 2014 Taylor W
 Dec 2014 Taylor W
A word we use
When we don't
Why or how

Oh believe that
It is not luck
But the universe
Who conspired

To bring us

Comments are appreciated. :)
 Dec 2014 Taylor W
there are things inside
that i'm trying to ****,
but my bare hands
aren't enough to push
down the things I'm trying to forget
into the river of the past,
that leads into the ocean

so I find myself at the shore
with these memories as
they wash over me,
in high tides
and i want only you
to hold my hand,
and caress me from
this panic
and make me believe that
somehow everything
will be
I have no where to go
No one to turn to
No ear is listening, no open arms
I don't know what to do

Everyone is busy in their lives
How selfish to ask to put hault
Why are you depressed
It is something you did, it is your fault

I am not alone
But it feels like I have no one

I want to scream
I want to shout
But that isn't okay
Don't put your feelings out

Am I misunderstood
Doesn't anyone get me
Do you hear
Can you hear my plea

Just out me out
My misery
No more pain, no more sadness
Set my soul free
 Dec 2014 Taylor W
 Dec 2014 Taylor W
You stole my breath away the first time our lips touched.

You stole my heart away the first time you whispered I love you.

You stole my future, my sanity
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