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 Oct 2017 Tony Luxton
JS Clark
Oft times I wonder what I should do with myself.
I look off in all four directions at any given time
And there is no direction.

I find myself wandering--in a period of wandering.
What does a man say to himself during such times?
It’ll be okay, things will work themselves out in the end?

There would seem to be little solace in this axiom.
Life is strange.
Like the sickening loop-de-loops on our best roller-coasters.

I type this out on a digital tablet with virtual keyboard
In utter perplexity.
An old soul in fast times…

Tense times,
Shallow times.

My neighbors amidst this age haven’t the patience to see how
Events birthed from hollow promises and hasty decision will work
Themselves out.

Promises from leadership whose god is the U.S. dollar.

We get a logjam of hurried consumerist theoretical practices,
Ruthlessly implemented as some kind of workable
Reality among a conditioned populace.

In the end, the only beneficiary to this manufactured bliss
Is the savvy and rich manure shoveler--that neighbor
Among us who throughout each and every day shovels

The materialistic dung into our throats and fully expects
His fellow neighbors to swallow this **** in expectancy
Of the utopic times to come.

And so the tail teases.
The shadowy wall potently pays
Tribute to an open door.
Because the door will know
How to shut itself,
While the wall is just
A bean stalk with the gift
Of making a bit
Of shadow.

The low witch would walk
Distinctly away
from the Concrete bean stalk
As the wall would burn
And the shadow would turn
The witch's own shadow
Into a mice meadow.

And the witch hates mice
When throwing the dice
On the shadowy floor
Of the room with no door,
With no lock
To the dock
Where the concrete bean stalk
Has popped.

So the witch stays away
From the mice and the hay
Of her meadow-growing
Steps of annoying
Rhymes yours truly
Has made to undress
A reader's curiosity.
Played with random words at some point in the past and this is the result
What will come of me
When all my flowers become wreaths
When I make my visit
To the Other House
I have sketched you in so many ways,
with dots and lines
and shadows and lights
and covered in colours
or in black and white.

I've sketched you as a prince,
I've sketched you as a beggar,
I've sketched you as a lover,
I've sketched you as a hater.

I've adjusted myself
to several graphite scales
so I can shade your flaws
into fairy tales...

you have been my muse,
both master and apprentice,
you have been obsession
for my sleepless senses...

But even if your image
has haunted me for long,
you have never been
just mine to belong...

so I'll just keep on drawing
and sketching you, my all
so I can have you near
when nights are getting cold...
Many stories and legends have sketched our imagination when it came to unfulfilled love. I imagined a plastic artist in Beethoven's on Dante's situation - craving and transforming their love into muse, into inspiration.
A pair of once clear blue eyes
And a small mouth in silent desolation,
both shut, but warm and so brave and wise
to fight against painful memory ablation.

A mixture of perfume and dust
Added to this peculiar presence
Or a puzzled piece of the sun at dusk
Mixed in a strong, bottled essence.  

Some bare foot steps on an oaken floor,
wrinkled hands and silk curtains get drawn,
A gentle touch of both old and cold ****
And maybe the armchair contemplating yesterday's dawn.

who was that, passing on the main road?
who knows, but that ponytail looked so familiar!
now and here, when time seems to have slowed,
when no visit is ever auxiliary ...

there are no steps coming through the old door,
and waiting is the only thing left to do,
until all of these hopes will no longer be sore
or maybe memories will fade away too...
kept this from being posted for a few months now.

To my dear grandfather, who passed away in May.
I am dust.
Blown by the wind
And rained down
By evaporated seas,
And flowing
And glowing
And starting
A sneeze.

I am dust.
Just a tiny piece
Of earth,
Just a flying piece
Of rock,
not steady,
But ready
for permanent

I am dust.
Not now,
But always,
And important
Through all days
Like Saturn
Or Plato
Or Gods
On walls.

I am dust.
And as dust flows
And as wind blows
And as my
Soul beats
With ashes,
I will
Forever be
Have a look at a piece of dust floating on a down coming ray of light. And exhale towards i, to have its course changed. That is how we both are, you and I, dear reader. Dust, on the waves of time.
I am. And this awaken shudder
falling on the sands of unseen hourglasses
is precious in itself.

We are flowing, both you and I,
on these sand waves,
worn by dust, from world to world.

we are tasted by rain and feelings
with the appetite of a butterfly
recently freed from its chrysalis.

oh, we are! us, two strangers,
in perpetual metamorphosis,
forever oscillating between all and nothing.
Another philosophical cogitation, naïvely constructed in both my maternal and adopted language. Below the Romanian version.

Cugetari naive - Partea a treia: Scurgere

exist. Iar acest treaz fior purtat
de fire de nisip in clepsidre nevazute
Este pretios in sine.

Ne scurgem, si tu, si eu,
in valurile acestui nisip,
purtati de colb, din lume in lume.

Suntem gustati de ploi si sentimente
cu pofta fluturelui
proaspat iesit din crisalida.

oh, suntem! Noi, doi straini
in perpetua metamorfoza,
vesnic osciland intre tot si nimic.
are just
of fallen Gods.

for these Gods
will never learn
the art of falling,
so they just leave
the falling
to crystal  clear
I decided that every written poem will have it's own translation in both English and Romanian. For how could I forget where I am and where I come from?  

Despre ploaie

este numai
zeilor cazuti.

intrucat zeii
sti-vor niciodata
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asa ca lasa
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