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Today is for giving thanks
Even though life is hard
For things like our piggy banks
Don't go very far
I'm thankful for my wealth
In opportunities, family, and friends
I am thankful for our health
May we keep it til the end
Although there's more I'd like to have
I'm doing very well
So lets celebrate, love, laugh
and ring the dinner bell!
I'm holding out for something true
for the one who really thinks
I'm not too loud or sassy
and my thighs, they aren't too big
who doesn't see my belly
or think I'm a walking growth spurt stretch mark
or that my hair is never right
and I wear yesterdays makeup today
I know there's someone out there
who doesn't think I talk too much
and values my opinions
who also thinks I'm smart
I'm waiting for the one
I guess they call him Mr. Right
to help me up when I'm down
not down me for my plight
who wants to be with me clothed
as much as when we're not
who sees me as an equal
more than just a back scratcher to reach that itchy spot
I'm holding out for the real thing
that lasts past Saturday night
for the drum beat to my melody
for the fire to my light
 Nov 2015 Thomas Holzapfel
MS Lim
Violin music floats in the cold midnight air
echoing over and over again
who is the player?
the music seems to speak of so much pain

Who, who are you out there?
I don't know you but can feel
the depth of sorrow in your lonely heart
are you saying: Lost love would never heal?
 Nov 2015 Thomas Holzapfel
MS Lim
At the end
everything breaks up-a tiny
drop of water falling incessantly
on the biggest rock dissolves it over time--completely

if you love truly
and breathe into a dew-drop
it would transform into an eternal ocean
there would be no end--no full-stop.
There is a light within
A shine without
An infinite source
The mind with doubt
Beyond the universe
Cosmic between
Eternally it goes
It is rarely seen
It's take your mind
Tears your soul
You find yourself
Life takes it toll
one thing is certain in this life
our destiny is to die
Nothing is for certain or for real
But our soul is eternal, I can feel
We come and go, Life and live
Release our fears, take and give
My true home is the Stars
I look up at night, home is far
My body is here, my heart is there
It's all an illusion, it's hard to care
When I know we are meant
for greater things.
It all so beautiful, yet so strange
Sad and hopeless, my mind is changed
Waking up the soul,we are all the same
It's funny how the day is long
Too late the night, is always wrong
In between the hollow space
Looking up, face to face
Just because the sky looks blue
Doesn't mean the stars are too
What goes up, must fly away
All stands still are here to stay
My feet are planted on the ground
Silence is the only sound
Being a victim is in the past
The damage done will always last
I must forgive but cant forget
I will live while you barely exist
Point your finger and start to blame
Play the victim to hide your shame.
A stare so cold, hollow blue eyes
No one believe any of your lies

You are hate, not an ounce of good
Wrong or right - wrong you would
Why do you envy and hate so strong
Heartless and evil for so **** long
Cheating, lying - the easy way
Judgement comes - time to pay

When looking back, what will they say
She's a liar, she had to have her way
There is no more bridges left to burn
No one left to twist and turn

Everyone sees what you are
A monster, a snake, we all run far
I am smarter & wiser than before
You evil is deep and to your core
This is the path that you have taken
I now am free and awakened

All the fake words, lies and tears
I see thru you, despite your years
Nice is not a word you use
People are yours to hurt and abuse
As long as you are alive and here
I will stand up and have no fear

You cannot  hurt me anymore
I don't care like I did before
No one responds, reacts or cares
You are unloved, forgotten, despaired
You lost the most important battle of all
Your soul, your life, your existence. You fall

♥                                       ........ooooooo........                                       ♥
oh                                     .......oooo.o.oooo.......                                    my
l­ove                               ......ooooo.O.ooooo......                               king
soulmate                       .......oooo.o.oooo.......                        husband
life is wonder-              ........ooooooo........                  ful with you
saccharine are your.             lips.bewitching are
your eyes. oh your face        ..oo..          are a heavenly .visage
in the amidst of my excru-     oo   ciation I have crowned you
with my love you are my chosen king that I have.enthroned
in my kingdom, my love shines all throughout like a gleami
-ng crown in a king's head, your silk cape falls down with glo-
ry, your glimmering presence fill the vicinity with peace and
exuberance, your smile an ornament in my heavenly realm, oh
how blissful I am to have you and yes you're my king and I am
..your queen and we will be together with God in everlasting..

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

i love you a lot my king,, hope you like this ****** one,, i really don't know how to make it,, i just tried my best....

sorry for this... LOOOlll,,, really soo ******.. :/ that's my first concrete poem ever, loolll took so long to make and not even worth reading,,,, :/ gumenasai minna-san... (I have a poem with same title as this,, the thoughts are the same but the other one is just short,, :D still, this is ****** :/ no good )
 Nov 2015 Thomas Holzapfel
MS Lim

I reproduce the world
in pictures
man in himself
in life
and in the universe
this eternal inter-play
is the sanctum
of all my works

I am a visionary
(a humble one
but no less sensitive)
I cry more than I laugh
as the world is the place
where mankind's tears fall
without end
due to man's own making

the heart desires
what it should not
for things
that don't sanctify
but man is weak
and morally falls
too easily
and drowns
in the nameless sea

nature weeps
for the callousness and greed
of man
who has her beauty defiled
and marred

what progress?
it's just the breeding-ground
of greed and indifference

bulldozers knock
down the trees
chemicals pollute the seas
grasslands and fields
are sacrificed for construction
land has turned into concrete--***** and ugly

as I paint
my heart
is heavy-laden
and I ask
over and over again
what has happened to man?
* this artist feels the destruction of nature and her beauty through his works which I regard as poignant, allegorical and truthful to life.
I met him in Melbourne yesterday afternoon where he was displaying his paintings (he used coffee-powder as colour) in the Swanston Street
the heart of Melbourne. He is a young German who is travelling round the world and gets inspiration from the scenes he witnesses in every country.  I was very impressed.
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