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she left a mark on his SOUL

that looked a little like ROSE PETALS

in a blooming bouquet of LOVE
but when she had to LEAVE

the THORNS dug so harshly

into his HEART

that his LOVE for her

turned BITTER and COLD

like the harshest WINTER night
and the MEMORY of her CARESS
withered to DUST and ASH

and when she RETURNED

with her LOVE for him


all he could MUSTER 

and the THORNS on their stems
Who is mad?
Is it I?

But if I am mad then how aren't you?
Perhaps you are mad and I am sane

How does one know if one is sane?
How does one know if one is insane?

But is insanity a luxury?
Or is the luxury sanity?

What if one was sane but recognised the sanity as insanity?
Would one be insane then?

Or perhaps one was insane but to the eye insanity was sanity?
Would one be sane then?

What if sanity was insanity and insanity sanity?
Would the lack of clarity over insanity and sanity be but a normality?

Or is the true clarity that insanity is a normality?
For who is sane?

Is it I?
I, who dreams dreams and inner thoughts are most shy?

Who wakes when she sleeps
And sleep when she wakes?

Perhaps we are all in subdued insanity
If so isn't insanity a normality and sanity out clarity?

Or insanity is our clarity?
And sanity is a dreamed up notion for normality?

Who is mad?
Is it I?

Or the world in which there is no clarity over insanity and sanity?
And there is nothing but a formality which is normality which should or should not be insanity?
Copyright Ice Munday©
I'm sure we had names.
                              What was my name?

I'm sure we had homes.
                  But for us where was home?

The memories we had once hidden in our minds.
                   They've faded now in a slow torturous good bye

You'd think someone would remember
                    But we're hidden on a shelf

Our eyes are blank and souls are torn
           All hope once cherished has died

We're the kids that time forgot
            And no one even said goodbye
Copyright Ice Munday©
Moonlight sonata
a mystery, a delight,
rain even more rainy,
I stunned, I cried,
the chords, amazing,
dark-romantic tune,
remain, soultry,
I fall so deep.
 Jul 2015 oh my stars
A Watoot
Bring in the storm;
I have stood in the middle of the worst.
Bring in the thunder;
I have slept peacefully through the loudest.
Bring in the flood;
I have walked in many.  It's nothing.

Bring it in.
Bring it on.
You think I'll scamper and fall?

Bring it in.  Bring it all in.
I'll face it head on.

Bring it on if all you can do is shoot.
I tell you.  I never fall.  
I bend your bullets with my thumb.

Bring it on if that's all you have.
You do make me stronger.

Is that all you have?
Is that?

**Bring it on.
Is that all you have-
words that you said are bullets?
You fail us just because?
Is that the best you can do?
Is that the worst you can give?
haha you make me laugh
Just bring it on.
'Cause soon enough, I know I'll grow stronger with every bullet I bend.
Saying goodbye
To someone you love
Is like reading the final page
Of an amazing book.

As the last chapter ends
You begin to notice
Just how beautiful
And perfect
The plot always was.  

You appreciate the joy
And even the pain
As you read and thumb
Through every page.

Finally understanding
The moral of the story,
You realize you've reached
The end of this journey.

Although the last sentence  
Is the most difficult to read
Another great book awaits
Once you turn the final page.

Eventually you may stumble
Upon yet another great find.
Or maybe you'll return
To the book you left behind.

You may just discover
Once all is said and done
That this particular book  
Was your favorite story
All along.
For Ty & Des ❤️
She's the artist of love
She creates every piece of art
By getting a tiny piece of her heart
Every song are words
That echoes from her spirit
Every stroke of brush
Contains a song from within
Every poem she writes
Has the color of her paint
Every story she tells
Has the verse of her soul
She's an artist in love
Marguerite <3
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