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 Jun 2015 oh my stars
sorry about the blood on my hands
i swear it's not yours
muse = dead
i'm so sorry

are the                                            
                 ­                                            LOVELY ....


go !

                                  (if you so desire )

leave !

                              ( if you must )

stay !

                                     ( if you can gather

                                              yourself together ---

with courage & trust

•   •

We are here now and we shall remain


                                            (   ­     We are so lovely     )

Aren't we ?


we are the free ones

and we

Are gathering strength
of suicide*

you have a voice
inside your head
"you are worthless"
it has said
you have a life
but sleep instead
all is black and blue and red
you have a life
your daily bread
and yet you wish
that you were dead

he/she has left you
they won't atone
it has cut you to the bone
you sit by your telephone
a prince, you sit a pauper's throne
death bewitches
the sighs make moans
you listen to the laughing crone
your grave is piled up with stones

now you truly are alone

you are young
with angst to spare
parents/ teachers in your hair
your bedroom becomes your lair
no peers or siblings haunt you there
all alone... it isn't fair
the sharp edges **** you
you're aware
but they lure due to despair

but you are not beyond repair!

i just want for you to know
your Creator loves you so
my poem's not a circus show
i have lived through some trials, woe
He's helped me when I was low

He made you... *so don't let go!
If ANYONE is feeling like they just can't go on,  call a professional
Pick up that 10 ton phone!
You can talk to me via the site message system


(C) 6/1/2015

 Jun 2015 oh my stars

Poetically waits for you

~ between ~

the lines of every verse
Don't let a piece of paper define you
You write who you are
You don't rub out
You leave a mark

Your romance carved into trees
Your sadness watercolours of ink
Your happiness an explosion of paint
Your anger scrunched up beside the bin

You write essays on stories you don't care for
Read something that makes your heart cling to your chest seeking love
Something that makes your brain question the very beauty of life
Something that gives you goosebumps with feelings you cant explain

They are scared of how strong you really are
Schools don't educate they dictate
Educate yourself
You are the greatest teacher

Your brain is the self made nuke
They are scared you are going to blow
A war that is your true self
Its better to fight standing than fearing on your knees.
 Jun 2015 oh my stars
Your words were a spell
that cast the dark soul
rooting inside of me

for a very long time,
I was freed.

Your words were an aroma
that enticed and enchanted
my whole being,

I was alive.

Later I found out,
your words were a dark charm
that made me believe
everything you've shown
was right,

a smell of nothing
but a lie.

Darkness ate me back to the abyss,
I was cursed not to
find a true bliss.
Decartes's too smart,
Much too profound
With his,
Cogito Ergo Sum:
I think therefore I am.
That's deeper than my toes.

So, I propound
Read on,
Perhaps you'll agree:
Expirem Ergo Sum:
I die therefore I am.
That's as deep as I go.
 Jun 2015 oh my stars

I am what you read,
*you are what I write
Not sure this makes sense, but it does to me.  :)
 Jun 2015 oh my stars
I hope you have a daughter
Just as beautiful as you
I hope she is an angel
And she makes your dreams comes true

I hope she falls in love one day
I hope their love is real
I hope she drives him mad with love
The way you made me feel

I hope she loves her culture
I hope she loves her God
I hope he doesn't fit the mold
The same way I was flawed

I hope she doesn't hide from you
And that you've helped her understand
True love transcends both faith and race
And it sure as hell's not planned

I hope you get to meet him
And see how he makes her smile
I hope that if she tells him yes
He can walk her down the aisle

The hardest thing I've ever done
Was giving you my heart
And being crushed as ignorance
Tore our love apart
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