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Feb 2019 · 260
A Poem for a Poet
Omi Feb 2019
Sometimes I forget that I am a poet until I meter lost dreams into sonnets or I burn eggs into soot and draw out long lines in the pan

I forget that my fingers, though long and clumsy, routinely drum delicate cadences across the hard smooth surfaces of tables and door handles or even the soft hilly bits of flesh and fat

I forget the way that my teeth click and grind or the way that my toes dig and scratch into the rough patches under my feet

And the sound it makes

Or the rattle of my breath as I stomp and the room shakes
I forget that line that I inhale with smoke and exhale in contempt

I forget about the crunching of scratching and the rustling of shifting limbs
I forget about the restlessness in my palms and the sloshing of rough skin when they meet to make warmth  

I forget about the words spoken under my breath when my eyes have glossed over and my thought are darting across islands

I forget about the tangibility of my shifting whims and the sounds that they make as they make their homes in the walls around me
And the residual letters that shed from the carcassed corners of whims left for dead

Sometimes I forget because I am fickle and absent
Sometimes I just forget…
But then I remember
That I am a poet
First poem in a log while
Jun 2016 · 542
All My Children
Omi Jun 2016
If I could impregnate myself with my tears
My children would be innumerable and divine
Delicate as the lilacs at my feet
And as giving as my mothers hands

My children and I would dance wildly to the sound of the shaking leaves
And laugh until we cried at the absurdity of the decaying frames of the eternal surrounding infrastructures

I would gather our collective tears and water my children
Careful to sift the salt and reserve just enough for future implantation

My babies would nest in the tight curls of my crown and I would rock them to sleep in the gentle curve of my lashes
Blinking slowly and steadily to ease the restlessness of their being

If I could birth my children from my ear
I’d rest my head on a pillow and never leave
I’d rest my head flat on the soft surface
Turning my head only slightly to the left to give a final shake
Releasing my babies from their sack

I’d let them snuggle against my cheek as I sang to them the songs of the old Gods
And the new
I’d warm them with heat of my breath and nourish them with the saliva of my tongue
I’d listen intently to their soft whispers inquiring about the beams of light seeping through the cracks of the walls
The vines sprouting through the floor boards and climbing pillars on the bed

If I could birth my children from the scrapings from under my fingernails
I’d tear at my flesh until there was nothing left but raw nerve and blood
I’d dress them in gowns made from the weaved patches of hair growing across my mons *****
And I’d make them sun hats from the shattered pieces of my toe nails

If I could sink into the soil and grow my babies from my decay
I’d sprout a row of sunflowers
And the many seeds in its ***** would be my youngins
They’d fall away one by one
And run off uninhibited into the spring

Little pieces of me
Drowning in the sunshine
This poem is a work in progress
May 2016 · 460
Omi May 2016
Ever been inspired beyond words?
Awed by the sunlight?
Licked delicately by the rain?
Breathed in deeply the sour green of the grass?

Ever plunged your fingers deep into a bin of beans?
Ran your fingers through hay?
Cried out under the stars?
Laughed at the wrong moment?
Or released with the wrong lover?

You are every ***** little tantalizing feeling ever.
You are the tingle deep in my bones.
You are burning me from the inside and I was naive enough to try and banish you with antacids.

You are that addictive feeling and I'm not sure that I can rid you
Or that I want to

We are a nasty little triffle
Yang and yang
We are the wrong side of the bed
We are Fire and air

We are poison
We are detriment
We are bound
I am bound
I am happy
You are my devil
You are sin
And I am your sin eater

And I will eat
And eat
And eat
Until we are both clean
Of each other
Nov 2015 · 486
Omi Nov 2015
I made a lover of the sun
And it burned me deliciously
Every blister that rose on my flesh lingered there and stung me like a shallow kiss

And just before it abandoned me for the twilight
It provoked my soul
And once again I was lit
But exceedingly alone
Part of a developing series
Jul 2014 · 3.0k
Flight (A 10 Word Poem)
Omi Jul 2014
Everything flies
until it comes crashing,
recklessly, into the ground
Jul 2014 · 2.1k
Omi Jul 2014
Your opinion  is awfully one sided
And slanted against the left
But, the right side is decidedly better
So my complaints are minimal
And equally so to yours
One sided at best
FYI: This is not a poem about politics.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Omi Jul 2014
Curiously, I follow the trail
Until it forks in two
I stop and sit in the middle of the road
And contemplate directions until
I grow very
and feebly old.
Jul 2014 · 423
Omi Jul 2014
I made a lover of the sun
And just before it scorched my skin
It ignited my soul
Jul 2014 · 7.3k
Omi Jul 2014
Your ***** is funky
Dripping nectar like fine wine
Your ***** is thick
Fine hairs, crazed and divine

Your ***** don’t taste like water
It smells like a grown woman do
Your thighs are black
And slick with dew

Your ***** looks fuzzy
Your thighs do too
Razors don’t show it love
And chub rub burns it like glue

Your ***** ain’t pink
It ain’t petite
Its quite fat
Your ***** still pretty

Not that you needed affirmation of that fact
Jul 2014 · 504
Omi Jul 2014
The chill in the air has peaked my *******
And numbed my fingers,
Not sure if I feel more alive
Or closer to death
Jul 2014 · 450
Omi Jul 2014
I always spot you in the weirdest places
You never see me or look up in time to return my gaze
Thank God for little miracles
Jul 2014 · 2.4k
Omi Jul 2014
I have always liked the color blue
violets are blue, So here my love
Is a violet for you.
Jul 2014 · 375
Omi Jul 2014
You painted my love in your smile
Like all smiles do,
It faded away

— The End —