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I fell
Hurtling downwards, through the layers
That seemed soft as cotton, just as easy to disperse
A figure cutting through them at the speed of light
The velocity unimaginable, the pain striking
She barely realised it and before she knew

Before she could move a muscle
Against that mind-numbing gravity
She was afloat midst air
Nowhere to go and nothing she could do
She flailed, her actions screaming desperation
Tried to get a grip on those layers but they dissipated
Before she could think up something else,
The stars appeared and the layers fully disappeared
No more illusion of control left, no where left to hide
The stars burned themselves into her eyes.

She had never seen them as clear as that one moment
And so she fell and hung around in air, nothing to hold on to
It's the monster in your heart
The one that never gives in easy
It will follow you around till you finally
acknowledge it
It will haunt you, in your dreams and
your reality.
It'll make you draw back, intimidated and

If you never look it in the face,
you'll never see what it means to fear
You might draw back-
one step, two steps, three
for you're terrified.
He's standing right in front of you,
his wild smile just for you,
the physical personification of your fear
And then you lean in, closer to his face,
growl at him to stay away.
Now it's his turn to draw back
As he throws his head back and laughs
in wild amusement and the same pride,
parents feel at the accomplishments of
their darling child.
He leaves you that day with a whispery
kiss on your forehead
but he's back the next to make you even
more scared.

One day, when you don't fight back
he will look into your eyes and see your fear
and will frown at the defeat in your eyes
He'll use the dirtiest of tricks to make you fight
He'd do anything to make you fight back
So if you crumple to the ground in defeat,
he'll make sure you watch as your worst enemy
receives all that you had been fighting for
right in-front of your very eyes.

His sense of humour is critical
State of mind, questionable
Love for you? Unforgettable
Part of the same series that Death Is A Friend is part of.
Death Is A Friend -
"I am all pieces that don't fit
But with you
I don't realize it."*

That's all I have ever wanted to be able to say
And meant
"I am all pieces that don't fit
But with you
I don't realize it."*

That's all I have ever wanted to be able to say

And meant
the steaming ground sporadic
calmed by balmy humid evening breeze

pungent sharp tang of *****
lifting into the air

i remain naive
eyes covered
walking face forward

my hands my maturity
but i have none

i wear headphones
the news headline flashes

businesses rise
people becoming impressive

my hands my maturity
maybe i've regressed further

i talk of trivialities
but people talk of people
talk of doing things with
people who do things

and i do not do things

so if i show them a poem
do i get a job
if i show them a poem
am i doing something
I am talking
At walls and mirrors

I have deleted
Your number

I am trying
To forget his name

I have been shutting
Everyone's existence out

This is how I need to be
This is what I need to do
I need to focus on what I have now

Work still does not get done
And I still cannot focus.

Stop running through my mind
Driving me insane
for those nights when i shattered at my wrists  
looking up at apathetic skies
blinding sunshine moonshine
stars matching the layout of
the cones in my pupils

i remember the tears pooling at the corners of my eyes
as i looked down and up
clutching my wrist
digging my nails into deeper impressions and
grooves left by knives past
biting the inside of my cheek hard enough
and the days when i used my hair
to hide my eyes

and dodged around people
unable to bear
with putting on a face
strong face happy face getting-through-life faces
those days

i felt barely human
for those days

i remember impressions left on my feet and my hands
as i stared holes into them
through the blur of tears on my eyes
i felt the clench of my heart and my stomach
and i remember digging my nails into my guts
trying to hold myself together
and the struggle of remaining upright

trying to not crumple into a ball
into as tight a space i could manage
under tables beds metal frames
left dusty with spider webs and mis-
disuse over ages of forgetting
for reasons better known to those others

for those days
when i could barely look into someone's eyes
and acknowledge myself as a person
or a human or a thing or a creature
and i felt like a whisp on the
shadows and springs of death and blankness

those days
when all i felt was the grave the tombstone
of my body
as i carted it around
the world and the whole world
leaned in but i leaned out
i leaned out and
and my spine was not strong enough to carry this tombstone
but my shoulders were
so my shoulders hunched and my spine broke
and i carted it around anyway

those days when
came back in dreams and nightmares
of worlds falling apart
and people lying dead in ditches
people killing themselves in hidden roofs
where i had once resided
and i recalled a
a particular
peculiar impression
of orange smoky skies
with menacing black jets over my head and i thought
i thought
and i believed-
"This world has come to die"

and that wasn't even the scary part
the scary part was when i
i stood and opened my arms wide
laughed and said:
"i've been waiting"
i remember those nights
i remember those moments
and my stomach crumbles
my eyes cannot handle their weight anymore
my spine shatters
my shoulders overflow
my wrist shatters
and i

i look up at the blinding
sunshine moonshine
and i open my eyes wider
and laugh laugh laugh
So I was thinking that I hadn't written in a couple of days
Then again

I haven't really laughed


In a few days

I haven't met a real face in days

Where are the mirrors
Oh god,
Looking into them doesn't help

These were my thoughts yesterday
Before I sat and cried for four hours

Gained a fever

Ate breakfast

I've got my heart on my sleeve
Stars in my eyes
I look you in the eye
It's a lie, for if you die
I wouldn't cry a single tear
Good riddance, for these stars
This thing on my sleeve
They're not for you
Never were, never will be
They're for what we never were
What you couldn't be
What I couldn't do
All those in-betweens
Where I'd have my heart on my sleeve
Stars in my eyes,
For you, you, and only for you
Helpful critique welcomed. :)
frantically drawing boundaries

a childhood filled with people louder and angrier

insults thrown across, boomeranging into stings on cheeks

loud nights, where breaths, laughs, tears were stifled

under covers, my escapes built on castles of words

so now at nights, i continue running across drawbridges

made of bitten nails, dry throats, cheeks already tingling

moats of cotton blankets, sweet moonlit tones

how did you learn when to stop caring?

how did you learn to care for yourself?

selfishness i never learnt

loving myself a concept foreign

now my brows crinkle when i think

of myself and questions naturally

arise when i consider doing anything

for myself

working to the bones, bank balance grows

why do i still not do anything i ever dreamt of?

shadows of insecurities and anxieties

rains of tears and never being enough

i never learnt how to be a human for myself

i look for the next avenue to turn

for others to care for

but i learn and learn-

no one really cares

i flail and panic, my arms lashing for the shores

sinking again into my dreams

my nerves keeping on asking, "if not not, when? when? when?"

echoing "when" in my ears as i try to sleep

i muffle it all and drown it in the neons of social media

television shows

drinks with people who won't remember my name

presents for people who have already forgotten my name

my shoulders sag as i head home

the heaviness of leaving and pain of my existence

now that it does not cost anyone else anything

feels less burdensome but why does it still hurt so much?

life is really not that bad anymore

why do i still hurt so much on the inside?

why do everyone's voices sound so sharp coming down the phone?
I wish I was bullet-proof

Walls all up
Open your eyes

There's nowhere to go
Not anymore
There's no one calling for you
Not even a whisper*

Does that not feel
Like freedom?
i was dreaming about you
last night

thinking about perfection
and its

relevance in my life
my fractured

pieces that come together
for average

cannot compete against that
of yours

where you burn and fight so
you can

best everyone and i i just
try to

get by with some work some
smiles to

help me while my nights away
and a

dream of how i one day want
wish i

could feel living in sleeping
bags half-

stolen songs sung soft in
moon light

on a fall day crisp leaves
falling crunching

slow under my feet while this song
plays out

my life my insecurities and i hope
to live

a life so beautiful that when i die
they cry
I was all edges and jaded eyes
Long before
you met me, with sweet smiles
- all teeth
My laugh gets louder
I get taller
But I was only edges
Before you met me

I'm sorry but I think
You would've liked me
Before when I was innocent,
always straightforward

Than this twisted
Hardened joke I've become.

You need to go.
Before I become too dependent
You have to go.
Whoop, two different things in a day
Paint me in any colour you want,
you wish for
Draw any outline you visualize.
This will fade,
Falling victim to the seasons.
A masterpiece
Within itself,
the intricacy of the strokes
Shall be hidden by
the next masterpiece
That will take its place.

The unsung, the
are the ones who draw this,
And night.
Going unnoticed,
no one stops to
Consider the combinations,
the contrasts,
Its various interpretations,
almost like
Those of a Rubik's Cube.

upon caked layer,
depicts violence,
Craves freedom,
breathes anonymity and
Displays inspiration.
Helpful critique welcomed. :)
We had nothing

Except my camera

And my fear of heights

But the happiness in the air

Was almost permeable
Living day to day
From one event to another
Ghosts haunting every footstep

is this any way to live?

belief is a double-edged sword
and the rate of blood loss
is much higher than
the rate of blood transfusion




it's just one more day
Burn at the back of the throat
Disguises the brunt borne by the second child
Prickling the back of eyelids
I've been trying to write

draw a picture

in colours

for so long

It's not happening

Words blur
sentences get clubbed together
television waves
manga and anime

I need to write something

there's something missing inside

Help, I can't breathe

I can't stop thinking

Somebody make my brain stop.

Make it screech to a halt

I don't want to sit and imagine

A hundred ways to die

I don't want to lose sleep over this

I can't afford to miss another day of school for this

(people will start wondering)

My ***** little secret

Only mine

Help. Make the voices stop. Make them sing. Make them be quiet.

Let me write.

I need to escape.
Reference to "your brand, your choice"
I was calling you today

on the middle of a bridge

that lit up colors

striping through the

night skies

i like looking at

and i thought of all the times i had spent

chasing dreams, chasing chasing chasing

fat stacks of money a sense of accomplishment a life worth living

and i thought

thought about my life and its trajectory

through the streets of broken stones

spent staring at cracks on pavement

there is this hollow feeling in my chest

i feel a conscious space there

there is this empty feeling in my brain

it feels disconnected from my body

they do not respond to my emotions

i reach for a smile but my lips do not respond right

i am walking but my legs feel so light

but my arms feel heavy

my head remains bowed

but friend,

where are you

i have forgotten what you look like
I saw you

I saw your brain spilling out its cerebellum, medulla oblongata, etc

All over- unrecognizable


I saw

I thought those were some kind of pink pulses

Lord knows, weirder things have been found

and seen

I saw

I saw

I hope there is justice for you

I will pray for your soul

My soul will meet yours
when the knell rings for me

I hope you find peace

I hope you know that I called

And called and tried and tried

To help you even though you were already gone

I saw your friend- his eyes, his expression

I really did try
Please find yourself another life

I hope your friend finds peace
Knows it wasn't all his fault
I hope his eyes lose the haunted shocked expression
I really wish he can drive again

I hope he can continue working
- he looked like one of those people
you know those ones?
working hard to make it out of drudgery?

I hope he makes it through this
And I really really wish you guys hadn't had a fight before this

Find peace
Go safe
Go softly

Your death was sudden
Ripped out of this earth
Like you were never meant to exist
That was meant to be me

I hope it didn't hurt too much

And those ******* that did this to you?
I hope they didn't mean it
I wish they hadn't been high before this

Your death shouldn't be meaningless
And although
You might be simply another obituary in tomorrow's newspaper

This poem will say

"I saw you.
I prayed for you.
I greeted you.
I witnessed your existence.
You meant something
Just as your death did.
I wish you peace and that you go
Safely, soundly
Wishing you that your loved ones
Remember you with love
And maybe some heartbreak
But they find strength.
s   a   w
The only way I know how to cope and deal is to write it out.
left at three am
leaving fairy lights on
knowing that i would be
coming back
your heart thumping next to my ear
i hear it and i can't even focus on
what you say
your hand is on my head my shoulders
my hips my back
i hear only the thump-1-2-thump-1-2-thump
and i wonder if my heart beats faster
and i want it so desperately not to
i wonder if this is your usual heart rate
i want to study you and take your pulse every day
find how often this heart rate comes to you
is this faster than normal? is this slower than normal?
is this normal?

i hear the steady beating of your heart and i can hear
your throat
rumble above me and your chest responds and i hear
i hear the pumping of air in and out of your lungs
the hands that are in my hair, on my shoulders, hips, back
nowhere inappropriate
and my legs are beside yours

and i wish i had the courage right now to sit on your lap
look deep into your eyes and kiss your hands and
ask for you
and for your attention and love
have you at my feet
carressing the spine of the arch of my feet
with your finger pads
like you caress my hair right now
i want to nibble on your pulse, your throat and kiss
the chest cavity that hides the thump-1-2-thump-1-2

i want to hear your voice rumble above me in laughter
and hear you hum close to my ears
i want to hold your hands and kiss the fingerpds
that you touch my feet with
i want to stroke your back when you're upset
and hide you away when you're upset
because i know, like me,
you never liked letting people see you cry

i want to wrap my hands around you and scratch you on your head
behind your ears
i want to be the one to make you laugh

i want to be the one you talk about and blush
the one always on your mind

i want to sit uncomfortably close to you
and initiate contact
make you go red with a peck on the cheek
hear you thump-1-2-thump-1-2 faster
when i lie beside you to watch a movie
or just talk
stare at the ceiling or stars

i wish and i wonder
if i only like you because
i can hear that thump-1-2-thump-1-2
in my ears whenever
i have need of you

but you
you never felt the same way,
did you?

i freeze when i look at you
and i get a little breathless when i see you smile
when i see you walk
sit or lie down and
i lose my breath a little bit more
when i see you

but i always see you with someone by your side
or you don't see me and
and i don't think this is a safe bet
i don't get close
i don't play vulnerable
or infatuated

my neck feels good against your hands, i hope
because your hands sure as hell feel great against mine
*but i don't do vulnerable
lovestruck or infatuated
If they just called
Told me
To stay for them
I'd run away
Far, far away
I never reply to
Anyone's calls
Rarely reply to
Anyone's texts
But if you asked
Wished it of me
Told me to
Requested me to
I'd run, I'd run
The length of Eurasia
If only you told me

Ask me to stay
And I can't
But ask me to run
And I'll run till
My feet bleed
And I die
Like that chap
From Tolstoy's
'How Much Land...'
Awfully long
Quite pointless
But I'd run like that
If only for you
Response to 'Without You' by Katrine Lif. I was inspired by it quite suddenly.
Link to the mentioned poem:
If I could write using moonlight
I'd pick up a quill
And break it while
Imprinting your name over and over again
All over your skin and mine
A strange, mismatched puzzle
Tattoos spreading across both our skins
Yearning for the other
The letters reaching out
Across the expanse of space and skin
Attempting to form a complete picture
With each other
And display my masterpiece

Apart- senseless

But placed against each other
They read out
An entire story
Told in two words

Borne of a strange need for possession
I would keep writing until you and I
Would bleed the colours of the evening skies
The silver scars, like intertwining webs
A destiny wound together in a braid

Been a while. Comments?
i find it comforting sometimes that relationships are impermanent and that maybe one day the relationships that cause me pain and confusion will also simply melt away.

i look at the stars and i never get tired of the way the wind blows through the strands of my hair,

the leaves fall onto the roads

like they did a year ago

gradually it's less cooler to use an air-conditioner

maybe better to use a heater

lights become softer, clouded by the mists of solidifying vapor in the air

life keeps it tides

and i find myself surprised that the ebbing tide has still left me with sandcastles of relationships

i once built thoughtlessly

i take comfort in the impermanence of relationships

and the insufferable company I bring
i'm tired mom
i'm tired dad

i cannot stand to hear the birds sing these days
could not bear the hot sun for the past week
my heart danced when it rained and was quick
to stop with the rain and now i feel like
the colors bled out again but was this not
supposed to get better? i have been trying
to not live inside my own head and the hole
at the bottom of my stomach, the pit inside
my heart- i have not succeeded but i try to
fill up the spaces in my head with music-
that does not work either- and was all music
this flat? i lose sight and my hands are
shaking- now, i notice the gaps in pores,
the lines of my hands and- mom, are you there?
can you please talk to me for a bit now?
i am sorry i can only speak about my work
but i cannot tell you how i feel and how
i am alone and the only person in this mess.
dad, are you hearing me? i just wanted to hear
your voice to remind myself that someone cares
about my dreams and passions, someone who would
go above and beyond to ensure i am not crying
myself to sleep at night. brother, can you
scold me a bit longer? i am sorry but it has
been a long time since someone cared enough
to tell me how to do better and be better.

is friendship meant to be this hollow, this
easily brushed past? is it meant to be so
fleeting and brief? i do not want summer here
for i appreciate the coldness of winter instead
that tells me, gives me an excuse, to have hope
because summer comes with bright sunlight and
no excuses but with resounding harsh silences
in the pauses between the bird song and the
baking heat of the sun. love is too hard
and friendship is a lie-- so mom, dad, brother,
would you stay on the phone a bit longer?
While everyone was busy ******* around

(Hey, she's a *****. That dude? So hot.
That chick is so **** ****, it's crazy
I want her. I want him. Just kidding. L-O-L
Dude, she was so harsh on me, like W-T-F
She was a major wannabe *****. ***** her
He was ugly as sin. What the hell did I ever
See in a ******* like him?
I am going to ruin his/her life),

I was busy ******* my own life up
Guzzling up words, words, words
Drinking them in, guilty as a desperado
Bad, good- hardly made a ******* difference
When I'd been at it for a few minutes already
(whatever, hours to you)

Insatiable- that's me
I want more. Give me more.
I want to read more-more-more
Going to combust
More words! More!
This is too less already! More!
Everyday- 16 hours straight
I need to read more
It's all that I have, am
No one can take it away from me
No one!
I won't let them!
I'll go at them with knives, blades, guns
I'll **** myself up
I barely give a ****.
I just need more.
from dusk to dawn,
I wish I'd catch a wink of sleep
it certainly isn't pleasant to be going to sleep
when the rest of the household starts to rouse themselves
but such is the life of a closet insomniac
such is the life of one who lives in paranoia
such is, after all, the life of one who only ever comes alive
with the Night City, my Night City,
identified by the purplish-black clouds that blanket the city
and it's neon lights, for once again letting
us insomniacs become ourselves,
the ones who laugh and dance
and live and breathe when the world sleeps
the ones that return to existing as mere
shadows with the dawn of the sun
for us though, the awakening of the world is
with the appearance of starlight
with the quietening of most of
the sounds that plague daylight
random fires on streets are put out and we are left
to delight in the firey-orange neon lights.

aah. but what a sad time for us
when we become shadows
unable to do anything, with heavy weighted limbs
that refuse to obey any command,
with woolly heads and sleep deprivation,
almost-vampires for we don't sparkle
bruises under our eyes are barely noticed
for they are always there
during the day, shadows we become.
brushed aside and barely noticed, yet
in silence we choose to remain,
reveling in the knowledge that
night will return again.
I hope this wasn't cliche. :P
We hardly fit with our jagged edges
and our heavy breathing, our holes
don't even coincide. Our symmetry
is imperfect, as imperfection can be.
We can't call it home. We're too
edgy to ever do so. It doesn't even
come close to that feeling of
comfort and love. We're not in love,
nor are we friends by any means.
Hardly acquaintances. We wouldn't
lift a finger a finger to help the other
No, this isn't home, love or friendship.
Our weapons are still on us. The poison's
hidden in the secret compartments of the
rings we gifted each other. We never
believed in anything but practicality.
I specially sharpened the blades I
brought with me. I know he loaded
some 'special' bullets in his gun.
We deal like this, like rival gang leaders
It's the only thing that has remained
the same through all these years,
frighteningly comforting in it's stagnancy.
It doesn't even come close to companionship.
It's definition lies somewhere between
hatred, addiction and need. Quiet intimacy
will prevail between us and anyone who walks in,
feels like they're intruding on something a bit
more private and clandestine. Though no one
notices, our spines don't relax even once.
Helpful critique welcomed. :)
i think i think too much of you
so i try to forget you in others
but others do not last so now i
feel like an overexposed wound
on the face of this earth trying
to hide my vulnerabilities in
the silence of the crowd which
is that spot when you are sitting
in a crowd of people but no one
is talking to you or looking at
you really so you have this haze
strangely around you where you
catch bits and pieces of others'
conversations but you remain a
bystander and there is silence
around you as you commit actions
like moving and talking so you
remain undisturbed and really
this is nice but i think of you
too much so i think of you in
this noise or the galaxies, and
stars at the point of my finger
tip exploding into colors and
slow motions in a tug of time
that we try to understand and
we pay millions and billions of
pulp of trees to try and see
as if by understanding we will
seize the tug and pull all of it
into the palms of our hands
so we can have these celestial
bodies in the palms of our hands
but really how can you and is
it not ridiculous that you
are infinitesimal in the face
of these constellations but
you sought to bring it to heel
like an errant dog anyway
but i think too much of you
and you are here lurking at
the bottom of my mind now
as if to say, stop, do not
think further of that, come
back and be grounded do not
dream silly dreams of stars
too big to move with finger
tips or even the full weight of
your body and i think too
much of you and i just feel
so so small
this was confusing to write so i guess it must be confusing to read
Set them free
And let them be
If it's meant to be
And you both feel it,
It'll be
I've always hated my birthday

Yeah, I'm reaaally tipsy

And you know what?
That's alright.
That's perfectly fine.
'Cause I've got all these scars
Which I can't stop
Over and over again

It's routine to me, by now

This is less polished than the other poems
Maybe cause I don't even bother
With re-reading this piece
I want it to be brash

Just like me
All tears,
Jagged edges
Hurt and pain
All over
Just like me

I hate the sound of silence
So I've got music blasting
Away on earphones

(Makes it a little easier
to welcome the light
in the morning)

That's all cool
That's perfect

I am going to be fine

A year less to live
But it's alright
Let's raise a toast to that
Hey, I miss you
How've you been
I've been missing you like crazy
It was my birthday recently
And you didn't call
Then again, I've never called you up
On your birthday either
I miss you, I miss you, I miss you
Where have you been
What've you been upto
Any new people that I should know about
I wish that our relationship was that easy
Gods, if only it were

I punch at these walls, till my knuckles
Are bruised, the nerves below straining
The skin peeling, my hands stinging
I want to punch them till they fall
And you can see the things that make me Me
I wish I could reveal my scars to you
I wish I knew for certain you wouldn't
Never, ever, would you, give them away
To anyone else, laugh about them
Don't hear me, don't see the tears
Pooling in my eyes

All I want to do is let you know
How much I really treasure
Your companionship, your warmth
Your sardonic comments, thorny opinions
That let me know you care
How can anything be perfect if you aren't here
I ignore perfection, hoping to be content
With mediocrity instead
Why aren't you here? Right here
Where I need you, when I need you

It has been ages since we met
I am forgetting your eyes, your smile
I really want to sit next to you
Listen to you talk the night away
About trivialities, then a little while
Later, I want to tell you about school
That horrible ***** who was mean to me
Tell you how betrayed I feel
How lonely I really am
How these walls defeat me each time

As I blink away my tears,
My voice hitches
I can imagine you patting me on my back
Politely, nicely
Saying that it'll be fine, it is only a matter
Of a few more years, that I should remain strong
If you knew how I looked up to you,
Would you be scared?
Don't be, please just don't be

You live a thousand miles away
There's no way you can let me down
You can't let me down
Which is why I trust in your image
Not you, your image
I wish I could share my cynicism
With the person built up in your image
Have them react as I imagine them to

Maybe, they'll lean over for a hug or two
But it won't matter because it'll never be true
The walls will stay up
Despite my punches and if I told them to anyone
They'd just feel awkward knowing someone
Stripped of their barriers
They'd take advantage, laugh it off
Laugh me, my troubles off as
The ramblings of a fool,
An Anonymous Joker

I wish for your reflection in a mirror,
The person built up in your image
Wish I could tell you of the dark
Dark thoughts that linger
Sometimes past nighttime
Talking about crimson dreams
Blades, knives and high buildings
I wish I could confide in you
And I'd gain strength from
Your confidence in me
Telling me dawn will come soon
I wish I could call you up at three
Desperately gasp out whichever nightmare
Woke me up this time

Yet I make do with rubbing my face
Nearly peeling the skin off
With cold water and soap
I rub at my eyes frantically
Waiting for the tears to stop
I avoid looking in the mirrors
Avoid seeing my reflection,
Which features in most of my nightmares

I just wish I could talk to you
A mirror image of you
Quietly, silently
Maybe just a sentence or two from you
It would calm me down
Lord knows, one sentence said by you
Left running in my head
For over half a year,
Gave me inspiration, strength
To live on, fight on, keep smiling
Through the day, everyday
People looking at me and wondering
Whether I'd heard about the latest
Hot gossip about me, questioning
My ideals, my morals, my goals
I wish, I wish, I wish

But it's alright
I'll be strong
I'll converse with my mirror image,
My reflection till you return
Give me another phrase to gain from
(I sound needy, don't I?)
I'll talk to it quietly because I know
Despite the blurred outline,
Sharp edges, and little cracks
My reflection understands more about me
My inner desires, than I do
An anonymous reflection
For an anonymous personality
Can there be anything more justifiable?
I suggest that you don't really look at the title for this one. Couldn't think of anything better.
Just found the above link. Not mine, obviously. But I thought it suited the poem. :P
I walk barefoot on stone during the day
Hoping that my feet will sting with the
Heat of a thousand suns
Encouraging the lashing of a thousand storms
Against my back
For the mistakes I made yesterday,
That I repeated a million times
The memory of your smile
Twists a blade into my guts
I recall your expression as you turned
Away, winning what was first mine
I reminisce as I see you drawing in
What once was mine
I turn away, hiding a knowing smile
This pattern is too continuous,
Too repetitive, for me to be surprised
Any more
I encourage severance of all bonds
When I wish for the pain,
Believe that it will cleanse me
Of my sins, drawing blood in exchange
For the lies that I told, the wrath I displayed
I am hardly a believer, but I still wish
That I'd see a smile, a kind smile,
Directed towards me, genuinely,
Just for a change, from the
Hostility that surrounds me
The doubts that colour everyone's
Perceptions. Hope that I'll see
A Friendly face today
I was drowning in depression
I just needed someone to talk to

But I figured
There's nothing better than this
So I remained sitting
On the floor of my bathroom cubicle
Jets of ice-cold water pouring
Over my head
My forehead
Eyes, Nose
Dripping down
As a cloud of grey  
Enclosed me
Within itself

How do I even battle this
I thought
But that was just momentary
And it slipped away
Down, down, down
My mood remained downcast

I wish the world could
W o u l d  f a d e  t o  g r e y
I laughed all the way home

Had asked for support
Got denied

Rather than being disappointed,
or sad,
I laughed and tripped my way everywhere

Raised my hands and clapped
As I danced around

Downed a drink
With the sun setting
Almost felt like a toast

I had my heart in my mouth
My eyes had laughter lines

I laughed
I confuse myself
i was feeling lonely and low again
but this time it had nothing to do
with volume of work just the over-
whelming sounds of not-people tal-
king talking to me to each other

it feels very much like being a
used rag beat up with others tears
frustrations broken dreams but none
of their joy optimism hope love or
happiness so i thought again about
life being for the living existing
stability competence steadiness
about wishing away forever but never
finding anything like today in the
infentissimal spaces between our
gaping web stories i wondered if
yours and mine would intersect
like eye-contact across railways
apathy indifference ignorance of
always being in the same place
at the same time but never sharing
the same moment in the same space

i thought of the intersections
of my veins and my synapses electric
and the nerves on leaves that
look an awful lot like the arrangement
of vessels under the skin of my
thick solid wrists with some bulging
out belying their strength with
their deep blue-ish color
blossoming brusie-like under the
surface pulsating with life-blood

then i thought of fishing by oceans
sitting cross-legged on wooden
benches overlooking rolling cold valleys
with a hot cup of tea in my hands
or waking up and sitting on the beach
in the sand hands wrapped loosely
tugging my knees to my chest
watching the ocean waves come in
in the soft light of stars giving
way to some of the early morning rays
spreading like coffee slowly spilled
across the thick cheap carpetting used
in cheap office spaces with all
the color of a muted mix of yellows
reds oranges pinks blues refracted
across the skies forming impressions
on the water that waves more prominently
preening in the separation between
itself and the now lightening skies
The uniformity startles me
I walk in and out of my head
As I hear you talking,
Saying these terrible things
I could almost believe
That I was in a nightmare
As I ran, I realised it wasn't
The memories of the past few moments
Ran ahead of me, comprehension
Not dawning, until someone
Caught me, made me sit,
Made me revisit my reasons
For running like a mad woman
With that look in my eye
Running tears down my cheeks
Didn't wake me up
I gasped, short of breath
The realisation slapping me
Across the face
I notice you the moment I walk in
You, however, don't give a ****
Looking at your pretty little associates
Giggling over some inane matter
While you sit like you are
Some kind of holy,
With a ****-eating grin
On your face. Your attention
Doesn't waver from them

I walk inside, intensely tired
Gone insane with all the fake-
grins and the somewhat awkward
Fun we all had. Your attention
Doesn't waver from your papers
Your precious little papers
I note, with a sardonic grin
I close my eyes and simply
Don't care any more as I
Strip out of my clothes
Chuck off my stupid heels
And fall on the bed, letting
Out a sigh of relief, comfort
Finally, I get to relax
My spine relaxes but it tingles
With awareness of the
Audience. I open my eyes
My vision blurry from over-use
I meet his gaze across the room

He keeps staring
Disconcerted and too weary to deal
With his mood-swings, I close my eyes
And bury my face in the pillow

My head is hurting, it is pounding
And I am at the end of my rope
He comes with slow, languid strides
Makes me sit-up, hands over the flask
Filled with water, my name engraved
On the cap, and a pamphlet of Aspirin
I praise the medical wonders
As I knock it down and lie on the bed again
I can feel it acting its magic
My nerves are loosening out
My head is being quietened bit by bit

As my vision blackens, I notice his
Face, eyes, expression
Strangely, something looks
Like longing on his face
You've heard things about me
I seem like a lot of things

Hey, guess what?
I've heard things about you too
But I'm still standing here
Waiting to listen to you
Not giving a **** about what
The rest have said
I am still here,
Ready to listen, despite
Everything new that'll be said
About me
I'm listening eagerly
Tell me what really happened
I won't judge
If you want, you don't even
Need to justify

It's just a pity
That you won't show me
The same courtesy

******, I'm such a loser
I don't know whether to
love it
or hate it

- that brief lull
at 2:33 AM

no birds twittering around

engines still approaching
too far to be heard

the buzz of electronics

except for the ticking of the clock

the slow drumming driving me crazy

I think I can hear the roar of a thousand regrets in my ears

my head resounds with ghosts

the dark ceiling offers no escape
You don't grow up
You learn to
Lower your cap
Hide your face
Your expression
Walk away,
This is where we end
This is how we end
Your face, covered by your hands
Your peace lost
Dark circles beneath your eyes
Hands bleeding red
Eyes screaming
For god-knows-what

This wasn't easy
We're fine though
No promises to keep in touch
A couple of glasses
Lying shattered on the floor

I think that it is time
For me to drown myself
*I can see a heart-sized hole
In the bottle
Where I'm pondering
A midnight swim
Lines in italics taken from Memories On A Deck Part II by Right Away, Great Captain!
Boring clothes
Quiet unvoiced thoughts
Loud voice
Loud presence
You teach me to think
With my own brains
Feel out my way
With my own feet
Treat me the same
As the boys

You put me in a school
Where they teach me to read
- oh, what a world!
They teach me to look
At international
- Marge Piercy,
Maya Angelou
And the like

You show me the crimson
Powder meant for foreheads
A deeper red for blood
Spilt on beds.
A life of compromise
And adjustment

Ripping out my ideas
And opinions
Telling me they're worthless
A baby, a house,
A life of adjustment
Is all this was meant for.

Tearing my beliefs
In an equal world
An equal society
Where society rises
To meet human morality

Is this what you taught me to read for?
Sorry sirs, ladies.
I tip my hat and bow.
Sorry to disappoint.
I was meant for an equal position
And I'll take it
- by force or mutual
I wait for you to come closer,
To draw closer and tell me
That you can't deal with me
Any more. Not with my
Insane, bordering on
Psychotic, behavior, and
My bipolar mood swings.
But, you draw closer
And you smile right at me,
And draw me into a hug
For a second, that little voice,
Which I am always aware of,
Which tells me I'm never
Going to be good enough
For anyone to accept or like,
Let alone love,
Fades to the back of my mind.
I let myself relax
Into your warm embrace and
I let myself be and believe.
I turn to smile at you...
Before I can see your face,
Your features, I am woken up
From my daydream
By the bell signalling the
End of school. I pack my bag
And head towards my carpool,
My movements sluggish-
Even cheerily wave goodbye to
A few stragglers.
I reach home and eat lunch alone.  
I go for tuition, let myself
Become numb to everything
But learning and understanding.
It becomes darker and it's almost 8,
I come back home again.
I had been out from 7 in the morning.
This time, my family's there and
We eat dinner together, though,
I am barely there with them.
They're discussing important
Things like business and will
Talk to me later.  I finish eating
And go sleep. Tomorrow's going to
Be the exact robotic same.
it's in the echo of my voice coming back to me
sitting on the bed of a packed room

the spaces on the walls
where my pictures used to be

a slow dwindling of faces that i saw every week
people increasingly passed out passing out passing by

it was the slow changes in the air and the frequency
with which the sun let its rays drop

the slow wave of people ebbing around
and how much stuff i suddenly had
and then just didn't

why does this world curve the way it does?
i don't ask for the physics but the philosophy

how will i see your face one day when we're the only ones left?
this world after all curves you away from me

oceans and continents
my home split into two my people split into two
torn between different countries continents
ways of living

my life packed into boxes and suitcases
maybe it's not at all it's written up to be
but it's been a great ride

and i let life take care of me
but your face moves and so does mine
it shifts
and i wonder if i ever needed the world to be flat

familiar is nice
change is difficult
i state the obvious but
my heart is in my throat
my hands shake and my legs aren't enough to support me
my my my my my

i don't know where this feeling inside of me began
and i don't know where it ends

i remain perched on the precipice of life
making my calculations
even as winds change
i'm always a step a beat behind
barely anything but that makes all the difference
so i am swept away
My nightmare woke me up in the morning
to a dark night ceiling

I turned over to see
the blinds holding out the light
A faint grey line escaping
From the corners

I closed my eyes
"It must be seven am,"
I thought

The clock told me differently
It was eleven am

The sun is high up in the sky
by this time

I had dreamt
of walking in strange
dark places
where I shouldn't have been

I thought that gender equality
meant not being scared of
walking alone

You came along and helped me out
showing me otherwise

My heart which had been waiting
for something bad to happen
like the premonition had passed
It knew what had been foretold
had come about
I've never felt good enough

*The raindrops hide the tears
The tears chase down the raindrops
But I'll never let them know
I only know to cope in a couple of ways
- slam up some walls
Pretend it doesn't hurt
Move on
Innocence is a mockery on my face
My lips twist into grotesque resemblance
of long-gone smiles

It is difficult to remember
to relax
to be normal

you come back in flurried recollections

a pain starting from the middle
of my forehead
to the crick in my neck
right to my wrists
softly rotating trying to relax
i smile

this is normal
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