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Aug 2014 · 447
The Thrills of Your Lies
Tara Marie Aug 2014
Embrace me deep.
Feel my heat.
Listening, sweet.
Rough lips, come cheap.

Caress my soul.
Comprehend me whole.
Eyes in your control.
Just one of your sheep.

Think I'm a fool?
My mind under your rule.
Not malicious, not cruel.
But yet my heart will weep.

You came from foreign blood.
Alive in solid mud.
Observe me like wasted crud.
Yet, yearning lives inside.

Pathetic. Not atoned.
Your hands persuaded and condoned.
Now I'm left for dead, alone.
Somehow I understand your thrill ride.
Jul 2014 · 471
Hiding Heyde
Tara Marie Jul 2014
I wish i could say that you are the only thought
in my mind
i sleep.

But your kisses are momentary
and your words mean nothing.

I wish he knew his eyes sting me and his words
in my mind
i sleep.

But his kisses are hers
and his words mean everything.
Jul 2014 · 954
Poignancies Conjoined
Tara Marie Jul 2014
Marry me with thoughts
that never were complete.

Kissing with your music
I listen in defeat.

Blinded with innuendos
but cowering at the sight.

Trembling in the whisper
of your breath so cool at night.

Cradle me in confusion,
while you test the water's feel.

Resting on the floorboards
of your broken-pedaled heal.

Caress me in affection
while you smile and flip a coin.

Paint me in your glances
with poignancies conjoined.

Bury me in final thought,
a tux, or even tears.

But bury me nonetheless
with a decision--decide, my dear.
feelings decision love lost hope
Jun 2014 · 4.1k
Tara Marie Jun 2014
Your soft hands
on mine.

Your warm heart
in mine.

Your strong kiss
becoming mine.

It is your love,
not mine.
Jun 2014 · 698
Playing with Fire.
Tara Marie Jun 2014
Cringes* I suppress.
Trapped in sullen mess.
Tangled and undressed.
I thought I wouldn't feel.

Gazing from the edge.
Slick and falling--the ledge.
Sinking further, they dredge.
Corroding me in mud.

Awake, but a ghost.
Transparent at the most.
Your game is but a host
to anything polite.

I learned, my friend.
At river's red and mucky end.
Lies are calling, backs must bend.
My heart's what hurt the most.

You travel like wildfire.
Trap all those who inquire
where you came from or what you desire.
You, *sire
, are more lost than me.
Jun 2014 · 400
If only you knew
Tara Marie Jun 2014
You open with sunrise,
and close with the daylight.
Fear speckles across your brow.

I try to dig deeper
into the emotion
I feel so incredibly now.

In smiles, I see it.
In ocean, wind currents
glide in ashes across my face.

If only, you knew
what your love could do.
You'd vanish without a trace.
Jun 2014 · 557
Tara Marie Jun 2014
Silence plays a melody
of toils and years of doom
listening, and beckoning
filling an empty room

A weather new to any age,
an abundance of empty thought
The Woulds and Shoulds are raining
from clouds of memories sought

Plaguing some of purpose
and filling some with fear
making sudden noises
for the loudest minds to hear

Parading round in fervor
and examining the lost
too loud to even recognize
but colder than eyes of frost

He is the oldest raconteur
but somehow a cowardice
of showing no reaction
to the world **aflame in bliss
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
A Tragedy.
Tara Marie Jun 2014
Photographs are blurring.
The air in here is stirring.
The doors become alluring.
Sitting in solemn silence.

My pulse is ever fading.
The walls are now degrading.
In memories, I'm wading.
Walking in solemn silence.

I see them all speaking.
I see her mother shrieking.
I see their eyes are leaking.
Standing in solemn silence.

A rose. A path. A smile.
The only, for awhile.
Two steps could be a mile.
Looking in solemn silence.

Nineteen years was brief.
I wish I caught the thief.
In her veins, it found relief
In solemn silence.
This poem is dedicated to Grace Riviere. You are deeply loved and missed.
Jun 2014 · 512
Tara Marie Jun 2014
Finding out who I am
is like searching
hiding my eyes.
Never opening,
my soul.
Needing someone
to save me.
And knowing,
that only I can.

— The End —