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Aduain Nov 2018
Generals and Admirals,
making the decisions
On squaddies lives and welfare
Creating the divisions
These combat explanations
The dictionary assigns
The following descriptions
Only the words benign.

A fight between armed forces,
Or, Take action to reduce;
The need for family losses?
Or more souls abuse?
Down among the soldiers
Is there anything more obtuse?
Stood by an adolescent shoulder,
Death in hands to use.

Brigadiers and Field Marshalls creed,
Battles must be won!
With no time for a private’s need
Or their families at home.
One day, with waiting over
Lovers may return,
Some that is, the others
Died in Hades, so listen, learn!

They died, and in their passing
Our freedom they allowed
Take heed, do not stop asking
Be heard and scream out loud,
To those we must make listen
To historical loud spoor
where fields of blood still glisten,
Please! Let peace endure….
Lou Vaughn Nov 2018
Three years ago today, the moment he walked through the door, it wasn't deja vu, it was a memory of a fantasy I played out in my mind hundreds of times as a little girl, as a teenager, as a woman, finally catching up in real time - a fantasy of a man I would meet someday who would be all I could ever desire in a lover, friend, and husband.

Three years ago today, the moment he walked through the door, standing 6' 14", I recognized him immediately as the nameless, faceless man I imagined for years and I finally felt alive! authentic! electric!

Three years ago today, the moment he walked through the door, I fell irrevocably in love and I never want to put myself back together again.
Sacred Johnson Nov 2018
1 represents my existence on planet earth
A good 9 years of innocence childhood fire
9 more to exhibit my love to the girl who lift my heart higher
Here is 8 years to begin a new path
YOLO. Reminisce the good old days. Love unconditionally, unstoppable. Don't be afraid to start over. I was born in 1998
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2018
I may be gone,
But you are not alone,
I am there for you
Me and you.
I travel in light years,
I have supersonic ears,
My senses more alert,
I can feel the beat of your heart.
I hear you,
I see you,
I feel you.
Look for me in the clouds,moon and stars,
See me twinkle for you from afar.
When I see you in tears,
I too, rain my dear.
I may be beyond your touch,
But,I am near you as much.
War war No one likes war
The mud the rats the food is raw
The whistle will go then over the top
Through the guns through the wire
Then in to the trenches to disappear
The mud will not let all go through
Some will cry out and down they will go
Oh god why is war so
Or will one day children play in street
Like heaven and not like today
Or will man fight on till there is no one left
A gun cracks out and down I go
Oh god may I be the last to die this way.
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