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I don't know what i'm doing anymore.
The pen sits in my hand .
The paper on my desk.
but the words come all jumbled up
tangled together
in anger and frustration.

This used to be so easy as a child.
I could throw a stone.
and strike a muse.
but now the stones are boulders
and the muse is a pay stub.  

Has life really won me over?
am I really all used up
My mind dry
parched from the absents of words.
pen ink smears across

blue-lined pages

made by bearing down with an

unsteady hand that isn't more unstable

than the neurosis of trying to

make words mean more

than they actually do
NitaAnn Jul 2014
I had to...
I have to do something.
The lonliness and stress were eating away at me
My hands and heart have been itching to be creative for a while now.
I have not been able to write for weeks.
My head is on over-drive.
I am so stressed/scared/nervous about the tomorrow.
What if it is worse than they thought?
What if something goes wrong?
JNW Jun 2014
How can something that's so free;
no guidelines or how to,
No grades or reports,
No do this,
Or do that,
Be so complex?
I'm basically stuck in the corner of my own mind.
Tiffany Jun 2014
I don’t write nearly as much as I’d like
Not for lack of wanting
But I can’t seem to find the inspiration
My imagination isn’t corresponding
Dania Jun 2014
Writer's blocks build walls of divide.
On the one side jump experience and feeling and emotion and thought, but on the other sit the words that rest in my mind and refuse to wake up from their pesky slumbers of stubborn laziness. All it takes is one word to smuggle itself passed a crack in the wall and there's a melody of language. The ideas can shoot itself only so high without its counterpart on the other side helping it reach the top. Oh writer's blocks, please stop mounting yourselves on top of one and other. With every solidifying brick, another word slips away and slowly writes itself into a permanent shut-eye. I know you mean no harm and simply want to exist in the struggle for perfected poetry, but my life currently lacks its  therapy. I appreciate your necessary hindrances, but if you could help me harmonize my mind and soul, I'd value your necessity much more.
Words escape,
   elusive things;
      they never want to stay
   unless preceding a bitter taste
then, they won't go away:

   "The best of memories
      always hurt the worst,
   nostalgia lingers
      like a curse"
Tallulah Jun 2014
Lately poetry has been
scraped off my consciousness
and smeared across the page
like a three year old
playing with watercolors
forcing shades together
that were never meant to be blended
in hopes of seeing some pattern
or understanding
in the blind expression
kaitlyn anderson Jun 2014
if you're uninspired
write about being uninspired

if you're uninspired
open a dictionary
and write about the first word you see

like this
set'tle verb
to put in order;to set to rights; to establish in place;to calm or quiet

calm or quiet
i don't know what that means
i'm neither calm nor quiet
even my body language screams at you
even when i sleep, i'm told i snore.
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