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Liz Jun 2016
My hands have betrayed me.
Once the means to write pages,
Now my hands are only dead weight.

My hands won't pick up a pen.
Or even type short,
Choppy sentences.

They dangle at my sides
And find refuge in my hair,
Leaving me bleeding.

Like my hands,
My mouth has declared itself
My enemy.

Once the passageway for words
To explain myself,
My mouth is now as useful as a broken bridge.

With nothing of value to say,
It talks  
And sings anyway.

It opens without my permission
But stays closed whenever I try
To scream meaning.

The inability to illustrate
Or translate my mind
And my soul
Is not an unfamiliar ordeal.

But it's lonely on the outside
And frustrating looking in.
It seems I'll always feel like an alien.
Emily Dolde May 2016
People always say that movies are just fiction.
People say that we shouldn’t listen to their messages.
But, those people don’t know of the feeling that fills me.
The feeling of Romeo and Juliet.
The feeling of butterflies taking flight in your stomach
For the very first time.
This surreal feeling swirls through my head
Even as I drift off into sleep.
Only awakened by the burning in my cheeks.
Quickly followed by the realization that my dreams
Were the only thing filling the other half of my bed.
Then the attempts to calm my restless thoughts
Only make my mind race faster.
Making it impossible to rejoin the calm sea of dreams
That cascaded through me;
Almost as if they were meant to be there.
I have no clue when I will be graced
With the presence of the one that makes these dreams occur.
The presence of the one that comforts me without trying.
The presence of the one that flew away
To a place that I once called home.
So, are movies really fiction?
If so, then I must be in a movie.
A movie full of love and sarcasm.
A movie that I will gladly star in.
Writer's block...
A Embers May 2016
The blank page…

A writers greatest friend
Or greatest enemy.
When we're all faced with the possibility
That our last piece
Will be our, last, piece.
Though for some of us it doesn't happen often
The word usually just flow and create
But sometimes
The flow stops -- and then you can’t continue
The dreaded writer's block
Dr Strange May 2016
Let's be real
My poetry isn't what it use to be
I use to write these poetic lines that made you nod your head to the beat
Made you rise from your seat and do a 360 just to hear me speak
But now if that is what you seek
I'm sorry to disappoint but all you will see is me struggling
Living the recession to the fullest
Unable to connect the dots that float right in front of me
Yes, this is one of those stories
About how one of the greats have fallen from the heavens he once resided
The only difference is I was never a great
I'm just a simple minded being who seeks peace for society's sake
But that's kind of hard when society gets off on war
Creating these war torn third world countries who can't even breathe the air they live off on
Then again I'm only 18 so who am I to call out society and its perfect system that has been in play for centuries
So let me just close my mouth now and send you on your marry little way
But before I go there is just one last thing I would like to say

Act now before it is too late.
Pauline Morris May 2016
The words are fleeting
They've lost there meaning
Out of thoughts, out of ink
Writers block, is where I sink

Should I defy, still try
I better just let my pen lie
All this strain, on my brain
Is driving me insane
Jeffrey Pua Apr 2016
Minutes are myths
     Seconds seemed syrupy.

Each time, when we kiss, as smiles
Pave way for us, ever so close,
And the mood is righting all our wrongs,
     Dear, you eat away from Time,

Biting at its ear with a giggle. No wonder,
When Manong Sorbetero passes by,
     And when we hear one shouts Taho,
The passion lives on, stirring from within,
     We will touch with our tongues still,
     Precise, tugging at our words,

Or the sword of approval, sometimes,
Uniting us. In the distance,
There's a jealous light on a staircase
     In the distance, carefully descending.

And the flashes in the sky, how majestic
May they seem, anger in colors
Of leaves and daffodils, are nothing
     But a Man-of-war embarking
          On the deeper seas.*

© 2016 J.S.P.
Isabelle Apr 2016
Before I tucked myself to bed last night
I made sure my muse was safely locked
This morning, I thought I was blinded by light
But my muse was really gone! Shocked!

Frantic, I ran all over my room
To search for my runaway muse
I need to find it or else I'll be doomed
Because my muse, I can not lose

All I did today was searching
Pen and paper, scratch, edit, revise
Blurred lines, incoherent thoughts, all formed nothing
Words, I can't compromise

So if you find this a nonsense
Blame it to me and my missing muse
As much as I want to make sense
I could not because my mind, I can't use
So yeah, I've got nothing for today.
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