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Linguistic Play Sep 2016
Sometimes the world gets loud, like a million cymbals crashing
and sometimes fear comes raining down, grabbing hold of the reigns and running your sanity hard against the ground
all of these perceived negatives sometimes feel like they're beginning to compound
like they're going to choke out the last of your breath, leaving you without a sound

Let your soul take your perspective, flip it upside down, turn you around
Sanity floating light, to the sky to kiss the stars, tracing your favorite dream in the night
Wander, knowing that you will survive, sometimes it takes feeling dead inside to know you're alive
Stay forever, imagining that you're in an image painted in fantasy
teetering on the edge of a dream and your reality
Paint it what you want it to be, watercolor your own night skies in memories with laughter soundtracks

People want to say how to wear your face, how to set your pace, how to make your heart race
Everyone's eyes are different, create a world for your eyes to joyfully trace
Introduce your reality to your most dazzling dreams, stay in your happiest reverie
Find yourself in a mystical haze, a contradiction of the tradition of a daze

Understand your heart skips when your mind takes to running
Carefully sleep, try not to miss a beat
Setting a peaceful cadence to your racing thoughts, stop to notice the
blooming perfections, an everlasting expression of pure elation
Run delicately through fields of sprouting memories,
And dance eternally in dreams of sincerity
with you we dress the skylines in laugh lines
and we will share this experience with those who've made promises with positivity
Jaylen Vella Sep 2016
you were the wintery wonderland that lies silently beautiful at the highest peaks of mountain tops.
your laughter played symphonic tones that could bring ease to the most anxious souls.
your optimism shined like a camera flash erupting in the dead of night. you were that bright.
Julia Mae Sep 2016
when this is all i have left
some paper and a pen
to sort through what's going on in my head
i have a voice that doesn't know how to act
how to be loud, only in this silence
and i'm writing to you to tell you
just how much you mean to me
because you no longer like to hear me speak
so this is all i have left
just some paper and a pen
spilling words until everything can make sense again
As I sit beside this
my mind wanders
somewhere else.

yearning to climb atop
these hills,
or bury in the stupor
of magic pills.

Don't tell me that
you know how
I feel.

only this mad girl
knows, how
paltry she's been.

This garb of lies
is too heavy
to hold.

petty shoulders of
mine, can't do it

Each moment is a
step into unknown

just let me take my magic pills
to meet my happy end.
May Asher Sep 2016
Don't wait, I'm not coming home.
Someday you'll forget me
and I'll forget you.
Don't search for me,
I'm lost.
This emotion is absurdly bitter,
biting into my paper veins; gnashing.
You won't know where I've bled.
Someday, you'll forget my voice
and I'll forget yours.
This moment is a void
flooding with intangible vacuum.
My lungs are ripped open,
did you know how it feels to die?
Don't forget we counted stars
of the starless sky.
I'm drowning but it doesn't matter,
it's not like I can breathe
anymore anyway.
Don't forget you used to tell
bedtimes stories to ghosts
when you thought I fell asleep;
with your hand in mine
the way sun fits into skies
that are not his home.
The miles I've walked away
mean nothing because
I'll turn around and run to you again.
Don't forget I gifted you
the other half of my dream
because you said
you could never dream.
Someday I'll forget
the touch of your fingertips
against mine
and you'll forget mine.
I'm a kaleidoscope spinning
without direction,
shattering and falling
into shards
like a screaming avalanche.
I'm glacial bones,
someday you'll forget
the coldness of my eyes
and I'll forget yours.
The azure of the sky merging
into orange of sun
is only because
they've learned
to be together
and conjure another color.
You and I are oil paints
splattered on black canvas,
a dark vastness
they can't measure.
Someday I'll forget
the number of your scars
and you'll forget mine.
You're stubborn and beautiful,
you'd say you want to take a dive
into the clouds and fly into cliffs.
We're inverted images,
never fitting into each other.
But you're in the mirror
and I'm stumbling into the void.
But you're eyes are still cerulean blue,
mine are still emerald green.
I'll never forget
the soprano of my voice
melting in the tenor of yours.
I'll never forget touch
of your fingertips
through glass doors
or concrete walls.
You'd forget that I still remember
when you told me I'm so deep.
I'm so deep, I drowned you
and you're still gasping for breath,
even after all these years,
I'd know you'll never forget
the precise lengths of my scars.
Aaron LaLux Sep 2016
In Sintra,
feeling like a New Age ninja,
can barely type I’m so high,
today I climbed three mountains,

we were a trio,
a girl and another guy,
now I’m alone at my castle,
with nothing but these words I write,

see I’m alone tonight,
and alone has never felt so good,
I’ve made a conscious decision to dedicate my life to these writings,
so that hopefully eventually the unexplainable can be understood,


I write the collective pieces of this puzzle,
that we experience as we exist,
each poem is a piece that falls into place,
until the big picture is what we get,

is not a poem,
is a message in a bottle,
carried across the seas of time,
or actually an ocean in motion,
this is the not so secret ingredient of love potion number 9,

I’m doing fine,
trying to stay on subject,
to appease the public,
without getting to deep into symbolic numerology,

trying to keep it simple,
so we can all understand,
I don’t want to write words that confuse people,
I want to write words that enlighten them,

and in them I mean you,
yes you,
I want to feel you see you hold you be you,
I want to want you without wanting to want you,

and I’m wondering if you’re wanting to want me,
without wanting me too,

it’s starting to get complicated,
I didn’t mean to make it personal,
honestly it could have been anyone,
that received my message in a bottle,

I just wrote it,
I didn’t think anyone would really read it,
I didn’t think I’d sell 100,000 copies of my books,
I didn’t think that you’d look at me and believe I’ve succeeded,

see this,
is all becoming a little much,
so I’ve escaped to Sintra,
where it’s the simple things I love,

and you can find me here,
amongst towering trees and fuzzy ferns,
writing words faithfully,
because I’ve learned you get what you earn,

you get what you earn,
as in you reap what you sow,
and the peace from the tree tastes so sweet,
when you take the time to let it grow,

the Tree of Life,
bears the fruits of our labors,
and all I’m really trying to say,
is you are you’re own best savior,

so see you later,
or not either way it doesn’t matter,
we’ll all be gone in a hundred years no matter what,
but that doesn’t matter because there is no later,

there’s only this moment,
right here right now,
and the question is not if we die,
it’s if we live and if we live then how,

how do we live,
and what do we leave for our children’s kids,
well personally I leave these puzzle pieces,
in the form of poems such as this…

∆ Aaron LA Lux ∆
Just a question, okay, well, maybe more than just a question...
Ravanna Dee Sep 2016
Oh, how I ponder
about all thee days
that I sit in this room,
writing words
no one will ever read.
The ones I keep locked up
in a journal on my bed stand.
The ones I read to myself
wondering if others
will ever understand.
I write
all that I am
with ink and pointed led.
I write
all my feelings,
hoping that one day
I'll have the courage
and they'll be said.
For all I am is a writer,
locked up in my own head,
praying someone will see me
and free the words that'll never be read.
May Asher Sep 2016
Through silent night,
When I look for the moon,
With sleepless eyes;
And unsure thoughts,
Will you sing me to sleep?

So tomorrow when it dawns,
I'll tell you how I fit,
Blocks of words into,
Empty silences,
That stretch into oblivion.

Tomorrow night when,
The night sky is bare,
And there are no stars left,
Tell me the story of the little girl,
Who fell down from a cloud.

And when I wake up again,
I'll show you how to bleed,
Through metaphorical sentences,
That make no sense,
So you'd know the way I heal.

When I wander at 3 AM,
Give me a fistful of dreams,
To ponder upon,
Because my eyes,
are still not heavy.

After the sun leaps into the clouds,
I'll tell you how to build a body,
With untidy stitches,
Of worn out hope and strength,
Shining in my translucent knuckles.

And when the darkness comes,
And I'm insomniac again,
Tell me how to hold your hand,
Without grasping only air,
In my empty fists.

In the morning light,
I'll teach you to form a smile,
On your stone lips and,
I'll tell you it means,
That you're happy.

And through years,
That we'd weaved,
With patched fingers,
Of clumsy stitch work,
And broken threads,

And frail skin and brittle lungs,
At last you've taught me to sleep,
(Although I still don't sleep sometimes),
And I've taught you how to be human.

So tonight when I'm looking at the moon,
I see you in the night sky,
Because tonight again I'm not sleepy,
So I'll count your eyelashes instead,
Because there are still no stars left.
Arcassin B Sep 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

In all seriousness I've became what I was
Afraid of being in the beginning,
Was never in the line of winning,
Been a loser all my life while making
Choices that create the bad moments,
That I Almost forgot about sinning,
In all seriousness, I'm starting realize that
Life and love is shorter than our fingertips
That reach the stars whenever we need
And they say "you're very blunt aren't you?"
And I say well take a walk in my shoes
Theres nothing worse than fresh Cuts,


I could die a thousand deaths but at my own
Gotta pay the price to make it right with Moses again,
There will always be some recarnation of anything that you fear or you
Cherished while your life was at the beginning stages playing
Constant melodies and buying into propaganda,
Lines are being crossed for taking everything you stand for with a set
Of hands and a heavy heart who has ya',
So listen to the paster cause he knows the trials that come with living,
Giving you obstacles and lower pensions,
There's no God like the god I know that is based on ascension,
Death only settles the score not a cost of extension.
Arcassin B Sep 2016
By Arcassin Burnham

....And from that fateful day, he went home with
A smile for once,
Because he knew that for the first time he was in love,
He'll have something to tell his friends tomorrow,
Yeah he'll flaunt ,
It's only a matter of time before he drowns in her love,
Goes through the door with a smile , heads to his room
With a smile, lays on his bed with a smile,
He quickly took out his phone and dialed the number that he dials,
Telling his befriend that they have to go to that party,
His best friend says "cool , but we're not popular , remember dude,
Remember on the way to school on the day that guy ran into you and pushed
To the ground and asked for money? You said no , and he said I'll see you
Monday", and he's like "yeah , I remember", and his friend confesses and says "okay remember the girl you ask me for ? Weeelllll that's her boyfriend" and hes like "dude seriously! Why didn't you tell me first hand!? I could have said just **** it , now I think I'm in love man",
Friend said "I'm sorry man I thought you knew",
His happy day just turned into blue,
He says "sorry I blew up but I'm not mad you, and no I didn't know that
She was dating that arrogant ******",

The day calms down and slowly eases into nighttime, he sits on the roof
Of his house with earphones in thinking about Felicia,
That sweet Felicia,
All the ugliness in the world just couldn't defeat ya,
You brighten up his days where he use to feel low,
He's gonna change himself for you while time moves slow.
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