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Payne Yance Mar 2021
The first thing I see
when I pull out the top drawer
was the diagnosis. Meds, there you go

it pretty much said that.
I wondered about all the
creative people doing
some remarkable things,
creating and being alive.

Except they all one day
killed themselves.
Van Gogh stood in
the overgrown field before
he shot himself.
Sylvia Plath knelt down
and stuck her head in the oven.
Virginia Woolf grazed the smooth
peebles, thinking about what
she would write about those peebles,
Only to shove them in
her pockets and drown in the Ouse river.

Nearly everyday, I tell myself
I want to be a writer, or an artist-
Both, actually. That’s all I ever
wanted to be, but the fear of
spiraling, and becoming them
Is deeply disturbing.

Yet, I craved for this life,
To paint, and create stories
with a dash of madness
They all did likewise.
long drive through summer nights
a ghostly salty smell nearby
a Polaroid of orion that your fingers trace
tears falling like a cascade on an uneven face

crinkles by your eyes are long gone
and your smile is only a memory stored
and you threw away your ring when you left the city
encaptured into a chrysalis of anonymity

new town, new place, unknown destination
sacrificed the name which your parents called you with proud once
in a state where your business is no one else's pain
and you're so grateful there's no familiar face

that's what's about running away
away from the hurt that left you astray
astray from the path that's your family's way
way into a place away from friends' solace

esther darling, I'm glad to see
your incandescent eyes in a serene epiphany
despite of the mediocrity
esther darling, this place was meant only for you to be.
follow the journey of a broken, but content lass as she loses her home but finds herself amidst the battles bestowed upon her.
I was restless this evening past,
tossed and turned until shadows cast,

disheveled hair, and eyes mad,
I procured a parchment and quill to acquit my mental fast


I was restless this evening past,
tossed and turned until shadows cast,

disheveled hair, and eyes mad,
I procured a parchment and quill to acquit my mental fast


I was restless this evening past,
tossed and turned until shadows cast,

disheveled hair, and eyes mad,
I procured a parchment and quill to acquit my mental fast
Clive Saffron Mar 2021
To the blushing bride to be,
This rite of passage you’ll not be spared.
Let your hair down, be wild and free,
Allow your tales and secrets to be bared.

Not designed for hearts too weak,
This night’s when us girls misbehave.
In our tutus, fairy wings and pink feather boas,
We’ll paint the town red and rave.

We’re like one dysfunctional family,
But we’ll bond and shout tonight.
Cocktails and Prosecco will flow freely,
As we dance the “Macarena” ‘til morning light.

We’ll have a blast and be merry,
For girls just want to have fun.
Adorned with “L” plates, you won’t stay sober
And your makeup will inevitably run.

On this, your last night of freedom,
It’s your final fling before the wedding ring.
Your head may be sore tomorrow,
But, oh, the stories these walls could sing!

Remember this night always,
With all your girlfriends at your side,
For you’ll soon tie the knot and be married
And embark on a magical ride.
My name is Clive Saffron, a published poet with the desire to use my writing skills to bring the feel good factor to others. Creating rhyming poetry is my passion and favourite art form and born out of my joy of the English language. For me, it is a wonderful form of catharsis and self-expression. As somebody who likes to sing too, the rhythms and lyrics of so many songs inspire me to play with words and arrange them in metrical patterns to create rhymes. I have established Rhymes For Times to offer a fully personalised, bespoke and rhyming poetry and speech writing service for individuals and businesses worldwide and for any occasion. I always take exceptional care and pride in creating poetry and aim to touch the hearts of those who read it and have them connect with the deeper meaning of my words. It is a highly satisfying feeling to arouse people's emotions with my poetry and make them laugh and cry and put smiles on their faces.
Khushi Patel Mar 2021
I am tilted towards being quiet than speaking.

Silence has a voice that,

speaks to me-helps me-stabilize me.

I realize the beauty of the universe

with the running thoughts

and flying time.

I know voices cross the head.

Some voices are heard, some are suppressed,

but a calm mind is achieved through muteness.

I love myself more,

at the sunsets that I see in peace

at the gardens with a heavy breeze.

I grasp the zeal in the noiseless hour.

Get to know the inner self

while consoling the empty heart.
Its gonna hurt either way but holding on is worse than letting go
You cant wait for people to become who they wanna or should be when you already the person you should've been
When they finally come to they senses it's too late
At this point you either still trying or gave up
You either give them another chance or go on with your life
At the end of the day you realize you dont have the patience for none of it no more
But you stay and fight cause instead of listening to your gut or heart you listen to your feelings instead
To a young passionate and broken writer
I know deep down you are a fighter
Look up your future may be brighter
Don't lose hope in life
You will get through your strife
Life is beautiful
Just like you
I know you'll get through
Just look at how much you grew
You know yourself it's true
Sandy Mar 2021
Sometime's she sits right beside you
Yet there's a distance
The distance of ocean seperating us
I write dark
labyrinth Mar 2021
It is lovers’ business to feel
My humble part is to describe
Telling about their whole deal
They love hence I transcribe
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