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Luna Calamity Dec 2019
I'm trying to keep you out
But you won't stop pulling me in
Just like a tide in the ocean
But I don't know how to swim
I'm holding tight to the docks
While begging you to stop
I'll keep on tightening my grip
Knowing sometime soon I'm bound to slip

I can't keep holding on
But I don't know how to let go
You can't keep pulling me up
I need to fight these battles on my own

I'm so tired from all of the fighting
My muscles tight and wound
Sometimes it feels like I'm going to snap
I don't know how to stop this from happening

Everything starts to freeze
My lungs are shot
and they've forgot-
ten how to breathe
I'm learning to let go
Not looking for a rescue
heart beat starts to slow
I just want to let go

Feels like I'm breaking...
Le colosse pleure.
Il bouillonne
Il a soif.
Il crie de sa voix frémissante :
H2O !
Ses lèvres sont en ébullition
Il délire
Il voit partout ton eau en mirage
H2O ! H2O !
Hache deux eaux ! Hache deux eaux !
Et tu ne sais que faire
Pour le faire taire.
Tu lui murmures un cantique à l'oreille
Zozo lait, zozo lait rhum
Et tu l'allaites de ton fleuve tiède
Essi ozo
Solide liquide et gazeuse
Il te trait à gros bouillons
Essi ozo
Hache deux eaux
Essi ozo
Les eaux de la Volta
Les eaux de la Seine
Les eaux des Trois Rivières
Et des Vieux-Habitants
Les eaux du Gange
Bouent et s'évaporent
À cent degrés C
En grosses bulles sulfureuses
Au coin de ses lèvres chaudes
Qui s'abreuvent dans l'oasis de ta béatitude .
Daydreaming Oct 2019
it ebbs and flows
it ebbs and flows
my dear, i’m throwing myself upon the ocean’s surface
not sure in which one of the great seven;

in a song it once mentioned
‘no one is as gentle as the seas’
are they really though?
it hasn’t been really nice to me— it’s alright
funny, i never liked the mystery underneath;

All i know is the blue indigo spreading across as if there is no end to it — endlessly
All i know is the sound of the tide crashing the poor old reef;

it ebbs and flows
it ebbs and flows
i succumbed again this time to this great body of water—
i  gave permission for the next round of the great wave to just engulf me— slow enough to let me breathe in for a second,
before it— ;

it ebbs and flows
it ebbs and flows
guess i’m already down below
All i know my lungs about to blow
All i know the lights went low;
Cheyenne Smith Aug 2019
When life is challenging, I no longer want to die.
Instead, I sometimes want to escape and fly.

Watching the waves drift by
Hoping you’ll always be by my side
Our love is as strong as the way the moon controls the tide.
emm Aug 2019
it’s like the tide.
slow, rising, gently caressing the bottom.
then quickly picking up,
moving everything in its path and leaving nothing behind.
the tide is unexpected,
it’s scary.
i look at the tide and wonder,
“how could anyone love such a thing?”
and i realize;
it’s not the tide they love.

it’s the beach.
made this a bit ago, i havent been on in a while. i'd like to change that.
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