It was not real, an illusion
Hiding from beneath
The threshold of those
Lies that you told
To make me believe
The person whom I'm talking
Is a hero of the olds
Your kindness was bitter
Spiteful, but bold
It lacked so much leeway
For comfort and soul
Believed in being the freedom
When it was tethers of cold
As time passed by
It ran out of fillers
To conceal it's grimes
From words that I uttered
Consoling such ruse
I stepped on it, yearning
With my truth and yet you
Your deception was forgiven
Only in your mind
All this time I have driven
The wheels you brought out
Unknowing, insane is brethren
With your impurities of time
Tether - a rope or chain with which something is tied to, to restrict its movement.