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Zack Ripley Jan 2022
You can work until your fingers bleed,
but that won't give you a sense of pride.
You can cry til you can't see the sky,
but nothing will change
until you're ready to try again.
Sometimes, doing something too much
is worse than not doing it at all.
Like everything else, it's all about balance.
So, for your sanity's sake,
take the time to find your limits,
and listen to your body
when it tells you to take a break.
Zack Ripley Dec 2021
Let me be clear: it will never be easy.
But it can get better.
But only if you give yourself a chance.
A chance to breathe. To grieve.
To love yourself.
To believe that things can get better.
A chance to believe in yourself.
In the end, it does come down to you
to take the first step.
But once you do, take your time.
You have the rest of your life to follow through.
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
I may not be going anywhere fast.
But you can bet wherever I go, I won't be last. Because life is not a race; There's no shame with living life at your own pace.
It doesn't matter if you don't move out,
get married, or have a kid until you're 32.
You still have time to make the most of the time you have with the people you love
who love you too.
Zack Ripley Sep 2021
If you want to change something
Don't be afraid to take your time
Because tomorrow's another day.
Zack Ripley Jan 2021
Feeling numb from my head to my feet.
Like a musician who can't hear the beat.
But that's what happens
when you're making your name in the streets.
Can't trust anyone you meet.
So where do you start
when you can't trust anyone,
let alone your own heart?
You take your time.
Think everything through.
Because only you know
what's best for you
Zack Ripley Aug 2020
Take your time.
Take someone's hand.
Take control.
Take a stand.
Take a bow.
Take a breath.
Then, when you're ready, take that first step.
Tuffy Mutombo Oct 2017
Lately I have been feeling at peace with my emotions
Floating in a deep dark ocean
But still finding complete satisfaction
I found a solution to all of my painful emotions


loving me with complete satisfaction
regardless of my reaction
taking in all of my rejection
Forcing me to face my lack of emotional affection
Teaching me that to love we must take action
You staying around and showing total devotion
Loving me with no limitation

This peace I owe it to you for loving me regardless of my inability to love you to my best ability

This tranquility has become my reality
rackcityaaliyah Jul 2016
you said words
words you cant take back
words to where they hurt like
a stab in back, are you
concerned of what you did
while I waited and stayed
maybe one day you will say the
s o r r y .
I had to think a bit of what most people feel, what they go through I will, be writing more soon, expect some truth .

— The End —