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Elizabeth Nov 2014
I don't know why you make me smile.

To you I'm just a friend. A companion til the end.

I will never be anything more and I guess that's fine. I've started to accept that you'll never be mine.

Even in a different circumstance, you'd never love me, I don't have a chance.

But lately I can't sleep, the feelings are getting stronger, I'm falling in too deep.

I just can't stop thinking of you and what I'm doing wrong. Why I'm so ******* stupid and a chance will never come along.

But in truth, I know why you make me smile, But I won't tell. I'll just hold back as you make my heart swell.
Isha Kumar Nov 2014
Your irritating laughter.
Your annoying smirk.
Harshit Bhardwaj,
You’re such a ****.

You always try
To humour and kid.
Harshit Bhardwaj,
You’re so stupid.

You start joking
Without any whim.
Harshit Bhardwaj,
You’re so very dim.

Your music is disruptive,
Disturbing and destructive too.
Harshit Bhardwaj,
I seriously wanna maim you.

Your hairs are like
The feathers of a stork.
Harshit Bhardwaj,
You’re a big dork.

Your eyes are sparkling,
Your laughter is starting.
Harshit Bhardwaj,
Pray, quit your barking.

You’re so spineless.
You can’t go forward.
Harshit Bhardwaj,
You’re such a coward.

Get it in your brains,
That everything’s not a race.
Do you feel that, Harshit Bhardwaj?
I'm punching you in the face!
This is for you, my friend, who is capable of destroying the harmony of our classroom in mere seconds and is yet loved by all.
I wrote this about three years
ellie Oct 2014
"She thinks way too highly of herself" they say, laughing at another picture that has been uploaded.
But what's so wrong with loving the body you're in?

"He's so up himself" they moan, criticising a tweet about his morning work out.
But what's so wrong with working to become the person you want to be?

"She thinks she's sooo amazing" they laugh, mimicking the voice of a girl who performed in the school talent show.
But what's so wrong with being proud of something you're good at?

"It's so sad, she was so beautiful" they cry, scrolling through the pictures of a girl who was found 2 days earlier, hanging from her bedroom ceiling with a rope around her neck.
But what's so wrong with destroying yourself if it's oh so "vain" to appreciate who you are?

It's okay to love who you are.
It's okay to change to become someone you're proud of.
It's okay to flaunt the parts of you that make you smile.
It's not okay to laugh at, taunt, tease, mimic and bully those who appreciate themselves,
but if you do,
don't you dare think it's okay to weep when someone takes their own life because maybe,
just maybe,
if you didn't mock them and instead told them:
"It's okay"
they might still be here,
loving themselves,
rather than sleeping six feet under.
******* hating people who like themselves
be proud of who you are
love yourself
flaunt your best bits and appreciate the bits that make you, you
do not ever ******* criticise someone for being okay with themselves
and dont you DARE think that its OKAY to mourn the loss of someone who, if they loved themselves, you would have laughed at just the same.
**** "vanity"
love yourself.
We all have the power.
We all have a say.
If we just stand up.
Stop all the *******,
and just stand up!

Yeah, it's just sad is all.
So much we can do.
So much we have a say in.
To ******* change.
But everyone loves their some-what comfortable lives.
To take that wonderful chance.
We all have the power.
Every single one of us.

So yes it's sad.
We will probably destroy ourselves.
Too late?
Who ******* knows...
So sick of how the world is being controlled.
Princess Lynne Oct 2014
I always wondered,
How does one have so much negative things to say?
When it was he who did close to nothing
What did he offer me?
Maybe pain and a few rides back home
What else?
Maybe an introduction to his friends
About how I am his "sister"
What did I give him?
Time even if he gave me none
I even compromised with being okay seeing him once a week
Or even once a month
What else?
Like how I used to go to his house
Only to give him food
During his stressful days
I mean, yes he paid for one of our lunch
Throughout the one month
I dont think he knows I even bought him a gshock for his birthday
but two weeks after buying his present
He ended things with me
That im sure he was clueless about
Actually no I think he was clueless about everything
Like all the things ive done for him
Or how it is definitely okay to be upset
When you have invested so much time
And feelings into someone
Who didnt care

And Angelo was my BIGGEST disappointment
and regret ive ever come across
because while he kept breaking me to pieces,
I stayed and held myself together
Only to keep him together
Only to keep the least person who deserved none of the things I gave him,
Adam Jones Oct 2014
******* write a love poem
That's all your minds can do
Shed a tear and wonder why
Your poetry will never make me cry
What's the point of poetry
To only follow primitive tenancies
So write a ******* love poem
If that's the deepest you can be
Tell a tale and whine and wail
How your emotions are suffocating
***** and moan and disgustingly drone
About how your drowning in the deepest sea
Or please shut your hole and just go home
Don't want to hear your love poetry
All i ever see on this website is ****** love poetry. Where did the creativity go?
g Oct 2014
i really miss you right now.
i want to see you again.
i want to talk with you again.
i want to be friends again.
i miss you.
i promised myself
I would never talk to you again.
I can't break that promise. I miss you.
Dolores L Day Oct 2014
You're growing fonder of me, I can tell.
But the position I'm in hurts like hell.

I love you.
I really think I do.
It may have always been there, or maybe it's something new.

We have nothing in common, you and I.
And to say I didn't care would be a lie.

We're just brown.
Together, in this white town.
That's the only reason you have me around.

You're cocky and scholastic.
genius and bombastic.

Capable of being more
Than the school system's *****.
I hope you discover all that life has in store.

I love you.
But I hate the things you do.

I don't want to be your mom.
I try hard to remain calm.
Even if I think this path is wrong.

You overt your eyes in the hall
And it drives me up the wall

Your dark hair and dark eyes.
The need for normal will be our demise.
Being brown friends is no compromise.

That's why I'm so ******* you.
Even though I don't mean to.

You're too busy with applications
And pursuing dull aspirations
You're lack of time for love fuels my frustration.

But for now I'll shut my mouth.
Let your plan play out.
I'll find other things for us to talk about.

Like how brown we are.
I know you stare at me in class.
Dolores L Day Oct 2014
Could it be?
A once small crush might pine for me?

How pleasant that would be.
We'll have to wait and see....

If I **** it up again.
I think you're really cute but I might become a crazy ****** and lead you on then decide that I don't like you because of what other people think. Tada
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