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PJ Poesy Mar 2016
Playing jai alai with my heart
Your throw is amazingly good
Ricochet ****** ***** darts
Atria gushing as it would
Bouncing off wall into never should

I stand here mesmerized
By folly of your play
Leaving me somehow paralyzed
With brutal force you slay
"Hurled out of bounds," as game say

In your court I'm trembling
With sped rebound do I struggle
Propelled to dissembling
Will you hold or will you juggle?
My heart a mere pumping muscle
Jai-Alai and love are both certain to get blood rushing.
Paul Butters Dec 2015
Davis Cup to Andy Murray,
Oh my God that man can scurry, in a flurry.
Sports Personality on the BBC,
Andy’s the pride of Team GB.

Andy Murray,
Replaced Fred Perry, the past to bury.
(Yet praise he does not curry).
First Wimbledon, then Davis Cup.
Team GB is on the Up.

Paul Butters
I could have written many more of these!!!
Oscar Mann Nov 2015
Because I reckoned
That playing a game of chess
Against Death was a bit cliché
I decided to challenge him
For a bit of table tennis
Needless to say
With his boney build
And his empty sockets
I soon smashed
His will to live
To pieces
And I’m especially proud
Of my outstanding performance
In the seventh set
Big Virge Sep 2015
Ya Know I'd Rather Be... UNIQUE... !!!
Than Join These... PHONEY Cliques... !!!

Just To Get Acceptance...
From People Who Are SHEEP... !!!

I See Them EVERY WEEK...
From Poetry Circuit CLIQUES...
To Childish... Girlie Cliques...

Who Basically I Have To See...
Throughout My Working Week...

They Look At Me From... FAR............
While I Shine Like A STAR....
WITHOUT A Hint of Arrogance...
Or A FAKE... " Ha Ha "... !!!

These Dummies Make Me Laugh... !!!
They Think They're REALLY SMART... !!!
Until I Simply... BLOW THEM OFF...
Like A.... " SMELLY **** ".... !!!!!

These Girlie Cliques STICK TOGETHER...
Like... Blueberry Tarts... !!!

These Cliques Employ The Good Ol' Ploy...
If You're NOT IN It's Like You've SINNED... ?!?
And Then You're Thrown In... Dusty Bin... !!!

321... While They Have FUN...
BELIEVE ME I'm Just Looking On...
And Wonder... What Is Their Function... !?!

Well From A Work Perspective...
It's Friends Who Get PUSHED ON...
To... UPPER Class Collectives...
Where Futures Are... "PROTECTED"... !!!

And Some of These Are People...
Who YES Have Been... ELECTED... !!!

To Join These... EVIL CLIQUES...
Who Then... "CONTROL Your Week"... ?!?

KEEPING... YOUR Future BLEAK... !!!
While They Are Looking CHIC... !?!

I've Got To Say This People....
They Make Me Feel Like... BLEEP.... !!!

See... EVEN In TOP Sport...
if You Are NOT Their Sort...
Your Chances Get Cut Short...
If You CANNOT Be BOUGHT... !!!

So Just ABSORB That Thought...
People We See In TOP Sport...
Have Got... CLIQUE Type Support...

From People Who Are In THE KNOW...
And See That You WON'T ROCK The Boat... !!!

Once They KNOW They've Got YOUR VOTE...
Your Boat Fa' SURE Will STAY... AFLOAT...

NOT Because You're TALENTED... !!!
PAY ATTENTION Here's The Quote... !!!

"Maybe we could use that bloke !"

Why Didn't You Laugh... ?
Didn't You Get The JOKE... ?

I Guess I'm NOT FUNNY...
To... CLIQUE Type Folk... !!!

See Cliques Are EVERYWHERE... !!!
From Masons Leather Chairs...
To Friends of... Tony Blair... !!!

Sometimes I Think There Is A Clique...
That... RULES My CRAZY HAIR... !!!

I'm JOKING People Please Don't STARE... !!!
That's What Cliques Do Cos' They're SCARED... !?!

Reading ******...  " Marie Claire "... !!!

Cliques In POWER Are... Political...
Cliques WITHOUT Power Try To Belittle...
OTHERS Cos' They... HATE Themselves... !!!!!

I Believe These Days In Personal Wealth...
Wealth of MIND And Knowledge of SELF... !!!

Cos' Knowledge of SELF...
QUELLS Cliques With STEALTH... !!!!!

Deal YOUR OWN CARDS... !!!
DON'T Take Cards DEALT...
By Cliques Who NEED...
... Their Collars FELT  ... !!!!!

Cliques Are FUNNY...
... "FILLED With DUMMIES"...

Who Should of STAYED In...
... " Mummy's Tummy "... !!!

These Cliques Are REALLY...
FULL of... "SNEAKS"... !!!

From Those Who Used To Walk The Beat...
To KKK Who Wear... " White Sheets "... !!!

It's FUNNY When They're On Their OWN...
They Speak Because Their Cover's BLOWN.... !!!

But When They're With...
Their... "Sneak Filled Cliques"...

Try Talking To THEM When They're IN VIEW...
It's AMAZING HOW They DON'T HEAR You... !?!

That's Why I Spit These Words Like PHLEGM... !!!
Cos' I DON'T Want To Be With... THEM... !!!

So That's Why I've Written This Poetic Piece...
Cos' I'm NOT IN Their... " Flock of Geese "...

I'm HAPPY...  Just To Be UNIQUE...
And NOT Be In Their TWO FACED...

...... " CLIQUES "......
Working in entertainment and then putting myself through the performance poetry ringer for a while in London, proved to be the inspiration for this .... and it sadly seems that, very little has changed, even today !
As one who's born in England
There is something I don't know
Exactly what is "cricket" ?
Please tell me so I'll go

Both teams dress in white
The bowler doesn't bowl
He doesn't bend his arm to throw
I don't understand the goal

The ball goes out it scores six runs
But it must go in the air
The ball rolls out it scores four more
Is this really fair?

The games can last for days and days
But what confuses me
Is that every game at four o'clock
The players stop for tea

A game is called a test
But is every test a game
some may last for just one day
The length is not the same

There's a throw they call a googly
I know what that means
I got hit there playing hockey
It ***** your breath so you can't scream

There's wickets and there's bails
mid slips, and those silly stumps
I'm sure that if it confuses me
What does it do to umps?

The biggest question that I have
Besides, what's a sticky wicket?
Is of all the players on the field
Which one of them's the cricket?
AM Jul 2015
Ah go ahead
Throw me the ball of blame
I can hit them strike to shame
but I'd love it better
if you'd just put the sport to rest
and come inside my arms
where you'll feel warm and safe
above all this mess
settles the love we always have
JDK Jul 2015
Golf is a funny sport.
I mean, you've got this assortment of sticks
and this tiny little ball
whose goal is a small hole hundreds of yards away,
and in between the two are a few obstacles.
In fact, there's a whole treacherous landscape.

But I'm obsessed with the swing.
Mainly, the mental process involved with bringing it down.
Fear, doubt, confidence -
it all plays a part in it,
and a hope that you've swung well when it finally hits.
(Bear in mind, of course, that this all happens in less than a second,)
but the reward or disaster comes immediately after.
By that, I mean, during the upswing.
That's when the golfer sees the trajectory of the ball as a result of all of their prior feelings.

I've never even played golf, really.
I just like it as a simile.
By that, I mean,
how it applies metaphorically.
There's a lot of depth there,
especially with the upswing.

I may not be a golfer,
but I play darts and throw beans on occasion,
and the upswing holds the same kind of persuasion in all these games of accuracy.
You see, there's this feeling that comes soon after the release;
almost like a premonition.
As if knowing beforehand that the thing is or isn't going to land where we want it to.

And that's all I mean by the upswing -
that I've got a good feeling 'bout you.
Aim the shot, follow through.
Nicole Dawn May 2015
An orange ball
Repeatedly against the floor.

Fake left.
Run right.

We must all be mad,
For we are doing
The same thing,
Over and over again,
And expecting a different result.

Lose the ball.
Run down the court.
Fast break.
Shot blocked.
Run back.

We run ourselves
To put a
Big orange ball
In a small white net.
And love every minute of it.

Back on offense.
Call the play.
Set a pick.
Roll to the basket.
Get the ball.
Get a point.

I don't know
What I would do
Without this madness
This again and again
This over and over

It may be mad,
But it makes me happy.
Basketball is my favorite sport
Cath Williams May 2015
Ten tall trees
Surrounding the stony path.
Nine familiar faces
Onlooking the happenings.
Eight rough rocks
Lining the rugged road.
Seven small points of nature's creation,
Frogs and dogs and birds and logs.
Six strong scents
That nature breathes.
Five fingers
Fumbling to find safety.
Four stable wheels
Lying under the board.
Three friendly hands for confident comfort
Deceitful yet calm.
Two arms for balance
A lonely truth of real care.
One blue bruise
From the lies of onlookers and the deceit of a skateboard.
I wrote this for a friend. Based on a true story.
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