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Erik Luo Aug 2020
The line of light from that morning glass
Is singing a song about us
It cries sometimes for this tender love
And will soon die under the natural path

For the fire that burns in us
We dreamed and lied for love
Yet when the rain pours down on us
We can only see the silhouette

In that dark silence
We questioned the light
And perhaps it doesn’t matter
Where all this end up

There are things in this life
That can’t be explained or understood
Something so fundamental and divine
That it disappeared and unified
Deep into our being
Into our soul

In that valley of darkness
I await you as nothing
No need or desire
Only being
Only love
Erik Luo Aug 2020
Seeing the city light shining under the moonlight
As the gentle wind wash over our sorrow
The waves hitting over each other
As the dark night takes over

We have seen this before
Of the things that we treasured the most
We fought so hard for it
that it disappeared

The knowing of that place
In the back of your awareness
Where everything is a mystery
Being in one with symmetry

The moment of truth
has hunted our souls
To look past the goal
and see the final miracle

Dreaming asleep
Singing in silence
Seeing your self
Being inside...

I have seen it all.

As we felt the experience of time
We saw a single point
of perfect unity
And we all waved like the sea
Forever, together and apart
As we moved towards that nothingness
Growing into each other
as one
Mitch Prax Aug 2020
People could tell how much
you lit up my spirit-
they could see it in my eyes,
they could see it in my smile.
But now that you've gone,
these eyes ain't what they used to be.
Like a switch,
I have taught myself to
light them up on command.
But deep down,
this spirit doesn't
shine so bright.
MisfitOfSociety Aug 2020
What is this?
Is it a dream?
Nothing changes,
Yet nothing stays the same.

We’re not here.
We all exist,
As one elsewhere.
For God do we all search
In temple, mosque, and church
Little do we know that the ego does hide
That very God that lives inside

We must let  go of the ego
If God we must find
And for this, we must realize
The biggest enemy is the mind

But first, it is the ego
That keeps saying 'I' and 'me'
It dominates our life so much
That God we cannot see

God is not on a faraway planet
Nor an old man with a long white beard
God lives in the temple of our heart
Alas, his voice is not heard

The ego makes us deaf and blind
It stops us from the truth  
And makes us pray to a statue and a saint
And a God with a snake and a flute

What does the ego do in fact?
It creates duality
It makes God different from us
And the truth we cannot see

The world has hundreds of religions
And thousands of Gods to whom we pray
The fact is we don't know who God is
And we don't even know what we say

As long as the ego dominates our life
Between God and us, it creates a veil
And though God is right here and now
To realize God, we fail

Because the ego causes ignorance
The truth we cannot see
We believe in the myth and superstition
And just be who we are told to be

The ego is my identity
The ego says, ‘This is me’
Because I keep saying 'My' and 'Mine'
The God within, I don't see

The ego makes me suffer
Triple suffering with body and mind
It is the ego that makes me cry
With miseries of a different kind

‘How dare you did not do it!'
This anger, revenge,  and  hate
It's the ego that makes us go around
And stops us from heaven's gate

Who is, where is, what is God?
The ego makes us juggle so much
It makes us search here and there
As our God, it tries to touch

But God, in reality, is within
God has no bone, nor skin
God is a Power that gives us life
In the trillions of cells within

What is birth, what is death?
Why did we come to earth?
God is the one that makes us live
God gives us the human birth

Without God, what are we?
Without the Soul, we are nothing
The body, in the end, returns to dust
It is God that is everything

Unless we go in search for the truth
Unless we start our quest
We will just believe the myth
And fail if we don't question and test

Life is like a spiritual puzzle
The pieces we must find
We must put together who we are
And not live like we are blind

The truth is simple, but we don't see it
After death, there is rebirth
It is our own actions, our Karma
That brings us back to earth

The Soul is a Power in us,
With the body and mind, just a part
The Mind and Ego is the one reborn
When God in us departs

But we do not realize this truth
Because the ego says, ‘It’s me’
The Soul, the God that is within
The blind ego does not see

The ego is always looking out
With the senses and the mind
It does not realize the self, that's us
Being a prisoner of the mind

We are not body, we are not mind
The truth is we are the Soul
Self-realization is the first step
That takes us to this goal

When 'we' realize, not body and mind
We are the Power that's the Soul
We also realize  the  God  in  all
That manifests as the whole

What stops us from such Realization?
What stops us from Liberation?
It is the ego that stops us from God A
nd from Divine Unification

Man minus Ego is God
If we remove the Ego, we will find
God plus Ego is Man
With Body, Ego, and Mind

So, we must let go of the ego
If God we must find
For as long as we think we are 'ME'
The journey we will rewind

God actually lives within us
His silent voice we do not hear
Because the ego and the mind
Make us live with a deaf ear

They make us live in this world and suffer
Believing all this is real
They hide the God that is within us
As in the world we twirl

God is not far away, God is near
God is in you and me
But as long as we believe we are the ego
God we cannot see

The very God we are looking for
Is right inside our heart
But the ego that is screaming day and night
Tears the truth apart

We just live and we just die
And God do we all seek
It is the ego that stops our climb
From scaling the spiritual peak

What is our life's ultimate goal?
To realize we are the Soul
We are the very God we seek
Not the ego that plays its role

The ego that lives saying,‘It’s me’
Makes us go  round  and  round
It stops us from finding God within
As it fixes us to the ground

The truth is this and nothing else
God lives in us within
Let us stop going in search outside
And go within our skin

What stops us from going within
It is the ego and the mind
Though God is very near in us
Our Lord we never find

God never leaves us even for a moment
God is with us all the time
But the ego is craving for this and that
And so God we do not find

It's easy, all that we must do
Let go of the ego and mind
Then shining deep within
God we will find
Mark Aug 2020
I always tried to live my life full of hope
Daydreaming the most while tugging on dope
Respecting the elders and teaching the young
Now living alone, the thought we never wanted sung
Searching for answers, asking the question
But can’t see the light, so never get a mention
I tried so hard, but maybe it has other reasons for me
Never a white one amongst the flock, I had to be free

We all have our problems and heartache in this life
Without an understanding ear, it can cut like a knife
If you can listen to this, never forget me now, please
Don’t leave them behind or their will might cease

Be in tune with nature, spirits and your main love concern
Listen up, listen in, take it in, give it back, it won’t burn
Look above, feel the sunlight open us up, during the day
Look down, see the memories from ashes, that we lay
Look ahead, but don’t ever forget the past
Look around, take it in, it could be your last
We might just turn to dust or we may be back to fix any faults
We bite an apple to release ourselves from the herding cults
Live life
Erik Luo Aug 2020
At the tail end of every beginning
Lies a beautiful ending
Where the mystical magic flows through
And the cynical laughter of that which remains

The tides of our life
is flowing as we wave through pain
The sense of light
is shining beneath the blue night

Of all that which we dreamed of
This diamond shines the most bright
It contains the mystery of joy
And that sparkle of light

We are often blindsided
By the nature of our own being
To see or face any pain
Without the truth that remains

What the sky sought,
Was there all along.
But as the dark void
We can’t stop...

To see the beauty of our existence
We need to reach an acceptance
Of the cycles that we call life
And realize...
Back to some more intricate writing.
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