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Glenn Currier Feb 2020
it is a cold day
the heater soaks the space
but how difficult it is
to feel the warmth without words
Fluttering fingers
of the palm fronds
in our front yard


the vast turquoise bird
flying overhead

O to be able to soar
with you
Sweet bird

Far into the Infinite
nick armbrister Feb 2020
Wisely Wise
On the mountain lived a wise person
Nobody called them a witch
Or threatened them with fire at the stake

They knew about plants and herbs
About what to eat and what not
And they could heal with plants

Making food with fruit and vegetables
Including meat and fish when needed
Drinking fresh spring water

Living in a cave near the summit
Close to the ancestors’ souls and graves
Such a timeless place full of life

And answers to all the questions
That one could ask
Go there now...
My beloved roams
in my heart

I feel His silken footsteps
and tender gaze

He waits in quiet coves
listening to my
ardent prayer

I sprinkle pieces of my heart
like petals
for Him to tread upon

He leaves behind a
trail of Lotus blooms
Waves leap and frolic
silver dolphins
in the misty aqua blue
Caribbean Sea

Sri Surya lifts the
umbrella of clouds
hovering over our
happy, buoyant cruise ship

Oceans of people
roam through portholes,
zig zag stairwells,
white washed decks

sporting vacation smiles and
tee shirts that read:
"No worries mon"

lots and lots of food
fizzy beverages flow
on the merry crests
rocking to and fro
My lips will never abandon
Your adorable name

Sai Ram

Stars burst all around me
Your name emblazoned
on red coals my heart

Sai Ram

Till the ends of the earth

Sai Ram

Beyond tombs of time

Sai Ram endures

When nothing else exists
Eternity's fleeting breath
whispers Sai Ram

Beloved Swami
Your name glistens forever
on my lips

I look up...

Hug the sky

Embrace the utter blueness

Heaven encircles me and everyone

with vast arms

O what a fabulous day
Leah Jan 2020
I picture everything  vividly in my mind
your lips on my shoulder
your eyes laying on me
together, in a small simple apartment
drinking red wine and wanting each other
we see fire in our eyes, we have the world
making art or making love
it's both delicate and subtle
we become one - body, mind, spirit
it's you and me and nothing in between
nothing around us
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